Firewatch Raiders Quest - ACTUAL ERROR

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Firewatch Raiders Quest - ACTUAL ERROR

Post by Razakel »

Hi guys.

I downloaded TR Map 1 yesterday and I must say it looks great.
I'm a little stuck at one point though.
I started the raiders quest in Firewatch and found the raiders camp. I killed them all (my bad?) and the quest won't complete when I talk to the shop owners. They didn't have all (any?) of the required items on their corpses. I had a pretty extensive look around the area.
Is this a bug? Did I screw it up by attacking them? Or have I overlooked something?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Post by Bloodthirsty Crustacean »


This is one of our more complex quests, and unfortunately also one of the few in which I had little or no hand, and so am ill-placed to inform you.

Certainly, I can tell you that killing all the 'raiders' was the wrong choice. The idea was that you would notice that they weren't attacking you, and would then speak to them. However, I think we should also have planned for the rather obvious event that you might just have killed them all. I'll have a check and see what you should do.

Wait a min'.

EDIT: Hmm, yeah. It looks like we didn't really plan for that somehow. There were hints given if you found the raider camp to the northwest (and which you are pointed to by the fake-'raiders'), which is somewhere north-ish of the fake-raider camp, but not if you just killed the fake raiders. Which is a bit silly, IMO.

Oh well, this quest is due to be revamped a bunch for the final release anyway, so we'll see that this gets fixed.

For now, you should search more around the north-west til you find a small abandoned camp. All should become clear then (hopefully). If you need further directions, don't hesitate to ask! :)
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Post by Razakel »


Thanks for that. I guess I did rush in a bit. I'll take a look around. They wouldn't actually allow conversation though, as I did go up to talk to them.
I read in the quest plan that it required having a reputation of 20 and the orcs having a disposition towards you of 70+. I'll do it again with those things set and see how it goes.
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Post by Bloodthirsty Crustacean »

Yeah, the journal you got upon speaking with them should have hinted that you should soften them up a bit before charging in all guns blazing.

Anyway, hope things work out. :)

EDIT: Razakel has got things working again. But I'm leaving this post here in case anyone else encounters a similar confusion upon having killed all the fake raiders.
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Post by Kovacius »

(Warning - Contains partial spoilers if you haven't already gotten this far with the quest)

I've gone over almost the entire TR1 map with a fine tooth-comb, chatted with the orcs about their "unofficial" legion, found the one item and a guar at the nearby camp, and gotten several hints about finding them in a different direction. Unfortunately, I STILL haven't figured out where in that other direction the raiders are. Vague hints are fine, if you know the approximate area to look, but not when it's being narrowed down to the other 2/3 of the map.

Maybe I'm walking right past them and just not noticing, but I gave up trying and went off on other missions, hoping that I'd stumble across them sooner or later. If I already killed them before starting the quest, one would think that the items would be a pretty good clue.

Edit - It might also be interesting to have a dialog topic for one or more of the Firewatch Legion officers about the orcs and their "legion", for one thing, it would confirm one way or the other whether "these aren't the orcs you're looking for, move along".
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Post by Bloodthirsty Crustacean »

Thanks for the suggestions, Kovacius.

For the real raiders, just follow the road south of Firewatch.
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