Ramshackle orks?

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Ramshackle orks?

Post by Thirsk »

In the tamriel is orks those ramshackle types who make aromour of, yeah, what ever?(more like the lord of the ring types) or are all their arcitecture, armour, and weapons like the orcish-stile?

please shov some pictures
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Post by Dexter »

Not sure, to be honest. Their armor would suggest that they are a very skilled race when it comes to smithing, and that would reflect upon their architecture. However, I have heard people say that their armor was most likely forged by Altmer for them. This could be incorrect though.
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Post by Anonymous »

They are great armorers but according to TIL Orsinium is a squallid collection of huts...so really they are half and half.
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Post by Sload »

I believe that's just the PGE, which is all propoganda by people who probably have never even been to Orsinium.
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Post by Starcrunch »

The Orcs are supposed to be the greatest armorers in Tamriel. The design of their armor is supposedly been inspired by the Altmer. It's actaully not really known what Orsirum would be like as the fortunes of the orcs have turned signifcantly better sense they were made citizens, but such a short length of time has passed sense that occured that I'm guessing their cities and towns are still somewhat crude.

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Post by Gez »

In Daggerfall, Orsinium was an unremarkable little town if not for the massive, oddly-shaped, full-metal fortress.

So, it is OK to say they really have a knack for metalworking, but aren't necessarily skilled in other craftmanships (craftorcships?).