That sounds awesome. Happy to have you take an interest in our project. If you are looking to pursue concept art that can be very helpful for us. We are always in need of concept artists to help devs get a better picture of what they are making. If you have discord you can follow us there also. That is where everyone is as we aren't as active on the website. There is a link in the footer and also in the community tab in the header of this website. If you drop by, post a comment and that you are looking to do concept art, and there will be someone available to point you in the right direction ;)
I've been a Tes fan a long time too. When I bought Oblivion, I didn't even need it, since Morrowind was still a lot of fun. Well I played Oblivion and Skyrim (some Fallouts too). On the PC, Skyrim I lost when I dumped Windows. I have Linux now as an interest. and am playing a bit with the OMW CS. So, I wonder if I should fill in all the map areas flying and jumping across Vvardenfell or get serious about a Linux OMW modding setup. It's all good, isn't it?
I have a quest idea I should develop, I have thousands of hours in Gimp and Blender. I might write scripts too, though my programming skills are laughable.
It's pronounced Illlekeebog, or maybe I like bogs.
Wow, I haven't been on the forums for over a decade but I'm really excited to see all the work that's still being done! About me: just a regular old 3d and texture artist. I use 3ds Max, Photoshop, and Substance Painter. I also spend a substantial amount of time producing and mixing music. I'm interested in helping out in any way I can! Stoked to be back!
Hi! I love yalls work, and have enjoyed touring through it! It has truly opened up the world of Morrowind, and has been a cornerstone in setting and maintaining the lore and atmosphere standards. Thank yall for being so copesthetic with the hortator additions too!
Hello Everyone. Im Aaron. I am jsut finding out about TR and I am so excited to get started however I am having some trouble with the install and I would appreciate some assistance. I follow the directions int he read me but when I load the game and go to data files ther is only a datafile for TR_Mainland.esm. I believe I am missing the Tamriel_data.esm. It was not the 00_Core file. im not sure what I am doing wrong. I woul love some help as I want to experience TR asap!
Muthsera! If this is in the wrong place, let me know. I'm a Morrowind player since the beginning. Toyed around with modding back then. I've come back to the game and I'm totally enjoying Tamriel Rebuilt. It really breathes new life into an old game. Anyway, I would love to contribute but I wouldn't be any good at the modding. However, I've written a few interactive fiction works (text adventures) and I would like to maybe discuss me doing some quest design, dialog, or other creative writing for the project. Just point me in the right direction! Thanks! Again, loving TR! -Neil (I have some works under pen-names)
Welcome! We will be happy to have you on as a quester. You will need to make a showcase first so we can see/help you get the skills required to take on the pending quest claims. For submitting a showcase you can refer to here where you'll start your own topic:
If you want to interact with people instantly there is also a link to the discord in the website footer, or if you click on the community tab in the header.
I’m not quite sure if this is the right place (apologies if it isn’t). I’ve been a Morrowind fan for a couple of years—ever since I decided to finally give the game a shot. I loved playing it, and I have been exploring and toying with mods ever since. That I’ve really fallen in with the lore hasn’t helped at all.
I’ve known about Tamriel Rebuilt for two or three years, but could never really decide on whether to volunteer owing to my (extremely limited) modding experience. Still, it’s been great to see what the project has achieved and is about, so I’d love to help out in any way I can.
Most of my experience relates to writing and editing (both fiction and non-fiction) and things that fall more on the side of admin stuff. I’d love to help out with anything relating to either of those things (assuming there’s a need for them) or with anything relating to questing.
Welcome! What Cicero said applies to you too, making a showcase is not that hard! Additionally if you want to make/review books, that'd be greatly appreciated too. It can be found in the asset browser. You can also contribute quest designs and dialogue there. For websitie related stuff, and for faster discussions, head on over to the discord. (Just ask about the website stuff there!)
Lets introduce myself and hopefully I can help you people out a bit in the near future.
After fairly recently finishing a absurdy huge assembly project for a 30 year old computer standard I have too much free computer time at my hands.
