old error reports (that have been fixed) v4

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Post by Hemitheon »

1) Noticed there is a weapon named Gwai-lo, the Cantonese word for Caucasian. TR_m1_Q52_w_gwai-lo_uni. New name please.

2) And once again, I'll bring up Cheli's Bow which needs a different model because it's using the Auriel's Bow mesh. TR_m1_bow_cheli

3) TR_m1_bk_Vampkhif_uni. Can you delete the second sentence. It doesn't make much lore sense.

4) TR_m1_q_bk_alvarnote. Mentions Darconis.

5) TR_m1_q50_go2_note. Mentions Black Light
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Post by Hemitheon »

This one is no doubt the work of scripting. When you rest anywhere in-game, you'll get an empty message box with the word "ok." When you click "ok" it goes away and that's that. So somewhere in the scripts of Map1, there is an extra bit of scripting.

also, I keep getting this message saying that there's something wrong with the butterflies in Ravalas Cavern, but there aren't any butterflies in there.
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Post by Theron Udraer »

Hemitheon wrote: also, I keep getting this message saying that there's something wrong with the butterflies in Ravalas Cavern, but there aren't any butterflies in there.

Read BC's and Haplo's post here [url]http://tamriel-rebuilt.org/old_forum/viewtopic.php?t=19919&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=ravalas+caverns+butterflies&start=40[/url]

And how do you make it so that it says "here" instead of the whole dang URL. Do you need yo use an a href tag, and then put the link title in?
if you read my location and thought "woah what a perverted old man!", then you must be a perv yourself. because i never said anything about them being strippers... heheehheehheee



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Post by Haplo »

type this:

Code: Select all

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Post by MMMowSkwoz »

Cell: Molagreahd Region 15,16
Location: 129459,136648,-310 and 128919,136140,-805
Error: two Ex_T_menhir_L_01 not fully sunk into ground

Cell: Molagreahd Region 17,17
Location: next to rock positioned at 138575,138500,1638 (NE corner of cell)
Error: texture seam visible
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Post by impaler »

Bal Oyra, The Elfmaid
3804 4732 -98
"floating in the air"

Bal Oyra, The Elfmaid
3844 4773 -85
"floating in the air"
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Post by MMMowSkwoz »

Cell: Sadas Plantation 35,17
Location: around 288000,146000,0
Error: texture seam visible

Post by Guest »

Cell: Boethian Mountains Region (31,14)
Location: around 358000,121000
Error: strange zigzags visible on minimap
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Post by michaleson »

Cell:Firewatch, Census and Excise Office
Location: room with Tappin Macrin in.
Error: Table and all items on it are not selectiable.
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Post by Aaron »

Apocalypse wrote: Yashazmus, Pit of Sacrifice
-"If you fall into the pit, there's no way to get out. Those without levitation cannot exit without adding the spell to their player via the console"
Damn. That's my fault, I was planning to put a levitation potion next to one of the skeletons in the pit below the cages. Whoever fixes this, please do that.
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Post by Hemitheon »

Map 2 Errors

Issue: Road sign errors: Dragon_Gladeand Darconis
TR_active_sign_Darconis & TR_active_sign_Dragon_Glade

replace names with Akamora and Helnim

Place: exterior of Bthangthamuzand
Issue: Dwemer crank does not open exterior doorcover.
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Post by Andres Indoril »

We should get a map 2 thread :3
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Post by Chin Music »

Don't know if it's already been mentioned but:

Location: Urlis Rock 19,27
Error: There are several visible "gaps" in Urlis Rock. Most only visible when standing on the rock itself using levitation or whatever, but there is one on the northern face visible from the water.

