while thinking about a new landscape i got an idea for script: a ferry from one river bank to another. don't know if it's possible, but it'd be cool if could hire a ferry to other side of a river and actually see the movement. it seems weird to me to do it as a regular ship transport with blackout and autosave for such a short distance and i don't like to have an expensive_to_build bridge in every middle of nowhere.
so, what do u think, is it at all possible?
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Yes it can be done. You might want to get the fishing mod from here [url]http://olek.ilovehost.com/MadMax/madmax.html[/url] and check out how he did the boat from Gnaar Mok.
[url=http://evilgreebo.tripod.com/]Get my other mods here[/url]
Yes, that would be great! I was thinking of doing something like this for my river claim (3-15). In places the "river" is about 1 cell wide, and would be great to be able to signal the ferryman to come and get you, then travel across.
As I've mentioned in another thread Dragonsongs tutorial actually gives you a script to move an object in a straight line from one posistion to the other, and back again.
madmax used complex mathematical formula's in order to make the boat move in real time if you wanna understand the script i suggest you get JDGBOLT's guar riding mod unless your good at math