Introduce Yourself!

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Aeven's picture
Developer EmeritusExterior DeveloperInterior Developer
2014-01-11 16:53
Last seen:
2 months 4 days ago

I'm Aeven, 23 years old and have been with Tamriel Rebuilt since August 2008. I've been an interior, exterior and occasional asset developer, and in our old system I was also Head of Interiors for a time.

Within our current work, I've done a lot on the Lan Orethan and the eastern Thirr River Valley region.

In my daily life, I'm a student of History in Groningen in the Netherlands.

ThomasRuz's picture
Asset Developer
2016-05-09 13:13
Last seen:
12 hours 27 min ago

Hallo Aeven,

Welkom terug op TR smiley
Toevallig studeer ik ook in Groningen, zit je op Hanze of Uni ?

Aeven's picture
Developer EmeritusExterior DeveloperInterior Developer
2014-01-11 16:53
Last seen:
2 months 4 days ago

Aan de RUG :)

ThomasRuz's picture
Asset Developer
2016-05-09 13:13
Last seen:
12 hours 27 min ago

Nice laugh

LiquidHurlant's picture
2016-03-31 03:51
Last seen:
8 years 5 months ago

Howdy? LiquidHurlant from TIL and /r/teslore. Also went by jackfrost at the official site, but that was a while ago.

My aptitude is in basic nifskope and cs gimmickry, like splitting meshes and creating objects from those meshes. Can't do much else. I dick with the cs quite a bit in my down time, so I learn pretty quick. In fact, I'm dispersing the Telvannis assets on Vvardenfell to homogenize their holdings a bit. I've also changed so dialogue in the vanilla game. I'll make a showcase this week.

If I can't contribute much beyond bug chasing and play testing, I'm always interested in the lore. Worldbuilding’s a trip, too.

10Kaziem's picture
Asset DeveloperInterior Developer
2015-12-12 23:47
Last seen:
3 years 3 months ago

Hooray! Welcome, and welcome back!

Does: concepts, textures, youtube vids, admin stuff e.g. PR, handbook, assets, small website things. Activity level: wildly unpredictable. Still active. Find me on Discord.

Atrayonis's picture
Developer EmeritusInterior DeveloperQuest Developer
2015-09-28 20:13
Last seen:
2 years 7 months ago

I hate these things, but with my recent namechange I think it might be necessary..

Hi, I’m Atrayonis. 35 years old, software engineer working on the boring kind of accounting/budgeting softwar (the numbers never end). Pessimist. Internet-wise, I’m a drifter.

I’ve been playing Morrowind since 2002 (German version), it took me a while to get a hold of the original English versions – imports were not trustworthy back then, in the age before GoG and Steam. I’ve been active in the international TES community under the name Anonytroll since 2005. That was the same year I first showed up in TR’s IRC.

I’ve been here on and off since then, basically bouts of activity every few months. A promise made to Thrignar Fraxix when I first joined made me start and finish and interior showcase in 2015. Things kind of escalated from there and I ended up suckering myself into becoming TR’s webmaster of sorts. It’s not a good fit.

MattTheBagel's picture
2016-06-06 21:00
Last seen:
8 years 1 month ago

Hello, my name is Matt, and I decided to join these forums as I believe this is an amzing group, and I suppose I could help. Morrowind is my favorite game, and I do make mods on the Nexus for MW.  For example, Rift, a town mod, and Apothecary’s Demise, my quest mod. 

My other favorite games besides Morrowind are Oblivion and Skyrim, as well as Monster Hunter series, Ark: Survival Evolved, and some others.

My instagram:
My Nexus Profile: MatthewTheBagel

benfit's picture
2016-07-08 23:06
Last seen:
8 years 5 months ago


I thought it would be polite to introduce myself. To start off, I am no modder, designer or huge story teller. However, I love Morrowind, and I love what you have done with TR. I played the original game for about 10 years off and on, and after some three year break I started to add mods to the game. And only last summer I discovered Tamriel Rebuilt – and daym, it is impressing!

