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Post by Haplo »

Claim type: Interior
Claim ID: TR_i3-258-Ind (#558)
Faction: Indoril
Parent claim: TR_3-16-Ind (#120)
Claimed by: Parted User
Status: Not Available (Progress: 100%)
Location: 1:(2715, -3745):0
Files: TR_i3-258-Ind_Lady Nerevar_1.esp; TR_i3-258-Ind_Nomadic1_1.esp


Almalexia 21,-28 Middle Class Imperial Home.

Exterior in M3A6 http://tamriel-rebuilt.org/old_forum/viewtopic.php?t=21206&start=360

i3-258 http://i.imgur.com/9fcobmP.png
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Post by Sniper4 »

Here's this one. It took me forever to fix since it's big, I had to retile it since he had the snap grid off, and he underdetailed it as well.
Clean TR_SHI_i3-258.esp
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Post by PoHa! »

TESAME: Clean, almost. The things not cleaned out might need to be added to OoT, or they might not. I'm not sure. I think they might need different IDs, though.

Errors Loading in CS: None


NorthMarker: Good *GASP*

General Errors:
- In_MH_door_01; all have a tiny, yet noticeable, gap between them and the doorjamb on their left sides. Might also need to be moved down a miniscule amount.
- rich and plain furniture are mixed, but as they're in separate sections, I'm assuming they should be treated as different interiors actually, so this really isn't an error, I guess. Consider it the habit of this reviewer to report such things, and nothing more.


- Furn_De_R_Bookshelf_02 is half-on, half-off the rug beneath it
- light_de_candle_13_64 floats above the table its on (in the alchemist's shop)
- apparatus_a_calcinator_01 floats partially above the table its on (next to the above candle) this is due to the plain table's mesh

Rating: 9.7
First ever great interior that I've reviewed. Nothing that bad to report, and the errors I did find aren't noticeable in game (maybe the bookshelf and the doors, but only if you're looking for them). Consider fixing them only for absolute perfection. Beth couldn't have done it better. Include.
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Post by Gez »


Fits exterior: Yes

Northmarker set: Yes
Loading errors: No

Review: TESAME dirtiness is very mild, just one TR item that is touched: TR_crate_01_meat.

At this stage I also saw a mislabelled item: TR_book_misc_Shi_01 should be TR_m3_bk_<something>.

In-TESCS look:

No real problems. Mostly minor and negligible floaters and sinkers. Here's the list:

Floaters, sinkers, and bleeders:
The apparatus_a_calcinator_01 floats a bit. With coordinates 3985.4, 7017.4, 194.4, 358, 0, 212, the problem is fixed.
The apparatus_a_mortar_01 floats also. Just hit F, the shelf isn't twisty so no rotations are required.
The apparatus_j_mortar_01 floats also. Just hit F, the rich table isn't twisty so no rotations are required.
The apparatus_j_retort_01 floats a bit. With coordinates 3957, 6458, 215.8, 357, 0, 112, the problem is fixed.

The SC_paper_plain on the furn_de_r_table_07 float a bit, but hitting F causes them to bleed with the table. Problem is solved by giving them a Z pos of -69. (Then hitting F for each ingredient posed on them, of course.)

Same thing for those on both Furn_De_r_Table_09. Recommended height is 186 this time.

And as for the sc_paper_plain put on a twisty poor bookshelf, not worth bothering with fixing practically unnoticeable-even-in-TESCS floaters.

More twisty surface love for floaters when one look at the chest_small_01_ingredie. The one on the side stopped floating with 3953.8 6465.8 175 1 0 270. The one on the center benefits from 3954.6 6515.6 175.8 359 0 270.

The flora_heather_01 sinks a bit, try moving her up to a Z pos of -103.

The In_MH_door_01 and In_MH_door_02 aren't snapgrided. Put the grid snap to 16 and just yank them a tiny bit so that they jump in their proper place, this will solve the tiny gap noticed by PoHa. (The doorjambs are snapgrided.)

Most ingredients could benefit from a touch of the F key, but for some (like the heather and horn lilies) it will cause them to sink, forcing to hit Ctrl-Z to undo, which removes the sorting of the reference list in the Cell View window, so no need to bother with that -- not noticeable in game.

The Furn_De_R_Bookshelf_02 by the wallscreens floats, being halfway on the Furn_de_rug_big_03. Either move slightly the rug so that it's completely under the bookshelf (this will require moving slightly two wallscreens), or move it the other way so that the bookshelf isn't on it at all (and this will require "F'ing down" the shelf and all it holds).

