Reviewer Application

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Reviewer Application

Post by Lady Nerevar »

You must be a TR Modder in order to become or apply to become a Reviewer! Who the fuck wrote this sentence? I didn’t. Anyhow, if I (lady N) think you a good enough reviewer I’m willing to grant you reviewer title before moddership. And who ever edited my post should have asked me first, especially since the discussion in admin’s.

So, you want to be a Reviewer? Reviewer is not just a fancy title, it’s a responsibility. The job involves checking interiors submitted to TR for errors, as well as putting up with Massey, Ludovic, and other devastatingly devastating folks. The work load depends largely on the amount and urgency of the interiors awaiting review, on the person themselves, and on how busy the Head of Reviewers (HoR) is. Usually there are about 5-10 interiors for a 7-10 day time, but again, this varies largely.

If you’re still reading, then you really are interested :-P

How to apply for a reviewer position: Download the .esp file below, and give it a review! This is what you should list, preferably in this order:

1) TESAME. Is the claim clean or dirty? In other words, does it contain things that are not supposed to be there?
2) Does it fit the exterior? While this is hard to determine for the test cell, it is very important for the real ints. Is the interior the right shape? Does it have windows/doors/etc. in the right places? Is it the correct tileset?
3) Northmarker. Does it have one? Is it set correctly? This is also determined by looking at the exterior.
4) Loading errors. Did you encounter any besides the usual? Please make sure you loaded ALL the correct master files and have the latest Objects of Tamriel (OoT) files.
5) The actual review. List physical errors (floating objects, objects that 'bleed' into a wall, floor, or another object, etc.), Lore issues (Improper Furniture mixing, Unique Items, etc.), and anything else you find (Incorrect light settings, Illegal-to-sleep-here Box not checked, etc.).
6) Rating and Comment. Rate the interior on a scale from 0 to 10, where 10 is the highest. The comment can be anything, from "I'll hang myself if this is approved!" to "I love your use of the Dwemer spheres, they make me purr."

Please use the various FAQs and 'Stickied' threads on interior-making and Naming Conventions.

After you complete your review, PM it to Thrignar Fraxix or Lady Nerevar. Don’t worry; there is no way to fail this test. If you do badly, you can just retake it again as many times as you want. Allow about a week for the test results to get back, since we are currently pretty busy.

P.S. This is for Morrowind only, obviously. Once we get to Oblivion Reviewing (Not for a while), a new test will be created.
Reviewer Test
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Post by Lady Nerevar »

Temporary Stirk Reviewers needed!

If you want to be an Oblivion (OB) Reviewer, please PM me at this time. Since I don’t have an official test yet I will most likely only accept current Reviewers or people who have distinguished or can distinguish themselves with OB modding. I need about 3 to 5 people for this.
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Post by Sload »

I'd love to do it, but only on weekends.
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Post by Kiruvi »

Um...Sorry, I'm a dork... how do I use this .esp? Do I just use the plug-ins menu on Morrowind? Or... something else? (Methinks a techsupport forum would be awesome)
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Post by Colhir »

Me thinks you should not be posting in the REVIEWER APPLICATION thread if you don't know how to use the esp's. A reviewer looks over all the work been done to check its upto scratch... i think maybe you should learn... go [url=]HERE[/url] read stuff and learn mate... :D
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Post by Resadyn »

Well, I know I dissapeared a loooomg time ago, but if anyone remembers me, they'll know I was a reviewer. During the time I left I was in an extremely busy period of my life, and sadly completely forgot about TR. Searching around the OB mod forums, I found a link and, remembering TR again, came back here, and saw this post.

Well, if your too lazy to read all that, basically I'm saying is that im a lot less busy atm, and would be willing to review stirk interiors again.

Let me know.
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Post by Nomadic1 »

Hey, welcome back Resadyn :]
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Post by angelus6 »

do we have a reviwer test for Oblivion yet?
i would very much like to be a full reviewer and am quite competantly picky. go check out Sky_Captains showcase for a good example. i reviewed 3 versions of his interior. :D
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Post by Resadyn »

Hey Nomad, been a long time.
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Post by Lady Nerevar »

no, i dont yet have an OB int test, i know i should but i never got around to it. i will make one up soon enough, but its not too high on my list since there are no OB ints in review.

as for reinstating you resadyn, you did a good job as far as i cant rember (er, to be honest, its late and my memory has started shuting off). PM ludovic and see if he will let you back in without a test.
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Post by Nihilus »

I just sent in my...uh, test. I think I WAY overdid the actual review though. I wrote so much I think I'm going to bed now.