Alright, [extremenerdmode = true]
[url=]This Script[/url] (Written in JustBASIC) will speak anything you type in the spot I have put "Hello Nirn!". Try it yourself, it's freaky.
Code: Select all
open "speak.vbs" for output as #1
print #1, "Set MyVoice = CreateObject("; chr$(34); "Sapi.SpVoice"; chr$(34); ")"
print #1, "Set fso = CreateObject("; chr$(34); "Scripting.FileSystemObject"; chr$(34); ")"
print #1, "Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(WScript.Arguments.Item(0),1,true)"
print #1, "Do While f.AtEndOfStream <> True"
print #1, "MyVoice.Speak f.ReadLine"
print #1, "Loop"
print #1, "f.close"
close #1
open "speak.txt" for output as #2
print #2, "Hello, Nirn."
close #2
a$ = "speak.txt"
b$ = "cscript.exe speak.vbs "; a$
run b$, hide
So, do you think we could get a NPC to say the characters name with the use of a script extender?
Or am I delusional?
So, idea. Could voice acting be done this way?
I'm not sure how to go about changing the voice, but I imagine it could be done
So, is there any way I can put the S&M people out of business? (J/k)