I have played morrowind to the death and was there in 2002 when it came out. It was not long when I learned about tamriel rebuilt so I have been in the forums from time to time but being too young development wasn't doing well. Now 20 years later still sometimes playing morrowind I found out what people have been doing to the poor game ;) shaders, openmw, eye candy, 4k textures What the.... happened!
Well I am now one of those openmw 300+ mods abusers reenjoying morrowind but always kept my eye on one particular mod which is tamriel rebuilt. I have done some exploring in the released as well as the preview stuff and I can only say that this must go on.
I have been on some modding projects before writing scripts, hacks and interiors but this is all more organized and so why not take up with the challenge.
My modding skills are rusty if not broken and a lot has changed in 15 years, not to mention I am one of those weird user cases of linux, openmw, wine. Should not stop me from helping you people out. I will try to start with interiors and get along with that. Allready diving into all the documentations to see what is expected.
I hope to be able to trow in something usefull in the showcase and get around modding in the near future.
I suppose a few weeks late to this thread isn't that bad Howdy, folks. Dubbias Dexian is the pseudonym, but folks oft know me as Dubba, or Dubs.
I began playing Morrowind back in 2013 when I first got a Steam account, making sure it was one of the first games I bought on the platform after being introduced to ES through Skyrim. I can't quite remember when I first heard about TR, just remember browsing the Nexus and looking at the screenshots in admiration at the scale and attention ot detail of the project. I've actually tried getting into Morrowind modding a few years ago by making a dungeon mod to practice up if I wanted to sign-in, but got discouraged after trying to figure out how to edit meshes in NifSkope. A few years later, I've got an unfinished house mod that won't likely see the light of day until I'm satisfied with my competence and work with TR and PT, once the former is out of the way.
IRL, I'm a bachelor of CSE specializing in computer graphics and game design. I'm currently unsure about how I should enter the games industry on account of a few factors, such as crunch culture and the location of most game studios (which won't be such an issue with a remote job). I'm even considering going independent and making small, cheap games to put on some platform like or the App Store. So far, I've got a few prototypes in the back-burner but nothing solid. I've worked in Unity, Godot, and *shivers* Monogame as game engines. I'd be lying if I said working at Bethesda Games Studios wouldn't be my dream job, just depends on how The PlanTM goes. If anything else, I could do a few VA gigs with a resume encompassing Skyrim mods like "Shumer: The Fall of Allagard" and "Beyond Reach"
All in all, I'm looking forward to contributing to such a legendary mod project for one of my favorite games of all time.
Hello! I'm Mat, from the US, and I love Morrowind. Although I'm new to the modding side, I've lurked around the wider elder scrolls community since 2004. I think I went by the same username, if anyone does remember... I'm most interested in dialogues and interiors.
There are always interiors that need doing. So if you are interested go to the information about creating an interior showcase for Tamriel Rebuilt. You can find it somewhere in the handbook here on the website. You could also swoop into Discord to get more instant feedback on your progress or ask any questions you might have about TR showcases.
I've just joined the forum and wanted to say a quick hello...
I would like to contribute to Tamriel Rebuilt but I kind of work at my own pace, sometimes I get called away for work for a few months at a time so I don't feel I could claim an area to work on in case I couldn't do any work to it for several months. This is what has stopped me joining in the past, plus I have never been able to open Tamriel Rebuilt in the construction kit...
99% of the modding I have done has been for personal use and has never been released, in terms of Elder Scrolls most of my modding has been done on Skyrim. I can built solid and lore friendly interiors with path grids, but on morrowind at least I haven't done a great deal of exterior work. I can script a bit but generally don't unless I absolutely have to, I can make textures but not models.
I have lots of little things I have made over the years that I could make Tamriel Rebuilt friendly, just a matter of making the names into a format that is acceptable and probably redoing some textures as all of my existing textures are all Morrowind standard resolution as I've never bothered with enhancing my graphics.
Rather than claiming an area, If I was to make my existing esp files conform with Tamriel Rebuilt or build some new interior spaces and send them in once complete, would they possibly be of use?
