If You Are A Webmaster, Come Forth & Be Heard

Old and generally outdated discussions, with the rare hidden gem. Enter at your own risk.

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If You Are A Webmaster, Come Forth & Be Heard

Post by Haplo »

Pay attention, please.
NOTICE - You will be working on a team. That means you will NOT be the only one doing things for the website. The team will include garfield, as our Service Provider; Amrod, as the current Webmaster; Myself for now, as the Administrator who deals with the site and uploading files and things like that; Possibly one other person.

So folks.

TR has a pretty hefty need for a webmaster, or at the least someone who has the knowledge, time, and inclination to code for us. Amrod is great, but has been very much absent lately, and we really cannot function to even half of our potential capacity without someone who can code for us.

This thread is for people who are interested or know someone who is interested and has the capabilities to code for us, or even webmastering, if possible.

Now for the requirements.

- This site (and its forums) and all of its lovely, nifty features and featurettes live and breathe off of PHP. A moderate to advanced skill level & knowledge of PHP and how to write it is a definite must.

However, if you don't know php but are an experienced programmer, PHP is an easy language to learn. Just look up on web security issues and try to avoid them. The syntax itself is easy enough and the help files for php are probably the best for any language, ever. There's examples of everything on the help files themselves and you can find more on www.php.net.

Other things people need to be familiar with are SQL files n' stuff like that. JavaScript and (X)HTML are also a requirement. You will most likely have already learned these if you know PHP well though.

We need to update/revamp our OoT Browser, and add lots of things to it. We'd also like to have a nice and nifty new website. There're plenty of more widgets and gadgets we'd also love to have as well that aren't mentioned in this post.

The one thing these all have in common, however, is that they all require someone to code them. Otherwise they simply won't exist, no matter how hard we wish we had them.

Other Important Information -

Zephyr's code is very well commented, so don't worry about not being able to understand what is written if you get the job as webmaster/coder.

It's kind of a requirement that you have your own test server.

You have to know how to use an FTP Client and all that jazz, otherwise all the time-consuming stuff you do will not show up online.

Coding languages used in the Website & Forums:

PHP Version 4.4.4/5 (Hopefully we'll be working on PHP5)
Flash 8 (with Actionscript 2.0)
XHTML 1.0 Strict
XML 1.0
MySQL 5.0.33

Other useful knowledge:

UML (modeling language)
SVN (version management)

SALARY - Five Thousand (5,000) Cool Points, bi-annually. Redeem these at your local IRC Channel or in any participating retail locations*.

*-Void where prohibited.
Last edited by Haplo on Tue Mar 10, 2009 8:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
Forum Administrator & Data Files Manager

[06/19/2012 04:15AM] +Cat table stabbing is apparently a really popular sport in morrowind

[August 29, 2014 04:05PM] <+Katze> I am writing an IRC bot! :O
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Post by Haplo »


Anyone at all?
Forum Administrator & Data Files Manager

[06/19/2012 04:15AM] +Cat table stabbing is apparently a really popular sport in morrowind

[August 29, 2014 04:05PM] <+Katze> I am writing an IRC bot! :O
[August 29, 2014 04:25PM] *** Katze has quit IRC: Z-Lined
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Post by ko2fan »

I'm always here if you get desperate :)

Just don't expect it all to get done overnight. I'm rather busy as you well know ;)

I will hopefully have some time over the next few days to fix up the Object Claim forums.

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Post by Haplo »

Thank you much for your omnipresent assistance and willingness to help, garf. :-)
Forum Administrator & Data Files Manager

[06/19/2012 04:15AM] +Cat table stabbing is apparently a really popular sport in morrowind

[August 29, 2014 04:05PM] <+Katze> I am writing an IRC bot! :O
[August 29, 2014 04:25PM] *** Katze has quit IRC: Z-Lined
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Post by Peter »

I'm pretty swell with PHP, plus i've adminstrated hundreds of different types of sites before.

The codes I know VERY well:
  • Javascript
    Morrowind Scripting (I just put that in there for fun)
The codes I know...Well...Just know:
  • PHP

I can be very active If I choose to, so you can count on me not being absent all the time if you choose me.
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Post by Haplo »

You said you've administrated for hundreds of sites, could you post a few of these so we may check them out, and maybe a snippet of php or a short program that uses javascript?

