Very nice, the blue is just what I was thinking of.
My remaining concern is that the tiles, which seem to stand out from each other too much, and I feel are too 'busy' compared to the rest of the texture, which looks just right. I can't remember what Vivec's floors looked like, but I don't remember so much contrast (the area of shadows between the tiles is what I'm talking about, it appears too dark, and makes it look a bit like a 'wire mesh').
Perhaps increase the size of the tiles, or make the colour of the shadows in the gaps more like that of the tiles, so it's not quite as 'sharp'.
Otherwise, almost perfect, IMO!
EDIT: 'Cos I'm lovely, here's a comparison screenshot to show what I mean.
As you can see, with the Vivec one the tiles are very subdued, very natural, and don't shout "I'M A TILE!" at you, with pronounced borders, as yours do. They blend in and don't draw unecessary attention to the floor. Again, sorry I'm not arty enough to come up with more sensible explanations of what I mean. :p