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by Hemitheon
Tue Feb 17, 2015 6:33 pm
Forum: Conceptualization
Topic: Arena Faction
Replies: 16
Views: 3503

Rotheran was used as an arena, but it's more associated with underground, criminal sorts. Maybe illegal fight clubs?
by Hemitheon
Mon Jan 26, 2015 8:07 pm
Forum: Hlaalu - Thirr
Topic: Gnas Mor (Tier III City) North AT
Replies: 10
Views: 5573

How about Sadras or Sadrasi. Could be the home of the people who would replace House Hlaalu.
by Hemitheon
Fri Jan 23, 2015 6:23 am
Forum: Master Planning
Topic: Imperial Archaeological Society [Faction]
Replies: 39
Views: 22312

There used to be the plan for the Molag Bal Cult. I don't think that went anywhere. It may even be defunct now. Maybe that can be tweaked to a necromantic coven.
by Hemitheon
Thu Jan 22, 2015 7:21 pm
Forum: Master Planning
Topic: Imperial Archaeological Society [Faction]
Replies: 39
Views: 22312

The first part of the player's role in the IAS is doing smaller jobs, focusing on Dwemer devices, native tribes, Nedes and Ayleids, ancient Nords, eventually one of the leaders of the society takes notice of the promising member and offers him to take part in a top secret project for the Emperor (th...
by Hemitheon
Thu Jan 22, 2015 8:31 am
Forum: Master Planning
Topic: Imperial Archaeological Society [Faction]
Replies: 39
Views: 22312

Perhaps the IAS is in search of fragmentary artifacts of something that doesn't destroy but protect. It could be armor, it could be a device, it could be clothes (from a robe to a crown). The Emperor would need something to protect him just as much as he would need weapons. Reading Tondollari's last...
by Hemitheon
Wed Jan 21, 2015 1:21 pm
Forum: Master Planning
Topic: House Indoril Brainstorming
Replies: 110
Views: 104500

Not sure if Horatio Gargonath's home is still in Mournhold, but when I did the interior for it I wrote an expose play that defamed House Indoril, the idea being that a quest could be built around it. Someone has to break into his house without him knowing and steal the play before it was published.
by Hemitheon
Tue Jan 20, 2015 3:35 pm
Forum: News
Topic: Official Statement of Vision [Please Read]
Replies: 66
Views: 51698

From what I've read, I don't think TR plans to redo the entirety of Vvardenfell, only redo some things for the sake of immersion, cohesion, and unity of game experience. I can understand many people's desire to protect the game, after all you have to really love it to still be playing it 12 years af...
by Hemitheon
Sun Jan 04, 2015 7:33 am
Forum: Old Ebonheart
Topic: OE Castle
Replies: 86
Views: 48535

I don't know if this is important but there was a book written in the sewers of OE discussing the early construction of the city. I can't get the CS to install on my pc for some reason, else I'd copy paste it for you. I remember it talked about the foundations being laid.
by Hemitheon
Sat Dec 20, 2014 7:43 pm
Forum: Literature
Topic: Gospel of Saint Veloth (Update Needed)
Replies: 34
Views: 14480

OK. I updated this text a little. I also gave it the title the Gospel of Saint Veloth I. Veloth's story is the longest of all the gospels as he is the most important. So Gospel I in Summerset. Gospel II Trinimac and fighting their way through Valenwood, Anequina, and Cyrodiil and Gospel III the Valu...
by Hemitheon
Tue Dec 09, 2014 7:34 pm
Forum: News
Topic: 14.08 Release
Replies: 7
Views: 7527

Did a fly-thru of the entire western province. FREAKING AWESOME! Well done, TR! All the years of work are definitely paying off. By the end of this project, people will forget about Dagoth and Vvardenfell and immerse themselves in the house politics on the mainland or explore unique landscapes like ...
by Hemitheon
Fri Aug 08, 2014 6:12 pm
Forum: Literature
Topic: Artifact Descriptions
Replies: 14
Views: 5972

Just as a suggestion, one thing you could do is go through the TR items added in Maps 1-3 looking for unique enchanted items. By being the only copy in all of the game, they are essentially artifacts. From memory, I remember the Log that keeps crabs away, Mzulangth's Fire-Wielder or something like t...
by Hemitheon
Thu Jul 24, 2014 7:03 pm
Forum: Literature
Topic: Gospel of Saint Veloth (Update Needed)
Replies: 34
Views: 14480

Made your corrections so far.

Apparently it's very messy. Sorry.
by Hemitheon
Thu Jul 24, 2014 5:36 pm
Forum: Literature
Topic: Gospel of Saint Veloth (Update Needed)
Replies: 34
Views: 14480

