Taneth you say?

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Post by Nomadic1 »

I like Starcrunch's, but I would like to propose a few amendments.

1) The greater commercial rival to Taneth would be Gilane, not Rihad. Gilane is closer, better positioned and, unlike both Taneth and Rihad, it was not destroyed or captured by the Camoran Usurper so it is still intact from before then. Gilane is also much more of a cosmopolitan city and is not oppressive (from what I understand of where it is going, anyway). Rihad hasn't helped Taneth, but Gilane is the enemy.

2) The Empire would not have appointed someone from outside of Hammerfell, and probably not outside of Taneth. IMO it would be better if the appointed king was from one of the few remaining noble families from Taneth which was well connected to the Elder Council in some manner.

3) Uriel would have dethroned the last King for a better, read "official", excuse than enriching himself. Make him do something bad, or some little offence he gave to the Emperor that it is a joke in Hammerfellian circles. I dunno, deposing kings for laundering is just so lame, and it probably isn't even illegal.

4) Clavilla should be a daughter or niece of the deposed king which was raised in the Imperial province.
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Post by Starcrunch »

1.) Seems fine to me, and yes Gilane is very well positioned. My reason for focusing on Rihad is that in TR-lore it is a prosperous city, so some explanation for the different fates of the city is necessary. I plan on writing more about actual relations with other cities (basically the bit about Rihad highlights their different fates after the Usurper's fall, but not how the cities interact). EDIT: Added Gilane to the cities overshadowing Taneth in the first paragraph. I'll add more on the interaction of Taneth and it's neighbors later.

2.) I disagree on your assessment of the Imperial policy under Uriel V. That said I'm fine with making it a native of Taneth (or Hammerfell). My choice of making him Imperial was largely arbitrary and since you'd prefer he were native there is no reason not to accommodate that wish (as maybe you have it right!). EDIT: Amended. He survived the Usurper's reign by fleeing Hammerfell for the duration.

3.) Agreed. The last monarch wasn't deposed for laundering money or enriching himself, I don't know yet why he was deposed. This monarch and his predecessors have run Taneth into the ground and the Uriel VII grew tired of it. I want him deposed to give a clean break at the start of Clavilla's rule, explaining her disdain for Yoku culture. Suggestions are welcome, if nobody's come up with anything in a day or so I'll probably just invent some reason of my own.

4.) Agreed. Niece it is. Raised in the Imperial City. EDIT: Proposal is amended to reflect this change.

I'll update the original proposal to reflect numbers 2 and 4 shortly. I'll update about issue 3 when I know exactly why he was deposed. Number 1 will be addressed more fully later along with the relations with Rihad and other cities in Hammerfell. I've also started working on the city's "factions" and will post that when it's ready (factions being a loose term for folks with similar interests, not formal factions the PC can join).

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Post by Lady Nerevar »


[url=http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/9752/img11370eu.jpg]i can realy see these shack things in the slums[/url]
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Post by Starcrunch »

Some additional information about how I see the city functioning and the various "factions" with interests in the city.

Factions of Taneth: These aren’t hard factions and some of it may need to be cut down due to scale. These “factionsâ€Â￾ represent the various interests in the city.

Imperial Government/Legion: These are the administrators of the city. They are responsible for law enforcement in addition to the creation of new laws. The legion is not overly thrilled with Clavilla’s cultural war; they see this as beneath them. That is not to say they admire or think highly of Yoku culture, for the most part they don’t, but they do feel they have better things to do. The administration supports the culture war but some members are beginning to see it as a myopic distraction, from the real problems facing Taneth. The Legion prison houses a significant population (see entry for Satakal worshipers) and occasional food shortages have been reported. The Imperial Legion is unpopular with most of the populace, particularly with the poor, who see it as an oppressive overlord.

Imperial Cult: The Imperial Cult leader is a major architect of the culture wars, and leads the only sanctioned religion in Taneth. He is a close advisor of Queen Clavilla. His church has taken over a traditional Yoku temple causing much animosity to be directed at it. There is a rumor spreading among the poor that children are being seized and sacrificed to an Imperial god in false hopes that the god will strike down Satakal (which god is left unspecified for now, Talos seems best to me).

