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Hiii everyone!

Post by Anonymous »

Well, me, being as stupid as I am did not know quite where to put this post. Though it does seem to fit this area. Well anyways... I'm quite new to this whole editing thing. I have tried to start big (as in creating a whole land mass) rofl... well...to be honest... It SUCKEEEDDD. Not good at exteriors AT ALL but I love making my own houses, though I usually just copy and paste other interiors and alter them a bit (=( meaning most of my stuff isn't my own work) Though yeah, that's why I never submit it... but anyways... let's skip to what I REAALLLYY posted this for. Well I was wonderin' if anyone had the time to show me around tescs and help me with it. I'm ok with it. I usually set all my items down and modify things to make them uber... and all that. Just so I can test my mods. Usually I'm also creating a new char every 4 days and deleting my last saved game. I have not even gotten close to beating the game though... kinda sad since I've had this since it's release... but now my friend plays it on my xbox =) and he's close to beating the main quest. Kind of cool actually.. I also wanted to stop by and say hi.. introduce myself to everyone... which I have above..dang that's a lot of text 0_0 Never typed so much in my life, cept for that wonderful essay I have to write each year but hey that dosn't count. Also I was wonderin', that when oblivion comes out, isn't everyone just gonna quit? Gee I hope not, Morrowind I'm sure will still be the best (soooo many good mods for it). But anyways, hi everyone! I'm Niralath Lothiel XD 'course that aint my real name. Just my characters name for EVERYTHING. Picked it up from Warcraft 3... one of those RP things... been usin' it ever since. I kinda want to get it copyrighted you know..well enough of my talking, once again HIIII and wuts up.. all that stuff..just really wunna know if someone out there could maybe help me a bit on my editing because I REAALLLYY want to be a part of this mod. Looks sooo frackin' great.
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Post by Macar »

I would highly recomend the tutorials on our main site. They taught me everything I know about TESCS.

Post by Anonymous »

Aight I'll give em a try. After all this site IS the best. So everything on here has to be good right?
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Post by Hayden »

Welcome. To answer some of your questions...

-If you want help, you could PM me and give me a couple days to respond. I might be able to help a bit. Like Macar said, tutorials = great.

-When Oblivion comes out we will not quit, we'll just transfer our work while continuing on the Morrowind Mod (at least, that's the last thing I heard).

-My ceiling.

Again, welcome aboard and I hope you get really, really good with one or both editors so you can eventually contribute ;)

Post by Anonymous »

LOL!! HERES THE REASON RIGHT HERE! WHY I CAN'T COMPLETE WORK! So I all go into the tutorials right? To learn how to create stuff.... wellll...IT INSPIRES ME TO CREATE MY OWN ISLAND AAGGAIINN. Lol, so I guess I'll just work on like a LARGE area XD to show you guys and see if it's ok (probley gunna be my own house place) made out of daedric ruins. Since I'm evil an' all. Maybe on my own island. Perhaps. I just read the first three pages of a tutorial. On how to make interiors. Well its workin' so far. I've created the huge arse display room. With like 50 tables and a bunch of book shelves(weapons armor and books) I have alot of mods, which means twice the amount of weapons and armor and books = needs a place to store them. It's also probley gunna include my own quarters XD and much more! Yayyy...wait...ok yeeahh...so the real reason why I was going to post on here.. was because this mod is great.. been goin through all these screenshots... and wow... I nearly... freaked out at the beauty of all this work... great work to all of you who have been working on this(and to all who have worked on it in the past) I say this is some of the best work since balmora expansion lol. I'm really looking forward to being apart of history(yes I believe this mod will be in our history books for highschool and all that, maybe a required course... "The Tamriel Rebuilty History class" you know... somethin like that)
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Post by Macar »

It's a common mistake to try to make huge things. Heed my words; Do something small, if you start off with a huge landmass it's going to suck. Do something small and do it perfectly, then do something slightly bigger, and so on. That's the only way youre going to get good.
NEW MEMBERS: I'm not with TR anymore, so please stop PMing me. Just post your sample work in the showcase.
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Post by Hayden »

Think small Mournhold interior ;)

That would be a good opening project.
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Post by Blackthrone »

*Agrees* with Hayden.
From what I can tell everyone's trying to whizz the city of Almalexia out (Especially Morden, he's got a mournhold fetish.) So make a small pretty mournhold interior to WOW the admins with. As for inspiration, that's where our best friend absinth comes in handy (Actually it's the reason my Mournhold interiors suck.) Seriously try something small, I tried to do a whopping big imperial town for my entry into TR......it was not pretty.
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Post by Morgoth »

Yes, really, you should do something small. I built a huge fortress on top of the Brindisi Dorom's statue thing, it was a disaster. Fabricants were popping out through the walls... I recomend you do a small Seyda Neen shack first.
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Post by Anonymous »

Ahh thanks for the lovely advice. I'm going to learn alot from you guys, I can tell already. I'll just make myself a nice widdle good house... maybe medium sized yeh know? Just an outpost for my companions(I got that partners mod thing) =D Once again, thanks for the lovely advice!!

Post by Anonymous »

Also, if anyone has msn, add me!! I need more friends! XD Gets kinda borin' yah know? Plus, maybe you'll be extremely lucky to meet my wonderful girl friend XD Who has no knowledge of Morrowind watsoever, though I try to teach her XD my msn is: niralathlothiel@hotmail.com DUHHH XD