The Gospel of Saint Veloth I

The child Veloth sat beneath the ancient duarmathin trees that strove upward towards the luminous cloud of diamond dust stars. The starlight refracted upon the dragonfly wing towers, descending luminously upon the child whose feet did not touch the earth but seemed to hover above the jasper steps. He meditated and played with his aetherium toy blocks, building and unbuilding a spiraling tower, whose pinnacle whirled about like a crystalline flame, a crown of countless spokes which seemed to hum and whisper and sing those words sung only into the ear of Auriel. It seemed a chant, an endless motion of letters and sounds, a poem, a song of the ancestors. Together the endless murmurs of the et'Ada converged and a single voice emanated from the crowned tower: CHIM. The other children in the schoolyard watched the boy with fear, not daring to stare long at the unending motion of the simple blocks, refusing to listen to the unending ring of the sacred word.
The schoolmaster Hilithaen came down the steps of the tower and slapped the child Veloth across the head, unnerved and terrified of what the child had done. “Insolence! Such is your arrogance that would you trifle with the will of the Auriel.â€Â￾ The schoolmaster savaged Veloth with his hard hand whose fingertips had been dipped in fire-powder. “Not I nor the ascended masters of PSJJJJ would do what you have done. You are stained, Veloth! You have committed murder against your own spirit!â€Â￾ Hilithaen called unto the Void and it swallowed the boy up.
Hilithaen looked at the simple blocks, partly with disbelief, partly with fear. They were children’s toys in no way special, but how could this mere boy raise from them a crown of fire fit for Magnus himself? Endless crowns upon crowns, each inch a crown in itself, as fierce as the fires of Red Mountain, but as delicate as the highest snowflake at the Throat of the World. The schoolmaster collected the blocks and dropped them into his satchel, hurrying into the ageless tower.
Yet Veloth, covered in welts from Hilithaen’s cruel hand, singed by the fire emanating from his master’s fingertips, hummed alone in the darkness of his cell. For this was his punishment, to be walled up in an impossibly small box, hovering above the Ash Pit. Hilithaen would commonly punish his students in this way, a fortnight in the most wretched of void realms. Yet even amongst the endless torrents of sulfurous winds, the boy could see heavenly light. He whispered the sacred word CHIM and above him flourished, a crown, thin gossamer strands of starlight. Veloth spoke and inhaled and whispered and cried out the words mysteriously placed in his mouth: AE GHARTOK PADHOME CHIM AE ALTADOON. The starlight strands wrapped about Veloth like a caterpillar taking to its cocoon. The tight iron box eroded into dust and was swept away by the howling winds. Veloth rubbed his burning eyes and beheld a lovely garden appearing as though from an illusion. He smiled and stepped away from his former cell. He gleamed brightly and sat amongst the starflowers and duskblossoms.
"Let me care for you, my son. I have waited for you for some time here in this place. I shall tarry a while that we may speak of the ancestors and the ways before the ways."
From the glistening brush peered a lovely face of golden skin.
Veloth rejoiced to see his mother. He ran to her among the midnight roses and embraced her and rocked in her arms. He sat with her along the side of a stone basin and she tended to his wounds, healing them as though by magic.
She turned to him and said, "I am most proud you, my son. You have a gift indeed. I cannot wait to see you use it."
Veloth questioned her words. "I have no gift to offer, mother. I only have my love for you and our ancestors."
His Mother smiled, "Your gift is love and through it love for your people. They will need you soon, my son."
Veloth ate his fill, undoubtedly to the anger of Hilithaen who would prefer the boy to starve. His mother stroked his hair and covered his precious face in endless kisses.
The Mother stood up and smiled at Veloth. "I must go now, my son. Your time draws nearer and you must return to Alinor." She kissed his forehead, leaving a radiant starmark.
Veloth disheartened, whispered, "Goodbye, my beloved mother. I will see you soon."
The garden began to fade away, like dust in the breeze, the flowers disappeared, the fountain, the trees, the grasses all faded away. Yet Veloth didn't care. He only watched his mother's eyes. As she began to fade, her skin turned the color of moonlight and her eyes like the stars of dawn and dusk.
Veloth cried out, "Mother?!" and fell unconscious.
As he rose into his manhood, Veloth traveled amongst the people and healed them and spoke to them of a time not yet upon the earth: an awakening which he called CHIM, a calling forth from the lands of the golden-skinned. Those who followed in his path were called Chimer, or the tribe of the Awakening, the realization of the true self, the noble soul bound within the dying body. In Silsailen, Veloth came with his ten thousand followers and prophesied and healed the masses. “My people, the ancestors have forgotten us. The lords of the cities have abandoned us and have closed the doors to their children, devoting themselves to secret pledges and secret sins. Phynaster has closed his ears to our pleas for aid. Auriel’s days have grown shorter, swallowed by the darkness of night. We must break from the golden traditions of our people and must turn our hearts from this ancient tyranny.â€Â￾
Though the people cheered and cried out CHIM, the guards of the city came and arrested Veloth, dragging him to the palace of King Nariel. Cast upon the floor, Veloth rose, approached the alabaster throne and bowed before the master of the city. Once filled with the glorious light of the sun, the room had become dim and silent, barely lit with a handful of candles. In those days did rise a tumultuous whisper among the pristine gossamer towers of the Aldmeri. Word of a strange dusk fell over the pristine land. Thus came the days of darkness and silence amidst the lands of the undying.
Lord Nariel, bent forward from his dais and smugly eyed the fledgling wizard. He turned his eyes upward to the endless vaults of his throne room, almost alive with the glitter of jewels and gold and mithril. “So,â€Â￾ the king said, “you think the gods of this world have forsaken the Altmeri, Veloth, student of Hilithaen? Oh I, indeed, know of you. Your former master has spoken well of you and your talents. Though, he never revealed to me that you were such an arrogant infidel.â€Â￾ The King stood up, the golden scales of his armor ringing through the hall. “So you think the gods have forgotten us? Lord Auriel still shines his love upon us.â€Â￾ The King grinned and with a motion of his hand, servants brought in sculptures of living crystal and long candles of daedric wax. The statues glittered and became alive in the dim candlelight. “You see, traitor! Auriel’s power is always with us. Perhaps, it is you who can no longer see?â€Â￾ The King walked around Veloth and studied the puny man who lay bound upon the floor. “The Lessons of Phynaster are alive and well, Veloth. Our people have grown stronger ever more because of his teachings. My people and I keep Phynaster close to our hearts.â€Â￾ The King lowered his hands to Veloth’s face, allowing him to see a ruby band about his finger. “In my youth, I was cursed with wither, an illness that drained the life from me. My father ordered his men to find Lord Phynaster that he might have cured me. But Phynaster was already dead. All that was left was his ring. Through it, Phynaster granted me and my children long life and good health.â€Â￾ Nariel sat down on his throne, impatient but not knowing what to say.