With that said, we'd love to have you, how'd you come by the site?
Forum Administrator & Data Files Manager

[06/19/2012 04:15AM] +Cat table stabbing is apparently a really popular sport in morrowind

[August 29, 2014 04:05PM] <+Katze> I am writing an IRC bot! :O
[August 29, 2014 04:25PM] *** Katze has quit IRC: Z-Lined
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My proud answer

Post by Peter »

The "Hundreds" of sites are mostly all the same type, and by now, closed. Most of the sites are, if you've heard of, Proboards, and message boards.

All I'm saying is I'm very experienced with Modding forums, and running sites E.G. Freewebs, Tripod, Proboards, Sites, Some Business.

Lets see, this javascript code I'm going to show you is fairly old that I wrote back when I was beginning to start writing Javascript. Nothing much, but I was just testing everything I knew about Javascript at the time. This includes Header Generators, Browser detection and telling you if you need an upgrade, all kinds of stuff.

Code: Select all

All of the basic Javascript
<body bgcolor="F0F0F0">

<center><font size=5 face="Lucida Console">Most of the Basic Javascript Programs</font></center>
<center><h1><font face="Courier New">Browser Detection</h1>

<script type="text/javascript">

var c=0
var t
function timedCount()

function stopCount()

function disp_confirm()
  var r=confirm("Press either 'OK' \n or 'Cancel'")
  if (r==true)
    document.write("You pressed OK!")
    document.write("You pressed Cancel!")

function stupid_alert()
alert("You clicked it. \n You get a stupid alert.")

function count_thinger()

var i = 1

for (i=1; i<=100; i++) 
document.write("Number "+ i)
document.write("<br />")


document.write("Yay! We got to 100!")


function time_check_b()

var d = new Date()
var time = d.getHours()

if (time<10)
document.write("<h4>Good Morning! The time is "+ time + "</h4>")
else if (time>10)
document.write("<h4>Good evening! The time is "+ time + "</h4>")


document.write("<center>The date is " + d + ".</center>")

<script type="text/javascript">
var dotted = "......................"

var browser = navigator.appName
var b_version = navigator.appVersion
var version = parseFloat(b_version)
document.write("Your browser is "+ browser + ", <br />")
document.write("and the version is " + version + ".")

document.write("<br />")
document.write("<br />")

if (version<=3)
document.write("Looks like you need an <b>upgrade</b>.")

document.write("<br />")
document.write("<br />")

document.write("Here is your browser details in a different way: <br />")

document.write("Browser information: <br />")
document.write("<br />")
document.write("Browser: "+ dotted + browser + "<br />")
document.write("Version: "+ dotted + version + " ")

if (version<=3)
document.write("< Looks like you need an <b>upgrade</b>.")

document.write("<br />")
document.write("<br />")

function alert_stupd()

var ab = 1
for(ab=1; ab<=500; ab++) 

function rand_1()

var r=Math.random()
if (r>0.5) 
document.write("I am happy!")
document.write("I am sad.")


function rand_2()

var r=Math.random()
if (r>0.5) 
document.write("I am lost!")
document.write("I know my way.")


function rand_3()

var r=Math.random()
if (r>0.5) 
document.write("I hate you!")
document.write("I love you!")


function rand_4()

var r=Math.random()
if (r>0.5) 
document.write("I have clues!")
document.write("I solved the case!")


function dblclick_alert()

alert("You double clicked me!")



<center><h1>Various interactive buttons</h1></center>


<input type="button"
value="Confirm program">

<input type="button"
value="Stupid alert">

<input type="button"
value="Count to 100 EASILY!">

<input type="button"
value="Check the time">

<input type="button"
value="Double Click Me!">


<input type="button" value="Start count!" onClick="timedCount()">
<input type="text" id="txt"><br>
<input type="button" value="Stop count!" onClick="stopCount()">





<Center><h1>Stupid link testing</h1></center>


<li><a href='http://www.Youtube.com'>Youtube</a></li>
<li><a href='http://www.Youtube.com/profile?user=Ghotherkill'>My Youtube Profile</a></li>
<li><a href='http://www.Hellboundhackers.org'>HellBound Hackers</a></li>
<li><a href='http://www.hackthissite.org'>Hack This Site</a></li>
<li><a href='http://www.google.com'>The all famous Google</a></li>
<li><a href='http://www.w3schools.com'>A great start for coding</a></li>
<li><a href='http://support.proboards.com/'>A GREAT message board service</a></li>