Orc Mercenaries: It has been traditional for the monarch of Taneth to keep a mercenary force in the city to supplement the legions (this has mostly to do with the fact that Taneth has no domestic warrior families to supply forces and maintain order in the city). Queen Clavilla is no different in this respect and has hired a company of orc mercenaries to serve as her auxiliary force. They are loyal to the coin and the queen provides that. The populace dislikes the legions, but they positively hate the orcs, they see them as little better than monsters, and fear them greatly (there was some “resistanceâ€Â￾ when the orcs first arrived, and they put it down very hard). Rumors abound at all levels of the city that orcs are abducting women to rape and muder, and a string of disappearances in the poor areas has lent significant support to this rumor (I have no opinion on the truth behind this rumor, it could be true; but I think it would be more interesting if it were false and another more sinister cause was behind the disappearances).

Church of Satakal: Formal worship of all Yoku gods is forbidden, but private worship is only forbidden to the followers of Satakal (the religion most prominent in the poor sections of the city before Clavilla’s reign began; additionally Clavilla despises this sect above all others as being backward and anti-Imperial). Approximately 60% of the poor population venerates Satakal, and the allure of the religion has grown due to Clavilla’s disdain for it and pressure applied by the Imperial government. The silver tongued priests have been driven underground and the religion has fragmented into several separate sects that compete for worshipers and vision. Followers of Satakal often vandalize buildings, leaving pro-Satakal graffiti on Imperial property (they particularly aspire to vandalize the Imperial Cult shrine, but haven’t been able to do so yet). When Clavilla outlawed the worship of Satakal many known followers were imprisoned where they are subjected to “rehabilitationâ€Â￾ by the Imperial Cult (no torture, daily lessons about the nine). Gold is still offered to any informants who give information about Satakal worshipers.

Criminal Gangs: The pressures of the Rent Laws led to the creation of many gangs of men and women who were abandon because their families couldn’t afford them. The members have few or no trade skills and, little martial training, beyond the use of crude bludgeoning instruments, daggers, and fists (they are not a match for a soldier). These gangs are poorly organized and involved in smuggling (drugs and Dwemer artifacts), theft, robbery, and other crimes. The gangs have been keeping a lower profile as of late, due to increased security forces throughout the city (in particular they are wary of the orc mercenaries; one orc was said to have slain an entire gang in combat after they tried to abuse him while he was on patrol alone; this rumor is true to an extent, actually their were two orcs; the territory of this destroyed gang is currently disputed). Gangs rule the slums.

The Other Poor: These are devoted to various Yoku gods and are often only able to find temporary employment. The repeal of the Rent Laws has helped significantly and there is also more work available now. Trade has picked up a bit (Clavilla has greatly reduced the harbor usage fees to draw shipping away from Gilane and Rihad, and a few more ships dock in Taneth now). Also new renovation projects have begun, especially as related to effacing traditional Yoku cultural providing some jobs (though many refuse this work). There are plans for trying to start a new collection of mines in the Corten Mountains, but work is just beginning on these, as it has taken time to secure the Imperial charters for such operations; eventually, if the mines prove rich, they will provide substantial employment opportunities (Clavilla is a major investor in this operation). For now, however, jobs are scarce and most people are poor. The poor also inhabit many former middle class buildings, as these degraded after their occupants fled the Rent Laws (or became too poor to pay the rent) they were reoccupied, often with several families crammed into the former middle class house. Food supplies are ensured by Queen Clavilla.

Fishing Interests: These are the one group of folks who managed to weather the bad times to an extent. Fishing was a major way of life in Taneth, the high harbor usage fees made it difficult to maintain the fishing ships so small boats have were used for many years. The drastic reduction of these fees has allowed for some rich (or even middle class) businessmen/women to finance the construction of new ships and the fishing industry is on the rebound. It employs some poor, but requires skilled labor (fishing ships have little use for wasters, and use small crews). The seamen/women (I mean the poor) are very different from the other people in Taneth they have their own closed culture and lifestyle.