Veloth stood up, bound and battered and proudly spoke to the king, “Where is Auriel’s gift in candles, Lord Nariel? Where are the honeyed rose beams of first morning? You have sealed Auriel out of this palace, only to profess a charlatan’s trick to be divine. And what good is Phynaster to the people beyond these walls? What good is his healing and health when you hoard his band away from the masses? Your people are sick and dying, yet you close up and lock the doors.â€Â￾
Lord Nariel, outraged and spurned took his body guard’s spear and thrust it at Veloth. He screamed out, “You know nothing, whelp! You think that gods would deign present their majesty to you? You dare speak false mysteries when your heart is as dim as your mind?â€Â￾
Veloth stood fast and firm, in deep reverence of the king of that city whose soul was embittered with melancholy and the shadows of oblivion. Nariel stared back, his head leaning forward like a snake, looking for a single flinch. When he could not scare Veloth, Nariel turned to his body guards and ordered them thus, “Take Veloth to the Prison at Vulkhel and there bind his tongue!â€Â￾ Though Veloth was stripped and carted through Silsailen like a criminal, yet he meditated upon the golden word CHIM.
Veloth’s followers gathered in the caverns near Valanth, a small village willing to hear their message of an awakening.
It was in this time, that a great darkness overshadowed the land. From Alinor to Cloudrest, a great shadow fell over the earth, blotting from the sky the brilliant sun. Agamelian, the famed master of the magical arts, called forth the greatest mystics and wizards of Summerset to this place called Amulunë, the shadowed hills, for this silent and unmoving blackness pervaded all. When nothing could be done, Hilithaen, Master of the Schools of Theurgy, and Mendas, the magical lord of Shimmerene gathered at Rosefield to examine and witness that which could not be sundered. The trees and plants had withered and the cities were darkened. And no matter what light they cast, it remained dreary and lifeless. Great Hilithaen spoke to Agamelian thus, “Master, there is naught in my power which can impress light in this place of darkness. A master is often stronger than his student, but I know of only one who could break this blight upon the land.â€Â￾
Agamelian, looked upon him to discern the truth in his heart. “You mean the student Veloth, who abandoned his schooling? What does he have that we don’t have? We are masters of this craft. He is a neophyte at most. He can do nothing against this.â€Â￾ Hilithaen looked disheartened. Agamelian put his hand on Hilithaen’s shoulder and spoke, “You must let go of this one who was unworthy of your training, my friend.â€Â￾
Hilithaen began to remember the feats of magic Veloth would fashion from air, an eternity of gleaming crowns and this CHIM which seemed to emanate from the nothingness. He turned to his students and bade them summon Veloth from wherever he was across the lands of the Altmer. In time, they found their way to the small village of Valanth and found Veloth’s followers, meditating upon CHIM, emanating light from the breaths of their words.
The servant called out, “Where is Veloth, the lost student of Hilithaen? Where is he the student who is now the master?â€Â￾
The followers of Veloth did not move, but through their prayers and orisons rose a single voice which fell on the servant’s ear: “Travel south to Vulkhen and there bound and gagged is our master and prophet, for the gods have dipped his tongue in gold.â€Â￾
The servant, in awe of the power of this mighty people, fell backwards as he run back towards the road. The road to Vulkhen was filled with barriers, for the high kings had sealed this land away from the followers of Veloth and CHIM.
As the servant approached the great towers of Vulkhen Prison, he lifted his staff and cried out, “Ward of Vulkhen, Master Agamelian bids you well! I have come for he who is a prophet among the masses. Bring forth the mystic Veloth!â€Â￾
The ward of the prison looked down smugly and commanded his men to open the gates and let Veloth out, still gagged with an iron piece.
The Ward, laughed and called out over the walls, “Here is he whom you seek. Master Agamelian has grown soft to welcome back to his fold him who is so mad as to forsake the ancient gods.â€Â￾
The servant unlocked the mouthpiece and freed Veloth’s voice. Weak, Veloth fell down among the servant who dragged him to a cart and carried him to Rosefield.
When Veloth woke, his eyes fixed upon his former master, Lord Hilithaen. “You have fallen very low indeed Veloth. You blaspheme the divine. You insult the high kings. Where have your eyes gone? Where is your mind that you let it loose to fancies and fog?â€Â￾ He stared at Veloth in disappointed. “Though you are needed now, Veloth, though your destiny is at hand, I cannot say I am proud of this yoke that you have embraced so candidly.â€Â￾
Veloth stood up from the cot and rose, looking past Hilithaen’s shoulders to the blackness that swallowed even the sunlight. “What is this, Hilithaen? What malice has set such a blackness upon the green fields and hills of Summerset?â€Â￾
Hilithaen looked on in fear and doubt. “Not even Agamelian has riddled this thing.â€Â￾
Veloth, closed his eyes as the darkness slowly slithered across the land, inch by inch it enveloped the foot of the camp. Veloth’s eyes were filled with images and smells and sounds and touches. He focused through them all and came once again to that eternal word, “CHIM!â€Â￾
The darkness blew back like smoke and fog. Veloth lifted his hands before the mass and sung out, “CHIM!â€Â￾ The blackness drew back swiftly. As it withdrew, Veloth could hears cackles and moans and soured sighs. He could see the collar of a purple suit, red eyes like fire and iron, and corpses hanging from bizarre landscapes. He felt the coarse iron walls and the heat of lava and smoke. Veloth cried out once more and the blackness lifted from the land. As the masters rejoiced, Veloth walked solemnly past them and stared out across the vale to the façade of an scorching iron palace. Upon his breath, he whispered, “It is the House of Troubles.â€Â￾
The hideous building was wild and ungeometric. It spoke of hideous truths and secret mysteries buried in sharp claws and horns. It whispered jealousies, madnesses, resentments, and blasphemies.
