What's your name?

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What's your name?

Post by Arcadea »

Whats your name why do you have it?

Mine comes from the Kingdom of Arcadea. It's in a book series I've been writing for the past 6 years. When I first came to TR I tried to create it and asked for a 100 claim cell. lol it wasn't granted of course. I then went and worked on BOT.
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Post by Phaen »

Mine comes from the one I used on the official ES forums.
I got that one from a site that randomly generates fantasy names, as I couldn't think of one by myself :P
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Post by Graff »

Mine comes from Graffika, a poetry/art/writing pseudonym I once used. I'm actually Graffika on ESF.

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Post by viKING »

I gues I have my name since I'm from norway... I have the same name on the TES forums too.
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Post by Vyvara Araneae »

This is the name of my "main" character in Morrowind. The first name is completely of my own invention. However, the surname is Latin meaning "spider." :)

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Post by storm_crow »

Strom-Crow is one of the many names given to Gandalf the grey, in the Lord of the Rings trilogy (in the books that is). I don't quite remember who calls him like that, I believe it was someone from Rohan...or was it in Minas Tirith? Anyways, I always use Storm-Crow as a user name.
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Post by Uldar »

Mine is a mix up of my real name: Uldar = Darryl, Gerzae = Saegert. Just switched them around and messed with the spelling while keeping (somewhat) the pronunciation.

I made it way back in the Daggerfall days as the name of one of my characters, a Bosmer Bard - the only one I played through the entire MQ with.

My ESF name has a better story behind it. There, my screen name is Mahn'sha, an alteration of the word mancha.

Mancha is from the Ringo Star movie 'Cavemen', it is the word they use for the dinosaurs (monster). Originally, the roommates and I were going to name one of our cats Mancha, but opted to go with Dyngleberry instead (she's a calico with a dark patch of fur directly below her *). I later named my Khajiit Burglar Mahn'sha after her.

When I joined the ESF I tried to use my screen name from here (yes I joined TR before the ESF) but something got screwed up with my password and subsequent attempts to use Uldar Gerzae ended with a message saying that someone already had that name.

OK so maybe it wasn't that good of a story. I guess what it needs is a...

I have decided to change my name to Art, that way everything I do will be a work of Art!

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Post by Timito »

My name is my first name: Tim plus "ito"
It started out as joke at first, I couldn't think of a name for msn. "ITO" is the lowest grade of high school education over here, and since I have a friend at ITO it look funny to put ITO behind my name: Timito. I liked it and just kept it, I know it's a stupid story...
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Post by Massalinie »

Massalinie Malen - I stole it off a character in morrowind only I changed the list name.
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Post by LordGothren »

LordGothren= name of telvanni archmagister. i always thought he was cool.
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Post by Arthmodeus »

Mine is derived from the name Asmodeus.
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Post by Sniper4 »

I made this somewhat genertic screenname up when I needed a name to go by while playing Delta Force 2. That was about.... 6 years ago :P. I use it everywhere I go.....on the internet that is :P.
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Post by Haplo »

...mine is from the Death Gate Cycle series, by Margaret Weis. The main character in there is named Haplo. I sometimes add a last name (Bartow) to it(ES Forums, elsewhere), and I made it up...Then a couple months ago I was watching my news and saw that there is actually a county in Georgia called Bartow County...I was like...whoa...
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Fear the Fish?

Post by Abramul »

Mine is a contraction of Abrasive Mullet...at the time, I didn't know of the haircut, just the fish. Somehow, it seems to be available everywhere I've tried it.

For FPSs, I go by PsychoKitten...for what is crazier than a cat with explosive weapons?
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Post by Negrodomous »

A Long Time Ago In A Galaxy Far Far Away...

I watch a lot of chapelles show, dave chapelle is hilarious. paul mooney played negrodomous in an episode, making fun of Nostrodomous. it was awesome. i used it for the first time on this forum, the first forum i ever joined... then i was stuck with it, i figured ppl wouldent know who i was, and stuff, so i kept it, it kinda fits me... even though im white :p
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Post by PaulShin »

Shinobi is simply japaneese word for ninja. And in fact I got idea for that name while reading "Naruto" manga :)
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Post by Feored »

Somehow "Feared" entered my brain but did sound too dumb to me so I started changing vocals.
Maybe I even got some subconcious inspiration from LOTR: Theodred, Eomer...
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Post by lac »

mine is easy. it comes from my name László->Laci->lac... some of my friends calls me lac, so i thought that i could use it as a nick in the forums, chat, messenger, etc. not the greatest idea, but it's good enough for me :)
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Post by Indoril »

Indoril (I hope you all know what that comes from or I'll :cry: ).