Merchant/Middle Class: The middle class is very small and largely composed of merchants. These can be broadly placed into two flavors: those that survived the bad times and those that are recent additions. Those businesses that survived the bad times are run by traditional families; they also often have to pay “protectionâ€Â￾ money to one or more of the various gangs to keep that gang from robbing or stealing from their homes/businesses. This practice has diminished as the gangs have weakened but still takes place on a fairly regular basis. The recent additions are usually Redguards who have renounced the old ways and taken to Imperial Cult worship. The Imperial Cult or more often Clavilla provides capital for these businesses in support of their cultural reforms. These businesses also have to pay gangs from time to time, but the Imperial Legion or Orc Mercenaries are often stationed near their stalls and homes making it harder for the gangs to work.

The Wealthy: They often have private guards who look out for their interests. Most of the small group of wealthy folks got that way under the previous monarchs of Taneth. Clavilla is unpopular with some of the rich because many of the abuses they were used to perpetrating on the masses have been curtailed to an extent under her rule (such as artificially inflated pricing of services and goods; also she removed a provision of the Rent Laws that made it possible for a wealthy person to take control of a portion of the city and administer the Rent Laws in that portion; they would then charge higher than normal rents passing the appropriate amount to the monarchy and keeping the rest as profit and to cover their own rent). She continues to work with many of them, but some have been shut out of the halls of power. She sees these as decadent and greedy and holds them in open contempt. She has been pushing to loosen up some of their money to invest in business ventures but aside from the mining venture previously mentioned and a few fishing boats has little real progress to show for it. There are rumors that some noble families are trying to unseat or murder Clavilla.

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Post by morke »

Lady Nerevar wrote:agreed

[url=http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/9752/img11370eu.jpg]i can realy see these shack things in the slums[/url]
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Post by Sload »

I'm not fighting my case anymore. I quit for a reason and I forgot that lately.

Here's my contribution:
  • The founding of Tanyedt:

    Traditional story: In the early second era, the tomba-do-Hegeidh and the tomba-do-Rihad had a child (they were not married, as marriage was a foreign concept at the time). According to Hegeidhi tradition, their child would be the tomba of both cities. This offended the people of Rihad, who did not believe in traditional monarchies, and late in the night a man known forever as Ngaz-Snake-Fingered, stole the baby boy, only 1 year old, and threw him into the marsh. Through his own strength, the boy survived, growing strong and healthy in the wild. He learned Tanjupro, the socialects of the marsh farmers and fishermen, called jupru, by listening to the marsh itself speak, and became wise in the ways of nature and living without anyone to guide him. When he was twelve, he found a dying old man name Yedt near the shore, and nursed him back to health. Yedt took him into the city to learn the ways of his people, and he became educated in ragu living. Yedt was old, though, and died within years. Later, the boy founded a city of his own on the spot he met Yedt, and he named it Tanyedt, which translates to "of Yedt" in Tanjupro.

    Imperialised story: In the early second era, the king of Hegathe and the queen of Rihad had a child out of wedlock. Because of this terrible sin which would make both of them terribly unpopular, the queen gave the child to an old fisherman named Yedt, who raised him from a boy and taught him many righteous things. When Yedt died, the boy's royal blood made him a natural leader, and he began a city where Yedt's shack had been.

    What probably happened: A noble with ties to the rulers of Hegeidh and Rihad owned a large amount of land where Taneth is and as people began moving onto his land he named the city Tanyedt. The origin of this name is disputed.
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Post by Dexter »

I thought of something at work today.
A while ago, Sload drew up a chart (which had a simply horrid color scheme) that showed which factions were in each city. I'm going to be sticking to it, as it is well thought-out, and gives three factions per city, reflecting the culture and values that the city exudes. Although the Mage's Guild did not appear on this chart (and because of that, I'm having trouble figuring out why I mentioned it in the first place), but Sload did figure the guildhalls into his faction divisions. The Mage's Guild did not make it onto the chart, because it is not a Hammerfell faction, as such. However, it does have a presence in Hammerfell.
Redguards do not like magic. However, Cyrodiil loves magic. The Mage's Guild had an entire district of the Imperial City to call its own. As we know, Clavilla just loves her some Cyrodiil. Therefore, we can safely assume that she does not share the traditional Redguard aversion to magic, and probably sweats it like she does everything else Imperial.
So, to draw some sense from my ramblings, there are Mage's Guildhalls in Taneth, Gilane and Sentinel. Obviously, Taneth's will be the biggest. One thing to discuss here could be what exactly will the guildhall offer. There will be no quests offered here, because tolerance is one thing, but interaction is quite another.
I am of the opinion that at the guildhalls, members of the Cyrodiil Mage's Guild should be able to purchase spells and training, sleep in the beds and make full use of the facilities. I don't think that the player should be allowed to join the Cyrodiil Mage's Guild from the Hammerfell locations, and definitely not be promoted in rank.
Any thoughts on how to handle the Mage's Guild presence in Taneth? This is a pretty important feature of the city.
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Post by Nomadic1 »

