The Gooch's ShowCase | Quest | Scripting

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The Gooch's ShowCase | Quest | Scripting

Post by TheGooch »

The following file is still getting work done on it.
I'm having a few issues, such as:

InGame my NPC's arent there. (But they r there in the render window in the CS.
My WaitDay Script doesn't work. AFAIK
(Ive changed after my NPC's disapeared) so it should work now.

This Quest isnt really usable its just to show that i can make a quest. :)

Oblivion Quest. GOTO Prison Sewer Exit. and the 2 NPC's will be there. Talk to the Argonian.

Not fully complete.
edit -> TheGoochShowCaseQuest 1
Last edited by TheGooch on Thu Jan 24, 2008 1:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Morden »

Welcome to the forums :) I know nothing about quests so I can't really comment, but I'm sure somebody will be by soon to check it out. Our Head of Quests is 'TheViking' , so he's your man if you have questions about the project.
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Post by TheGooch »

Im not sure, but Oblivion isn't Loading my plugin. I've tested this by seeing if the i can start the quest by putting this code in the Console.

SetStage TRPrisonBreak 15 ;Which should start the quest

but it comes up with an error saying the quest doesn't exist or something like that.

Is there anyway of fixing this at all?
I'm sure it is something to do with oblivion and not the CS but anything is possible i guess.

Thanks In Advanced
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Post by Haplo »

Sorry for the long wait, I've downloaded your .esp and will test it in a moment.

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Found a Problem.

Post by TheGooch »

Umm i think i accidently pressed the "recompile all scripts" so thats the reason for the large file size. will fix and release in a bit.

[Edit] Added The Attachment its now 24kb
instead of over 3mb :)

Another thing, since i fixed it. my quest works mostly now.
the waitday script does work (but ive changed it so you only have to wait about 10 - 12 hours) Now to fix the The khajiit's dialogue and quest functions ;) TheGoochShowCaseQuest 1
Last edited by TheGooch on Thu Jan 24, 2008 1:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Morden »

Thats much smaller :)
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Post by Morden »

Thats a good idea for testing a quest...put everyone in the same spot so they're easy to get to :) However, the guy's brother, who in prison, wouldn't accept the bomb. Is that as far as the quest goes currently?

Do you currently have access to the quest forums Gooch?
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Post by TheGooch »

Yeah i'm pretty sure i can access the lore & quest section.

For the quest yeah im trying to add dialogue to the "bomb brother". and i did earlier try to put the bombbrother in jail but he wasnt in the cell (the prison cell). so i thought it would be easier anyways for testing. ummm, i havent tested it myself, but when the argon ses will u help him, say no. and a note should say you should talk to the guards. talk to one. and see if u can do the other path of the quest.
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Post by PoHa! »

I looked mostly at your scripts, myself.

On the whole, I didn't see anything too bad; I do wonder what the line

Code: Select all

player.additem f "250"
in the result script of some of the quest stages are meant to do? I imagine the f is supposed to be gold, right?

I also noticed that your Khajiit and Argonian are incorrectly using the skeleton.nif instead of the skeletonbeast.nif, which is a common enough mistake. :P

I also noticed some spelling/grammar errors in the journal entries, but didn't think to note them individually.

On the whole though, I think your scripting is pretty good, your quest looked interesting (I didn't play it, mind you, but I read through the scripts and journal entries), and that you're certainly a capable modder.
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Post by TheGooch »

yeah well, umm i only wanted to get a basic sort of quest going, not really usable in TR. ive only been scripting/questing the past couple of weeks and i forgot what the gold script was and i knew it had an f in it. 0000000f is put in now. and thanks for telling me about the skele thing, didnt know about that.

Im having probs with two things.

A.) Cant get the guards to initate dialog. ie. Kill the terrorist bit.

B.) Cant get the bombBrother to have dialogue "TrBomb" topic.

dialog and getting the NPC's to say stuff at the right time and actually sayin it is a pain.

dont wurry about the Journal entries and spelling/grammar i was just writing off the top of my head and was only really concentrating on the heart of the quest, the scripting and dialogue and that.

Trying to fix most of the errors now.

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WOOT! :D Fixes are Done!

Post by TheGooch »

Well after an a little while fixing things and i found out why the guards and the bombbrother; I didnt have them added under quest conditions. so any quest related dialog didnt appear.

Now all quest paths work: There are two. Either way it ends up the same.

So Here is the Quest. Remember goto the Imperial Prison Sewer Exit and Speak To the Argonian.

[edit] I just remembered that when using scripts and objects and stuff, with the hex ID for items you dont need to add the zero's at the start of the code.

e.g: 00000000f is exactly the same as f (and its easier to remember too, which is why i used it in the 1st place)
00123124b is the same as 123124b etc etc.
but not this 1230124b != 123124b.

so changing that code didnt do anything. (when i get bored i get confused, when i get confused i get angry when i get angry i get bored) life is reciprocal. Until you add a break statement in there somewhere. like food (food dont make u bored no more) lol :D

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Post by Morden »

You've proven that your a capable quester, and we could use your help.