I chose it because I'm a fanatical dark elvin crusader who will kill you for no better reason then to dance on your grave in leud, obscene, and distrubing manners and then sing and yodel until your carcass dies a second death. :lol:

No, actually, it was just a cool name.
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Post by wishmaster »

ARGH! I don't want my name Wishmaster! :roll

Wishmaster - Nightwish - Wishmaster

I'm a little nightwish fan.

I WANT TO BE NAMED Elilard, Roderick, Zaran or Taron! (characters in my (not finished) book)
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Post by Eraser »

My name originated back in the days of the original Quake 1. I used it for playing deathmatches, it then filtered down into what i use as a name for everything online.
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Post by Avarr »

Lol i came across my name looking at names from mythology and i came across Avarr, but its been so long that i can't remember what culture it was from. Anyway, i had chosen this name for Utopia, an online medieval fantasy game i play :). I have kept it ever since and it fits into most games i play :D
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Post by GangstaPenguinz »

I am a penguin freak, all the names of my charachters in Diablo II had penguin in them (Gangstapenguinz, penguin mania, penguinfest). I liked gangsta penguins, so I used it for the name of my world of warcraft account, and I decided why not use it here :)
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Post by turtleman04 »

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Post by Zalzidrax »

Err... Zalzidrax was the name of my first Morrowind character, it started out being Zach's Argonian, but then I decided that was kinda dumb and took zach's (phonetically Zax) and stuck some random syllableage in there, and thus Zalzidrax.

@Avarr: Hey, Utopia- I used to play that. Long time ago though... wonder if I ever ran into ya there?
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Post by Avarr »

Perhaps, i have been playing for quite some time but i changed accounts a lot in the early days, i guess i never really found a Kingdom with the right people. I almost always use the name 'Sir Avarr' and province 'Realm of...' if that helps :)
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Post by Zalthor »

Mine is a self invention and was originally Chenghin Zalthor, created at a time when I was deeply involved with the games MYST and RIVEN and the D'ni people.

At that time the game company Cyan also released three books about D'ni [and the fall of their empire] and part of that was connected with the various Guilds. One of these was the Guild of Archivists. A lot of Guild web sites sprang up and a friend of mine and I decided to create the new Guild of Archivists...after the fall of D'ni.

As Grand Master of the Guild, I felt I needed a suitably grand [and pompous] title - so invented Chenghin Zalthor.

In reality, this was too large a mouthful and far too "Chinese" sounding for MYST, so it got clipped to Zalthor.

My Archivist web site survived for many years, and Zalthor has now become my standard "Gaming Username". I even use it for my in-game avatars, and obviously, as it's now an extension of myself, I have naturally use it for my main Morrowind Avatar.

Incidentally, my All Things Uru web site is all set out like a point and click game - in case you care to visit....

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Post by Unimud »

I'm a hardcore fan of many games, some of them are the Oddworld games (oddworld.com) I e-mailed Alf, a character that you can send questions about the game and Alf would supply a vague answer sprinkled with the unique sarcasim and cheerfulness that makes oddworld games oddworld.

Anyway, I was being stupid and wrote that I had missplaced my game disk, along with my arm and name.

He replied that he couldn't help me with my arm or disk, but maybe my name should be Unimud. So I started using that name in every forum I join. To tell the truth I don't remember what I joined, but I got used to being called Unimud. It's not fancy, but neither am I.
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Post by Baalzebub »

baalzebub was worshipped of the philistinians he is the lord of flies and disease and his strength and might is often compared with satans, some say he is weaker some say hes stronger.
The lord of flies "Baalzebub" will come to earth and kill all living things, none will survive....exept for the flies naturally.

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Post by andreas of austevoll »

My name Andreas of Austevoll is because my name is Andreas and I come from Austevoll
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Post by Rian »

full name: Rian Carnarvon
with title: lord Rian Carnarvon

origin: somewhere back in the day's of 1998, i came up with it. i've used it for almost every game character i've ever had. it's my westwood online name too. Rian was the head mage in a game that i've been designing for over half a decade. i think i've built a sort of shizophrenic personality complex around the name. Rian is also the mutated form of my first name
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