Seeing as i have WAY to much time on my hands, i have decided to post some of my art(duh).
i won't be making models of all of them, but i will atempt the ones people like best.
also, if anyone has any concept weapons that they want cleaned up and them modeled, please PM me them and a writen discription of what you want them to look like.I will then post the finished product here, and don't worry, all credit will be given were it is due.
seeing as the first day of highschool was last thursday, i haven't had time to doodle. hopefuly i can start working things like thi into my sceduel soon.
here's an icon i designed and photo shoped for my halo2 X-Box live clan.(holistic Entity "")¤t=HolisticEntityIconFinal.jpg
There is a problem with having weapons attatched to the wrist, but I think the blade part is great and should be made into a weapon like the daedric fang.