All the props to you guys! It is a wonderful project and it has a potential to become one of the best fan-made projects ever. Just today, I watched the summer update video that randomly popped up on my youtube page and I realized that you guys have a forum. That fans/supporters can jump into discussions and help in building up quests/stories/environments together. I figured, that I have been with Elder Scrolls for so long, that maybe it would be fun to occasionally join in.

Maybe this project pushes me into learning to mod. Even building a house and having it placed in TR would be a great success for me, taking in account that I can’t even mod a chair, hah!

In any case, keep up the good work, and see you on the forums!


10Kaziem's picture
Asset DeveloperInterior Developer
2015-12-12 23:47
Last seen:
3 years 3 months ago

Welcome! We can always use more people around the forums, and if you do see something you’d like to help with, give it a try.

Does: concepts, textures, youtube vids, admin stuff e.g. PR, handbook, assets, small website things. Activity level: wildly unpredictable. Still active. Find me on Discord.

Allyserian II's picture
Allyserian II
2016-06-29 17:45
Last seen:
3 years 9 months ago

Hello,  I am just a player and have zero knowledge of how to mod, but,  I have loved this game since I first bought GOTY in 2010.  During my 2nd playthru of vanilla I learned about TES forums and adding mods. I am currently a member of GHF and registered with the C&E Office.  Allyserian I has moved to Skyrim. so I came back to take care of  unfinished business here on the island.  Just recently I started looking at TR, and thankfully, decided to add it to my game.  Since I had no pressing business I took a month or so to visit the mainland and expand my reputation and influence.    What you all do it fantastic.  I can’t wait to see what the future holds.   Well, I’d stay and talk more but I need to go collect some profits, and, there seems to be a problem with Sotha Sil that I need to deal with before I visit Necrom.   

Esternocleido's picture
2016-07-11 20:00
Last seen:
1 year 3 weeks ago

Well hello, Im Esterno I have been playing Morrowind for about 13 years and this mod for 3 or 4 years, Im not really an artistic person but I have some knowledge of modelling in 3DSMax and programming in C, Im also learning OOP with Java and C++. I also have a half good understanding of Lore and about 2000 combined hours in all Elder Scrolls games.

I would like to help in whatever I can even if is not much.

Nakalololo's picture
2016-07-15 01:34
Last seen:
4 years 2 months ago

Ju’rohn, there !

I join the website on the advice of LiquidHurlant. I’m not really a modder, but I worked on a few things about dunmeri culture. I’d be glad to share them.

I'm a scroller since TESIII:Morrowind and I got lost in Tamriel plenty of hours since. I particularly love the dunmeri culture and I like to create around it.

IRL I have a strange passion for anthropology, I like to use it to create coherent social fictional stuff :p

Ryan_C's picture
2016-07-18 15:26
Last seen:
8 years 4 months ago

Hi, Im Ryan

Long time fan of Morrowind (seriously i know the place like the back of my hand!) A friend put me onto TR a few years back and im blown away by the quality of the content. While i have no experience modding I’m a dab hand with photoshop and have worked on some textures and model skins in the past, and im no slouch with a pencil either
I’d love to help out in any capacity i can, be it concept art, textures or maps/book illustrations, so dont hesitate to ask.
Keep up the good work!

Leyoht's picture
2016-07-16 07:31
Last seen:
6 years 5 months ago

Hey everyone! My name is Alex and I am ready to help with the TR project.

My experience with the TES series isn't quite as deep or long as most of the other people commenting, but TES has remained my favorite RPG series since I first picked up and played Skyrim in summer of 2012. Since then, I have moved back and found a lot of enjoyment in the past TES titles--especially Morrowind. Everything from the lore to the writing to the unbalanced gameplay mechanics have captivated me since I first installed the game from Steam.

As a young programmer, I'm looking to see how I can help with this large project. I have been programming in C# for roughly a year and now have a job as an editor for my school's college of engineering website. In addition to programming, I love to write science fiction, sociopolitical fiction, and things of that nature.

With all that said, I am looking to write code/script as well as lore for the parts of Morrowind which have not yet been finished. I'll also help in any way I can--but just remember: I have a lot of student stuff to do in the real world.