Hi, I'm Brian, father of three kids, and dabbling in academia.
I used to play Morrowind when it came out, but since I was so young I couldn't make heads or tails of the game. When Oblivion and Skyrim came out I got a lot further in those games, but was disappointed in their general approach and decided I would have to make another stab at Morrowind, but it never happened until now, about 12 years later (at least it feels like it).
So I installed it a few days ago, and I'm slowly making headway with the game on OpenMW. Now that I'm paying actual attention to the lore, I noticed that Morrowind is actually bigger than Vvardenfell (I had always equated the two). And as I was looking into the lore online, I came upon this project and thought that it was the geekiest, nerdiest, most brilliant idea ever.
However — I've never been close to actually finishing Morrowind, and so I wonder if I should play the vanilla version first, or if I would be fine playing TR? What do you guys suggest?
I'm here to follow the mod's progress and learn about modding. I run Morrowind vanilla+. The mods I use are Tamriel Rebuilt, Vapourmist, Watch the Sky, Mistify, Random's fireflies, AURA, Provencial Music, Harder Barter, UI Expansion, Red Mountain Reborn, RR's Holomayan and Ghostgate, HotV Gnisis, RealAshstaar's armours, and nearly everything by VitruvianGuar. Compared to the lists I've seen, that's vanilla+. Typically, I roll Redoran, Morag Tong, or freebooter with my characters.
Hello everyone! My name is Aedan Norris, and I'm excited to join the Tamriel Rebuilt community! I've always been a huge fan of The Elder Scrolls universe, and when I heard about the Tamriel Rebuilt project, I was just thrilled! My fascination with The Elder Scrolls games began when I was a kid, and I spent countless hours traveling through the various provinces of Tamriel. To find out that there is such a project that seeks to recreate and expand the province of Morrowind is awesome! I'm new to the community, but I'm very interested in contributing to the project. I love creativity and have some experience in creating modifications and content for other games. My main interest is designing the landscape and creating unique and immersive environments for players to explore and immerse themselves in the world of Morrowind. I'm also passionate about the scenarios and stories associated with this world, and would love to join the team and help develop engaging quests and quests. I am very impressed with the work that has already been done on the Tamriel Rebuilt project, and I look forward to learning more about the process and contributing. I believe the community here is very friendly and willing to help new members, and I hope that with your support and guidance I can become a valuable member of this team. Thank you for the welcome and the opportunity to be a part of such a wonderful project! I can't wait to start working with you and contribute to making Morrowind exciting!
So I'll start with me: 56, security guard, Germany, live in my PC and often hang out in a sim called Frankfurt am Main, that's where my sim lives and also works to be able to pay the rent and electricity for the apartment where my PC is. I got GOG many years ago and often have to play the latest, stupidest and most annoying games because they remind me so much of the "good old days" which I never had. I was actually happy every year when it was over but the games from the 90's and early 2000's make me feel like the times were great and I should get severely melancholic. Morrowind I played from the beginning, but not for very long; once through and then I played something else. I had enjoyed it, but at the time I was still comparing everything to Daggerfall, which is my absolute favorite game. SO THOSE WERE REALLY STILL TIMES !!! But I had never forgotten the wonderful music, and the beautiful, genuine and stirring atmosphere of Morrowind and over the years I often played Oblivion, Skyrim also twice, although I also liked it, but somehow lacked atmosphere, I do not know exactly why but maybe it went too fast. Anyway, I could not compare it with 4 and 3 and certainly not with 2. Then at some point I heard about your project and I kept checking back, I loved the idea of opening up a lot more land masses like the original game, making it really big, because that was also the dream of Daggerfall. Those tons of little villages, towns, vaults, it was such a big and free world, what a wonderful thought to never see and find everything because it was just so much. Where any 15 year old nagger ("How boring, played through in 20 hours !") would sit pale, small and awestruck with wide eyes behind his keyboard praying it would never end ! And more and more I felt gratitude that so many people gave their time to this project, not to let this wonderful game disappear into oblivion, but to set a huge, unique monument to its beauty that you could also still play ! 3 days ago I started and wanted to dice myself a warrior with sword and shield via question-answer-character generator and I was sure that my inner nobility would instill the right answers in me. What came out was a rogue. However, my GOG syndrome and my love of ES commanded me to accept that and now I play an honest rogue who doesn't steal and doesn't murder. Times are what they are ! Thank you all for Tamriel Rebuilt, I love you and will continue to gamble now. All the best !