<input type="button"
value="Click to be stupid">

<center><h3>Random link</h3></center>
<center><h4>(Either Hellbound or Google)</h4></center>
<script tpe="text/javascript">

var r=Math.random()
document.write("<a href='http://www.hellboundhackers.org'><img src='http://hellboundhackers.org/fusion_images/hbh.gif'>")
document.write("<a href='http://www.google.com'><img src='http://www.google.com/ig/images/dell/logo_google_trans.gif'></img></a>")

<center><h1>50/50 chances</h1></center>


<input type="button"
value="Random 1">

This random generator will either display "I am happy!" or "I am sad.".</p><br><br>

<input type="button"
value="Random 2">

This random generator will either display "I am lost!" or "I know my way.".</p><br><br>

<input type="button"
value="Random 3">

This random generator will either display "I hate you!" or "I love you!".</p><br><br>

<input type="button"
value="Random 4">

This random generator will either display "I have clues." or "I solved the case!".</p><br><br>



<script type="text/javascript">

var d=new Date()
var weekday=new Array(7)

document.write("Today is " + weekday[d.getDay()] + ".")
document.write("<br />")
document.write("<br />")

var minutes = 1000*60
var hours = minutes*60
var days = hours*24
var years = days*365
var d = new Date()
var t = d.getTime()
var y = t/years

document.write("It's been: " + y + " years since 1970/01/01!")

document.write("<br />")
document.write("<br />")

document.write("The number .61 rounded is ")
document.write(Math.round(0.61) + "<br />")
document.write("The number .52 rounded is ")
document.write(Math.round(0.52) + "<br />")
document.write("The number .49 rounded is ")
document.write(Math.round(0.49) + "<br />")
document.write("The number -4.40 rounded is ")
document.write(Math.round(-4.40) + "<br />")
document.write("The number -4.60 rounded is ")

document.write("<br />")
document.write("<br />")

document.write("<center><h3>Generated number:</h3></center>")



<center><h1>Messing with strings & stuff</h1></center>

<script type="text/javascript">

document.write("Whatever I type in, the program checks to see ")
document.write("how long it is. Lets start: <br />")
document.write("<br />")

document.write("Line: Hello world!<br />")
var txt="Hello World!"
document.write("Text length: "+ txt.length)

document.write("<br />")

document.write("<center><h3>Generated headers</h3></center>")
document.write("<br />")

var i = 1;
for (i=1; i<=6; i++)
document.write("<h"+ i +">This is a generated header</h"+ i +">")

for (i=1; i<=6; i++)
document.write("<h"+ i +">This is header "+ i + "</h"+ i +">")

document.write("<br />")
document.write("Type some random crap: <br />")

This is some random crap. Go ahead, type anything you want in then click submit.
<font size=1 face="Courier New">
<p>Copyright© G-Man Productions 2007-2008. G-Man Productions© is own and run by Preston S. Johnson. This site was
coded by Preston S. Johnson and no one else. All the code was from scratch. Feel free to make this into a different web page
if you'd like and change things around. But you cannot have the SAME exact content as on this page. You can contact the
owner at c0d3r_pete@yahoo.com</p>


<!-- If you're reading this, you just might be looking for a way to hack it lol. Well, there's nothing to hack, really. 
     Do whatever you want with it. It was just some various crap i coded when i was first learning how to. My email is
     c0d3r_pete@yahoo.com for information or whatever. //-->
And here's this cool little fake computer file hacking script I made. Does nothing, just a cool little experiment.

Code: Select all

.layermensaje {
FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: #ff0000; LINE-HEIGHT: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: "Courier New"
.style1 {color: #FF0000}
</style><body onload="teclear();" bgcolor="00000">

<font style="font-size: 1pt;" face="Courier New">
<p align="center">
<span style="font-size: 18pt; color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">
<font style="font-size: 1pt;" face="Courier New"> </font></span>
<span lang="ar-sa"><font style="font-size: 1pt;" face="Courier New"><font style="font-size: 70pt;" color="#ff0000" face="Webdings">!</font></font></span> 
</p><p align="center"><font style="font-size: 1pt;" color="#66ff33" face="Courier New">

<script language="javascript">
// mensaje elite

'<p align="center"><font size="2" face="Courier New">Connecting to computer files...... </font></p>'+

