Coolest/Weirdest Dreams

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[06/19/2012 04:15AM] +Cat table stabbing is apparently a really popular sport in morrowind

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Post by Theron Udraer »


The most fun dreams are where I'm up really really high on a teetery tottery tower, and it's like 9000 feet above ground, and I know it's a dream, and I jump! I love falling and falling, then lightly hitting the ground and doing it again :D
Last edited by Theron Udraer on Tue Oct 07, 2008 11:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
if you read my location and thought "woah what a perverted old man!", then you must be a perv yourself. because i never said anything about them being strippers... heheehheehheee



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Post by Faalen »

(Edited to remove reference to edited part of above post)

I have a short recurring dream wherein I wake up in my bed, walk down the hallway and start to walk down the stairs, at which point I stumble and fall, subsequently waking up for real and doing that involuntary muscle jerk thing, kicking whichever of my cats happens to be sleeping at my feet across the room.
Last edited by Faalen on Tue Oct 07, 2008 1:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by bnelo12 »

I sometimes have a dream where i fall then when im about to hit the ground i wake up quickly and fly out of bed.
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Post by Theron Udraer »

the WORST dreams - I wake up, but only like half-awake, on a school day, and I'm so tired I go back to sleep, only that I dream about getting up, so I'm asleep for 10 more minutes without knowing it... that happened to me this morning, so gtg!
if you read my location and thought "woah what a perverted old man!", then you must be a perv yourself. because i never said anything about them being strippers... heheehheehheee



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Post by immortal_pigs »

Yeah, those dreams where you suddenly fall are very weird. I get them sometimes just before falling into real sleep (or maybe I've already fallen asleep then), but then I wake up and fall asleep again.

I get those half-awake dreams sometimes as well. The only remedy for me seems to be to go to bed earlyish.

A couple of days ago, the day before I got a test in geography, I dreamt about finding a rock. When I looked at the rock I thought about how it could have started as a part of a mountain, got into a river, got deposited in the sea, got stuck together with similar materials and became part of the oceanic plate, then subducted under the continental plate, was melted by the heat and then millions of years later flowed out of a volcano as lave, then cooled down and turned into the rock I was holding in my hand during that dream.

Then I got a great mark for my geography test. :P[/list]
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Post by gro-Dhal »

bnelo12 wrote:I sometimes have a dream where i fall then when im about to hit the ground i wake up quickly and fly out of bed.
I read that's an instinctive hangup from when we lived in trees. It's designed to quickly wake us up if we're about to fall off our branch or whatever.
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Post by milne »

I oce had this dream where I was on a tropical holiday island or something. The ghostbusters were in a room just singing the themetune to get rid of the ghosts...

That didn't work because millions of zombies came out of nowhere and started eating people. So a group of us (minus the ghostbusters) ran away and a woman who got mauled sacrificed herself so we could get away. So after running for a while we thought "We can't stay here, we're surrounded by zombies" as you would so we found some hidden life rafts and somehow made it to some city somewhere which was also infested with zombies...

so anyway after driving around for a while (which was in 3rd-person and remarkably like gta) I ended up in the docks and I went on this ship for some reason. There was a strange bearded guy who just talked about how zombies were great and as he was talking a load of zombies boarded the ship so I jumped out of a window into another boat, conveniantly found a rocket launcher and blew up the other boat...

When I woke up I told myself to stop watching movies and get a life.
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Post by bnelo12 »

I had a dream last night that I was with the oracle halo thing and I had to save this girl in a locked door next to me you had to play th e flute and i did that and saved her and the same thing happend over and over again until i woke up.
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Post by Theron Udraer »

I once had a bad dream where my brother killed my mom or someone like that, and I woke up and slugged my brother. Of course, he got pissed at me. REALLY pissed,
if you read my location and thought "woah what a perverted old man!", then you must be a perv yourself. because i never said anything about them being strippers... heheehheehheee



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Post by Dirges »

I've only ever had one dream. The same dream, every time.

I wake up in a stone house, completely unfurnished. The windows are impossible to see out of, there's too much light coming in, and everything is in this stark, grainy not-quite-black-and-white palette.

I walk out of the house, and there's nothing but snow and dead trees for miles and miles. There's a blizzard, at the time, so I can barely see anything but I KNOW I'm pretty much thousands of miles away from civilization. There's a path, and I walk down it... And just keep walking.

Most of the time I wake up before anything else happens, but one time I got to a stone bridge over top of a ravine that was too deep to see the bottom of. Then it ended.
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Post by Theron Udraer »

jump off the bridge! It's fun to see where you will land :)

That sounds really weird, like Harry Potter. I bet you've had more than 1 dream... Or maybe it's a prophecy! Maybe that is how the world is going to be! SAVE YOURSELVES! Dreams like that are really fun to bend. The trick is think about people, so whenever you see a person, and you are not sure if you're in a dream or not, look at the world, and if you don't remember how you got there, you're dreaming! I can do this almost every night when people appear in my dreams. Then I live in a rule-free world! It's sick, I jump off cliffs, and warp myself to places, and stand in front of cars. This can probably be changed to fit your dream.

NOTE: Make sure it's a dream! There is always a white hazy lining around your vision if you're in a dream and you know it. DO NOT stand in front of real cars. dur. LOL
if you read my location and thought "woah what a perverted old man!", then you must be a perv yourself. because i never said anything about them being strippers... heheehheehheee



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Post by bnelo12 »

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Post by Haplo »

I think we've had plenty of weird dreams now.
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[06/19/2012 04:15AM] +Cat table stabbing is apparently a really popular sport in morrowind

[August 29, 2014 04:05PM] <+Katze> I am writing an IRC bot! :O
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