Hey Aedan! Thanks for the nice words! If you wish to contribute to TR, you will want to join our Discord, as that is where all communication on the project happens. The forums are really only used to store non-perishable information these days.
Introducing myself because why not? I hate that forums are dying (dead?)
I first heard about TR when I was around 14 or so hanging out on the Bethesda forums. And after playing Silgrad Tower, I followed TR's development for years (sorry guys, ST released first :P). During Oblivion's development I was part of a WIP mod for that game that would add a secret library and a ton of banned books. That mod was never finished and the idea was floated around that we should ask TR if they would take our already written works so that our efforts wouldn't be wasted. I seem to remember one commenter's sentiment being "should we really bother with TR, the one mod that everyone knows won't be finished?" Of course, none of us could foresee that TR would still be actively developed 18 years later with multiple releases out, but I still find that recollection a bit funny.
Anyway, I've been following this mod for years. I think I first played it in early 2009 and then gave a real thorough once-over of all released content in 2012. That was some time ago though and my memory's not so good. The best thing about TR is that it's basically Morrowind 2. It's familiar and comfortable, yet fresh and new. It breathes new life into the old. I love it for that.
Hiii! Im Dexter, dexteralien on Discord. Im 19 and Im actually a newbie to Morrowind in general. Im very early into the game (yes im so lucky haha get jealous) so I cant actually use the mod yet. My brother a year or two ago bought me a skyrim pack thing that was on sale on steam so thats how I got into Morrowind. I started on Skyrim dragonborn geezer one ermmm the newest one ye xD when i was a young lad and wow i was obsessed with it. Mods as a kid was a godsend I loved downloading all the stupid mods. Anyways im going off track..Im here to help with assets because 3d stuff is a special interest of mine and I love to help :,) Im very new to making textures though so its very hard rn for me. Im so glad to meet yall.
I dont know what a signature is but im guessing its a bio anyways. IDK how this website works so dont mind me im learning lol
A quick overview of new and updated content can be found in your dashboard. If you are interested in our ongoing development, check out the claims browser and the asset browser.
2020-07-02 08:18
4 years 5 months ago
This mod has made me move my timeline for pc ownership forward! I need to get in there and see this.
2016-01-25 21:01
6 hours 6 min ago
That sounds awesome. Happy to have you take an interest in our project. If you are looking to pursue concept art that can be very helpful for us. We are always in need of concept artists to help devs get a better picture of what they are making. If you have discord you can follow us there also. That is where everyone is as we aren't as active on the website. There is a link in the footer and also in the community tab in the header of this website. If you drop by, post a comment and that you are looking to do concept art, and there will be someone available to point you in the right direction ;)
2020-11-15 19:53
4 years 1 month ago
Hi. You guys have been around a while. cool.
I've been a Tes fan a long time too. When I bought Oblivion, I didn't even need it, since Morrowind was still a lot of fun. Well I played Oblivion and Skyrim (some Fallouts too). On the PC, Skyrim I lost when I dumped Windows. I have Linux now as an interest. and am playing a bit with the OMW CS. So, I wonder if I should fill in all the map areas flying and jumping across Vvardenfell or get serious about a Linux OMW modding setup. It's all good, isn't it?
I have a quest idea I should develop, I have thousands of hours in Gimp and Blender. I might write scripts too, though my programming skills are laughable.
It's pronounced Illlekeebog, or maybe I like bogs.
2020-11-16 18:00
4 years 2 weeks ago
Wow, I haven't been on the forums for over a decade but I'm really excited to see all the work that's still being done!