'<br><p align="center"> '+
' <br>'+
'Overriding C:/         '+
'                       '+
' <br>'+
'Accessed C:/<br>'+
'                       '+
'Scanning Mydocuments in doc_files%456/32syS'+
'                       '+
' <br>'+
'Found source /%windir%/system32/stream65_02%^'+
' <br>'+
'                        '+
' <br>'+
'Found loop Ax_g1542 in Admin/doc_files%452/32syS_users'+
' <br>'+
' <br>'+
'              '+
' <br>'+
'Override complete. Stopping execution.       '+
'                   '+
' <br>'+
' <br>'+
' </center>'+

'<font style="font-size: 1pt;" color="#FF0000" face="Courier New">'+

'<font size="5" face="Courier New">Override by Ghotherkill</font>'+
' <br>'+
' <br>'+
'<font size="3">Coded with: Javascript, CSS, HTML, XHTML'+
' <br>'+
'Coded on May 13'+
' <br>'+
'Original page <b>layout</b> by <b>ME!</b>'+
' <br>'+
'Succesfull overrides: <b>146</b>'+
' <br>'+
'This program does harm: <b>NO</b>'+
' <br>'+

'Does it even scan anything: <b>NOT A CHANCE</b>'+
' <br>'+
'Can you trick people with it: <b>Hell ya</b>'+
' <br>'+
' <br>'+
'<b>How</b>: You can either save the source code of this page'+
' <br>'+
'as a different file, yada yada, or edit'+
' <br>'+
'around the source of it by yourself and make it customized. So feel'+
' <br>'+
'free to screw around with it and maybe even scare someone with it.'+
' <br>'+
' <br>'+
'Happy hacking!'+
' <br>'

function teclear(){
if(line==mensaje.length) cursor=''
if(line++<mensaje.length) setTimeout("teclear()",60) 
</font><font style="font-size: 1pt;" face="Courier New"><span class="style1"><font size="5"> </font>

</span></font><span class="style1"><font size="5">
<o:p></o:p></font></span><font size="5"><o:p></o:p></font></p>
<p align="center"> </p><div class="layermensaje" id="ttecleado" ?=""><p align="lef"><font face="Courier_" size="2"></font></p></div>
And now for a PHP code. The example below sends a text message to the specified Email Address.

Code: Select all

function spamcheck($field)
//eregi() performs a case insensitive regular expression match
  if(eregi("to:",$field) || eregi("cc:",$field)) 
    return TRUE;
    return FALSE;
  }//if "email" is filled out, send email
if (isset($_REQUEST['email']))
  //check if the email address is invalid
  $mailcheck = spamcheck($_REQUEST['email']);
  if ($mailcheck==TRUE)
    echo "Invalid input";
    //send email
    $email = $_REQUEST['email'] ; 
    $subject = $_REQUEST['subject'] ;
    $message = $_REQUEST['message'] ;
    mail("someone@example.com", "Subject: $subject",
    $message, "From: $email" );
    echo "Thank you for using our mail form";
//if "email" is not filled out, display the form
  echo "<form method='post' action='mailform.php'>
  Email: <input name='email' type='text' /><br />
  Subject: <input name='subject' type='text' /><br />
  Message:<br />
  <textarea name='message' rows='15' cols='40'>
  </textarea><br />
  <input type='submit' />

There you have it. If you want me to write a certain code for you or something I'll be glad to. I'm just saying I can do a great job here.

For your last question:

I've been around and at TR for a long time, coming in for mods, tuts, and more.

Here's a letter I wrote the the owner of TR's Youtube account:

Hey, my name is Ghotherkill (Pete, in real life).

And for over 2 years now (I think), ever since I started modding to this day, I've been going to TR ever since. A lot of times, when I was starting out modding, I came to TR for tutorials for the CS. Even now I still occasionally check on the tutorials, sometimes because I...forget.

TR is a great community with great people and very smart minds. It would be an honor to be apart of the team.

I think I could help out with loads of things. I am a very experienced modder for Morrowind, and some Oblivion modding. In the Morrowind CS, I can do anything from Make an interior for myself, making an exterior design for it, link it, to making a whole town, to cities, to huge questlines, to my own meshes and more.

So, if I could join the team that would be so great, because I mean, I've been at TR hundreds of thousands of times, and loved it all the more.

I'm just asking that you look over this letter, at the least.

~ Ghotherkill
I'm back and mastered PHP. 1 year was a long time!
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Post by ko2fan »

First of all, all your javascript is missing ;'s for some reason, which seems odd to me, did you not just copy and paste? I can't see how it would work correctly without them.