The Mages Hilithaen and Agamelian rose up from the earth and hovered towards the ancient citadel of pain. Veloth, however, stood back and contemplated on the light and the darkness. The house seemed to draw them all in, each master of the art was drawn from the hillside towards the unholy cube. It called to them in a song of vanity and arrogance, calling all who would listen to its terrifying threshold. With a sudden sharp pain, Veloth was shown the destiny of all those who approached. The great doors of the House of Trouble gaped wide and from the darkness shot forth spikes and chains. One by one, the mages were pierced through, blood running down their robes and anointing the land with death. Hilithaen called out to Veloth as he was pierced, demanding that he flee.
Veloth stood in shock and wept loudly at the death of his master, but he could not flee from the evil before him.
A unified voice came from the threshold, slithering along the bloodied earth to meet the ears of Veloth, "We have slain them for you, Veloth. We have given you the highest seat in the land. Come to us and we shall rejoice in your name, higher even than Auri-El."
Veloth's mind was filled once again with tastes of bittered wine and rotted meat, of the scent of old ash and of many fires, of bile and puss. He felt the sharp cuttings of the harrada, the cackles of the Asyla, and the rancid sludge of the Coldharbour. Veloth became nauseous and groaned as he felt the spikes of strange flora cut into him. In less than a second his eyes were filled with visions of moon-drenched shores and labyrinthine gardens, and fields of flowers. Veloth seemed to lift from the ground beneath him and rise up into the air, enveloped by the sheer pleasure of this vision. As his eyes fell shut, he felt his body move forward and yet away.
When he opened his eyes, he knelt before the thrones of Azura, Boethia, and Mephala. He stood up and looked about him, for the four of them were upon a mountain-top overlooking a vast green land.
Veloth bowed before them and called out to them, "Glorious Ladies of Oblivion, I am humbled by your calling."
Azura, smiled softly and spoke gently, "Pious Veloth, we have seen the dreaded three-sided house come among the Altmer."
Boethiah, walked passed Veloth, "We have seen within your heart an earnest desire to bring war upon the Ill Daedra."
Mephala, smiled understandingly, "Do not doubt yourself, Veloth, for none but the gods may repel the desires of the Three-Sided House."
The three Ladies peered into Veloth's mind and spoke without words, There is little time. You must take those who will flee and journey eastward across Tamriel. Do not stop until you have reached the end of the world. The House of Troubles have come to prevent your destiny, to hinder the Great Work. Lead the exodus and the Lords of Trouble will follow you. This is not the place nor the time to combat the Three-Sided House."
Mephala walked to Azura's side and spoke, "No ships are prepared for you, Veloth. Simply walk in faith upon the water and dry earth will rise up to meet you. So will it be with all those whose faith is pure. Know, Veloth that for those whose faiths dwell in shaky hearts will find naught but the hungry sea beneath their feet."
Boethiah stepped away from Veloth, joining the two daedra and spoke, "Great Visionary, understand that while you lead these people to abundance and freedom, your journey will be hard and often hindered, for the world is peopled with many peoples."
Visions and prophecies flashed into Veloth's mind once again, images of the future close at hand. Veloth watched a strange wooded shrine, splashed in blood, the banging of drums loud in his ears. He saw White Towers spewing smoke out into the wide sky, bellowing with necromancy and ritual. Strange beastfolk collared and chained, dragged across the desert. And beyond a great mountain land sprawling in fields and forests.
Mephala, taking Veloth by the hand, guided him to the balconies. Together, they overlooked the alien landscape. "Look as far as yours eye may allow, Veloth. This is the destined realm. It has been made for you and those who follow you since the beginning of time. Simply arrive at its great gates and it will proclaim you master."
Azura and Boethia approached the two. "We shall guide you across Tamriel to the sacred lands promised. But, you must go now."
Veloth looked to the goddesses in disbelief, fearing the wide world beyond Summerset. "I shall abide, great goddesses, for you know my heart relies upon only you and your words. I shall turn my face from the horrors of these shadowed hills and I shall walk past the bodies of my beloved mentors."
Azura looked with such intense mercy, "It is time for the student to now be the teacher. The world must hear your message, Veloth. Teach them and guide them."
Veloth took up his wooden stick and bowed low, walking backwards. As he turned away from their shimmering faces, his heart grew heavy. He looked back to the three goddesses standing there in perfection like living statues. "What of me, Your Graces?"
Azura's hopeful smile turned. Boethiah's stern pride wavered. Mephala's stoicism softened. Boethiah and Mephala turned to Azura. Azura gathered her strength and spoke into Veloth's mind. "As for you, dear Veloth, your journey will never end, even after you have crossed Nirn and the Planes That Are countless times. There is no rest for you, Veloth. There is only the road. Do not think this some cruel joke of the divine. Do not think this some punishment for deeds unremembered. You are on a separate path, separate from not only your followers, but all of this plane, for each step you take brings you closer to Destiny. The world holds its bated breath in anticipation for what is to come."
Azura reached down and kisses Veloth upon his lips; his body transformed into a cascade of falling dusk lilies, whose purple petals showered to the earth below. Veloth opened his eyes and beheld the bleak fortress of iron and agonies. He turned his gaze away towards the rising sun and the dying twilight. He gathered his strength and his will and walked humbly away from the open challenge of the Lords of Troubles. He took to the small port at Lamiela and boarded a long ship destined for the isle of Auridon. As the sun rose steadily into the sky, amid a choir of clouds and dying starlight, Veloth beheld his followers singing and dancing along the shores, whirling as mystics do for they were made aware of the prophecy of the three Daedra. Mephala had been among them.
Veloth descended from the long ship and called out to his followers, “Are you prepared, my brothers and sisters, for the journey before us is long and the way dangerous? Many will fall along the roadside and many will perish before the sacred land is found. Our souls wait with bated breath, anticipating the destined new order. Gather what things you need and let us depart. The islands of Summerset have soured and the endless favor upon the Altmer has come upon its end. Let must go forth a new race, a new people with a new name. CHIMERI, I call unto you. Do you harken unto me?â€Â￾
The crowds cried out in abandon for the coming glory filled their eyes with wonders brighter than the celestial bodies. Veloth took up his staff and moved through his followers; the Chimeri gathered and followed him.