About me: just a regular old 3d and texture artist. I use 3ds Max, Photoshop, and Substance Painter. I also spend a substantial amount of time producing and mixing music. I'm interested in helping out in any way I can!
Stoked to be back!
2021-03-09 00:45
3 years 9 months ago
Hi! I love yalls work, and have enjoyed touring through it! It has truly opened up the world of Morrowind, and has been a cornerstone in setting and maintaining the lore and atmosphere standards. Thank yall for being so copesthetic with the hortator additions too!
2021-03-25 06:42
3 years 9 months ago
Hello Everyone. Im Aaron. I am jsut finding out about TR and I am so excited to get started however I am having some trouble with the install and I would appreciate some assistance. I follow the directions int he read me but when I load the game and go to data files ther is only a datafile for TR_Mainland.esm. I believe I am missing the Tamriel_data.esm. It was not the 00_Core file. im not sure what I am doing wrong. I woul love some help as I want to experience TR asap!
2016-01-21 22:34
1 month 3 days ago
A good place is the TR Discord; there is a forum called #troubleshooting there where advice is freely given.
2021-05-15 18:46
3 years 6 months ago
If this is in the wrong place, let me know. I'm a Morrowind player since the beginning. Toyed around with modding back then. I've come back to the game and I'm totally enjoying Tamriel Rebuilt. It really breathes new life into an old game.
Anyway, I would love to contribute but I wouldn't be any good at the modding. However, I've written a few interactive fiction works (text adventures) and I would like to maybe discuss me doing some quest design, dialog, or other creative writing for the project.
Just point me in the right direction! Thanks!
Again, loving TR!
-Neil (I have some works under pen-names)
2016-01-25 21:01
6 hours 6 min ago
We will be happy to have you on as a quester. You will need to make a showcase first so we can see/help you get the skills required to take on the pending quest claims.
For submitting a showcase you can refer to here where you'll start your own topic:
As for guidelines we have this section here:
If you want to interact with people instantly there is also a link to the discord in the website footer, or if you click on the community tab in the header.
2019-05-16 11:46
3 years 6 months ago
I’m not quite sure if this is the right place (apologies if it isn’t). I’ve been a Morrowind fan for a couple of years—ever since I decided to finally give the game a shot. I loved playing it, and I have been exploring and toying with mods ever since. That I’ve really fallen in with the lore hasn’t helped at all.
I’ve known about Tamriel Rebuilt for two or three years, but could never really decide on whether to volunteer owing to my (extremely limited) modding experience. Still, it’s been great to see what the project has achieved and is about, so I’d love to help out in any way I can.
Most of my experience relates to writing and editing (both fiction and non-fiction) and things that fall more on the side of admin stuff. I’d love to help out with anything relating to either of those things (assuming there’s a need for them) or with anything relating to questing.
2020-07-12 13:22
8 months 2 weeks ago
Welcome! What Cicero said applies to you too, making a showcase is not that hard! Additionally if you want to make/review books, that'd be greatly appreciated too. It can be found in the asset browser. You can also contribute quest designs and dialogue there.
For websitie related stuff, and for faster discussions, head on over to the discord. (Just ask about the website stuff there!)
Take care!!
2019-05-16 11:46
3 years 6 months ago
Thank you, I'll make sure to take a look and do so! I'll definitely try my hand at a showcase as soon as I have polished my skills a bit too
2022-01-08 19:44
6 months 3 days ago
Hello there,
Lets introduce myself and hopefully I can help you people out a bit in the near future.
After fairly recently finishing a absurdy huge assembly project for a 30 year old computer standard I have too much free computer time at my hands.
I have played morrowind to the death and was there in 2002 when it came out. It was not long when I learned about tamriel rebuilt so I have been in the forums from time to time but being too young development wasn't doing well. Now 20 years later still sometimes playing morrowind I found out what people have been doing to the poor game ;) shaders, openmw, eye candy, 4k textures What the.... happened!
Well I am now one of those openmw 300+ mods abusers reenjoying morrowind but always kept my eye on one particular mod which is tamriel rebuilt. I have done some exploring in the released as well as the preview stuff and I can only say that this must go on.
