Oblivion Discussion

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Post by Orix »

*slaps Eyeball88 around with a large dwemer trout*
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Post by Eyeball88 »

Orix wrote:*slaps Eyeball88 around with a large dwemer trout*
I so sorry :(
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Post by Macar »

It cracked me up the way beggers would talk in that croaking voice until you asked them about rumors. Upon which they switch to the most articulate and clearspoken english youve ever heard!
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Post by Morgoth »

Ah cun et for a' week wit a shingle co-in! Then you ask about rumors and they sound like an Imperial noble. Everyone has to try the quest, "paranoia", it's hilarious! I laughed til I cried. Get paid fairly well, too. I think it starts in Skingrad, a Bosmer named Glarthir will talk to you. You have to experiment with the responces towards the end, as each one produces a different outcome, but believe me, it's excellent.
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Post by Macar »

I played that one! He didnt like what I told him...
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Post by Indoril »

I noticed a common theme between Morrowind and Oblivion. Assuming that the capital is your first stop, the Thorinor quest (an Unfrinedly Competition) is probably the first Misc. Quest you'll get. Likewise, in Morrowind, the first Misc. Quest you get is the Fargoth's Missing Ring quest. Both involve you stalking a dishonest wood elf around for a "concerned citizen".

I also found the Burma Mages Guild quest where you have to help to younger mages pull a prank just plain out dumb.
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Post by Varine »

Is there any way to get on top of the White Gold Tower? I really want to get up there.
And is there any way to expand the borders so I can add in mods or do I have to do something like the Paradise place? This game is making me mad.
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Post by Gez »

Varine wrote:Is there any way to get on top of the White Gold Tower? I really want to get up there.
No. I went there with TCL. Once I was on the top (and a bit above the top, actually), I used TCL back to fall on the platform... And passed right through! Even if you go there, you wont stay there.
Varine wrote:And is there any way to expand the borders so I can add in mods or do I have to do something like the Paradise place? This game is making me mad.
You can make a mod that delete or move them, or you can change one line in My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Oblivion.ini so that the line bBorderRegionsEnabled=1 instead reads bBorderRegionsEnabled=0.
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Post by wishmaster »

anyone been up in the palace private area?