Post by Guest »

didn't know where to post this
script error

Begin TR_BoTs_WeaknessCorprus

if ( player->getspell "TR_BoT_WeaknessCorprus" == 1 )

if ( OnActivate == 1 )
if ( player->GetIntelligence >= 80 )
Player->AddSpell "TR_BoT_WeaknessCorprus"
MessageBox "You have learned the spell Fovila's Love from this book."
PlaySound "skillraise"
elseif ( player->GetIntelligence >= 85 )
MessageBox "There is a spell to be learned from this book, but you cannot figure out how to cast it."


note bolded lines

player will never get second message, as they will always reach 80 intelligence before they reach 85
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Post by MMMowSkwoz »

Anonymous wrote:didn't know where to post this
script error

Begin TR_BoTs_WeaknessCorprus

if ( player->getspell "TR_BoT_WeaknessCorprus" == 1 )

if ( OnActivate == 1 )
if ( player->GetIntelligence >= 80 )
Player->AddSpell "TR_BoT_WeaknessCorprus"
MessageBox "You have learned the spell Fovila's Love from this book."
PlaySound "skillraise"
elseif ( player->GetIntelligence >= 85 )
MessageBox "There is a spell to be learned from this book, but you cannot figure out how to cast it."


note bolded lines

player will never get second message, as they will always reach 80 intelligence before they reach 85
This has been fixed in the newest version of TR_Data. Are you using an older version?
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Post by Beave »

I guess this would be the proper place to post this error, if it hasn't been posted yet:

The cell (3, -7) is marked as modified, and is the cell in the Ascadian Isles where Rollie the Guar is at the intersection. If this wasn't intentional, it might as well be cleaned in the next version.

So, just a small detail, but I figured that we might as well make TR as close to perfect as possible.
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Post by TennysonXII »

Cell: Firewatch, Gildra Hlervu's House
Location: Just left of entrance
Error: Floating paper
By the way... Do you happen to know what the fine is here in Cyrodiil for necrophilia? Just asking.
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Post by Kovacius »

Were the posted TR Map 1 bugs from this forum supposed to have been removed from the latest map 1 version being distributed with the new Map 2? I haven't done a thorough check, but a brief venture onto the "old stomping grounds" brought me past several of the previously reported items, which are still unfixed. I had seriously hoped that the latest release would have the bugs corrected, to avoid having to constantly check whether an issue was previously reported or not.

That said, there is an issue with the Gah Ouadaruhn to Llothanis conversion, where the exit door from the vacant house still says "Door to Gah Ouadaruhn". I also got a brief "Gah Ouadaruhn" cellname display above my mini-map as I crossed from one section of town to the other.
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Post by Bloodthirsty Crustacean »

Some errors have not yet been fix, as we didn't know we were going to be releasing a new Map 1 until relatively late in. So the next version will have everything fixed, whilst this one primarily has game-breaking stuff (i.e. the joining the TG thing) fixed.
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Post by Sarpens »

Sorry for the very late report, but was wandering around earlier and ran into a few errors and didn't see them reported anywhere else:

Code: Select all

12/24/2008 (23:44)	TR_Map1.esm	11/29/2008 (07:28)	Steve	furn_de_signpost_02	Tel Ouada (24,18)	202648	150656	431	"signpost floats"	
12/24/2008 (23:48)	TR_Map1.esm	11/29/2008 (07:28)	Steve	TR_m1_Dun_Akhul00000000	Tel Ouada (24,18)	203040	150000	224	"Last time I was here, this guy didn't sell anything (ie. the bater window opened, but it was empty). He is selling things to me now. Also, he has no conversation topics, not sure if this is intentional."	
I'm using the update version with Map 2 for what its worth.
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Post by Beave »

Here's a list of errors I found in Firewatch; I'm surprised that they haven't been caught by anyone else by now, especially with the front of the library building not fully connected to the main building.

