Lord Paladas's Showcase

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Lord Paladas
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Lord Paladas's Showcase

Post by Lord Paladas »

This will be my showcase when the sample I am working on gets smoothed out. I guess if there are any people interested in looking, i could post the semi-finished room. overall, the big details are done.

the room inside the mod is an Ayleid arena training area. first off, there are a few things that need changing before a real "showcased release" is brought forth.

-Schedules-the people have wacked out schedules or fall through the ground and help in no way whatsoever to the realism.
-People-not that it really matters, but they are High Elves pretending to be Ayleids. Don't mind the imposters.
-Lack of items-for all the weapon racks, there are few weapons around. this is because pretty much at every bump my character made, EVERY weapon fell. not good
-not clean!-the BIG reason why i never posted it yet is that. i am still trying to get TESAME.

This was to tell everyone that showcase work should be up within the next week, and also as a silent plea for help if anyone can help with the schedule or weapon problems i am having. All anyone needs to know is that it is a training room with 16 npcs, 14 of which are occupied with training, 1 runs for endurance, and the last is the blademaster, who stands around just like our favorite one. it is rumored that he acts almost the same.

oblivion has another hopeful! shove off, you cone-haired parasite of a fan!!!
"The Arena's faked. You think those guys are REALLY getting killed? Why, it's just berry syrup and ham acting."
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Post by Lady Nerevar »

sounds interesting, especialy the AI. it would be good to have someone realy knowleged in it to help out thrig with AIing.
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Post by blackbird »

Does Tesame work for oblivion?
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Post by Thrignar Fraxix »

no, you need TES4 Plugin utility which can be found at some place where I don't remember where it is. googling, asking on the ESF, or someone who doesn't have a mind boggled by a cold will probably tell you where it is
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Post by blackbird »

Do you mean TES4 Gecko?
I have one, but it's not as easy as TESAME, especially the installation.
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Post by Thrignar Fraxix »

no, TES 4 plugin utility is actually what it is called. It has been a while though so they may have actually decided to name it. *shrugs* I do remember TES 4 plugin utility being a pain...
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The just man frowns, but never sneers. We can understand anger, but not malevolence - Victor Hugo, Les Miserables

The abuse of greatness is when it disjoins remorse from power - Brutus, Julius Caesar

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Post by groza528 »

I'm pretty sure you can actually clean TES4 files in the CS. When you're loading them, click the "details" button. Then select any dirty refs and hit delete. It should load without them.
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Lord Paladas
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Post by Lord Paladas »

Well, i thought that, but i didn't know if deleting a thing in the CS would remove it, and didnt dare try. What if my messed up *'d elven battle axe that i just deleted off the details page would disappear? Then the player would be left without a pretty, shiny weapon to hack things with. That would be pretty bad. i would have pissed off every single battlemage and barbarian in the world. Id be screwed.

I think that if my idiot people would stop falling though the floor and actually listen to what i script them to do, then it might be worth posting. other things missing from the mod are some welkynd lights (the chandeliers are there) and a little more detail. i need to also change the lighting to match the aarena bloodworks.

otherwise, if anyone is actually interested in what it is so far, i would be happy to post it even though it is unfinished. One almost finished room and a few others started wont take too much space.

@Lady Nerevar: I think of the AI as necessity, where as the cell is just an "Arena Training Chamber" for the Ayleids in their own arena. Otherwise I would have people standing around picking their noses. Oblivion needs to have people DOING SOMETHING. Just telling the about 15 people to do a specific action for 24 hrs and nothing else is bad enough; giving them a life (which is planned in the entire mod) of training would be HELLISH.

If anyone hasn't noticed, I rarely speak, but when i do, it has meaning.

I have just decided "The heck with it" and will post a story I am currently writing about a character with my name. The setting is around 1E700, and I need to wonder on the lore. I kept getting smacked in the face for trying to make a new topic where i could fit this story.

"Labanians" are not in lore, but I planned them to be on an a group of 'Labanian Isles' North of Summerset and West of Hammerfell, somewhere out in that sea.

