[Map 2]Golden Eggs of Fire

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[Map 2]Golden Eggs of Fire

Post by Sload »

Subtitle: More commonly known as "The Abadibal Mining Company"

Cornelo Blairos and Shaegoth are own, or owned until the night before the player arrives, a very productive gold mine and a newer, but just as productive, eggmine. The very night before the player arrives (it doesn't matter when the player arrives) a huge fire started in the town they had built right between these two mines. Well, almost all of their workers died trying to put out the fire, and a lot of their kwama died because they're attracted to light, being big ugly bugs and all. What do they want the player to do? Help them rebuild their town and get the workers started again!

(The "town" constituted of like 2 shacks, a storage building and the main office, nothing big)

Quest 1: Cornelo tells you "Get us a building contract, and an architect while your at it". Player recieves a special ledger worth 800 gold in mine shares (worthless until the mine is rebuilt) and is to go to the Governor in Darconis. Governer XYZ agrees to it gladly, and they can rebuild their mine. People in Darconis talk about the great architect who designed their homes and is now, they believe, in Dragon Glade. The player will find him in Dragon Glade and he demands 100 gold a month once the mine is operational again. Cornelo wont buy into it but Shaegoth will and it's a deal.

Quest 2: 5 days go by. Cornelo tells you "Our shipment of stone was coming by boat to Neomeanor (probably misspelled). It should be there by now." If the player goes there, they find no stone at all. If they ask around they find the shipmen who were shipping it, they swear they don't know what happened to it until their disposition is up to 75, at which point they tell you they sold it to someone else. Cornelo demands that the player finds someone else. Back in Neomeanor the player finds a man at the docks who is looking to get rid of some stone. Cornelo refuses to give out anything, but Shaegoth gladly will pay for it.

Quest 3: 5 days go by. Building is underway. It will be rebuilt in Imperial Style, which is a lot harder to catch on fire. But the parting of the roads has begun. Shaegoth is in Cornelo's shack, and they are both very angry. If you talk to Shaegoth, he tells the player that Cornelo is being cheap and that they'll never get anything back to the way it was. He wants you to get him his specially brewed flin from his own shack. If you talk to Cornelo, he tells you that Shaegoth is throwing away their money and wants you to get his ring that he left on his table in the construction site. You return to give them their unique item, and they've gotten into a fight. A random number generator decides which is dead. If it's their own item they thank the player and take it, if it's the other's item they tell the player to throw it away. They also say that the other attacked them.

Quest 4 (Shaegoth Lives): 5 days later. The office is complete, as are the guard quarters. The eggmine is very well stocked with kwama, as the queen did survive the fire, being unable to move. Fat queen. Shaegoth wants the player to hire guards from the fighters guild because the cheap native guards ran when there was a fighter. Whoever is at the Fighters Guild says that he has some fine men he'll send over, as long as the player pays 100 gold upfront. Shaegoth says he can't pay it, all his funds are in shares, but he'll give you 100 gold in shares (which the FG wont accept) and then you can pay 100 gold. There are now Fighters Guild hired guards.

Quest 5 (Shaegoth Lives): 5 days later. Everything is finally rebuilt, and now he wants miners. He believes that slavery is wrong and demands that the player finds 4 hired miners. There is one at Tel Muthada, 1 in Alt'Bosara, and 2 Necrom.

Reward (Shaegoth Lives): The player is given his own small quarters in the main office next to Shaegoth's, named Abadibal Mine, Offices: Assistant's Quarters.
He also gets 800 gold for his assistance and can cash in the shares now.

Cornelo Lives quests to come.

All of these are rather simple quests, but they do send the player around Map 2. This probably shouldn't be to far south of Darconis.
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Post by Ebbtides »

I like the idea of it all. Love it infact, but the reward at the end... hmmm seems reasonable, but in a way... doesn't eveyrone have somehwere they already have a house (or at least a storage place)?
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Post by Sload »

Yeah, but it's nice. And besides, everyone doesn't have a home already in the middle of Map 2.
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Post by Ebbtides »

True Dat.

Well, I agree, new land, new house. and what the hell, as long as it's not some big big title, like being the chief of Thirsk AND the Nereverine kinda annoyed me... (I'm a heavy roleplayer).

That's one of my only complaints about Morrowind. In order to lawfully obtain some property (I mean without murdering, taunting, or just plain closing the door and sleeping without permission) in Vvardenfell, you need to be either a distinguished House member, an EEC Factor, or a Chief of Thirsk (which involves you being apart of another prophecy altogether..).