by Hemitheon
Thu Jul 24, 2014 5:32 pm
Forum: Literature
Topic: Gospel of Saint Veloth (Update Needed)
Replies: 34
Views: 14480

I think where it ends here is good. Right now Im a full time lecturer and don't have a lot of time. BUT it is at a place where it can end. The full work would be HUGE. Life in Summerset, the Exodus into the land of the Bosmer, Trinimac, the Ayleids, the arrival at the Valus and crossing over, the Dw...
by Hemitheon
Fri Jun 27, 2014 2:01 am
Forum: Literature
Topic: Gospel of Saint Veloth (Update Needed)
Replies: 34
Views: 14480

The Mages Hilithaen and Agamelian rose up from the earth and hovered towards the ancient citadel of pain. Veloth, however, stood back and contemplated on the light and the darkness. The house seemed to draw them all in, each master of the art was drawn from the hillside towards the unholy cube. It c...
by Hemitheon
Fri Apr 25, 2014 3:47 pm
Forum: Literature
Topic: Gospel of Saint Veloth (Update Needed)
Replies: 34
Views: 14480

Another idea: Having all three out there as texts. Multiple gospels regarding Veloth, thereby keeping all three.
by Hemitheon
Fri Apr 25, 2014 5:46 am
Forum: Literature
Topic: Gospel of Saint Veloth (Update Needed)
Replies: 34
Views: 14480

All of Rats sections can easily be added. In this story, Veloth learns of CHIM, defeats the House of Troubles using the Good Daedra and leads an exodus. THEN we have the Rats' section, including what life is like for the Chimer as they cross over Tamriel. Hindered by the Bosmer, Ayleids, and Trinima...
by Hemitheon
Thu Apr 24, 2014 7:14 pm
Forum: Literature
Topic: Gospel of Saint Veloth (Update Needed)
Replies: 34
Views: 14480

Was visiting TR and forgot about this. If not claimed, I will finish it. I never added this part. Review.

