My Maybe Too Long Intro

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My Maybe Too Long Intro

Post by Adamagia »

I bought Morrowind GOTY when it came out and must have played 400 hours, enjoying every moment (well those that didn't CTD).

Installing my first Mod was just a recent event. I hoped GCD would slow me down as I tend to be "go go go" and feel the game offers more in immersion.

Then I radically altered the feeling of Vvardenfell with outlandish fashions (perhaps thematic, perhaps glaring anachronism) but these were things I wanted, and more lively creatures, or more peaceful creatures, creatures in the air, and those in the sea. I am currently thinking of using a lighting mod, and NOM. I say this because I respect this mission of yours (if I may call it that), but I allow a lot of license in my mods. Still I don't think much of that of anti-thematic to TES.

I have done 4 house plugins:

1. I felt the Grandmaster of the Imperial Legion should live in Ebonheart, and made a nice (including evil gmsts) apartment there.

2. I felt all my Imperial Cult members deserved at least a storage room and cot at Wolverine Hall, fortunately the storage was livable, as it had been V.I.P quarters before it was just storage.

After which I learned about doubling, dirty mods, dirty saves and dialog breaking. Most of which I am learning though websites, classic threads, Mash and Wyre's advice, Enchanted Editor and (as I am presently confused about) TESTool.

3. Oddly my last project "Imperial Liaison" just crashed on load in the construction set. Somehow I gave it like 6 masters with MASH, I suppose that was MASH. I am about to learn more. Anyway, I have the potential for wholesale disaster, but I see you compartmentalized the TR projects, something like Titanic did, still I feel better about it, and would like to help. ;)

I have a forth project, just the creeper fix and where I store other adjusted items, but I was able to deduce why my other creeper mods had worked but this one, and apparently others in a mod discussion someone had started, did not.

Could it be Creeper needs 24 hours if, after opening his dialog, his revenues were set in the save? I don't know. I deleted the Ghorak cell anyway because by the time I had that realization I had the Enchanted Editor open.

I suppose I just want to show my way of thinking, and how I manage.

So I am continuing on my path to understand all things TES, while feeling overwhelmed

I have Corel PhotoPaint and have used many graphics programs with a particular interests in textures since 1995.

I was at the Blender page the other day, but see you have links here to the NIF conversion I wondered at.

I looked at 3d many years ago, but was too inexperienced in code to follow up then. Since that time, I must have 2 or 4 thousand hours making programs, not all very good, but they do all work. And, I am getting better. My coding experience was learned from making VDS helper programs, then NWN mods, then Zmud Mud Client scripts, those were my best.

I did figure out a little BASIC for a macro to make processing this go faster. Do you recognize the reference?


I have been published in the local editorial section of our newspaper 8 times and was an interested Humanities Major.

This project is unexpected, but I was trying to figure out something in the WaterLife Mod load that might be around here.

I would be happy to help any way I can. Being useful is my thing.

(I was worried this going to be center aligned from the preview)
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Re: My Maybe Too Long Intro

Post by Gez »

Adamagia wrote: 3. Oddly my last project "Imperial Liaison" just crashed on load in the construction set. Somehow I gave it like 6 masters with MASH, I suppose that was MASH.
It's a CS bug, though the workaround is easy.

When the CS doesn't find a master, it crashes during loading. Simple. When you check a file and load it, the CS will automatically select and load the first four master of that file. The first four. Apparently, the guys at Bethesda never thought a mod would ever have more than four masters.

So, if your mod has five or more masters, the CS will automatically load the first four, forget the fifth and following, and crash because it's missing masters.

The solution to this problem? Easy. Just select by yourself masters #5 and following. You don't even need to check masters #1--#4 because they'll be selected automatically.
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Post by Adamagia »
