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Post by Kiruvi »

While I understand that time is in fact made of circles, and that's why clocks are round, I was wondering if there is some sort of time line or projected completion date for the rest of mainland Morrowind.
This space intentionally left blank.
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Post by Harke the Apostle »

Why certainly repeat this mantra for three months, and you will see the light....IWBDWID....OHM.....IWBDWID....OHM....
etc. and so on.
But perhaps some better informed girl or chap can give you a more satisfying answer.
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Post by PoHa! »

You will find your answer when you calculate the negative infinite sum of the tangeant of the imaginary number that is represented by the square root of -A.

Which is to say, there is no timestamp or expected completion date.
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Post by El Scumbago »

In a more understandable way, one could say that: lim f(x)->+oo, where x=completion time.
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Post by Chahiero »

I'd say wait for the next full blue moon, and add a few Plutonian years to that.
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Post by CleverClothe »

In other words, the next half blue moon.
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Post by Nanu »

No ES, it's better to write it:


This way, you avoid confusion.

To actually answer your question, we don't know. :P
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Post by Macar »

We have a lot of smartasses in here :D
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Post by El Scumbago »

I have to admit, Nanu Ra proved to be twice the smartass I am. Smart-stink-asses of the world, this thread has exhausted its usefulness. Lockdown?
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Post by Harke the Apostle »

@ Kiruvi, we used to have a FAQ that explains this, but it has disappeared. IWBDWID means 'it will be done when it's done.'We get this question a lot.