As he rose into his manhood, Veloth traveled amongst the people and healed them and spoke to them of a time not yet upon the earth: an awakening which he called CHIM, a calling forth from the lands of the golden-skinned. Those who followed in his path were called Chimer, or the tribe of the Awakening, the realization of the true self, the noble soul bound within the dying body. In Silsailen, Veloth came with his ten thousand followers and prophesied and healed the masses. “My people, the ancestors have forgotten us. The lords of the cities have abandoned us and have closed the doors to their children, devoting themselves to secret pledges and secret sins. Phynaster has closed his ears to our pleas for aid. Auriel’s days have grown shorter, swallowed by the darkness of night. We must break from the golden traditions of our people and must turn our hearts from this ancient tyranny.â€Â￾
Though the people cheered and cried out CHIM, the guards of the city came and arrested Veloth, dragging him to the palace of King Nariel. Cast upon the floor, Veloth rose, approached the alabaster throne and bowed before the master of the city. Once filled with the glorious light of the sun, the room had become dim and silent, barely lit with a handful of candles. In those days did rise a tumultuous whisper among the pristine gossamer towers of the Aldmeri. Word of a strange dusk fell over the pristine land. Thus came the days of darkness and silence amidst the lands of the undying.
Lord Nariel, bent forward from his dais and smugly eyed the fledgling wizard. He turned his eyes upward to the endless vaults of his throne room, almost alive with the glitter of jewels and gold and mithril. “So,â€Â￾ the king said, “you think the gods of this world have forsaken the Altmeri, Veloth, student of Hilithaen? Oh I, indeed, know of you. Your former master has spoken well of you and your talents. Though, he never revealed to me that you were such an arrogant infidel.â€Â￾ The King stood up, the golden scales of his armor ringing through the hall. “So you think the gods have forgotten us? Lord Auriel still shines his love upon us.â€Â￾ The King grinned and with a motion of his hand, servants brought in sculptures of living crystal and long candles of daedric wax. The statues glittered and became alive in the dim candlelight. “You see, traitor! Auriel’s power is always with us. Perhaps, it is you who can no longer see?â€Â￾ The King walked around Veloth and studied the puny man who lay bound upon the floor. “The Lessons of Phynaster are alive and well, Veloth. Our people have grown stronger ever more because of his teachings. My people and I keep Phynaster close to our hearts.â€Â￾ The King lowered his hands to Veloth’s face, allowing him to see a ruby band about his finger. “In my youth, I was cursed with wither, an illness that drained the life from me. My father ordered his men to find Lord Phynaster that he might have cured me. But Phynaster was already dead. All that was left was his ring. Through it, Phynaster granted me and my children long life and good health.â€Â￾ Nariel sat down on his throne, impatient but not knowing what to say.
Veloth stood up, bound and battered and proudly spoke to the king, “Where is Auriel’s gift in candles, Lord Nariel? Where are the honeyed rose beams of first morning? You have sealed Auriel out of this palace, only to profess a charlatan’s trick to be divine. And what good is Phynaster to the people beyond these walls? What good is his healing and health when you hoard his band away from the masses? Your people are sick and dying, yet you close up and lock the doors.â€Â￾
Lord Nariel, outraged and spurned took his body guard’s spear and thrust it at Veloth. He screamed out, “You know nothing, whelp! You think that gods would deign present their majesty to you? You dare speak false mysteries when your heart is as dim as your mind?â€Â￾
Veloth stood fast and firm, in deep reverence of the king of that city whose soul was embittered with melancholy and the shadows of oblivion. Nariel stared back, his head leaning forward like a snake, looking for a single flinch. When he could not scare Veloth, Nariel turned to his body guards and ordered them thus, “Take Veloth to the Prison at Vulkhel and there bind his tongue!â€Â￾ Though Veloth was stripped and carted through Silsailen like a criminal, yet he meditated upon the golden word CHIM.
Veloth’s followers gathered in the caverns near Valanth, a small village willing to hear their message of an awakening.
It was in this time, that a great darkness overshadowed the land. From Alinor to Cloudrest, a great shadow fell over the earth, blotting from the sky the brilliant sun. Agamelian, the famed master of the magical arts, called forth the greatest mystics and wizards of Summerset to this place called Amulunë, the shadowed hills, for this silent and unmoving blackness pervaded all. When nothing could be done, Hilithaen, Master of the Schools of Theurgy, and Mendas, the magical lord of Shimmerene gathered at Rosefield to examine and witness that which could not be sundered. The trees and plants had withered and the cities were darkened. And no matter what light they cast, it remained dreary and lifeless. Great Hilithaen spoke to Agamelian thus, “Master, there is naught in my power which can impress light in this place of darkness. A master is often stronger than his student, but I know of only one who could break this blight upon the land.â€Â￾
Agamelian, looked upon him to discern the truth in his heart. “You mean the student Veloth, who abandoned his schooling? What does he have that we don’t have? We are masters of this craft. He is a neophyte at most. He can do nothing against this.â€Â￾ Hilithaen looked disheartened. Agamelian put his hand on Hilithaen’s shoulder and spoke, “You must let go of this one who was unworthy of your training, my friend.â€Â￾
Hilithaen began to remember the feats of magic Veloth would fashion from air, an eternity of gleaming crowns and this CHIM which seemed to emanate from the nothingness. He turned to his students and bade them summon Veloth from wherever he was across the lands of the Altmer. In time, they found their way to the small village of Valanth and found Veloth’s followers, meditating upon CHIM, emanating light from the breaths of their words.
The servant called out, “Where is Veloth, the lost student of Hilithaen? Where is he the student who is now the master?â€Â￾
The followers of Veloth did not move, but through their prayers and orisons rose a single voice which fell on the servant’s ear: “Travel south to Vulkhen and there bound and gagged is our master and prophet, for the gods have dipped his tongue in gold.â€Â￾
The servant, in awe of the power of this mighty people, fell backwards as he run back towards the road. The road to Vulkhen was filled with barriers, for the high kings had sealed this land away from the followers of Veloth and CHIM.
As the servant approached the great towers of Vulkhen Prison, he lifted his staff and cried out, “Ward of Vulkhen, Master Agamelian bids you well! I have come for he who is a prophet among the masses. Bring forth the mystic Veloth!â€Â￾
The ward of the prison looked down smugly and commanded his men to open the gates and let Veloth out, still gagged with an iron piece.
The Ward, laughed and called out over the walls, “Here is he whom you seek. Master Agamelian has grown soft to welcome back to his fold him who is so mad as to forsake the ancient gods.â€Â￾
The servant unlocked the mouthpiece and freed Veloth’s voice. Weak, Veloth fell down among the servant who dragged him to a cart and carried him to Rosefield.
When Veloth woke, his eyes fixed upon his former master, Lord Hilithaen. “You have fallen very low indeed Veloth. You blaspheme the divine. You insult the high kings. Where have your eyes gone? Where is your mind that you let it loose to fancies and fog?â€Â￾ He stared at Veloth in disappointed. “Though you are needed now, Veloth, though your destiny is at hand, I cannot say I am proud of this yoke that you have embraced so candidly.â€Â￾
Veloth stood up from the cot and rose, looking past Hilithaen’s shoulders to the blackness that swallowed even the sunlight. “What is this, Hilithaen? What malice has set such a blackness upon the green fields and hills of Summerset?â€Â￾
Hilithaen looked on in fear and doubt. “Not even Agamelian has riddled this thing.â€Â￾
Veloth, closed his eyes as the darkness slowly slithered across the land, inch by inch it enveloped the foot of the camp. Veloth’s eyes were filled with images and smells and sounds and touches. He focused through them all and came once again to that eternal word, “CHIM!â€Â￾
The darkness blew back like smoke and fog. Veloth lifted his hands before the mass and sung out, “CHIM!â€Â￾ The blackness drew back swiftly. As it withdrew, Veloth could hears cackles and moans and soured sighs. He could see the collar of a purple suit, red eyes like fire and iron, and corpses hanging from bizarre landscapes. He felt the coarse iron walls and the heat of lava and smoke. Veloth cried out once more and the blackness lifted from the land. As the masters rejoiced, Veloth walked solemnly past them and stared out across the vale to the façade of an scorching iron palace. Upon his breath, he whispered, “It is the House of Troubles.â€Â￾
The hideous building was wild and ungeometric. It spoke of hideous truths and secret mysteries buried in sharp claws and horns. It whispered jealousies, madnesses, resentments, and blasphemies.
by Hemitheon
Tue Sep 04, 2012 8:53 pm
Forum: Literature
Topic: Gospel of Saint Veloth (Update Needed)
Replies: 34
Views: 14480