As a little programming challenge, as webmaster of TR you will be required to modify the phpBB forums. If you could create php code to create a map from several different images, and put the currently logged in member's name inside the new map image where the specific area they have claimed is, remembering this is tied to phpBB, that would prove to me you are capable.

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Post by Peter »

First of all, all your javascript is missing ;'s for some reason, which seems odd to me, did you not just copy and paste? I can't see how it would work correctly without them.

As a little programming challenge, as webmaster of TR you will be required to modify the phpBB forums. If you could create php code to create a map from several different images, and put the currently logged in member's name inside the new map image where the specific area they have claimed is, remembering this is tied to phpBB, that would prove to me you are capable.
I did paste it from notepad and the code works fine in my browser i tested it.

Umm, i'll try to do that. I'm no master a PHP.[/quote]
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Post by CleverClothe »

garfield wrote:First of all, all your javascript is missing ;'s for some reason, which seems odd to me, did you not just copy and paste? I can't see how it would work correctly without them.

Semicolons are optional in JavaScript, but I always use them to keep it a habit.
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Post by ko2fan »

Fair enough, I tested it out, and the browser does indeed automatically put a semicolon after each line if you dont use one. I just have never in my 10 years of working with JavaScript seen a semicolon not used *shrug*

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Post by Peter »

Garfield i can't really do what you asked so i guess i'm not going to be one.

But I still wanna be a mod because i'm going to put in a lot of mods i'm making.
I'm back and mastered PHP. 1 year was a long time!
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Post by ko2fan »

I am sorry to hear that, you seemed like you would be capable, and we sure could do with someone who is.

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Post by Haplo »

Peter wrote: But I still wanna be a mod because i'm going to put in a lot of mods i'm making.
Forum Administrator & Data Files Manager

[06/19/2012 04:15AM] +Cat table stabbing is apparently a really popular sport in morrowind

[August 29, 2014 04:05PM] <+Katze> I am writing an IRC bot! :O
[August 29, 2014 04:25PM] *** Katze has quit IRC: Z-Lined
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Post by Peter »

I meant I'm going to post in the showcase a bit.

Garfeild, I am currently taking lots of classes for PHP so I might soon be able to write loads.
I'm back and mastered PHP. 1 year was a long time!
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Post by JayTiTAN »

Hi, my name is Jay and i am currently webmastering 6 or 7 sites.
I can code php (but sometimes i do need a poke in the right direction XD) [[url=Http://www.tagclan.org/rcf/]Current Project.[/url]]

i am good with phpbb and am able to modify the code within.

one thing i probably cannot do is
As a little programming challenge, as webmaster of TR you will be required to modify the phpBB forums. If you could create php code to create a map from several different images, and put the currently logged in member's name inside the new map image where the specific area they have claimed is, remembering this is tied to phpBB, that would prove to me you are capable.
Best regards,
Jay [Webmaster@solidclans.youCknowOwhatM]
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Post by ko2fan »

JayTiTAN wrote:Hi, my name is Jay and i am currently webmastering 6 or 7 sites.
I can code php (but sometimes i do need a poke in the right direction XD) [[url=Http://www.tagclan.org/rcf/]Current Project.[/url]]

Best regards,
Jay [Webmaster@solidclans.youCknowOwhatM]
Your current project seems to contain a lot of broken images. It also states the forums are broken.

It contains very little that would suggest you have any knowledge or experience with php or phpBB.

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Post by Haplo »

Folks, this still applies; if you've been a webmaster anywhere before, know what you're doing, and can prove it, we'd still love to have you! Garfield cannot do everything on his own with his limited time and very busy agenda! We still want that website face lift!
Forum Administrator & Data Files Manager

[06/19/2012 04:15AM] +Cat table stabbing is apparently a really popular sport in morrowind

[August 29, 2014 04:05PM] <+Katze> I am writing an IRC bot! :O
[August 29, 2014 04:25PM] *** Katze has quit IRC: Z-Lined
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Post by CXA26483 »

Hello! I've actualy been lurking the TR project for some time, and been flip flopping on the idea of being a webmaster for the project. This is mainly because I am actually working on my own web CMS which thus far, IMHO, is looking to be much greater than a lot of the simple BB systems like phpBB, IPB, or VBulletin, mainly because as I said, it is a fully integrated CMS. I actually am hoping to make a profit off of it eventually ;).

