phonokins showcase

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phonokins showcase

Post by phonokin »

a common house ok fixed all the stuff that was wrong
phonokins mods.esp
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Last edited by phonokin on Wed Mar 29, 2006 7:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Morden »

Welcome to the forums. :) Can you tell us a little about yourself perhaps? What you enjoy modding, ect ;)
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Post by kapuhy »

Hello phonokin!

Morden is right, it helps to write a bit about youself so we can know you better ;)

About the house:
1)You've modified two cells in Balmora, they should be cleaned with TESAME unless the changes were intentional (but I suppose they weren't because there is no link between them and the house, anyway, Balmora isn't velothi style)

2)The room is Velothi, and Velothi is Dunmer. The items inside the house are _com, which means they're imperial style. So, replace _com items tith their _de counterparts.

3)Umm... not that I want to insult you, but are you sure you haven't copied whole table with dishes from somewhere else? I suspect such a thing because while items on the table are carefully, nicely placed, the table itself, as well as chairs, rug, candle bleed of float horribly. Place the camera on ground level to see what I mean by "horribly". It doesn't look as if it's done by the same person...

4)Tapestries don't match the wall (which is to be expected, since they're com tapestries and this is de interior)

5)Chest and the lamps bleed...well, horribly, into the floor.

6)Change the lighting in World>Interior Cell menu, make it something like interiors in game.

7)Check the "Illegal to sleep here" in the said menu.

As you see, there is much to improve here. If you really want to get better, I suggest you to look at the tutorials available here on TR site. They were great help to me when I started modding (and was doing mistakes I now call "horrible" ;) ).
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Post by PoHa! »

I agree with Kapuhy here. A lot of common beginner errors, and few errors that are downright strange (a lamp bleeding through the middle of the table, a candle on the floor underneath said table).

However, don't let that discourage you. This has the makings of a nice interior (pending any possible cookie-cutterness).

Might I suggest that you take a look at my little tutorial .esp that I made, stickied at the top in this forum?
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Post by phonokin »

ok thanxs will fix something i did with a tutorial will make a whole new one since this one is crap and i cant be bothered fixing all the stuff that is bung. some stuff about me im 14 ilive in newzealand i like modding cause i can change almost anything in the game my favourite modding thing was deleting thosse f**king cliffracers god was that satafiying
Last edited by phonokin on Mon Mar 27, 2006 5:18 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by phonokin »

ummmm.... i downloaded your tutorial but dont wtf to do oh yeah andf i dont have tribunal or bloodmoon cause im too pooor :( ok i wont make a completey new one i will just fix this one but how many mods do i have to make to be made a tr modder OK THANKS WILL DO HAVE STARTED TO READ YOUR TUTORIAL LOOKS HELP FULL um dose anyone know how to stop furnituer bleeding through rugs but still touching the floor
Last edited by phonokin on Tue Mar 28, 2006 6:57 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by PoHa! »

phonokin wrote:ummmm.... i downloaded your tutorial but dont wtf to do oh yeah andf i dont have tribunal or bloodmoon cause im too pooor :( ok i wont make a completey new one i will just fix this one but how many mods do i have to make to be made a tr modder
You won't be made a TR Modder until you've proven that you have the ability and motivation to help us with the project. I've sent you a copy of the Tutorial that isn't dependent upon any other .esm besides Morrowind.

Also, don't double post, you can edit your last post, like I just did. The ONLY reason to double post is if your Showcase thread has fallen down and forgotten in the Showcase forum.
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Post by phonokin »

i have finsihed changed all the things neeeded changing
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Post by PoHa! »


You've still got some com stuff here, and there are some tricky class mixings here. I say tricky, because the IDs don't tell you on the ones I'm talking about. For example, the bed clearly doesn't match up with the chest next to it, at least to me. You've also still got quite a few floaters and bleeders scattered around (the sacks, the lamps, the candle, etc).

Also, judging from the size, I'd suspect its supposed to be a poor person's house? If so, I think it should feel much more cramped than it is. EVERYTHING that this person has is in this tiny little room.

You're getting there though. :)
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Post by Lintewathion »

Hey, i havent gotten a chance to look at your mod,but it sounds as if you have trouble on the Z axis.
for the floters just highlight them and push F to drop them to the floor, in the case of the table though i would highlight it and everything on it, and use the z key+mouse to drop it id also thing youd benefit from the "Search and replace" command, since you have the wrong type of objects, to access this, highlight the object you want to replace, click edit at the top of the CS and click search and replace, if you want to swap just the one object, click "selection only" the other option will replace any object of that type in the cell. this comand can be used on the statics that make up the room as well. i recommend you aquire tribunal and bloodmoon, as im fairly sure the EoT and OoT esps(used in the TR project) are dependent on them.
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Post by phonokin »

yeah i know all that stuff but iv been busy doin stuff for school and havn't found time to do it i was goin to do it this weekend but i had to go to my mums
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Post by Lintewathion »

ah, i know how that supposed to be building an interior :P im at a standstill right now due to family issues, oblivion, and other reasons i wont discuss :P
Taking Break from TR for a while. ill still occasionally pop in and help out in showcase tho :P