From Redguard and Shadowkey, Stros M'Kai and Dragonstar also have Mages' Guilds.

The Mages Guild in Taneth could serve as advisors to Clavilla with divergent opinions from the Cult, and as such might be helping her with their left hand and with their right trying to serve out their own agenda. If there is a Taneth faction or a Taneth Knightly faction, the MG could serve as a dubious ally and a sometimes adversary. If later we want to have the Crowns conspiring against Taneth specifically, it seems only natural that they would have an agent or two in the MG.
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Post by Harke the Apostle »

The Taneth MG is in a huge mansion at the back of the UC quarter, that was vacated after the unfortunates who lived there fell foul of Clavilla. The mansion garden is now used for growing herbs and magic target practice.
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Post by Starcrunch »

Expanding on MG ideas:

The Guild of Mages: The largest guild hall in all of Hammerfell is located in Taneth. It serves in as advisory role to Queen Clavilla, and offers a different opinion in opposition to the Imperial Cult with respect to the culture clash that Clavilla has initiated. This aspect of it's advise has gone unheeded. However, the guild's other initiatives have fared better, it was a major player in convincing Queen Clavilla to start mining operations in the Corten mountains, and has played a major role in selecting the locations of the new mines (only recently begun). The guild has provided rather significant financial backing to this operation (call it bribes if you like, as the MG is not looking for a monetary return on its investment). There are minerals in the Corten's and perhaps commoners will benefit, but the guild is not here on a mercy mission; they are looking fore something buried in the Cortens, and have narrowed potential sites down to a few. The guild is closely monitoring the mining operations, waiting for the day they find what they are searching for. I don't know what it is just yet and would love to have some input from others on what it should be (my thoughts lead toward something to do with the Dwemer, and possibly a side plot to try to upstage the Imperial Archeological Society digs at Stros M'Kai and in the Alkir desert; though it should be of more than simple scholarly curiosity). In addition the guild offers the following services to members: beds, the largest selection of reagents for alchemy in HF, best spell selection in HF, training in all schools of magic (no necromancy), a large library for members to peruse, enchanting services, and possibly spell making services to members of high rank. I do envision a quest involving the discovery of whatever it is they are looking for in the mountains, but think it can be run as a miscellaneous quest (and the PC should have the option to double cross the MG for another faction).

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Post by Nomadic1 »

The MG in Taneth could be the only guildhall in Hammerfell which offers training in the schools the Redguards absolutely despise: Illusion and Conjuration.

I'm a bit worried about what could be buried in the mines turning out to be too similar to what is buried under the mine in Stirk.
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Post by Haplo »

Nomadic1 wrote: I'm a bit worried about what could be buried in the mines turning out to be too similar to what is buried under the mine in Stirk.
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Post by Nomadic1 »

No. The whole plot device of miners unwittingly digging up something. Surely TR can come up with something a little different every time.
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Post by Starcrunch »

I see your point, Nomadic. I do think we can make it rather different in pretty much all details (it's similarity to the Gnisis mine MG quest from MW strikes me as a bigger concern), do you have any alternative ideas for an angle the MG could be pursuing behind the scenes?

