Map2 detailing claims need finishing. These exteriors are holding back all of map2.
-2 caves of various types
Two more fillers left unclaimed. Let's get these done people! Will be posting up the ints from two small villages soon.
I'll be updating this accordingly.
-9 filler ints left to be finished.
I've opened a new discussion on the Molag Bal cult. Please contribute. You can find the discussion [url=http://tamriel-rebuilt.org/old_forum/viewtopic.php?t=18285]here[/url]
Telvanni Mouth quests are available for claiming
Each reviewer should claim a map2 detailing area for interior fixing, as soon as exteriors for each are ready. I want to see the physical aspects of map2 done in the near future, and this is a necessary step, and is of much higher priority than map4 int review.
-Map2 needs to have Indoril banners made in the same style as those for map3 (like in the ones in [url=http://tamriel-rebuilt.org/?picture=Almalexia%203.PNG&p=screenshots&gallery=3]this[/url] picture)
-Necrom architecture needs to be fixed, and I'd like to see that done sometime soon.
-A proper icon needs to be made for the book "daedric Septis" as I use that model as a quest item in the MQ, and its icon doesn't currently match.
Misc stuff:
-The daedra book that Kikai was working on.
-A new map of Map1, showing all of the major ruins, all settlements and physical traits like rivers, mountains, etc.`
Here's a map showing all the locations that need to be marked:
(Red=daedric, yellow = Dwemer, brown in blue = Telvanni, red in blue =Imperial)
And here's the geography map:
Pound expressed interest in this already. You still up for it, Pound?
This is not an exhaustive list, but I hope to make it so in time. I will be updating this regularly, so keep checking back.
If everybody could try to tackle some aspect of what's needed here, progress would be accelerated no end.
Thanks all, now get cracking!

Last updated: 9/3/07