Anyways Sload Lord, the more I think of your idea, the better it's sounding.
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Post by Thirsk »

Great quest, i really like it! Quest expation:
the player can kill Shaegoth(if he survived) and take controll of the mine?
well, maybe it smells, just have this idea it would be cool...
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Post by Sload »

I'm thinking of having this based in Darconis instead.
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Post by Xui'al »

About where in Map 2 would this go? And I think the house is a fine idea, I went and made myself one in Map 1 just because there was no where else to live without having to kill or steal, so the house is a great idea. Even if the player never goes there (like Raven Rock for me) it is still something, and will up the immersion of Tamriel Rebuilt.
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Post by Sload »

The original idea for the location could be found in the last sentence of the post. Then, if you didn't stop after reading halfway through that post, you would see that I want to have it out of Darconis. There are two abandoned eggmines they could buy and redo, the quests would be different but the concept would be about the same.
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Post by Xui'al »

Ideas are only one thing, definites are another...
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Post by Sload »

I love all that deep stuff, but what in Oblivion are you talking about?
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Post by Xui'al »

Anyway, forget about all that before. You mention that the town was burned, right? When the player stumbles onto the place, is there still going to be some small fires going? Also, what about remnants of the fire, there has to be burned timbers around and other assorted objects that were partially incinerated. Or perhaps you could have them already cleaning up, all of the fires puit out, and all of the burned junk just laying in a pile somewhere. Just my two drakes worth.
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Post by Starcrunch »

This sounds a lot like Bloodmoon EEC quests moved to map 2. Speaking of the EEC, what do they have to say about this? They are a monopolistic trade organization and would not likely approve it (and they would need to, the EEC is very tight with the Imperial authorities). Why do they need a new building permit? Persumably they already have one from when they first built the mine.

What is the realtionship between Blairos and Shaegoth? Have you given thought to how to make a bruned down town? If you owned a gold mine whould you build an egg mine? Me neither. What is an Imperial architect doing in Dragon Glade?

These guys are importing stone? They're building a mine in the mountains! I think Corneleo is probably right they're getting shafted.

100 gold is too little for the FG to send gaurds to a gold mine.

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Post by Xui'al »

The EEC is a monopolistic company, but I doubt that they care about some egg mine that was just burned to the ground.
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Post by Garriath »

Or perhaps they didn't like the idea of these two guys working outside the EEC at all, and decided to send another guy over there and *slip* with a match. It'd add an interesting backstory and an interesting plot twist later on when the player finds out.
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Post by Xui'al »

I like Garriath's idea, but I just can't see the EEC being interested in an egg mine. They mine ebony and glass and valuable things like that, I doubt they care about Kwama eggs. The EEC taking over an egg mine would be like Microsoft buying a little PC boutique builder; its small enough they don't really care.
I really like the idea, but I just can't see the EEC as criminal. I could see the Cammona Tong wanted to burn the mine if they had a good reason to though. Another idea that could be integrated that deals with the EEC, is after the mine is all built back, there could be a semi-anonymous NPC that asks the player to steal the ledgers for the EEC.
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Post by Starcrunch »

But they would be interested in a gold mine now wouldn't they? There is an egg mine AND a gold mine. Your right they wouldn't give a shit about the egg mine but I doubt there will be a non-EEC sanctioned gold mine.

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Post by Xui'al »

Your right, I forgot about the gold mine. Yeah, I bet the EEC would definatly want to control that. What is the value of a single unit of gold worth in the game? Is it more valuable then ebony?
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Post by Starcrunch »

Not really sure how much gold is really worth per pound...as gold is weightless! Of course the ore won't be, but the coins are.

Something I've always sort of marveled at is the insistence in the value of ebony but at a cool 20 gp/lb (or whatever the weight unit) it's not even really playing in the same league as other ingredients especailly the various salts (with Vampire Salts topping the heep at 5000 gp/lb), granted these things are more difficult to find then Ebony but Diamonds, Emeralds, and Rubies are in about the same category. Even pearl comes in at 500 gp/lb and the ever abundant cliff racer plumes is 100 gp/lb, IIRC. Anyway enough boring people with this tangential topic.

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Post by Xui'al »

So what about the rare gems in OoT? Are there any mines for them?
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Post by Sload »

I have decided to scrap the idea involving a new location and it will instead be in Darconis. This is a way to show the player Map 2 mostly, much like the Silver Serpent will show the player Map 1.
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Post by Xui'al »

I don't see anything about the company being a joinable faction, will the player just be a grunt or actually join it?
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Post by Sload »

It depends. I may make it part of the EEC questline, in which case it would be joinable. Otherwise the player wouldn't join, but that doesn't make him a grunt.
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Post by Xui'al »

Ok, it makes him an employee, who rises in respect to the prominent NPC's.
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