daedric bats - SOLVED

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daedric bats - SOLVED

Post by stellykaz »

hmm...not quite sure if this has already been discussed, or if its even a bug...
whenever i try to kill a daedric bat, i cant land a hit on it, ever. its like im trying to unlock a table with a lockpick. i can use the console to set its health to 0, but i cant damage it. is this even a bug, or were they meant to be immortal?

i love what you guys are doing for the already awesome game of morrowind. i'm thinking of joining to help with lore and whatnot, as vista doesnt exactly support the constructon set's help, to i can mod. many hugs and may th force be with you.

Post by stellykazz »

oh, and is there any idea when the second installment will be out? i dont know if that was discussed anywhere else either, so i figured id ask.
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Post by bnelo12 »

Dude I have the same problem. I don't know wahts wrong with it but I found out that they do take damage but to get one hit you have to hit them over 100 times and to get multiple hits would take for ever, but you can definitly hit them. I don't know when its going to be done. You could ask how far along the project is going to one of the administraiters.
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Theron Udraer
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Post by Theron Udraer »

Voila! I know the answer. If you are a modder (like me), this is an easy one. Daedric bats are resistant to normal weapons. The only way to kill them is magic. I kept attacking one over and over, but I couldn't hit it. Then I used a spell and it died in one hit. An easy solution. Have fun!
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Post by Bloodthirsty Crustacean »

It's a problem with their collision meshes ('cos if it was weapon resistance, you'd be getting the message about that), that makes them very hard to hit.

I think we have/had someone trying to fix that.
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Post by Theron Udraer »

Oh, OK. Then I remembered that I had an enchanted weapon on, so that would hit if it was resistant... Still, magicka works.
if you read my location and thought "woah what a perverted old man!", then you must be a perv yourself. because i never said anything about them being strippers... heheehheehheee



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Post by Kovacius »

They're actually easier to hit with a ranged weapon, even at point-blank range, than with a melee weapon.

My biggest gripe with them is that the wings clip through the walls, since most of them appear in narrow halls and other places where they don't fit.
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Post by Myzel »

Intentional or not, I have to congratulate you guys for managing to create a creature that is even more annoying than cliff racers. :P
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Post by Hemitheon »

With the flying creatures (muskflies and daedric bats) you have to strike at their body not their wings and sometimes even a little below their body.