Everyone is quite familiar with the popularity of the Arena. This installment should provide some great creativity in the differences of Redguard's warrior culture, as opposed to Cyrodiil.
(for those without Oblivion, reference images online are readily available. [url=http://img105.imageshack.us/img105/7207/oblivion20060322235948323dl.jpg]Ex.[/url])
It shouldn't be difficult of a WSG, go wherever it takes you. However, consider these thoughts before all else.
- -What armour are the combatants wearing? What are they weilding? How does the Redguard champion differ from the Empire's best?
-In what way is the Arena built? What does the architecture look like?
- What of the Arena's patrons? What is the style of clothing? How many visitors have come to appreciate the sport?
Harke the Apostle
Lady N