Anyways, I thought I would mention that as part of my resume. However, back to business:

I am a rather flexible person when it comes to coding, and/or working with a group of people on a project. Also, I have skills in the following web languages (I will write them in order):
  • PHP
    HTML/XHTML (basically the same thing)
    XML (this is much less than the above 3)
All of these are self taught (if that makes a difference), and although I couldn't say I'm an expert at these, I do know my way around code pretty well. Also, I am a very, VERY quick learner, so after looking at the code for your OoT browser, I'm sure I could figure it out.

If you think I could help, I'd be willing to at least assist TR in webmastering (preferably assist actually).

Also, I have worked with programs like SQLyog and WinSCP for server file management. I could say that I know something about full server management, but I would be lying ;). But I do know a bit about database management and database entry using PHP.

Lastly, I would prefer if I were emailed about this subject if you wouldn't mind, as I check that more often than I do my msg box :). CXA26483@gmail.com
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Post by Burunduk »

Umm... hello. I'm yet another lurker. I greatly admire this project: I wanted to mod for it, but I've got no mod experience! :(
You're looking for a webmaster, and while I fear I may not be qualified, if you so desire, you can take a look at a little project I was doing awhile back (before school started).


I do hope everything works... I changed quite a few things. In any case, the linked site is redundant: it was a gift to [url=http://www.gmclans.com/]the community[/url] I was in, a free commission of a sort. They requested an online indie game-dev magazine and I was trying to deliver. However, the administrator of the community decided I had the potential to be an admin of a future reincarnation of the site, free to incorporate my own features... so, yes, redundant, and not being developed anymore. >_<

My problem is that I don't practice abstraction, for I didn't know about it until recent time. Um... well, that said, I programmed everything on The Clam myself - no ripping off other people, except for a single browser detection script. I have no experience with phpBB, yet another blow to my qualification, and I have very little experience of working in a group when it comes to websites. I am proficient with the following, in descending order:

HTML (least important, anyone can do it)

And of course, I know SQL.

I don't know if I am your man... I can try your image-map challenge, but you'll have to explain it to me.
I am, well, to put it bluntly, a little lost - I don't know how I can help the project.

Oh, and if you could email me, instead of PMing me, I'd greatly appreciate it.

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Post by Haplo »

p.s. we're still looking
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Post by Horsevad »

My name is Nikolaj Horsevad
I think i will be able to help you in time. I have the spirit and time to write a lot of things for you. The only problem is that i have a minor knowelege to php and SQL but I'm a fast learner and i already now reading tutorial's about it, and i would realy like to have a reason like this to motivate me.

I'm not yet albe to write the code for the map you meantion Garfield but i know what has to be done to meka it work, so if you could use me i'll be glad to help.

I know this pretty well


and i'm learning this rigth now


and when I'm done with that I'll be learning

So just PM me if u think i can do a diffrent
Don't meantion my spelling my teatcher already mentioned it!
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Post by RelinQ »

If you really need any help, I can be around to fix any MySQL problems (im pretty decent with using it), but if its incorperated with PHP it might be a little bit of an issue. I dont know for sure, but Im around if needed.



I prefer the MySQL part though.
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Post by ko2fan »

The main task would be writing and maintaining php, being able to use mysql is a very small part of it.

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Post by Gez »

Changing my avatar to take the one I use on other ES forums, I see this text:
Displays a small graphic image below your details in posts. Only one image can be displayed at a time, its width can be no greater than 120 pixels, the height no greater than 200 pixels, and the file size no more than 6 KB.
So there are supposedly checks being done in the forum's code. Obviously they're not done (somebody used [url=http://tamriel-rebuilt.org/old_forum/viewtopic.php?t=19739]a map of Tamriel[/url] as his avatar). I'm not a pro of PHP (just know enough to do some tweaks on a wakka engine I use), but I think I could put those checks back in if nobody else does.
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Post by Haplo »

Well that size is actually decided/put in place by someone, and is changed by editing the text in a .php file hosted here, but as far as I know there's no code that checks for/denies avatars over that, just people who can delete the avatar.
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[06/19/2012 04:15AM] +Cat table stabbing is apparently a really popular sport in morrowind

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Appologies for a blatant disregard of a "timely fashion"

Post by CXA26483 »

So I know I haven't been heard from for awhile, but as I promised I did not forget about TR!