The Oblivion quest section is currently small because we are in the process of building the game world itself. The Goldmoor Region has been generated and we have created an area called Map 9 north of Anvil, which connects our landmass to that of the orginal game. We need to design some quests for this area... there are currently two claims posted, but there is always room for more.

I'm going to recommend that you are added to he TR Modder usergroup.. then you can explore our vast and mildly confusing forums. It might be a day or so before that promotion happens so hang tight and be groovey. :)
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MW -> Me a bit confused.

Post by TheGooch »

I had a look at the morrowind quest + dialog bits, and i would like to help with them... if i could understand how to use it. its a heap different to the oblivion version. So im more usefull I'll try to get a working quest (which will be even more simpler than the terrorist one) for morrowind.

i post something up in a few days.

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Post by Thrignar Fraxix »

Member Promoted for Quests. Congratulations. If you have any questions feel free to PM me.
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Post by Morden »

I look forward to testing your next quest.
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Post by theviking »

Congratulations! I welcome you to our humble quests department. As morden said, there are two oblivion quests that you can work with, here they are: .

You can work with morrowind quests too, but you are one of the two oblivion questers that we have. (And the other one is currently really busy with real life)
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Post by TheGooch »

theviking wrote:
two oblivion questers that we have. (And the other one is currently really busy with real life)
wow only one other... :o

Ill get onto the quests then,

but ive done something stupid and stayed up all night and played CallofDuty 4 online...
:D im stuffed. so ill check it out L8R on.

from 10:30pm to 5:40am grind OMG.
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Post by Thrignar Fraxix »

I'm just going to take a wild guess and say you are a College Freshman.
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Post by TheGooch »

we dont have "colleges" we have universities and yeah well im
starting UNI this year. (This is Australia)

oh and Happy Australia Day to all Aussies on Tamriel Rebuilt!

i just woke up about 15 minutes ago. 9am to 6:40 sleep.
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Post by Jedak »

Happy Australia day! Where do you live? I saw the jets in Melbourne (sorry for the off topic but this happens once a year so :P )
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Happy Aussie Day

Post by TheGooch »

hehe. Im in Bundaberg, 400km North of Brisbane in Queensland.

I was asleep all day though.

so very unAustralian of me. but i did a heap of work on COD4 and on the Quest Design of the Hammerfell Bridge Inn. That was fun.
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Post by TheGooch »

hey guys, sort of an update of my status.

Im now in University, @ Cqu in Bundy, this week is uniskills week and after that is orientation then well the 3 or 4 years of my uni course. Which is Bachelor of Information Technology. main units im doing first term are programming. Java and a Bit of C++ (2 different courses.

ive got onto the uni's internet connection and its wickedly fast. 8.5mbits/sec thats downloading at 1mb/s and has an upload of 2.1mbits/sec thats about 300kb/s. i was just shocked when i saw it... mines only 600kbits down and a dismal 200 up. so can now download all of the internal test files real quick like. and now to get cracking on my claim.

The Gooch.
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Post by Morden »

University net connections are a real treat.. great for gaming.
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Post by TheGooch »

yeah, it is though i wonder if i can find someplace for the whole day and bring in my Xbox360 up to it and play NO lag gaming. i dont have any online games for my laptop :(
theyve got this massive concrete tower with a massive dish that connects to the university at rockhamton ( a couple hundred kms north of bundbyburg.

i would be a hard to do setup (for the 360) , since everything has a fair decent security system (network).
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Post by TheGooch »

hey guys, just wondering if im eligible to be an interior modder as well as a questy dude.

here is my interior, the owner is a hunter, hence the venison and berries. she feeds off the land. there is a food preparation bench which she cuts up her kills. for game purpose (testing) i put up a exterior(so dont mark me on that). its located in weye next to the inn.


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Post by TheGooch »

theres that interior in map 10 (where is that anyway) the ruin with the girl. i would like to do that, considering i have some skill with scripting, but until i can claim i need someone to review my interior to see if i am anygood at making interiors.
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Post by Thrignar Fraxix »

shit, no one else reviewed this? I can do a quick one I guess.

Bow bleeds into the holder
usable furniture floats
table on the left side of the door floats along with many things on it
You need to look at a lot of the havoked items to make sure they aren't floating.
art of war magic floats
fire and logs float
sack on its side needs to be flipped over so that it rests on 2 points instead of one. Also bleed it slightly.
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Post by TheGooch »

thanks TF for that. ill get working on it.