I have been on some modding projects before writing scripts, hacks and interiors but this is all more organized and so why not take up with the challenge.
My modding skills are rusty if not broken and a lot has changed in 15 years, not to mention I am one of those weird user cases of linux, openmw, wine. Should not stop me from helping you people out. I will try to start with interiors and get along with that. Allready diving into all the documentations to see what is expected.
I hope to be able to trow in something usefull in the showcase and get around modding in the near future.
I sincerely am hoping for a fun challenge.
2016-01-21 22:34
1 month 3 days ago
Welcome Daemos! You probably already know this but the day-to-day action for TR happens on Discord: See you there!
2022-01-13 02:50
4 months 2 weeks ago
I suppose a few weeks late to this thread isn't that bad
Howdy, folks. Dubbias Dexian is the pseudonym, but folks oft know me as Dubba, or Dubs.
I began playing Morrowind back in 2013 when I first got a Steam account, making sure it was one of the first games I bought on the platform after being introduced to ES through Skyrim. I can't quite remember when I first heard about TR, just remember browsing the Nexus and looking at the screenshots in admiration at the scale and attention ot detail of the project. I've actually tried getting into Morrowind modding a few years ago by making a dungeon mod to practice up if I wanted to sign-in, but got discouraged after trying to figure out how to edit meshes in NifSkope. A few years later, I've got an unfinished house mod that won't likely see the light of day until I'm satisfied with my competence and work with TR and PT, once the former is out of the way.
IRL, I'm a bachelor of CSE specializing in computer graphics and game design. I'm currently unsure about how I should enter the games industry on account of a few factors, such as crunch culture and the location of most game studios (which won't be such an issue with a remote job). I'm even considering going independent and making small, cheap games to put on some platform like or the App Store. So far, I've got a few prototypes in the back-burner but nothing solid. I've worked in Unity, Godot, and *shivers* Monogame as game engines. I'd be lying if I said working at Bethesda Games Studios wouldn't be my dream job, just depends on how The PlanTM goes. If anything else, I could do a few VA gigs with a resume encompassing Skyrim mods like "Shumer: The Fall of Allagard" and "Beyond Reach"
All in all, I'm looking forward to contributing to such a legendary mod project for one of my favorite games of all time.
And yes, I know about the Discord
2022-05-26 09:17
2 years 6 months ago
Hello! I'm Mat, from the US, and I love Morrowind. Although I'm new to the modding side, I've lurked around the wider elder scrolls community since 2004. I think I went by the same username, if anyone does remember... I'm most interested in dialogues and interiors.
2016-03-14 23:18
3 days 13 hours ago
Hi, welcome!
There are always interiors that need doing. So if you are interested go to the information about creating an interior showcase for Tamriel Rebuilt. You can find it somewhere in the handbook here on the website. You could also swoop into Discord to get more instant feedback on your progress or ask any questions you might have about TR showcases.
I hope to see you around!
Find me on:
ArtStation 》Tumblr 》Sketchfab
2022-05-28 11:02
1 year 4 months ago
I've just joined the forum and wanted to say a quick hello...
I would like to contribute to Tamriel Rebuilt but I kind of work at my own pace, sometimes I get called away for work for a few months at a time so I don't feel I could claim an area to work on in case I couldn't do any work to it for several months. This is what has stopped me joining in the past, plus I have never been able to open Tamriel Rebuilt in the construction kit...
99% of the modding I have done has been for personal use and has never been released, in terms of Elder Scrolls most of my modding has been done on Skyrim. I can built solid and lore friendly interiors with path grids, but on morrowind at least I haven't done a great deal of exterior work. I can script a bit but generally don't unless I absolutely have to, I can make textures but not models.
I have lots of little things I have made over the years that I could make Tamriel Rebuilt friendly, just a matter of making the names into a format that is acceptable and probably redoing some textures as all of my existing textures are all Morrowind standard resolution as I've never bothered with enhancing my graphics.