The child Veloth sat beneath the ancient duarmathin trees that strive upward towards the luminous cloud of diamond dust stars. The starlight refracted upon the dragonfly wing towers, descending luminously upon the child whose feet did not touch the earth, but seemed to hover above the jasper steps. He meditated and played with his aetherium toy blocks, building and unbuilding a spiraling tower, whose pinnacle whirled about like a crystalline flame, a crown of countless spokes which seemed to hum and whisper and sing those words sung only into the ear of Auriel. It seemed a chant, an endless motion of letters and sounds, a poem, a song of the ancestors. Together the endless murmurs of the et'Ada converged and a single voice emanated from the crowned tower: CHIM. The other children in the schoolyard watched the boy with fear, not daring to stare long at the unending motion of the simple blocks, refusing to listen to the unending ring of the sacred word.
The schoolmaster Hilithaen came down the steps of the tower and slapped the child Veloth across the head, unnerved and terrified of what the child had done. “Insolence! Such arrogance that would you trifle with the will of the Auriel.â€Â￾ The schoolmaster savaged Veloth with his hard hand whose fingertips had been dipped in fire-powder. “Not I nor the ascended masters of PSJJJJ would do what you have done. You are stained, Veloth! You have committed murder against your own spirit!â€Â￾ Hilithaen called unto the Void and it swallowed the boy up.
Hilithaen looked at the simple blocks, partly with disbelief, partly with fear. They were children’s toys in no way special, but how could this mere boy raise from them a crown of fire fit for Magnus himself? endless crowns upon crowns, each inch a crown in itself, as fierce as a fires of Red Mountain, but as delicate as a highest snowflake at the Throat of the World. The schoolmaster collected the blocks and dropped them into his satchel, hurrying into the ageless tower.
Yet Veloth, covered in welts from Hilithaen’s cruel hand, singed by the fire emanating from his master’s fingertips, hummed alone in the darkness of his cell. For this was his punishment, to be walled up in an impossibly small box, hovering above the Ash Pit. Hilithaen would commonly punish his students in this way, a fortnight in the most wretched of void realms. Yet even amongst the endless torrents of sulfurous winds, the boy could see heavenly light. He whispered the sacred word CHIM and above him flourished, a crown, thin gossamer strands of starlight. Veloth spoke and inhaled and whispered and cried out the words mysteriously placed in his mouth: AE GHARTOK PADHOME CHIM AE ALTADOON. The starlight strands wrapped about Veloth as a caterpillar takes to its cocoon. The tight iron box eroded into dust and was swept away by the howling winds. Veloth rubbed his burning eyes and beheld a lovely garden appearing as though from an illusion. He smiled and stepped away from his former cell. He gleamed brightly and sat amongst the starflowers and duskblossoms.
"Let me care for you, my son. I have waited for you for some time here in this place. I shall tarry a while that we may speak of the ancestors and the ways before the ways."
From the glistening brush peered a lovely face of golden skin.
Veloth rejoiced to see his mother. He ran to her among the midnight roses and embraced her and rocked in her arms. He sat with her along the side of a stone basin and she tended to his wounds, healing them as though my magic.
She turned to him and said, "I am most proud you, my son. You have a gift indeed. I cannot wait to see you use it."
Veloth questioned her words. "I have no gift to offer mother. I only have my love for you and our ancestors."
His Mother smiled, "Your gift is love and through it, love for your people. They will need you soon, my son."
Veloth ate his fill, undoubtedly to the anger of Hilithaen who would prefer the boy to starve. His mother stroke his hair and covered his precious face in endless kisses.
The Mother stood up and smiled at Veloth. "I must go now, my son. Your time draws nearer and you must return to Alinor." She kissed his forhead, leaving a radiant starmark.
Veloth disheartened, whispered, "Goodbye, my beloved mother. I will see you soon."
The garden began to fade away, like dust in the breeze, the flowers disappeared, the fountain, the trees, the grasses all faded away. Yet Veloth didn't care. He only watched his mother's eyes. As she began to fade, her skin turned the color of moonlight and her eyes like the stars of dawn and dusk.
Veloth cried out, "Mother?!" and fell unconscious.

