I know that people have strong feelings about this. I'm noth shure if it violates the rules about: no political or religious discussions either. But try to keep the flaming to a minimum.
I'm a pirate at heart. Ninjas just dont know how to have fun!
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Comparing ninjas to piratess is comparing a water droplet to the Nile River, where the ninja is the droplet, the pirate is the river, and the water is the coolness in MegaFonz.
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nabO_UXb6MM]This is not my life[/url]
Looks like we got a mostly pirate crowd here. Have a grog on me!
As for ninjas, I respect ninjas. They definately have a cool factor. I guess the biggest thing they have agianst them, in my book, is theyre all work and no play. Where as pirates are all play! Wenches, pillage, and sexy outfits- that's the life. (Though I guess ninjas have Geishas, Saki, and sexy weapons)
In related news: I've got a job as a historical interpriter this summer. I'm going to be on a working elizabethan ship wearing period costume. It's going to be a blast- and I get paid!
NEW MEMBERS: I'm not with TR anymore, so please stop PMing me. Just post your sample work in the showcase.
You gotta be kidding me, this argument should never be started on TR soil. TR Pirate Clan, anyone? Ring any bells? No? Well that's because you all suck and deserve to die cold and alone.
Pirates spend their entire lives throwing parties, yelling awesome obscenities at people, and punching people in the face for absolutely no reason whatsoever. When the party ends, they move on, wreck someone else's shit, and throw another party. Oh, and they have wenches.
Ninjas spend their entire lives huddled up in some lame dojo, training for missions that most of them didn't even get, at the complete and utter whim of the dojo master. Free will? Fun? Not here, my friends.
Also, I would bet my right arm that most ninjas go their entire lives without getting a shred of ass. Pirates? They get laid all the time! With or without their partner's consent.
Now people, people. Let's embrace our differences. After all: If everyone was a pirate, there would be nobody to pillage!
Dexter, I am in no way suprized that you are a Pirate. They seem to share your philosophy
It's interesting to note which prominent members are ninjas. Stalker is one. That's why he works so hard- he dosent spend all his time boozing and wenching. He is focused on the project to bring honor to TR!
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I think Macar means Ninja in a more general way, like the warrior monks that can work Kung-Fu stuff and kick ass with their wooden non-magical staffs.
Dex: Is the pirate captain also a singer for the Arch-Enemy?
Vernon: It seems you formed the 'E' letter with those freaky photos, but what does that 'E' stand for?
I've never met a girl who wasnt all for pirates. Are there any ninja girls in the world?
NEW MEMBERS: I'm not with TR anymore, so please stop PMing me. Just post your sample work in the showcase.
I went to school with one. She never dressed up as a ninja at school, but on a local forum we used to frequent, she even had a cute picture guide on how to tie that ninja mask thing.
And I work with a guy who is a martial arts expert (well, not expert expert) and I'm sure if he brought his two sais to work he could kill any pirates on my crew.
Edit: You go away for a little over a year and suddenly Lady_N is talking about sexy clothes and rape. Damn.
Are you kidding me? Pirates cant even read, unless theyre one of those lacy, captain hook types.
But ninjas dont speak english, so they cant spell either.
Therefore, in the category of literacy, pirates and ninjas are tied.
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Macar wrote:Therefore, in the category of literacy, pirates and ninjas are tied.
No way, ninjas can read japanese. (~5,000 characters)
Pirates can't read jack shit.
Ninjas have all the fun anyway. For a ninja, the most fun to be had is in being really, really, really stealthy. Do you see any ninjas right here?
No? Exactly
Dexter wrote:And I dismiss your argument, on the basis that I could tie any and all of your ninja friends into knots and flush them down the toilet.
Pirate-fighting is no match for ninja arts
As a ninja (well, ninja-puppet) I challenge you, as a representative of the pirate community TO A FIGHT TO THE DEATH (or until we get bored)
*readys ninja-to* (ninja sword of maximum cuttyness)
*fades into shadows*
"It’s all been such a mistake. We were once little shrew-like animals. That would be so much better."
-Ophelia Benson
Hey guys, no battling in this thread! Take it outside. This thread is for friendly discussion!
NEW MEMBERS: I'm not with TR anymore, so please stop PMing me. Just post your sample work in the showcase.
All ninja shenanigan kung-foolery was abruptly silenced by the best onomatopoeia ever:
not even the shredder can evade the sound.
HoonDing mongori tiavo; Lemansha temin diang hibat.
The Hoon Ding guides us; all others can Make Way.
Pirates, begin with melee attack. Normal damage, they get no bonus, and have a good chance of death. Ninjas, start with stealth attack for X6 damage ignoring armor rating with a poisoned weapon. He then drinks an invisibility potion and repeats as neccesary. (HA)
Pirates: attack with cannons, blow up your stupid dojo. Kill dojo master. Ninjas without master, oh no, unbearable shame! Mass ninja suicide all around, pirates take stupid ninja hats to use as toilet paper.
I didn't say this was a duel, did I? That's right, biach, so STFU. Besides, a pirate probably would win. I just said I preferred ninjas. I don't see anything attractive about eye-patch, rotten-toothed pirates (points to picture posted by Vernon). Sue me. >_<
Last edited by Hamlet_Shakespeare on Fri May 05, 2006 9:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.