Rather than claiming an area, If I was to make my existing esp files conform with Tamriel Rebuilt or build some new interior spaces and send them in once complete, would they possibly be of use?
Thank you..
2016-03-14 23:18
3 days 13 hours ago
Hi and welcome,
Thank you for trying to contribute to TR. With long leaves of absence claiming something to work on is a bit hard to pull of.
There is always need for interiors. So you can just go about and create a TR proof Velothi tomb, Daedric ruin or Hlaalu house.
Once a claim comes around that can fit one of your pre-made interiors you can fine-tune it and share it.
You could also claim a small interior and finish it in a weekend if you have the free time.
Hope this helps.
Find me on:
ArtStation 》Tumblr 》Sketchfab
2022-05-26 09:17
2 years 6 months ago
That's my plan as well, because I'm away every other month, but that leaves me a solid two to three weeks, where I can practice quests and interiors.
2023-01-10 10:52
1 year 11 months ago
Hi, I'm Brian, father of three kids, and dabbling in academia.
I used to play Morrowind when it came out, but since I was so young I couldn't make heads or tails of the game. When Oblivion and Skyrim came out I got a lot further in those games, but was disappointed in their general approach and decided I would have to make another stab at Morrowind, but it never happened until now, about 12 years later (at least it feels like it).
So I installed it a few days ago, and I'm slowly making headway with the game on OpenMW. Now that I'm paying actual attention to the lore, I noticed that Morrowind is actually bigger than Vvardenfell (I had always equated the two). And as I was looking into the lore online, I came upon this project and thought that it was the geekiest, nerdiest, most brilliant idea ever.
However — I've never been close to actually finishing Morrowind, and so I wonder if I should play the vanilla version first, or if I would be fine playing TR? What do you guys suggest?
2023-01-13 15:56
1 year 9 months ago
I'm here to follow the mod's progress and learn about modding. I run Morrowind vanilla+. The mods I use are Tamriel Rebuilt, Vapourmist, Watch the Sky, Mistify, Random's fireflies, AURA, Provencial Music, Harder Barter, UI Expansion, Red Mountain Reborn, RR's Holomayan and Ghostgate, HotV Gnisis, RealAshstaar's armours, and nearly everything by VitruvianGuar. Compared to the lists I've seen, that's vanilla+. Typically, I roll Redoran, Morag Tong, or freebooter with my characters.
2016-01-25 21:01
6 hours 6 min ago
Vanilla first. Install TR on your 2nd playthrough
2023-05-26 10:17
1 year 6 months ago
Hello everyone! My name is Aedan Norris, and I'm excited to join the Tamriel Rebuilt community! I've always been a huge fan of The Elder Scrolls universe, and when I heard about the Tamriel Rebuilt project, I was just thrilled! My fascination with The Elder Scrolls games began when I was a kid, and I spent countless hours traveling through the various provinces of Tamriel. To find out that there is such a project that seeks to recreate and expand the province of Morrowind is awesome! I'm new to the community, but I'm very interested in contributing to the project. I love creativity and have some experience in creating modifications and content for other games. My main interest is designing the landscape and creating unique and immersive environments for players to explore and immerse themselves in the world of Morrowind. I'm also passionate about the scenarios and stories associated with this world, and would love to join the team and help develop engaging quests and quests. I am very impressed with the work that has already been done on the Tamriel Rebuilt project, and I look forward to learning more about the process and contributing. I believe the community here is very friendly and willing to help new members, and I hope that with your support and guidance I can become a valuable member of this team. Thank you for the welcome and the opportunity to be a part of such a wonderful project! I can't wait to start working with you and contribute to making Morrowind exciting!
Best wishes,
Aedan Norris.
2023-05-26 10:53
8 months 5 days ago
Hello all,
So I'll start with me: 56, security guard, Germany, live in my PC and often hang out in a sim called Frankfurt am Main, that's where my sim lives and also works to be able to pay the rent and electricity for the apartment where my PC is.
I got GOG many years ago and often have to play the latest, stupidest and most annoying games because they remind me so much of the "good old days" which I never had. I was actually happy every year when it was over but the games from the 90's and early 2000's make me feel like the times were great and I should get severely melancholic.
