I hate bloody forums. Had to retype this entire post from memory.
Haplo wrote:
Darconis is already Draloris. I mean decided.
Hap, if you're going to delegate, can you please not stealth delegate. To my knowledge, no conclusion has been reached yet re: Darconis.
Anyway, I'm resigned to the fact that the name will change (because I like Darconis less than I like not having a Gah Ouadaruhn post-release situation occur again), but it really, really shouldn't change to Draloris.
This is 'cos Draloris is crappy and flowy. Other Imperial names are hard sounds and syllables: Ebonheart, Caldera, Pelagiad.
Draloris only has d, because the r is softened by o and i. Such a corrupt, crappy city shouldn't have a flowy name. It should be more hard sounds etc.
Anyone comes up with a good enough suggestion and I'll implement it in the next file I upload.
Sload wrote:
Bodrum (it's not bad, I wouldn't mind Bodrem though)
Noooo! I wants mah Bohd'ram.

(Though Bodrem is better than nothing. And what about "Bohd'rem"?

Sload wrote:
Zanaseraborini (these names are supposed to be unpronouncable)
This one's problem is that it's too pronouncable, and the "ini" sounds diminutive and silly, and not at all serious.
Sload wrote:
Baan Malur
Sexiest name in TR ever. (After Bohd'ram

Sload wrote:
Karthor Dale is now Kartuhr.
Is this too reminiscent of Khartoum?
I still hate forums.