Model load error yellow marks

Problems (Resolved)


Whenever I go to the mainland, I get a bunch of errors and certain items are replaced with exclamation marks, and, if I walk too far, the game crashes. I'm fairly confident I registered all of the bsas, I fixed the load order, all according to the website, (I have placed them below just in case I did do something wrong) but nothing seems to fix the issue.

My bsa list is as follows:

Archive 0=Tribunal.bsa
Archive 1=Bloodmoon.bsa
Archive 2=PT_Data.bsa
Archive 3=TR_Data.bsa
Archive 4=Sky_Data.bsa


My load order is as follows:

Broblem with TR Mod


Hi! Ive been playing morrowind and I updated my morrowind save files with TR_FilePatcher.

When I go to play my save game I first get this error:

Local count for script 'TribunalMain' differs from saved local count. Variables will be reinitialized.

Then I get lots of srrors like: Model Load Errors, Crature has no animation groups.
When I still answer to these errors as continua running excecutable, the game doesnt crash but in firewatch I see lots of yellow marks.

Can someone help anyway?

Thank you.

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