This story has been paused right during the battle of red mountain, so if the suspense does kill, you, i warned ahead of time. *Warning: not proofread or near finished, just a beginning to a nice series of books.
Paladas Dragonbane Labanias Sunderforge V1.txt
Chapter 1 of Paladas's Tale (prologue would help a bit, which I am trying to fix)
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"The Arena's faked. You think those guys are REALLY getting killed? Why, it's just berry syrup and ham acting."
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Thrignar Fraxix
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Post by Thrignar Fraxix »

Lord Paladas wrote:I kept getting smacked in the face for trying to make a new topic where i could fit this story.
Uh... what?
Lord Paladas wrote:"Labanians" are not in lore, but I planned them to be on an a group of 'Labanian Isles' North of Summerset and West of Hammerfell, somewhere out in that sea.
Thats a bit much to add. Perhaps if this was supposed to be fiction it would be ok, but adding them and calling the paper scholarly is not good IMO.
Lord Paladas wrote:If anyone hasn't noticed, I rarely speak, but when i do, it has meaning.
So humble this one is...
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The just man frowns, but never sneers. We can understand anger, but not malevolence - Victor Hugo, Les Miserables

The abuse of greatness is when it disjoins remorse from power - Brutus, Julius Caesar

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Post by Harke the Apostle »

I'll review what you've written so far.


I'm not doing the full review you'd normally get, but I'm just giving my global impression.
If your story of 4.727 words tells us anything, then it is that you are willing to put out in terms of literature.
This is very good, and although TR places quality above quantity, this quality is usually only acheived after multiple reviews and edits, so being able to write a lot wouldn't go amiss here.

I do have some points of criticism.

-I've reviewed your first part of the story (about the-nine-year old) and I found that, where you used 294 words, I needed only 242 to say the same thing. That means that one in five words you have used is superfluous.

-You need to think about the logic of your story a bit more. How exactly does the scheme with the raiding party and the trebuchets work? Why do the defenders fall for it? Why was the mother there with the boys?
You don't need to explain everything, but you do need to form a plausible image in your own head that you draw your story from.

-You need to ask yourself at each point of the story "What's going on?", and describe that.
If he hasn't reached the beach during his flight towards it, don't describe it yet.

-Is there any reason that the boy runs for his life and then suddenly changes his mind as he reaches the beach?
If there is you, should make it plausible.

I don't have much to say about the rest of the story, but bear in mind that the Lore (written with a big L) is very important to TR.
If I were you, I'd write another story/book/diary with a more sound Lore base about Paladas that isn't so large (1000 word max) that would certainly help.
Do proof-read it, but don't be afraid it isn't perfect. We'll help you with it.
Just make sure it has a beginning a middle and an end, and (with a little bit of luck) you'll be well on your way to immortal BoT fame...
Lord Paladas
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Post by Lord Paladas »

I checked on that, and i realized most of that after the fact, but really, the whole thing in the beginning was supposed to be part of an extended prologue, and in a part of my editing process, I threw out lots of content (must have been too much, i guess). Let's see...

1: the explaination above adresses the attack on the castle part, too much cut from the original, i guess.

2: the beach, like the rest, was cut horribly. sorry.

3: yeah, i was hoping the people would pass under a radar. Really, seems i thought (couldn't find evidence otherwise) the dragons were around, then we could have a hero who got on the Imperial "bad side". I really started to dislike the Imperialistic "let's take over everything and cover this with 'peace' and 'diplomacy'" idealism, so i wanted a human who was stong, didnt like or have magic talent, and did not have a strong liking for mead...

I CAN make a more lore-friendly version. i just thought on that taday.

@Thrignar Fraxix: yes, i tried to make a new topic and i got kicked out cuz i "wasnt given permission"

i never said "scholarly", i just tried a little something. fine if it's not good IMO, ill back off. really, i guess this version can fit itself in some "fiction" storage.

i should have said "tried to have meaning" seems my wording is "humble". i just meant to say i "try" to make sense.

