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Indoril's Showcase

Post by Indoril »

I wanted to showcase some of my morrowind interiors in showcase to get back my status as an interior modder. However, of the seven interiors that I want to put on showcase, I only have access to 1 because Lady N managed to find it for me (Thanks N, :)) ). Because I don't have the modder status that I previously, I'm unable to access these interiors that I've done for TR. I can post the one, but the others I can only list in hopes that someone can download them and post them for me or send them to me to post.

2-7-Imp - an imperial style interior
2-70-Tri - a Necrom city interior
2-71-Tri - a Necrom city interior
2-72-Tri - a Necrom city interior
2-145-Imp - a Darconis city interior
2-148-Imp - a Darconis city interior
and the one that I can offer you right now is 3-252, an Indoril house interior from Almalexia city.

If anyone can, please, Please, PLEASE, download and send me those others so that I could showcase them, or if someone importantly in charge is reading this, take a look at them for my showcase.

Edit: Also, I'm going to be showcasing some Oblivion Interiors soon so I can be a Modder for Oblivion Interiors as well, but for now, this is all I can offer you.
Here it is. It requires EoT and OoT.
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Last edited by Indoril on Mon Jan 01, 2007 8:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Nemon »

Hey, welcome back! You've done quite some work here before, so hopefully your former status will be restored without too much ado, although I'm not capable of doing that! Maybe I will take a look at them, right now my Morrowind installation isn't up to spec...
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Post by Indoril »

Upon the advice of other members, I decided that it might be better to showcase an interior for Oblivion rather than Morrowind. I just finished this one up (I spent about three weeks on it). It's my first one, but from what I know of the TES3 Engine, I'm pretty sure I did it right. I submit this for showcasing. To be clear, I'm show casing to be an interior modder.

The Cells are labled AAALibrary, AAALibraryUpstairs, and AAALibraryBasement, under the interiors 'world space'. It is one interior, and is supposed to be a conjoined library and hall for both the fighters and mages guilds. The main hall is supposed to be a library and also a sort of store for materials concerning magic and combat. The basement is a living area for guild members, and the upstairs is an office and dining room for guild members. I'm just clarifying for anyone who takes a looksee.
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Post by Thrignar Fraxix »

Every usable chair/bench floats
StaffofTelekinesisLesser is at an odd angle, however it will be at an even odder angle once havok kicks in (and floating to boot!)
LeatherBoots = same
OMFG! You actually have the longswords rotated to my anal standards before I told you to!
Practice mats don't fit this int as they are used for practice
Book of Daedra and Galerion the mystic are floating (all books of that type near each other)
Magic From the Sky is floating and at an odd angle
DrawerTopClutterSHOWCASEEXAMPLE is caspering slightly
Seems a little repetative and overly large, remember the weaker systems when placing havoked items in an int, having tons of books is not probably a good idea (especially when they are just duplicates

Once again every usable piece of furniture in the cell is floating
Not much here

Same story with the usable furniture here
Only use Novice alchemy equipt
MiddleShelf02 floats
Once again, kind of empty

This int is huge, and does what could be done more efficiently (and has been done) in half the space.

BTW: Are you still doing that review I asked you to do, or have you actually been demoted from reviewer?
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Post by Indoril »

Ok. Here's my redo. I did everything you talked about, except that I have no earthly idea what you meant by "caspering". Other than that, here it is. I see what you meant by empty on the the two aditional floors (that is, the upstairs and basement).
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Post by Thrignar Fraxix »

Caspering = when an item (example: wall tileset piece) only has a texture on one side, thus allowing you to see through it.

I will look this over again once I stop bleeding from my eyes (detailing darconis ints) (that means tommorow)
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The just man frowns, but never sneers. We can understand anger, but not malevolence - Victor Hugo, Les Miserables

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Post by Thrignar Fraxix »

lots of the same books, this int doesn't make sense, why would someone need 50 copies of the same book?
rug in the doorway floats too much
steel warhammer floats on one end
sacks are supposed to bleed a little
all of your beds bleed
lower class pitcher floats
this room still doesn't look as lived in as it should
Apprentice calcinator was to be replaced, remember?
one of your petty soulgems rests poorly
Quill will glitch when havok kicks in
MiddleBarrelKeg01 floats
The corn and meat on the plates on the shelves look ridiculous at that size, they should be scaled down a little

I don't think I can ever be happy with an int this size, you will invariably run into problems such as ungodly numbers of the same book and useless space. Try and make something small and mundane, like an inn

Edit: and your wall sconce upstairs still isn't in the wall
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The just man frowns, but never sneers. We can understand anger, but not malevolence - Victor Hugo, Les Miserables

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Post by Indoril »

Understood. :) Perhaps I was to optimistic about the concept. I'll try the inn.
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Post by Indoril »

So here again am I with a new interior to showcase. I did an inn, like you suggested, in the Bruma interior style. The room where the player would stay if they rented a room at said in is the top floor room. The room on the bottom floor is where the NPC innkeeper would live. I noted in looking at other inns that the containers in the player's room at inns are labled with ownership to the player, so I made sure of that. The lock on the rentable room is leveled as average. I tried to make sure that everything was grid snapped, so lets hope I did right by it. Please review.
Here it is. The Interior is labled AAAInn.
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Stendarr is the God of Mercy and Justice. Therefore, he must also be the bearer of Duck Tape, for only Mercy and Justice can use Duck Tape for the Good of man.
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Post by Thrignar Fraxix »

BrumaHouseForSaleDoor ... bad!
SackClutterMiddle03 rests on a point
ChorrolDoorMiddleAnim02 is for chorral, surely there is a Bruma door that would fit
Every usable piece of furniture floats
Firewoodgrate floats
You use a lot of static lights, these should be replaced with real lights
MiddleClassRugCircle02 floats

MiddleClassRugCircle02 floats
every MiddleClassRugSquare01 floats slightly (why are they all set as initially disabled)
SackClutterMiddle03 rests on a point
why would MiddleTapestry05 be hanging where it is?

I don't think the interior shell you chose is very good for an inn. They can only have 2 rooms, one of which will always be taken up by the innkeeper.
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The just man frowns, but never sneers. We can understand anger, but not malevolence - Victor Hugo, Les Miserables

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Post by PoHa! »

Thriggy wrote:BrumaHouseForSaleDoor ... bad!
every MiddleClassRugSquare01 floats slightly (why are they all set as initially disabled)
This is why starting completely from scratch is best. Otherwise, you end up with telltale doors that you shouldn't use and rugs that should only be there after they're bought.

I also noticed some class mixing.
Diggy wrote:You use a lot of static lights, these should be replaced with real lights
...or place lightbulbs near them, so that, one way or another, candles actually give off light.

I'd also agree about what TF said about the interior shell; however, don't innkeepers stay at their post all the time, in case the player comes in at say, midnight, and wants a bed?
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Post by Andres Indoril »

IIRC the innkeepers usually have a bed near their posts. I remember having to wake the innkeeper up.
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