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blackbird wrote:
BTw: maar mora reminds to much to a commercial when i say this name in Dutch. Maar means but in dutch and mora is company of some croquettes.
As I said, I personally think as Maar Mora as a good name; repeat that many Morrowind names would probably sound funny if I only would literally translate them in my language, but I never mix Morrowind and Italian when playing. Morrowind is Morrowind, Italian is Italian.
Then if Maar Mora fits lore, is a good name.
Bloodthirsty Crustacean wrote:Zanaseraborini: this one's problem is that it's too pronouncable, and the "ini" sounds diminutive and silly, and not at all serious.
Sorry for bothering with this, but trust me BC: it's just a problem of different language.
Being an english speaker you obviously have to apply an english pronunciation to names (even by habit of course), english words aren't supposed to be pronounced as they're spelled, so this 'Zanaseraborini' gets this english pronunciation/accent and appears unpronunceable and weird to you. But 'Zanaseraborini' isn't english language... Its sound and spelling doesn't belongs to english language, so probably it just clashes with it. That's all. So maybe you only have to try in pronunce it as is spelled (as I do, being Italian - and a spaghetti eater (:P) - that's automatic for me.
I hear people in forums complaining about Daedric/Dwemer names almost every week.
However, I could agree with who says that the name isn't much 'Daedric'. Then propose another.
For the rest, as you know I completely agree on the other things you say.