I'm sure you mean this all in a helpful way, Thrignar Fraxix, but really, c'mon. i never claimed perfection here. that is why i seek a bit of help while in TR.
*the 'necromancy' was accidental. i didnt see that is was 'dead', and you know what i mean. my apologies.
"The Arena's faked. You think those guys are REALLY getting killed? Why, it's just berry syrup and ham acting."
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Post by Harke the Apostle »

You don't need to make it as long as your last submission.
Here is what TR is looking for.

If you post the story/book/diary as text instead of attaching it, it will be easier to review.

Write on!

P.S.: You shouldn't attempt to write about the Dwemer unless you know a lot about the Lore or a lot about writing.
Lord Paladas
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Post by Lord Paladas »

Well, i looked at the guidelines and noticed that now Paladas is pretty much smacked out of the way, unless his quest for answers/revenge isnt shoved under "hackneyed" adventures. Now i gotta ship him out of Morrowind (and I wanted to make the Temple look REALLY bad and a bit hypocritical, too...)

Can I still keep the cool Dwarf-spirit. I'm sure that i can refrain from constant editing and "liven" him up a bit (heh). I take it I missed out on the lore a bit on the Dwemer, then? I tried.

Here's a "not hackeyed" idea, what about my guy's in Cyrodiil, and have a journal on some gate-closing. Maybe he got tossed into a daedra realm? it was mentioned in some lore that the gates "began opening" after the Emperor died. This means there were gates beginning to pop up, even though the gameplay never adresses this, and tosses in the gates once you go to kvatch.

no? then I could check out samples of others. I enjoy writing, so size doesnt bother me. i wrote all that cuz i wanted to.

P.S.to everyone: what i meant earlier was that the story was oringinally meant as fiction to go on a site, but i looked at books and realized that it was MUCH shorter than i had made. I'll try again later.

My training room is almost to the point of submittal, once someone could help with the many light fixtures i have, along with AI. after those things are done, and official submittal can be completed.
"The Arena's faked. You think those guys are REALLY getting killed? Why, it's just berry syrup and ham acting."
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Post by Harke the Apostle »

Lord Paladas wrote:Well, i looked at the guidelines and noticed that now Paladas is pretty much smacked out of the way, unless his quest for answers/revenge isnt shoved under "hackneyed" adventures. Now i gotta ship him out of Morrowind (and I wanted to make the Temple look REALLY bad and a bit hypocritical, too...)
It's natural that you are drawn to write from the perspective of Morrowind. The awesome game will have that effect on you. :)

I think adventures are only "hackneyed" when they are "hackneyed". How about writing a diary with a few days out of Paladas life?
You should check the name generator to see if Paladas's race fits his name (Paladas sounds Dunmer to me).
If you include the Dwemer, suggest a lot, but don't let him speak. Preserve established Lore.
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Post by Lady Nerevar »

the quest for answers/revenge does sound prety overused. however, try to put a spin on it. for instance, the answers he gets are entierly different then the ones he was looking for and change his views entierly. i was watching this movie back in belarus about Artsen Lupen (sp?) and he was like looking for who killed his dad the whole movie. turned out that his dad wasent dead after all, and that he was infact the murder of his acomplice (thats the short version. it was much more complicated). in a similar facion, revenge could end up backfiring somehow or the narator could perhaps realise that revenge is not the way to go...

... or something :P
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Lord Paladas
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Post by Lord Paladas »

Tru, true. I guess we will all have to move on, then. Sigh. I'll be fine.

Definition of "hackneyed"? Just basically 'lets go on a little adventure and win some big thing' kinda story? Never really understood that word...

Name gnerator? Never hear of one. Well, the fact he doesn't have a 'human-sounding' name made me want to make the new race, along with toss in the whole thing back in 1E or something; names always sounded different (Tiber? Yeah, let's name my Imperial kid 'Tiber'. That is such a hip name here in the 4th Era)(Really, didn't the 4E start after the Oblivion Crisis? Check out the intro and outro movies for Oblivion, and I could swear I heard that) back in the day.

Well, if I can't have a smart-assing, ill-mannered, short-tempered, argumentitive Dwemer ghost, then I would rather not. The journal might help with that.