I get a lot of political emails

10Kaziem's picture
Asset DeveloperInterior Developer
2015-12-12 23:47
Last seen:
3 years 3 months ago

Allyserian: We have plenty of people around who aren’t “modders” but just like to discuss things. I’m glad you’re enjoying the mod!

Esterno: modeling is great; we have some more geometric things that need work on (like crystals, Dres settlements) that could can have a try at. We also occasionally need help with making automation (programs) to deal with our data files, so that may also be helpful. You can check that out in the cross-project coordination forum.

Nakalolo: We can always use more lore people.

Ryan_C: Texture artists are great! We have a number of assets in the Asset Browser that could use some texture updates or haven’t officially gotten a texture made. it’s pretty much open for anyone who wants to improve on it.

Leyoht: Scripting is something we need for a feq quests being developed in the Asset Browser. That’d be handy if you want to offer. Also, more lore discussion is always great.

Welcome, all!

Does: concepts, textures, youtube vids, admin stuff e.g. PR, handbook, assets, small website things. Activity level: wildly unpredictable. Still active. Find me on Discord.

Apotheosis's picture
2016-07-17 23:24
Last seen:
6 months 5 days ago

Hello everyone, I am Apotheosis and I have been a long time watcher of this mod but only recently made an account.
I was introduced to TES through Oblivion in 2007 or so and after enjoying that game went back and explored Morrowind. I have never modded Morrowind, and only made tiny adjustments in Oblivion in the form of little plugins which can barely be described as mods.
I am a decent writer and would be happy to help, if the team needs any more people to do that. If not I still think I could offer some ideas in other areas.

Atrayonis's picture
Developer EmeritusInterior DeveloperQuest Developer
2015-09-28 20:13
Last seen:
2 years 7 months ago

Hello and welcome.

Writers are certainly welcome, as are ideas. Most of the writing should take place in the asset browser nowadays, if it’s going to be put in-game, but the forums are fine too!

-MrWillis-'s picture
2016-08-05 10:38
Last seen:
3 years 5 months ago

Hello there! 
I am Willis, and I am senior student graduating at the end of the year. I really wanted to dive my teeth into a modding project and my honestly, like a lot of us here, Morrowind was an important part of my childhood as a gamer, writer, and my imagination. So looking at the project still going strong, I realize I wanted to sink my teeth into Project Tamriel and this looks like my best shot at helping the overall project. 

The main way I can contribute is via PR and outreach, and writing and story building.  Right now I am learning the construction kit to further help with project development. 

Thanks for the opportunity to help expand a game of my childhood into a more epic game that I can only dream of. 

AlexMercer984's picture
2016-08-05 14:00
Last seen:
8 years 4 months ago

Good Day , I am an overly ambitious guy who writes insane plots but never gets them to release [ will change ]
I am 18 , A Lovely European , been playing games for as long as my bad memory holds
Funny as hell  Morrowind was the  one to actually get me to make a house to store my gear , nor fallout nor another has made me do that for some time XD
Morrowind is what I always wanted and kinda made me forget my troubles al be for 30 minutes
My Hand is Currently Some What ok at Story Writting , 3d Modeling is being worked on , Interior Desing well there is what to be done
I hope I can help in any way shape or form in the near future

May The World be Yours

P.S – I may be a bit crazy and wacky in times so apologies if I make you question how I came to be in this universe

10Kaziem's picture
Asset DeveloperInterior Developer
2015-12-12 23:47
Last seen:
3 years 3 months ago

Welcome! Feel free to hunt around on the forums and see if anything is interesting to you. We’re also doing a lot of work in our Asset Browser (it’s under the Development menu up at the top of the screen).

Does: concepts, textures, youtube vids, admin stuff e.g. PR, handbook, assets, small website things. Activity level: wildly unpredictable. Still active. Find me on Discord.

megageeklizzy's picture
2016-08-27 19:18
Last seen:
8 years 1 month ago

Hey, everybody!