In fact I have been working on something for you guys . . . (and/or ladies)

It's got a long way to go, but Haplo, as you appear to be in charge, I'd be willing to disclose the details of the project to you alone.

Part of it can be seen here . . . Along with the rest of my site which, regrettably, has remained rather stagnant due to my busy schedule.



(Don't worry about the disclaimer on the front page http://www.ragnarokinc.org. That's just to scare people away from stealing my work ;))
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Post by Haplo »

about the details of this project, could you PM them to me?
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Post by RelinQ »

Still looking for some assistance?

I'm trying to be here more often, so I could take a look every now and then. and besides the MYSQL which I already said I can help with, I managed to Learn some PHP through one of my uni classes, so I have a alright grasp on that.

eh, just give me a shout if needed.
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Post by Haplo »

How well do you feel you know PHP? Enough to examine/become familiar with/study/look at someone's old(mostly well-commented) work and rewrite it in "updated" (Or rather: Cleaner, and more strict) PHP coding (which is rather extensive), often mixed with XHTML and CSS, and integrated with the forums (and their old phpBB 2.0.18 coding... something we want to upgrade to phpBB 3)?
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[06/19/2012 04:15AM] +Cat table stabbing is apparently a really popular sport in morrowind

[August 29, 2014 04:05PM] <+Katze> I am writing an IRC bot! :O
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Post by South of the Valenwood »

I am a webmaster but I don't know php. I used to know html codes but I have forgetten, but I can learn them again. One more thing I am not English nor American. South is the meaning of my name in English. My English teacher calls me MR. South :D

If it is necessary I can learn php too but I can't give my all life to it.... In summer I can do it.
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Post by JoshTheNewb »

i will do this, i have minimal HTML coding experience, i figured out how to make a landmass on morrowind cs. i also took 7 hours to figure out my computer (not this one, the one in my room that i use for my modding and such) has too many obsolete and/or outdated components to run Oblivion. - that one made me very sad.


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Post by Nanu »

garfield wrote:As a little programming challenge, as webmaster of TR you will be required to modify the phpBB forums. If you could create php code to create a map from several different images, and put the currently logged in member's name inside the new map image where the specific area they have claimed is, remembering this is tied to phpBB, that would prove to me you are capable.
Have at it. :)
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Post by 2xPa »

if still lookin' for assistance, i assume yes, as it's still board announcment, let me say few words.

I'm familiar with XHTML/CSS, PHP, JS, XML/XSLT and others, unfortunately, none of these confirmed by existing or finished project, one worth bein' mentioned is browser game written in python on mod_python and SQLite in RUP methodology, as project for Software Engineering classes, but never was finnished as there was no time and further need for that. The only thing that can confirm programming skills, although not in PHP, is certificate for following:
- 2609 Introduction to C# Programming with Microsoft .NET
- 2124 Programming with C#
- 2349 Programming the Microsoft .NET Framework with C#

currently workin' on:
- PHP and PostgreSQL based project for Data Bases classes
- starting practice as XHTML/CSS dev in IT company
- one other minor web page
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Post by Haplo »

Feel free to tackle the programming challenge garfield posted a few posts back.
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[06/19/2012 04:15AM] +Cat table stabbing is apparently a really popular sport in morrowind

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Post by 2xPa »

sure I will, but first need t get to second PC
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Post by 2xPa »

ok, who do i send the code?
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Post by ko2fan »

You can PM me with it.

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Post by Red Eye »

Just wanted to pop in here once I saw this, again like many who commented before, I am a webmaster as well.

I am not sure how much help I could actually be to you guys at the moment, as I am still touching up on a number of development aspects myself, but I am always willing to learn (and since PHP is one of the big ones on my list here for next thing to learn, what you guys are needing may be within my realm soon).

Just wanted to leave it as an option, though I personally hope you find someone before I am ready because I simply love this project and you guys deserve someone on staff and frequently available right now
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I'm back

Post by Peter »

Well if you read the first few posts of this topic, you probably know who I am. If not, I'm "Peter" or "Preston". I posted a sample code about a year ago, wishing to signup for the webmaster. There was only one problem: I didn't know PHP all that well.

But then again, that was a year or longer ago; now I've mastered PHP.

My YouTube account is "Ghotherkill" and i have PHP tutorials that partially prove my skills in the code language. I can provide more samples if that doesn't prove me worthy for this 'position'.

I'm back and mastered PHP. 1 year was a long time!