Computer Generated Voice acting.

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Computer Generated Voice acting.

Post by ch85us2001 »

I posted this at ESF.

Alright, [extremenerdmode = true]

[url=]This Script[/url] (Written in JustBASIC) will speak anything you type in the spot I have put "Hello Nirn!". Try it yourself, it's freaky.

Code: Select all


open "speak.vbs" for output as #1
print #1, "Set MyVoice = CreateObject("; chr$(34); "Sapi.SpVoice"; chr$(34); ")"
print #1, "Set fso = CreateObject("; chr$(34); "Scripting.FileSystemObject"; chr$(34); ")"
print #1, "Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(WScript.Arguments.Item(0),1,true)"
print #1, "Do While f.AtEndOfStream <> True"
print #1, "MyVoice.Speak f.ReadLine"
print #1, "Loop"
print #1, "f.close"
close #1

open "speak.txt" for output as #2
print #2, "Hello, Nirn."
close #2

a$ = "speak.txt"
b$ = "cscript.exe speak.vbs "; a$

run b$, hide

So, do you think we could get a NPC to say the characters name with the use of a script extender?

Or am I delusional?

So, idea. Could voice acting be done this way?

I'm not sure how to go about changing the voice, but I imagine it could be done

So, is there any way I can put the S&M people out of business? (J/k)
It's not so much working with computers as it is tricking them into doing what you want them to do.

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Post by Anonymous »

Speech isnt that easy. Theres inflection and so forth. It would end up sounding like this:

It just wouldnt sound right. You can do some snippets, like listing the player's accomplishments and titles but not a whole bank of sounds and just string them together.
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Post by skittles »

and you just type this in as a script and it will play anything you say?! in the CS?! thats weird.

what voice does it use?
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Post by Sload »

No, you don't.
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Post by Eraser »

Actually, the latest computer speach generation is supposed to be extremely good, very natural and like you're having a conversation. You can buy these voices for about 40 or 50 dollars and plug them into a basic(and ubercrappy) computer generated speach program and supposedly get very good results. I brought it up with morden a while ago.
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Post by Noirgrim »

Go ahead and get a copy, and post some samples.
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Post by Orix »

I havn't heard a natural sounding computer generated voice yet... I mean... how on earth can a computer act? How can it be programmed to convey the emotion and knowledge in a voice that humans can? To be honest, even if you could programme those parameters, it would probably easier and more natural to to it properly anyway :|
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Post by Macar »

I agree- you might get something that sounds human, but it wont be a performance. Besides, it will put a lot of our voice actors out of work.

However, I would like to hear Eraser's product's results- mostly out of curiousity.
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Post by Kiruvi »

It would be snazzy, though, if it could be tweaked to maybe match the tone/sound of a recorded voice, and add the player's name onto a statement. Of course, the player would probably have to specify how the name is pronounced at the beginining, when the computer butchers it several times, asks if that's right, butchers it again, lather, rinse, repeat. All in all, it would probably be easier to do without, but nifty if the technology were able.
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