Well, my name is Lizzy, and I really suck at introductions! More seriously, I’m a 19-year-old game art student in university in the state of Ohio in the U.S. I’m here because I love TES and Morrowind, and I’d like to try to help out while making things I can use as a portfolio of sorts. I’ve done a lot of mesh and texture work for Skyrim and Morrowind, but never released much of it because I tend to start really big projects I just never finish, and hate releasing half-completed works. I’ll probably be looking at the asset browser and adding some assets one at a time, so I shouldn’t have that problem here too much.

I’ve got over 3,000 hours in Skyrim, about 1,000 in Morrowind, and about 1,000 in Oblivion. Probably nearing 1,000 in ESO, too, if I haven’t gotten there yet. I role-play and know lore pretty well, so I can help with writing and conceptualizing, too, if it ever seems like that’s something I should be doing. I’ve used the Creation Set, but we have a love-hate relationship, so I’ll be using it minimally.

Hope to see you all around and help out around here!

Kevaar's picture
Developer EmeritusQuest Developer
2016-01-19 19:35
Last seen:
1 month 2 weeks ago

Hey, Liz! Glad to see you made it over. Poking around the Asset Browser is the best way to go currently to get started on modeling.

Zedias-soko's picture
2016-08-30 04:49
Last seen:
7 years 6 days ago


This is my first post here and I would like to start with an apology.  I have been playing Morrowind since 2004 and I have known about Tamriel Rebuilt for about as long, but it was not until just a couple of days ago that I installed it and started exploring The Mainland for the first time.  I was always certain that a project as ambitious as Tamriel Rebuilt could never be realistically achieved.  I had convinced myself that even if the project were to ever be completed to any meaningful level, there was no way such a vast, intricate collaborative mod would be lore-friendly enough to satisfy my unreasonable, inflexible, orthodox roleplaying standard.  I don’t remember exactly when Map 1 was released, but remember I just ignored it, certain that it was only a matter of time before TR just died off.

But then, just this week after looking at one screenshot too many, I finally buckled and had to give TR a shot after watching its development over the course of all these years.  I installed it, started a new game, and when I emerged from the prison ship waiting to see the usual open ocean, I instead saw miles of beautiful rocky coastline for the very first time in twelve years of living in Morrowind.  I have not been able to stop exploring The Mainland since.  The world that the TR team has constructed is not how the original developers would have made it: What TR have created is exponentially better than anything Bethesda could have ever envisioned.  I have since spent hours and hours rushing to and fro across the mainland in TR_Preview, and I am consistently finding myself blown away by what a small team of committed, dedicated, talented, passionate people can accomplish.  Beyond every turn of the road and edge of the horizon is a meticulously crafted landscape that leaves me speechless over and over again.  Exploring the crevaces and peaks of the Velothi mountains was an emotionally overwhelming experience.  The mystery and magic of the vastness of Morrowind has been opened up to me again for the first time since I was young, and I’m so, so sorry it took me this long to come around.  I really am, I should have been supportive of this amazing project from the start all those years ago, even if just morally supportive.

But now that I have pulled my head out and seen the light, I would like to offer up my modest writing and CS skills to Tamriel Rebuilt, if they are at all needed.  I would really like to be a part of bringing this beautiful world to life by helping in the conceptualization and implementation of quests, dialogue, and factions.  The only mods I have ever made in the CS were made for myself and I never published any of them, but I have some modest experience with writing quests and dialogue that I hope will be useful.  I have begun familiarizing myself with the Handbook, the Asset browser and Claims browser, and the production pipeline.  I look forward to learning all there is to know about TR’s lore, planned direction, and overall storytelling vision.

Anyway, sorry again for doubting you all, thank you for reading, thank you for TR, and thank you for any advice or direction you may have to offer to get me started off on the right foot.  I’m eager to get caught up and I am excited to help wherever my modest skills are needed.

10Kaziem's picture
Asset DeveloperInterior Developer
2015-12-12 23:47
Last seen:
3 years 3 months ago

Hi Lizzy! Modeling help is something we sorely need. The things we know we want are posted in the Asset Browser and marked “requested.” Feel free to start an entirely new model or improve on someone else’s. The browser can be gotten to under the development tab of the main menu. Anything marked for Aanthirrin or the Deshaan Plains is high priority.