Ive fixed eveything you said.
and here is updated version.
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Post by Lady Nerevar »

ok, besides havok related un-errors
-chairs float ever so slightly. furn is weird, use the z key.
-Art of War Magic is a scholarly book (TRbook3SclArtofWarMagicII), so i dont think its entirely appropriate for a hunter.

other then that it was good. a bit bare i think, maybe add some crates or similar large clutter. maybe walls even
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Post by TheGooch »

i added a few more food barrels and clutter crates. plus see if you can spot the other difference. Hint* The hunter decided to leave it there when stuffing it. if im ready for interiors i was thinking of claiming that map10 int.
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Post by TheGooch »

I had to go back 6 pages to find this, to do a bit of updatage, hmm i want to get into a bit of exterior work.. although i checked the claims.. and there isnt much there.

I had to go buy oblivion again since my disc blew up in my optical drive... (reinstalling as i write)

so i did a bit of exterior work for morrowind. This was my first time using the vertex shaders, so i wasnt quite sure what really to use for the snow. so i used black.. i know the tuts say a brown.. but it didnt look any good...

theres a exterior cell called 'gooch'

so if you want to visit it ingame or in the CS just look that up.. "coc gooch" for ingame..

it has one NPC there.... wasn't really sure i should put one in...

Tips and comments would be cools...
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Post by PoHa! »

Beep bop boop... reviewing... error error... see Warning Documentations.txt for details. Shutting Down.

C:\Documents and Settings\PoHa!'s Documents\Review-o-Tron 3000\Warning documentations.txt

Opening file.


- Three grass statics are floating between common_building_03 and common_tavern_01
- Black vertex shading tends to be a little dark; make it brown or a number of a selection of greys if you want to go crazy.
- Behind common_building_02, there is a rather obvious bit of bad terrain texture usage, with the borders between textures showing up instead of blending together; either needs to be covered with vertex shading, statics, or the three textures that are causing it to be worked with more, so that they don't come together at the same spot. (the east side of the island has similar issues)
- You forgot the door to the top level of the lighthouse
- Could use some more exterior, 'civilized' clutter (boxes, pots, barrels, posts, that sorta thing) to make the area look more lived in. (Natural objects look decent)
- There's nothing to indicate the areas that have been walked through the most; no terrain texture change to indicate that some attempt was made at a road, or that the more consistent movement of bodies through the area has had an effect upon the otherwise natural surroundings. A differently textured path, and/or a slight depression in the land would be nice. (Most specifically, the areas around and leading to the different houses)
- One corner of the lighthouse goes up above the terrain (caspering)

Ignore these... Review-o-Tron 3000 was not intended for use on exterior cells.
- No Northmarker
- Gridsnap/AngleSnap not used
- Does not fit exterior <exterior name>

Overall: Not a bad exterior. Some dibs and dabs of polish, and it'd be good or even really good. Or maybe super awesome with fornicating cherries, who knows?

<End File>

TR\File Upload\Showcase Forum\Gooch Showcase... C:\Documents and Settings\PoHa!'s Documents\Review-o-Tron 3000\Warning documentations.txt

<Upload complete>
<Ending Transmission>
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Post by TheGooch »

So i wasn't promoted for Interiors.. which i swear someone did... how 4 or 5 months ago, i was able to claim that map10 interior... theres a file a couple of posts up, which i would like someone to review. (march 27).
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Post by Lady Nerevar »

who ever granted it probably just looked at the TR modder tag and your previous experience and assumed that you had been promoted for interiors.

your interior looks fine, so Promoted for Interior Modding . gratz!
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Post by TheGooch »

woot thankyou LN.
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Post by TheGooch »

I have been working on a little something. a small outpost type place for a gang of pirates. I have done the exterior, which is what i would like to have reviewed. at some point i will add npcs, a quest and the interiors.

you will need the OoT & the Hammerfell esm for this.
it is in the TrHammerfell ext worldspace and its called goochextpikthisone (or something like that. i changed the name of the cell next to it by accident...)
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Post by Nemon »

Here's my initial review of the cell with the outpost.

- You haven't used NOGRASS-textures when painting textures underneath statics. This makes grass bleed into stuff, so please use a NOGRASS equivalent of any texture you use when texturing under statics.

- There are numerous floating statics everywhere.

- Between the houses and the docks you've detailed nothing. It would require a lot more stuff in order to be detailed enough. Make sure the road is a bit lower than the grass around it, people walk and wear it down over time. Plus, I don't think pirates would care about a bricked road, and not so thorough housning either :).

- Remember to vertex shade under the rest of the statics as well, not only houses.

- Grass textures under sea level doesn't look good, please use sand and/or mud, rock or whatever looks nice.

In order for me to fully review an exterior application, why don't you create something entirely new? I suggest you go way into the ocean and raise a patch of land, texture it properly, place rocks, flora and fauna, and make a tiny village with a few different houses, detailed as heck...

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Post by TheGooch »

thanks nemon.

will make a new one. which isnt reliant on Hammerfell.esm, although maybe with the OoT. since i love those meshes.
theviking and MowSkwoz have it in theirs... soo: "We need quest designers!" - Stolen From teh Cutness.