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Nope :]
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Post by Harke the Apostle »

Maybe the MG are looking for a 'Door of Oblivion'?
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Post by Sload »

Because they're not all over the place and everything.
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Post by Lady Nerevar »

perhaps they are trying to figure out a safer way to close them, or a way to close all at once, cause they are all over the place and everything

just a random idea, i can see the lore holes alredy. might be interesting way to shift in some crazy metaphysical ideas in there though
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Post by Harke the Apostle »

The MG wants something. Some time ago I saw a Dwemer robe concept here somewhere. Perhaps the MG want that?
The Robe of Diachronicity

The robe hasn't decayed because of it's diachronous properties. It can absorb damage and impart it to itself and its wearer at a later time. It also can speed up or slow down the wearer. Retrieving it from its shrine requires some sort of time travel. (Scripted teleportation to a cell which is the same interior except N+ years in the past).
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Post by Dexter »

If you want to think about quests for the Mage's Guild in Taneth, don't think up anything too grand. Keep in mind that, although they may be well-funded, they have limitations placed upon them because of the culture. Sure, the Taneth government is pro-Imperial and would let them do whatever, but the population is still Forebear. If a random civilian caught wind of them doing some crazy magical shit, and word got to, oh, I dunno, say... Rihad, there'd be trouble. The Mage's Guild recognizes the need for a low profile, and being as how their members are reasonably well-educated, they won't do anything overly foolish that would cause angry torch-carrying mobs to show up at their doorstep.
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Post by Jale »

I would imagine the MG to be full of bitter semi-retired mages. I mean think about it...they don't really have that much of a job to do, other than probably a squad of people dedicated to seeking out bad magic users. The rest who are there are probably either there because they did something wrong and got transferred, because they are trying to wheedle up the ladder in an 'easy' province before transferring back, or because they want to try and preserve as much of the dwemer heritage from the Redguard plebs as they can.

-*small* group of actual mages doing a useful job (seeking out bad magic users)
-Bitter old man who got caught (for example) embezzling guild funds in High Rock, required to pay back the guild and put away where he can't do any more harm
-Frazzled, middle aged man, fraught with trying to hoard magical artifacts from destruction
-Young chap wanting to be guildmaster of all Hammerfell (mighty post that ;)) so he can get a good post somewhere else

Questwise? Meh, pass. I'd see the bad-magic-seekers as more antagonistic to more interesting quests, and the old and young men as more character pieces. Maybe a bit of artifact fetching for the middle aged man. Perhaps, like that museum in Mournhold, he could buy expensive dwemer artifacts off you...no actual quest, more of an incidental thing. That could be cool: he says hes after dwemer bits and bobs, you find an 'unusually well preserved dwemer bedpan', he will pay you a good price for it and put it on display. Just scatted a dozen or so interesting pieces like that around and that's a fairly interesting mission without having heavy scripting.
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Post by Morgoth »

Wait, not to spam, but did I just see Jale? *Rubs eyes*
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Post by Sload »

You simply must come and indulge me, darling, I cried when I found out you had been there while I was out.
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Post by Jale »

Now the shock has worn off, response to ideas?
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Post by Thrignar Fraxix »

It sounds like the foundation for an original and intruiging mage's guild quest line. I would love to have you and the young kid compete quest/rank wise throughout the quest line. In the end you could both be in a room with the current guild master and in the ultimate twist that no diehard vanilla oblivion fan would guess, the kid becomes the guild master leaving you with your old rank.

(This crazy idea brought to you by 5:30 AM! "5:30 AM! Why the hell aren't you in bed!")

edit: oh... I guess if it isn't joinable then this idea is worthless... My thoughts on Jale's ideas for the guild still stand though.
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Post by Gnomey »

While it was originally decided that the MG wouldn't have any quests, I think that a few miscellanious-styled quests would be nice. However, I'd imagine that the ambitious young man would need a few connections to get anywhere in the guild, the player probably won't.

So the Taneth MG will essentially just be a desk job, with a few chores, while the excitement occurs on the other side of the province? Sounds good to me.
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Post by Jale »

Yeh. Maybe you would see this happening...say there is another questline (perhaps the Kogotong, or the Necromancers) where you kill/out/disable the current Archmage. As you do the quests leading up to this you can talk to the guy and hear hes getting promoted, and then he takes over in the end.

