(Lower-level questline, here to introduce general Narsis district themes surrounding Legion-Hlaalu relations, with an emphasis on tensions between the Hlaalu and Redoran -- ideally, Hlerynhul will be a place the player can join the Legion.)
The following is a proposal for Narsis' Imperial Legion content. The questgivers are:
Jean Jolvanne, Knight-Protector and head of the Heron Hall garrison in Narsis. Jolvanne is loyal to Barys and works to ensure the Legion’s interests and the Hlaalu’s interests remain aligned, while doing what he can to protect the rights and interests of Imperial citizens. (In Heron Hall)
Alvasi Barys, Knight of the Imperial Dragon and head of the Order of Narsis, and an Imperialized Dunmer who has gone somewhat native. Barys is pragmatic, working primarily to ensure Hlaalu-Legion relations remain positive and working closely with the Imperial Proconsul on all matters of policy. Barys’ Knights are also tasked with guarding the Duke, but as the Imperial Districts and the power of the Dukes are political fiction, she pays him little mind, preferring to report to the Proconsul and High Command in Old Ebonheart. (In the Duke's Palace)
File that buffs Templar weapons to be roughly on-par with Dwarven weapons, makes them ignore normal weapon resistance, and increases their value. This is so we can have a mid-level Imperial weapon set and to make the (presumably) rare Templar items more of a valuable find. Image is a comparison of the new Templar stats, Dwemer weapon stats, and the old Templar stats.
A new quest for the Drakelight Beacon. A member of the Order of Firewatch has been charged with allowing the hallowed flame atop the lighthouse to go out. Although the situation was noticed and rectified, and the flame now burns brightly again, the Order knight's negligence resulted in a merchant vessel - the Brazen Maiden - striking some shoals and sustaining damage.
The south tower has been virtually abandoned other than the topmost floor where a few guards are billeted, lowest levels are being used as a dustmoth drug cache, though still concealed due to neighboring the census office. The middle sections should be in varying states of use and disuse.
Use: Com/Imp_M for the upper levels and P for the lower levels
The main tower watching against potential telvanni attacks so is properly stocked and manned at all times, a selection of anti-magic bows and arrows are stored along with other supplies. Has a hall to connect it to the neighboring towers. Due to actually being scrutinized for readiness the Dusters as a rule avoid using the western tower as a drug cache, so there shouldn't be any added during cluttering.
The tower has fallen into disuse and has been converted into a warehouse by the Dustmoth legion who rent it out to the EEC and other merchants in the city. The former officer's quarters are currently being used as apartments by the EEC's scribes, with the Dusters still maintaining quarters on the top floor among the goods. Due to the sheer volume of goods and produce, the Dustmoth Legion have their drugs hiddeon throughout the tower, though still mainly in the (former) dungeons on the lowest level or near their bunks on the top floor.