Veloth will come into contact with Azura (above) as his mother. Boethiah as his father. Mephala as his grandmother. Afterwards, Veloth will have the strength to leave Summerset. Just an idea. Tell me what you think. At the very least, maybe it can be spliced with other writings.
by Hemitheon
Mon Apr 23, 2012 7:22 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: (Obsolete) Almalexia Discussion [Formerly M3A6 thread]
Replies: 470
Views: 94582

Hi all. yes I check in on every so often. The building the Gargonath house is based on is that octagonal shaped 2-story building, Indoril style. It also had a couple balconies if I can recall. BTW, great job all! :)
by Hemitheon
Fri Jan 14, 2011 8:54 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: TES V: Skyrim announced
Replies: 196
Views: 40839

The Seven Fights of The Aldudagga really explains that ancient wall of prophecy. I think its cool on the left side you can see Akhulakhan.
by Hemitheon
Wed Jan 12, 2011 6:21 pm
Forum: Literature
Topic: Gospel of Saint Rilms [Added]
Replies: 7
Views: 1836

Finished. (Forgot to finish this a long while ago)
by Hemitheon
Sun Feb 07, 2010 7:56 pm
Forum: Interiors: Finished
Topic: i3-470-Ind
Replies: 129
Views: 18674

Hold on. I have only had 2 reviews on this interior. How does that translate to 3? If you are trying to say that that first message you sent to me about removing the Temple marker was a review then that is total BS. And really there should be a rule about reviewers claiming a claim after being revok...
by Hemitheon
Sat Feb 06, 2010 7:39 am
Forum: Interiors: Finished
Topic: i2-70-Tri
Replies: 68
Views: 7085

Anyone have any suggestions for what to put in this museum?
by Hemitheon
Fri Feb 05, 2010 11:10 pm
Forum: Interiors: Finished
Topic: i3-470-Ind
Replies: 129
Views: 18674

Done. Ready for another round of reviewing.
by Hemitheon
Fri Feb 05, 2010 10:16 pm
Forum: Interiors: Finished
Topic: i3-470-Ind
Replies: 129
Views: 18674

Well I mean its not my final decision if the conservatory stays or goes, its the cores. So if the reviewer says its 'your choice' then he's talking to Core (decider) as well as to me (doer).
by Hemitheon
Fri Feb 05, 2010 6:20 pm
Forum: Interiors: Finished
Topic: i3-470-Ind
Replies: 129
Views: 18674

Ok. Ill finish making the corrections.

I assumed 'you' translates to TR core.
by Hemitheon
Fri Feb 05, 2010 7:10 am
Forum: Interiors: Finished
Topic: i3-470-Ind
Replies: 129
Views: 18674

Ok Im almost done but need to know about a few things. What do I do about the following: 1. Shrines in the Barracks. Static shrine pylons on stands with lights and offerings. They're everywhere in TR but its disputed in the review so Im doublechecking. They seem alright to me. 2. Using furn_firepit0...
by Hemitheon
Fri Feb 05, 2010 5:18 am
Forum: Interiors: Finished
Topic: i6-109-Hla
Replies: 34
Views: 3110

Fixed again. I removed the grotto entirely. Also I have no clue what 2.0 objects are in the house's basement. The largest enlarged object was 1.22
by Hemitheon
Wed Feb 03, 2010 6:28 pm
Forum: Interiors: Finished
Topic: i2-427-Tri
Replies: 19
Views: 2233

Finished. I fixed the book but you may double check it
by Hemitheon
Wed Feb 03, 2010 5:50 pm
Forum: Literature
Topic: Writing Request/Review Thread for Claims
Replies: 203
Views: 85224

(in case you hadnt noticed I fixed that already)

I'll change the battle name because I kinda thought that too

And arent the Tribunal called Vehk, Seht, and Ayem by the people?
by Hemitheon
Tue Feb 02, 2010 11:46 pm
Forum: Literature
Topic: Writing Request/Review Thread for Claims
Replies: 203
Views: 85224

Could someone check over this for me? <DIV ALIGN="CENTER"><FONT COLOR="000000" SIZE="3" FACE="Magic Cards"><BR> The Second Book of Lamentations<BR> <BR><BR> <DIV ALIGN="LEFT"><BR><BR> The Battle of Asuilda-Evor<BR> <BR> On the fourth day of Sun's Hei...
by Hemitheon
Wed Jan 27, 2010 6:35 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: King Orgnum
Replies: 4
Views: 1201

King Orgnum is Pyandonean isnt he? a Maormer
by Hemitheon
Wed Jan 27, 2010 6:33 pm
Forum: Interiors: Finished
Topic: i2-427-Tri
Replies: 19
Views: 2233

ok cool.
by Hemitheon
Wed Jan 27, 2010 6:00 am
Forum: Interiors: Finished
Topic: i2-427-Tri
Replies: 19
Views: 2233

Claiming. This claim will have ash pits for those who died in Kragenmoor and Black Gate and perhaps a couple of tombs for dead nobles or military leaders.
by Hemitheon
Wed Jan 27, 2010 5:57 am
Forum: Interiors: Finished
Topic: i2-70-Tri
Replies: 68
Views: 7085

I have loved the character of Alandro Sul since forever so Ive love to create a shrine to him. Perhaps he will be portrayed as a martyr for the Tribunal. He defended them until his death instead of just being Nerevar's shield-bearer.
by Hemitheon
Wed Jan 27, 2010 5:53 am
Forum: Interiors: Finished
Topic: i2-70-Tri
Replies: 68
Views: 7085

Ill claim these my old ones but I dont think I will be claiming any new ones.
by Hemitheon
Tue Jan 26, 2010 7:38 pm
Forum: Archives
Topic: Just returned from Vacation
Replies: 2
Views: 463

Just returned from Vacation

I just returned from a rather long trip west. Since school is started I wont have as much time for TR--this is my graduation year so I have to finish my thesis and defend. Concerning my interiors: I will fix my interiors in review as they arent many but I dont think I will be claiming any new ones u...
by Hemitheon
Tue Dec 22, 2009 10:38 pm
Forum: Interiors: Finished
Topic: i2-414-Tri
Replies: 16
Views: 1547

by Hemitheon
Tue Dec 22, 2009 9:17 pm
Forum: Interiors: Finished
Topic: i2-413-Tri
Replies: 22
Views: 1551

I did use it.