If I were to write it, I would say that the current Archmage, is a real hard-ass (one of the bad-mage-hunters), and poses a real risk to Necromancers. It comes about that you have to get rid of him in an unspicicious manner, and you have to drive him insane by planting things in his house which then disappear, or by invading his dreams (kina been done in that 'A Nightmare, Darkly' quest but it would be cool to go in and infect his dreams with horrors. Eventually he goes raving mad, gets locked up, and the passionless ladder-climber takes over. Far less of a risk.
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Post by Sload »

By the way,
Harke the Apostle wrote:The Taneth MG is in a huge mansion at the back of the UC quarter, that was vacated after the unfortunates who lived there fell foul of Clavilla. The mansion garden is now used for growing herbs and magic target practice.
This is a good idea.
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Post by Jale »

I'm all for it as long as it is only reachable by alleyway.

Im an alleyway sorta guy.
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Post by Starcrunch »

I think that Jale's plan for the MG seems very sound.

@Harke's idea: The guild has likely had it's current site for a lot longer than Clavilla has reigned so I don't know about the back story of the person running afoul of Clavilla. Having a mansion in the UC quarter seems reasonable though. I don't know about an alley, that doesn't really make since for a UC structure, but I do like alleys so if it can be made to work, great.

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Post by Jale »

Well I just imagine it wouldnt be given a prime location as in Cyrodilic cities. So while its in the upper class area, to get to it you have to go along the main road and walk between the walls of manors x and y to find it huddled up against a city wall, behind the actual houses.
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Post by Morgoth »

If we don't use TF's idea in the MG plot, (If there is one at all.) I would really like to see it somewhere else. It's a perfect twist. (And one that might cause some keyboard-throwing.) I might have to get me some of that 5:30 AM stuff.
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Post by Jale »

Yeh agreed, there should be a twist like that.

Perhaps Main Quest, the final bit is they are announcing a new General and you get passed over for advancement, or something like that. Or the arena, you kill the final guy but lose on a technicality.

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Post by Lady Nerevar »

buuurn indeed :twisted:

thats needs to be in somewhere
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Post by Jale »

Okay this is a more general idea, but I think that in each city we should have a handful of red-robed Arkay cultists (Just attachments of the Imperial cult, but hardcore) who act like a soft 'Inquisition' type body. Not fully sanctioned, of course, and not that important, but they should definitely be included in Taneth, antagonising the Mages Guild. Just a couple of guys who persistantly go there, and tell off the mages, and spread nasty rumours. They could turn up elsewhere, perhaps in Skaven with the Order of Galerion, and definitely in the Necromancer quest. A large number of the cultists should be native Redguards, and they should either shun magick, or express the belief that 'holy blessings' are entirely different from that 'demonic filth'

I think the cult in general should be a bit more obvious than in Cyrodiil. Yes, you had big impressive churches in each city with a priest inside, but as a player who was shunned from the church at an early stage, and only just now after a couple of weeks allowed back (I eat babies, you see), I went in and didn't know who the priest was. That bloke in the brown robe? Oh...

I just think that the cult should be a bit more vibrant if they are hoping to win over the Redguard hearts and minds. Simple way to do this? Give them really really obvious robes, taken from the windows of the churches. That way, you see a chap strolling through a marketplace in a Bright blue robe with red trim and you think 'oh, a priest of Zenithar!'.
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Post by Jale »

Sorry to double post but I was wondering why Clavilla is a 'Duchess'. Im not finding references to Hammerfell using that word. They tend to use the title 'Baron' usually, for example in Thief of Virtue, in Daggerfall (what little info I can find). Duke is used mainly in Morrowind (all sorts of titles show up in High Rock) as far as I can tell. Are we saying that the 'old kingdoms' have been demoted to Dukes and Duchesses?

Would seem logical, just curious :D
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Post by Starcrunch »

She is called Queen of Taneth by the PGtE, 3rd edition. I'm not sure where Duchess came from.

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Post by Jale »

So the equivalent to the Counts of Cyrodiil are Kings and Queens? Cool, that seems far more fitting.

If I see anyone called Lord in Hammerfell I will have to scream. Baron is so much cooler a title :D.
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Post by Macar »

I seem to remember discussing that the settlements of hammerfell are more like citystates- with thier own kings and queens.
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