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Post by Seneca37 »

Claim type: Interior
Claim ID: TR_i3-278-Imp (#799)
Faction: Imperial
Parent claim: TR_3-24-Imp (#128)
Claimed by: RyanS
Status: Approved (Progress: 100%)
Location: 1:(826, -2580):0
Files: TR_i3-278-Imp_RyanS_1.esp; TR_i3-278-Imp_RyanS_1.zip; TR_i3-278-Imp_RyanS_2.zip; TR_i3-278-Imp_seneca37_1.7z; TR_i3-278-Imp_seneca37_2.7z


HIGH PRIORITY:Old Ebonheart West #21. Headquarters of the Imperial Archeological society in Morrowind. Has a library, cartographic library, a vault for some items that are being studied, room for the dean, the dean's wife and son, four guards (mercenaries), as well as four researchers. Basement with more than one level if necessary. Lavish interiors, lots of artifacts and maps. : http://img375.imageshack.us/img375/7383/oewestmap.jpg

Exterior can be found here http://tamriel-rebuilt.org/old_forum/viewtopic.php?t=21200&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=40 use the last file on page 2 of the thread.
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Post by Lud »

Here it is. Sorry it took so long but i had some computer-breakage problems (i know it's not much of an excuse)
Sadly i can't post photos of it as i don't have access to a digital camera right now.
TR_Old Ebonheart_i3-278_Ludovic.esp
(75.46 KiB) Downloaded 366 times
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Post by Arthmodeus »

Just press 'print screen' and paste it on to MS Paint or something. You don't need a digital camera.
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Post by Swiftoak »

I. TESAME: Dirty. Delete everythign you modified in some way except your cell, or anything YOU made. In your case, delete the tr_ objects and leave your cell alone.

II. Loading: No problems in CS or ingame.

III. General: Interior fits the exterior, but you did not chnage the light settings. World>Interiors> Then change the rgb values of sun, ambient, and fog to match those of Ebonheart ints. No evidence of gridsnap.

IV. Main Review:

i. Bottom Floor:
-Some of the book corners sink into the shelf.
-That table with the potted plant needs some detailing. Add silverware and some crusts of bread to add with it.
-One of the sacks partially floats.
-The pot holding the pod plants is floating.
-Pot with timsa come by flowers is floating.

ii. Top Floor:
-The lightbulbs are extremely unessecary. Please remove them because the candlesticks are already emiting light.
-The bed is de_p, change it to com_rm. Also, it has no pillows, put some.
-Virtually empty, detail this.

V. CONCLUSION: Good, good. We need to detail more, the bigger concern on the top floor. Don't be afaraid to be creative, we like that. Bleeders and lore anre not a big issue here, so just detail, fix, reclean and send back for final.

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Post by PoHa! »


Errors Loading in CS:None

Lighting:Needs work


General Errors:
- Should be illegal to sleep here
- Doesn't use GridSnap
- Needs a little bit more detailing
- Does it really need those lights in the windows?
- Though I like the looks of it, the flowers in the misc pots will look odd once the player picks up the pots out from under them.
- no pillows on the bed?
- com_closet_01_mclothes faces the wall instead of out
- com_sack_02_chpfood3 sits oddly
- com_sack_03 does sits oddly
- I don't think bitter coast plants and those found in Almalexia/Mournhold should be here, should they?
- shouldn't mix de with com
- in_c_djamb_plain_arched is placed incorrectly, and the supports from the pillars are showing on one side
- at the bottom of the stairs, the support on a pillar is half complete; it needs to be covered up with the pillar, probably

- ex_common_building_01
- in_c_pillar_wood; the one on the second floor, in the corner behind the bed; (all kinds of errors appear if you don't use gridsnap!)

- active_de_p_bed_05 bleeds into two separate pillars
- bk_OverviewOfGodsAndWorship bleeds into the book next to it
- com_chest_02_pos floats
- some of the books on the shelves in the basement bleed into the wall
- TR_bk_OfJephre and TR_bk_TheAlikr; both bleed into the book next to it, and into the shelf below it too much
- com_sack_03 bleeds into the wall
- both of the doors have a crack between them and the doorframe they're in, and bleed with the floor and/or the doorframe
- Flora_plant_01 bleeds into the window
- flora_plant_03 bleeds into the planter its in
- flora_plant_04 bleeds into the wall
- Furn_Com_Planter (2 of them) floats
- furn_com_tapestry_04 bleeds through the wall its hanging from; that wall is bleeding horrendously with another; you're looking through the back of one to see the other
- furn_com_tapestry_05 bleeds too far into the wall its attached too
- Furn_de_rug_big_08 floats
- the wall to the right at the top of the stairs floats out away from the wall
- there's a gap between the arched doorway upstairs and the wall
- light_com_candle_09 floats
- light_de_lamp_01_256; one bleeds into the wall and the floor, another floats; the last bleeds slighty into the floor

Rating: 6
A lot of errors caused by not using Gridsnap. Most other errors are fairly commonplace bleeders, floaters, or general strangeness. Fix it before inclusion.
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Post by Lud »

Resubmitting it's finished. Please move to review.
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Post by Lady Nerevar »

sending to final review
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Post by Nomadic1 »


Fits exterior: Yes

Northmarker set: No
Loading errors: No

Review: No northmarker.