Morrowind I played from the beginning, but not for very long; once through and then I played something else. I had enjoyed it, but at the time I was still comparing everything to Daggerfall, which is my absolute favorite game.
But I had never forgotten the wonderful music, and the beautiful, genuine and stirring atmosphere of Morrowind and over the years I often played Oblivion, Skyrim also twice, although I also liked it, but somehow lacked atmosphere, I do not know exactly why but maybe it went too fast. Anyway, I could not compare it with 4 and 3 and certainly not with 2.
Then at some point I heard about your project and I kept checking back, I loved the idea of opening up a lot more land masses like the original game, making it really big, because that was also the dream of Daggerfall. Those tons of little villages, towns, vaults, it was such a big and free world, what a wonderful thought to never see and find everything because it was just so much.
Where any 15 year old nagger ("How boring, played through in 20 hours !") would sit pale, small and awestruck with wide eyes behind his keyboard praying it would never end !
And more and more I felt gratitude that so many people gave their time to this project, not to let this wonderful game disappear into oblivion, but to set a huge, unique monument to its beauty that you could also still play !
3 days ago I started and wanted to dice myself a warrior with sword and shield via question-answer-character generator and I was sure that my inner nobility would instill the right answers in me.
What came out was a rogue.
However, my GOG syndrome and my love of ES commanded me to accept that and now I play an honest rogue who doesn't steal and doesn't murder.
Times are what they are !
Thank you all for Tamriel Rebuilt, I love you and will continue to gamble now.
All the best !
Markus aka Mark(ingame) aka Reskal
2019-08-25 19:28
5 hours 55 min ago
Hey Aedan! Thanks for the nice words! If you wish to contribute to TR, you will want to join our Discord, as that is where all communication on the project happens. The forums are really only used to store non-perishable information these days.
We also have a page specifically on how you can join to be a contributor:
2024-08-08 06:38
3 months 2 days ago
Introducing myself because why not? I hate that forums are dying (dead?)
I first heard about TR when I was around 14 or so hanging out on the Bethesda forums. And after playing Silgrad Tower, I followed TR's development for years (sorry guys, ST released first :P). During Oblivion's development I was part of a WIP mod for that game that would add a secret library and a ton of banned books. That mod was never finished and the idea was floated around that we should ask TR if they would take our already written works so that our efforts wouldn't be wasted. I seem to remember one commenter's sentiment being "should we really bother with TR, the one mod that everyone knows won't be finished?" Of course, none of us could foresee that TR would still be actively developed 18 years later with multiple releases out, but I still find that recollection a bit funny.
Anyway, I've been following this mod for years. I think I first played it in early 2009 and then gave a real thorough once-over of all released content in 2012. That was some time ago though and my memory's not so good. The best thing about TR is that it's basically Morrowind 2. It's familiar and comfortable, yet fresh and new. It breathes new life into the old. I love it for that.
2023-08-08 19:57
14 hours 28 min ago
Good to see someone on here! So excited to have you as an up-and-coming dev <3
You see Skakmat.
2024-08-08 06:38
3 months 2 days ago
Thanks. It would certainly be nice to contribute!
2024-09-03 11:33
1 month 3 weeks ago
Hiii! Im Dexter, dexteralien on Discord. Im 19 and Im actually a newbie to Morrowind in general. Im very early into the game (yes im so lucky haha get jealous) so I cant actually use the mod yet. My brother a year or two ago bought me a skyrim pack thing that was on sale on steam so thats how I got into Morrowind. I started on Skyrim dragonborn geezer one ermmm the newest one ye xD when i was a young lad and wow i was obsessed with it. Mods as a kid was a godsend I loved downloading all the stupid mods. Anyways im going off track..Im here to help with assets because 3d stuff is a special interest of mine and I love to help :,) Im very new to making textures though so its very hard rn for me. Im so glad to meet yall.
I dont know what a signature is but im guessing its a bio anyways. IDK how this website works so dont mind me im learning lol