*Joke: What about a jounal of some guy who arrived in Seyda Neen and has the same journal as Morrowinds in the beginning. Have the part about Fargoth, but have this guy say he didn't have it. He tries to leave, but creatures are too strong. He goes to silt-strider, but the legs are broken and the person is gruesomely murderd. People with anything in common with the Fargoth Ring quest begin dying. The last journal tells about the writer going insane, and his last words debate whether Fargoth suspects him of taking the ring. His last sentence is "HE HIS HERE!"

jk. i needed to add my light humor in here. Funny, yes? I wont seriously make that, unless in my own mod, or requested.

@Lady Nerevar: Good idea! I'll see what I can do, however, I think that such a tale with all these ideas can get a bit long. I dont want '6 of them' as parts of my stories. We really don't need another "brief" History of the Empire, eh?

This is a 'near completed' version of the Ayleid Arena Training Room. The room is about 75% done TOTAL. 95% of all usuable items are down, there is no lighting, and no stones in the hanging metal things. Most of the fighters' AI is stupid, and quite a few of the idiots find an unavoidable need to fly through the air into nothing. The secret room and all the crap on the arenamaster's desk are part of a little side quest i plan on having in the mod itself. The cell is '0ElvenArenaTrainingHall'. speaking of the mod, how do i make new 'worlds' such as another Oblivion realm?

please treat this as you treated the story. constructive criticism (thanks Hark the Apostle) only. if you must be hard, give it here. i will deal with it. if the whole cell is unappealing in the rough (has no value even when improvements are made) i will probably work on it so much i might not reply in a long while, so dont kill this post. Necromancing my own showcase doesnt sound too nice.
Ayleid City Less.esp
Ayleid City; the Arena Training room is partially done, so a preliminary check and comment would be nice
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"The Arena's faked. You think those guys are REALLY getting killed? Why, it's just berry syrup and ham acting."
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Post by Haplo »

Hackneyed means overused or cliche or just way too common.
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Post by Lord Paladas »

A battle/skirmish/fight for lives in a strange setting/trapped fight wouldnt go under that category, would it? if you didnt understand what i meant in the description, think of 300. they are against an army MUCH bigger, without any reinforcements.

I did more work on the mod, and the leveled lists are fixed. Also, there is actually an arena setting. that is also about 75-80% done. if anyone says that that room is NOT deadly to fight in, i dare you to fight where the spikes on the walls and columns can actually HURT you. there is one statue missing that i can remember, and once the first balcony is done, i will get to the other 3. the light placement is almost done, and 3 of the 4 corners will have a place to buy stuff, like replica items at one, and food and drink at another. the last corner is like a cooking area, where all the food is prepared.

the Arena is HUGE! according to my calculations, all the spots can hold a total of 288 persons, not that i will have that many. i will need help once i get serious on the real mod with Arena scripting, though...
Ayleid City Less.esp
2 rooms of the Ayleid Arena! There is a world for this ancient city, too, right under Interiors...
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"The Arena's faked. You think those guys are REALLY getting killed? Why, it's just berry syrup and ham acting."
-the Adoring Fan


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Post by Lady Nerevar »

ok, here is the review of the interior. i cant do much in terms of scripting and NPCs.

-maybe a bit bright. not sure though.
-there is obvious style mixing, however, due to the nature of this mod, i supose its acceptable. i however think it would be better to use ayleid lighting, and you will be expected to do so as a modder. hopefully that made some scense :P
-the brewer things behind the bar bleed into the ground.
-a lot of hallways ended in the void, i asume this areas are not finished yet (?)

