
Lack of Omaynis topic and inconsistency of local area/economy

The Omaynis is lacking a topic. You can only ask about it in Andothren, but in the city itself, no one will talk about it, even the governor. And it's not that small.


Another thing is the local area/economy thing. Some places have it, some don't, it feels kind of random: for example Menaan has it, but OE doesn't. Maybe get rid of it or leave it only for important settlements?

NPC's lacking in dialogue in the current release

I have decided to compile a running list of all the bizarrely dialogue free NPC's I find in DoD/EoE. Some of these may be involved in quests, but even so in vanilla you can generally still ask for generic rumors or trade info...

Mortenius Becca, no dialogue (made fix)

Garila Delvarrapal, no dialogue (made fix)

Senar, only one generic topic

Duchess Perulia Jandacia, doesn't have much to say but is probably a To Be Written case

Andothren, Docks: Port Authority doors don't match between exterior and interior

Of the four doors to the Andothren Port Authority, three are elevated to be above ground level, going to balconies. They should all go to the second floor, or at least the same floor, but one goes to the third despite being level with the others outside. Screenshots with labels attached.

Gilvan-Tidrith Mine is unguarded motherload with inexplicable enemy placement. Unfinished?

This mine, just a short trip along the road out of Firewatch, contains over 60 rubies (somewhat random due to use of raw ruby deposits that give a variable ammount). There's no owner attached, and no scripts to indicate a gotcha. At level 2, there were only easily defeated animals in the cave, including a mudcrab that I don't think belongs, and the only opposition was a scamp outside (which my unprepared mage easily defeated).

Some landscape issues

furn_com_fence_01    Roth Roryn (-14,-20)    -107529    -160398    2084    "abrupt change between ltex t_mw_terrroadrr_01 and other road tex here"    

T_Mw_TerrRockRR_Rock_14    Roth Roryn (-2,-21)    -13549    -168153    994    "ugly barren terrain here"    

T_Mw_TerrRockRR_CliffM_04    Roth Roryn (-2,-21)    -14768    -171678    1181    "weirdly ugly landscape here"    
T_Mw_Flora_ShroomTableG_03    Aanthirin Region (5,-18)    41514    -140171    618    "abrupt land texture corner here"    


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