Hi Zedias-soko! I did something fairly similar myself, so don’t feel bad. Right now we’re working on further developing the subclans of House Dres and compiling informative documents on the various factions, etc, that are around. Poke through the conceptualization forums to see what’s active. Literature and quests are also developed in the Asset Browser.


Does: concepts, textures, youtube vids, admin stuff e.g. PR, handbook, assets, small website things. Activity level: wildly unpredictable. Still active. Find me on Discord.

Sniper4's picture
2016-09-02 21:16
Last seen:
2 years 9 months ago

Hello, everyone.  I am Sniper4.  I was one of the “core” members back in the early days of TR, and I worked here from November 2003 to sometime in the Fall of 2005, when my university classes became enough of a load that I simply didn’t have any more time for modding.  I was the moderator in charge of interior reviewing from February-ish 2004 to December of 2004.

Just from looking around I’m not seeing many familiar names pop up, except for a few names in the “developer emeritus” category.  I recognize Nemon, Katze, Lord_Gallant, and Haplo, but a few of the others aren’t familiar to me.  I don’t recognize any of the admins here.  :P  I noticed that Kevaar is listed as a lead devoloper.  Kevaar returned!?  That’s a name I haven’t heard in a LONG time. I guess some of the others just haven’t made it to the new forum yet. 

edit: I might be a little slow to respond, since I have a VERY busy weekend ahead of me, which includes sealing the patio, and all sorts of other outside activities, now that it’s cool enough to actually step outside.  :D

10Kaziem's picture
Asset DeveloperInterior Developer
2015-12-12 23:47
Last seen:
3 years 3 months ago

Good to have you back! There’s been a lot of turnover since then, but some of the older developers still hang out in the IRC chat or the discord channel.

Does: concepts, textures, youtube vids, admin stuff e.g. PR, handbook, assets, small website things. Activity level: wildly unpredictable. Still active. Find me on Discord.

Kevaar's picture
Developer EmeritusQuest Developer
2016-01-19 19:35
Last seen:
1 month 2 weeks ago

Haha, yes, I returned. 10 years older and with hopefully some more relevant experience under my belt. It’s still strange to think the last time I worked on this project I was still a teenager… I admit I only vaguely recognize the name, but welcome back! Always good to see old faces!

Atrayonis's picture
Developer EmeritusInterior DeveloperQuest Developer
2015-09-28 20:13
Last seen:
2 years 7 months ago

If you were around until late 2005, that’s when I just joined (as Anonytroll) and it was just a few months before Gnomey joined.
Welcome back.

And welcome to all the others too, of course. Since you have already taken the plunge to post on the forums and read up on the handbook, please take the extra mile and write down all the things you like and dislike about it and the browsers. We’re still lacking tutorials on a lot of things, and a firsttimer’s impression on how easily accessible our information is would be very helpful.

Also, you have a Dashboard, which is usually criminally ignored.

Sniper4's picture
2016-09-02 21:16
Last seen:
2 years 9 months ago

Sorry for the late response.  It’s been a busy few days. 

@Kaziem: Thank you.  I’ll have to look around and see if I can find any more of us old folks.  :D

@Kevaar: It’s nice to see you again too!  I remember you, though we only spoke a few times.  I know you were on my AIM messenger list back when I still used AIM.  I closed out my AIM account a year ago, though.  By the way, I was going through some of my old TR files, and I found a discussion where Hermit was describing how TR is like a big family.  He said:

“Kevaar is the cousin you'd like to see more and yet only see once a year”

I don’t know if you knew about this or not.  :)

@Atrayonis: Nice to meet you!  That user name sounds familiar, and I definitely recognize Gnomey, though I only remember seeing the name long after I stopped participating. The current claims browser looks a lot more streamlined than the original.  When Zephyr first made the claims browser years ago, it was handy, but it took some getting used to.  Now, it looks a lot more user friendly.  :)   