-definatly too bright, its even brighter without the A key then it is with
-the keg barrels bleed into the floor
- a barrel bleeds into the table badly
-why are there nekkid arena combatents just chilin' there?
-the weapons racks on the floor bled into the colums
-the hay targets float
-0BarrelAyleidMetalsmith bleeds into the table and into the barrel next to it
-0CrateAyleidItems bleeds into the barrels next to it
-in the pile with the anvil, a couple of open barrels bleed into surounding objects.
- the shelf bleeds into the wall slightly
-the crates in the pile with the keg all bleed into eachother

those are the only 2 cells that were compleat enough to review. now some notes on your newly created items:
-the mithril rocks need to have their name changed since they yield silver. or replace the silver with mithril.
-0AyleidGateArena dont have sounds asigned. this may (or may not) cause problems in game.

over all, i liked what i saw. there were some errors, but the design itself was quite interesting.
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Post by Lord Paladas »

thanks for the review. heres the replys/explainations:

1. i used the bloodworks lighting, seems i had no original to work with, cuz the arena was in daylight. i tried to use ayleid lighting, but i wanted something else, seems it seemed WAAAAY too dungeon-y. i wanted the city to have a life to it. not deathly dark. if people consider an Arena as a dungeon (i imagined the Roman arena and how everyone acted like it were a baseball game, bringing little Tomilus along to catch a limb ore something) i would listen to that. all of the existing lighting seemed too dark and distasteful. I will change my mods for others, though, once i hear such things.

2. yes the hallways did. i was trying some styles with the architecture. i have work to do on the things overall. there is meant to be function.

3. too bright. i knew that. the way i work is too use the brightest to see what im doing, then change the lighting to match the cell. they should be equipped with some randomized armour, and the fact they dont do crap is cuz i cant get them to do their one job. HINT: schedule-worker help needed!

4. i think the hay targets have a wierd mesh. that is, the actual parts are not connected. i will fix that.

5. that mithril part is still WIP, and i didnt focus on that until i would work with the cells.

6. i tried to avoid this 'bleeding' of which you speak, and would like a clear definition. once i know the exact term of the problem, i can easily fix it. i REALLY tried to avoid such problems with the racks, seems my weapon-pacement was LONG and VERY tedious. some of the bleeding with the Boethia statue were out of necessity, seems a precariously-balanced rack with sharp weapons would scare almost anyone.

'Bleeding' definition would be nice. i dont know how to unpack the files, so i cant get to anything. I take it the elves looked Lore-acceptable? Thanks for the review, and i will get to each of those things. i will make a list on notepad...now...and get it done immediately.

I take it the areas as a whole were imaginative? that is what i really like to do. think it out, and fix.
"The Arena's faked. You think those guys are REALLY getting killed? Why, it's just berry syrup and ham acting."
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Post by Jedak »

Bleeding is when two objects/statics are 'inside' each other. eg lets say table + glass on top: the glass isn't just touching the table, it is pushing inside it. Its 'bleeding' into the table.
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Post by Lady Nerevar »

or, in yout case, many containers (eg. barrels and crates) overlap in parts. bleeding is also very similar to sinking, wich refers to bleeding into the object that its sitting on (like the case jedak described). i personaly use bleeding for both, but some people alternate.
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Post by Lord Paladas »

thanks, both of you. i fixed pretty much everything except the npc schedules (tried everything), the lighting (still need to fill those chandiliers...). Everything else is done.

@Lady Nerevar: i changed the lighting of the arena. now we have a dungeon-y area for all sorts of people to die in. the guard will get a few nice things to use to beat up unruly people later...and the mith rocks are unfixed.

I just worked on the 2 cells that were looked at. lets see if its acceptable...(crosses fingers)


i elected to add more to the arena area. there are a few more nice things, though the halls are still in progress. i got a bit light-happy (damn the darkness that makes up the ruins) and some of the lights even have the streetlight script to make the place more forbidden at night. that way, while there are almost no guards there comppared to the daytime, it is also much darker. this will creep out the people who arent theives, and for those who are? the night guards are much tougher and will have torches, along with a regular pattern (once i can schedule them to listen).

that is the one bit of good the darkness gave.

i expanded on the 'foodshop' area. i think it is satisfactory, and might add a gate that gets shut at night or something. eh, whatever. the guards can now bash people with their axes. that is what is new in the updated mod.
Ayleid City Less.esp
lots of lights and items. much improved, id say!
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"The Arena's faked. You think those guys are REALLY getting killed? Why, it's just berry syrup and ham acting."
-the Adoring Fan


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-random Wood Elf