Top floor:
- Replace the Dunmer rugs with common rugs
- Replace the Dunmer tapestry with a common tapestry
- chest_small_01_gold_10 faces the wrong way (on table)
- Replace the Dunmer lamp with a common lamp
- com_chest_02_pos floats. It also contains too many potions to be in a house. Replace with something more reasonable
- Why is there a coal shovel here, in a bedroom?
- TR_common_shirt_02 floats on one end
- There is a tapestry flying outside the interior. Delete

- Replace the Dunmer rugs with common rugs
- Replace the Dunmer tapestry with a common tapestry
- Replace the Dunmer lamps with common lamps
- The handles of the spoons float
- Several books bleed into the shelf
- com_sack_02_chpfood3 needs to bleed into the ground slightly

Comments A nice enough interior. There are problems with the Dunmer items, but nothing major.

Rating 8 / 10
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Post by Inferno_str1ke »


Fits exterior: Yes

Northmarker set: Yes
Loading errors: No

Review: Floaters/Bleeders:
-Top Floor
common_shoes_03 float above the ground
light_com_candle_09 floats above window sil
both misc_uni_pillow_01 float above the bed

-Bottom Floor
Some books on the shelf bleed slightly into it
misc_com_broom_01 is leaning, but doesn't quite touch the wall

Random floating banner outside of the interior, only visible from TESCS

General Errors:
All stuff is fine

Lore Errors:
All books allowed. Just a house, so no room for other errors.

Nice interior, nothing special but that doesn't matter.

TESAME reports that it modifies chest_small_02_gold_05, and a load of OoT references, not sure if that's allowed or not.
This can be included pretty much as is

Rating 8
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Post by Lud »

fixed, please move to review
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Post by Thrignar Fraxix »


Fits exterior: Yes

Northmarker set: Yes
Loading errors: No

Review: com_closet_01_mclothes floated
TR_bk_TalesofKieran bled
bk_WatersOfOblivion bled
both text_paper_roll_01 s rest unrealisticly

Comments FIXORD

Rating 10/10
Clean TR_i3-278-Imp_Ludovic_2.esp
(11.5 KiB) Downloaded 293 times
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Post by SamirA »

Revoked for repurposing.
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Post by Why »

edit: all taken care of. Don't let me disturb you, claim away!
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Post by C-A-G-E »

Claiming. I'll pretty much go with the description. Maybe I'll even throw in a few unique artifacts for the player to goggle at.
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Post by Haplo »

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Post by SamirA »

The piper has finally come calling. This needs an update within the week or it will be revoked.
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Post by Jule »

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Post by SamirA »

Awesome, I'm glad someone finally took this and you are the perfect person for this int.

EDIT: Granted obviously...
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Post by Jule »

May I use book_dwe_X (labeled Old Dwemer Book, added by Tribunal) in this interior?
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Post by SamirA »

I'm not sure of the specifics on that book. If Why does not respond send him a PM.
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Post by Jule »

:v Moar progress!
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Post by Haplo »

Huzzah for progress! Is there any progress that is new, since it's been a month?
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Post by Jule »

Silly Haplo! Of course there is!
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Post by Stryker »

Hey, Jule. Got any more lovely updates hiding anywhere?
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Post by Jule »

I must regretfully say I don't. I haven't worked on this because I'm still waiting to see how the whole map-related issue I mentioned on IRC will be resolved (which basically means: I can't make a cartographical library without maps).
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Post by Haplo »

Hey Jule, not expressly a status update request, but not expressly not either: are you still waiting/hoping for some maps? Specifically, what kind?
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Post by Jule »

Oh hey Haplo! Any kind of maps really, although maps of the various region would be best. Maybe maps of ruins and archeological sites? This claim is mostly done, it just lacks those maps and maybe a few finishing touches.
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Post by Aeven »

Hey Jule, you're fast approaching the 1 month mark! Any updates here?

If you need maps, maybe Rats would be obliging?
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Post by Jule »

I still need maps, but if there is no-one presently interested in making any, I shall try to get the rest of the int done as soon as I can so the maps can be added at a later time.
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Post by Swiftoak »

I can make maps, depends on the style but I could probably try and help you. Just let me know what sorts of maps you need!
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Post by Jule »

Any maps you can think of, really. Maps of this area, maps of that area. Historical maps speculating on the size and extent of old Resdayn. Maps of archeological sites (mostly Dwemer ruins) which could also serve as treasure maps (like those in Skyrim). Something that would turn the "meh" idea of having a cartographical library into a great experience for the player.
If all of this turns out to be more trouble than it's worth, I could always nix this part of the int OR find another purpose for it.
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Post by Swiftoak »

This sounds like an interesting excercise. I could use a rest from CS work and planning stuff, and use this to excercise my artistic faculties. I assume we're not aiming for nomadic-style "Guide to" maps that are accurate right?
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Post by Rats »

Hi, Jule! Any updates? (Don't let the lack of maps hinder you, they can be added as they are drawn).
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Post by Jule »

Haven't worked on this in a while. I'll try to have everything except the cartographic part ready this weekend.
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Post by Jule »

I'm having some problems with the TR beams. I'll have to sort that out before I continue working on this.
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Post by Yeti »

How is work progressing on this? Are the maps being worked on? This is a rather high priority interior, and it would nice have all the non-wall interiors for Old Ebonheart finished. :)
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Post by Yeti »

This really needs an update, Jule. Old Ebonheart is super high priority.
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