Other than that, none worth mentionning. Who cares that half of a p_feather_b floats 0.060 units above the shelf because said shelf is all twisted and uneven?

Other cosmetic notes:
The misc_flask_01, 02, and 03 on top of the furn_de_p_bookshelf_01 are too neatly aligned, have all the same Z rotation (178 for the 1 and 3, 1 for the 2 and 4), and some of them float a bit because of the twisty surface.

The garden notice (TR_m3_3258herbs) isn't placed anywhere.

There are poor and rich dunmer items in the cell, but it seems OK since they're in different parts -- plain stuff for the shop and workshop parts, rich stuff for the private quarters, seems logical.

In-game look

For some reason, the parenthetical note in the TR_Book_misc_Shi_01 book doesn't appear in game -- just the title, "Heather".


Very good, no serious error. Could be accepted as is, though the fixing the doors and the apparatus, and putting the garden notice next to the garden door (maybe attached with a hook ?) before would be nice.

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Post by Gez »

Bumping because it seems my review of it has been completely unnoticed...
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Post by Sload »

Things are not automatically finished when there have been two reviews.
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Post by Lady Nerevar »

he is right, i totaly missed this
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Post by Lud »

Leave the furniture, as they're in separate parts, fix everything else.
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Post by Gez »

OMFND!!!!!!!1! F!><3D!!! LOL!
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Post by Nanu »

Fixed as per Lady Nerevar's request.
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Post by Thrignar Fraxix »


Fits exterior: Yes

Northmarker set: Yes
Loading errors: No

Review: Floor 1:
Ingred_sweetpulp_01 both float
ingred_heather_01 is resting on a point
ingred_gold_kanet_01 rests un-realisticly on the paper
common_glove_left_01 and its friend common_glove_right_01 both float
Floor 2:
ingred_green_lichen_01 rests on a point
ingred_gravedust_01 floats
ingred_corkbulb_root_01 rests on a point
ingred_scales_01 floats
ingred_fire_petal_01 floats
chest_small_01_ingredie floats
about half of every potion on each shelf floats
misc_de_bowl_orange_green_01 needs to bleed more
misc_de_bowl_redware_01 needs to bleed more
every ingred_heather_01 on the table in the back room rests on a point
every ingred_gold_kanet_01 rests unrealisticly

Comments beside these minor floaters this is a pretty good int.

Rating 9/10
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Post by Lady Nerevar »

fixed reported errors, file at top.
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Post by Thrignar Fraxix »

Approving, use top file for merging
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Post by SamirA »

Revoked for repurpose.
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Post by SamirA »

Almalexia 21,-28 Middle Class Imperial Home.

Exterior in M3A6 http://tamriel-rebuilt.org/old_forum/viewtopic.php?t=21206&start=360

i3-258 http://i.imgur.com/9fcobmP.png
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Post by Aeven »


Home of an Imperial wine lover who sells wine to various local establishments. He's more of a hobbyist than a real importer.

Could we make this guy someone who's into manlove rather than him having a wife?
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Post by gro-Dhal »

I'd be fascinated to see how you demonstrate that through his interior design choices
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Post by Andres Indoril »

Preferably less obviously than what I did in Sailen or what Thrig did in Narsis.
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Post by Thrignar Fraxix »

What? my dude is narsis was a date rapist, not a man lover.
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Post by SamirA »

Interesting request, just listen to Andres' suggestion.
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Post by Haplo »

This also needs an update ASAP
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[06/19/2012 04:15AM] +Cat table stabbing is apparently a really popular sport in morrowind

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Post by Aeven »

Haplo, I've had a quite busy month. One week extra?

I have actually started it.
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Post by Haplo »

Aeven wrote:I have actually started it.
That's actually good :-P
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[06/19/2012 04:15AM] +Cat table stabbing is apparently a really popular sport in morrowind

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Post by Stryker »

Again, one week is up. Revoked.
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Post by Nomadic1 »

Claiming. I know it's been years since I last did anything.

Will be just a regular middle class home for an Imperial female.
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Post by Stryker »

Sorry for letting this fall between the cracks.

Granting, man.
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Post by Nomadic1 »

Finished enough. An entirely background character Imperial woman's house.
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Post by Stryker »

Off to review.
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Post by Seneca37 »

Moving to N/A until we decide what to do with Alma claims.