New here. general ideas for whatever provinces.

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New here. general ideas for whatever provinces.

Post by TheARRGH »

ok...I'm new here (as if you couldn't guess) and i am here, let me say it, not because i am good at modding or such..but because i am ready and willing to help by giving out ideas, writing short stories, or many other tasks.

so...ideas. it looks like the place being worked on now is hammerfell, so lets' start there....

1. Redguards should be different. not even just psuedo-african, perhaps. They are, physically, mentally, culturally, and geographically different from any of the other "human" races. They probably should not just be "african", because the africans were not really mentally or physically different from other humans in fundamental ways. But the redguards think differently, have developed differently for maybe MILLIONS OF YEARS on yokuda, and are physically INHERENTLY stronger and tougher than other human races. The way everything works in hammerfell should maybe be a little alien, a little "other". Perhaps etiquette is different, or maybe culture is organized radically differently, or little things that are similar between other types of "human" are entirely changed here.

2. Skyrim. Not a huge amount to say here perhaps, but it seems that skyrim would make a wonderful sort of EPIC place...snow and ice and beasts everywhere, unforgiving and hard. sort of like black marsh, only icy, but the same principle-danger is everywhere. the nords survive maybe the same way vikings survived-ENDURE. the "tough it out" aspect would make a great part of nord culture, reflected in their dialog or rituals perhaps.

3. Summerset Isles. Can you say "white marble, complex and blindingly shimmery architecture, beautiful frescoes (like the ones on the island of crete), a tower fixation, and a very 'landscaped' look"? it seems like Altmer might have architecture similar to the ayleids-white, romanesque, but a probably to a grandiose scale. Maybe the altmer culture could be a little like the telvanni, although with a little less physical backstabbing and more political manuvering? they seem like the kind of people who like to play games, and if Long-lived beings are anything, it's patient, careful, and considering. plan-ahead-and-maybe-sacrifice-now-for-more-later kind of chaps. just a thought.

4. Elsweyr. this place seems like it might almost be similar to skyrim...bleak but beautiful. the sands everywhere, the moons shining at night, cities maybe sort of in a pueblo style with HUGE plantations of sugar and other things, a skooma pipe on every corner...little like old mexico crossed with old baghdad. small bands outside the cities traveling around, doing nothing much but living life as normal...sort of a big, slow, calm, happy, sweet, patient, candy bar of a country, with so many ruins lost beneath the sands that they've lost count. towns might be dangerous but the people hospitable. lot of mercantile tradition. Like mexico or baghdad, again.

5.Black Marsh. the main idea i have here is that maybe the argonians aren't the primitive beast-people they're normally seen as. maybe they're sort of the "advanced in a different way" types. metal? just use the bone of this beast, it's just as hard...machines? try growing the trees to do it for you...armies? try assasination....also, everything should be oooooolllld. the terrain isn't just's so many plants you can see almost nothing, and so much mist you end up seeing things that you don't know are real or not. definitely a creepy place..."is that a monster? are those eyes? was that movement?" maybe sounds like bubbling hisses and skittery insect-type noises everywhere. any buildings, whether town, ruin, or village, should be decayed and old. And monsters, especially diseased ones, all around. Maybe a sort of magic-fixated place, given the fact that they venerate ancient magical sentient trees...a fixation with certain types of magic-alteration, alchemy, illusion, mysticism-just seems to fit. they might write using some different technique than other races...Inka-style quipu-woven-things?. The kind of place that makes you understand how vulnerable and alone you really are, basically. Possible plant and fungi architecture (little like telvanni buldings), given their environment? again, just my two cents...

so anyways...thats my torrent of ideas. probably not very inspired, but please give me some comments anyways..i'd love to know how i did and which ideas might be used. I can dream, Can't I?

-TheARRGH, purveyor of sporks and patches for ex-kitten huffers.
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Post by Dexter »

Redguards are what we're working on now. If you read the lore regarding them at The Imperial Library, or at any official Elder Scrolls lore source, you will see that they are in no way African. Their culture has some influences from many different real-world cultures, but they are unique for the most part, and driven by their own flavor.
The rest of your ideas aren't really our concern, since Hammerfell is taking up all of our efforts at the moment. However, I suggest you head over to The Imperial Library and read up on the lore of the different provinces.
By the way, I deleted your avatar. Please be sensible and do not ignore the 100x100 pixel size limit. Thank you.
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Post by TheARRGH »

ok...sorry for the avatar. i didn't realize how big it'd end up. sorry for mistakes i made in lore. and sorry for my ideas directed at provinces that aren't under construction or conception yet.
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Post by Dexter »

Here's a pretty good starting point for getting an understanding of the different provinces.
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Post by lb003g0676 »

Although it's nice to see someone who has no clue about lore deviating from the stereotypes already.

Good job, but I envisage most of those totally differently.
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Post by TheARRGH »

only thing is...i DO have some idea about the lore. i've been hanging out at the imperial library forums for a while now, although compared to some of the people there....

i guess the only thing that made me afraid that redguards were being represented as pseudo-african was a few random bits that looked a little too...well, african-y. concept art and stuff like that. the fact that i should've known, plus thae fact that i'm not COMPLETELY lore-ignorant makes this a more embarasssing mistake....oh well.

Do you know any fairly specific way in which i can help the TR project? i need some sort of structured, specific thing to do, like writing a short book or ideas about specific stuff...

i do my best work when i have structure. so...anything i can do?
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Post by Nalin »

Why not have a go at writing a short book then? and submit the text here? - How about something related to the Imperial "take over" of Hammerfell...Just a random suggestion that should give you plenty to sink your teeth into :))
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Post by Macar »

Most people who like comming up with ideas go into Concept art or writing. Some of them also get into quests. With any of those areas- you'll want to post a short or small sample of your work in the "showcase" forum.
NEW MEMBERS: I'm not with TR anymore, so please stop PMing me. Just post your sample work in the showcase.
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Post by TheARRGH »

thanks for your help. And for the structured info.

I'll definitely post some bookishy stuff in the showcase section as soon as i can!
There is more in heaven and earth, Horatio, than is dream't of in your philosophy.-The Bard

The fault lies not in our stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlings...-Julius Caesar, dialogue by The Bard