12/29/2008 (19:57) TR_Map1.esm 12/29/2008 (19:33) Tom flora_grass_01 Firewatch (18,15) 148786 128470 482 "floating grass"

12/29/2008 (19:59) TR_Map1.esm 12/29/2008 (19:33) Tom flora_wickwheat_01 Firewatch (18,15) 150617 128145 456 "this group of plants seem to have all been dupped (not a savegame issue)"

12/29/2008 (19:59) TR_Map1.esm 12/29/2008 (19:33) Tom ex_imp_govmansion_gate Firewatch (18,15) 151880 129627 656 "not connected to the main library building, causes a big gap"

12/29/2008 (20:00) TR_Map1.esm 12/29/2008 (19:33) Tom TR_m1_FW_arm_Chatal Firewatch (18,15) 151128 127810 742 "this sign and it's signpost are raised too high and bleed into the building"
12/29/2008 (20:02) TR_Map1.esm 12/29/2008 (19:33) Tom flora_wickwheat_04 Firewatch (18,15) 149752 129575 279 "I think this is just bad modding and not a dupping issue -- this plant looks like it was purposelly dupped from the plant nearby and moved over, as it is in the same rotated position"

Post by Guest »

This is a continuation of a post with some nitpicks started on the Bethesda forums - as this seems to be the appropriate place.

Bolded = answers by haplobartow.


Butterflies - I have Butterflies in Vvardenfell as well (from Creatures X?) and they work fine. The Butterflies in TR are quite odd however. They either fly in slow motion - or not at all (i.e. just hangs in the air "freezed").

We don't have any butterflies in TR, if you see any butterflies they are from another mod.

Interesting. I'll check it out.

Adamantium Dagger - I've never liked Adamantium so I should perhaps not comment on it, but for one thing it looks too large for a dagger IMO. Anyway, it clips through the fingers of my char (Better Bodies).

Our weapons are modeled to fit vanilla body hands and grips, so if you use Better Bodies, which presumably changes the hands somewhat, the weapons cannot be guaranteed to work correctly.

OK but, still, it's the only weapon I've seen this with ever. Also, it's a weird dagger regardless - looks just as a slightly smaller (I guess - I haven't compared) Adamantium Shortsword.

Daedric Naginata - Looks nice plus it was a cool twist to get it. I have a weird minor issue with it, though, namely that the blade (a part of it anyway) flicker. No idea what it might be.

Not really sure about this, it's pretty vague

I can take a screen if it helps. The Naginata has a sharp blade part, the bottom part of this flickers when looking at it. With "flickers" I mean that this section looks weird, flipping between being rendered and not (I guess).

Fort in Bal Oyra - (I think it was there anyway...) I have jaggies on the wall (down the middle).

Here's a pic (sorry no grid positions):


Outside Ranyon-Ruhn - I have an ugly texture seam.

Using any texture replacers?

Yes I am. Haven't seen anything like it, though.


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Post by Andres Indoril »

Haplo wrote:We don't have any butterflies in TR, if you see any butterflies they are from another mod.
Silly Haplo. We do have butterflies and they do have a speed of only 10 and no AI packages.
Arkngt in the disguise of a guest wrote: Outside Ranyon-Ruhn - I have an ugly texture seam.

Using any texture replacers?

Yes I am. Haven't seen anything like it, though.


That appears to be a weird checkerboard effect caused by the lightning in the game.
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Post by Arkngt »

Sorry, I thought I was logged in the last time. Anyway, "Guest" above was me.
Andres Indoril wrote: That appears to be a weird checkerboard effect caused by the lightning in the game.
I'll check more into it.

BTW, here are two more screens:

Hilt of Adamantium Dagger clipping with Wraithguard (it clips with hands as well, of course):


Daedric Naginata. The black area is the problematic one - it flickers between being black and being rendered:


EDIT: BTW, as for the Butterflies I'd suggest checking how they are done in Creatures X (I THINK I have them from it) - unless it's only me having slight issues with them.
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Post by Haplo »

Andres Indoril wrote: Silly Haplo. We do have butterflies and they do have a speed of only 10 and no AI packages.
Refer to ESF

Anyway, regarding the texture seam, it's as Andres said. There are no lights in the "dark" cell, and light radii (as far as I know) don't cross cell borders, even if they're big enough to, so what we have is a big light that lights up a large part of the cell but fails to light up the neighboring cell. Adding the same light to the dark cell would fix the problem.

The fort issue is what we call a gridsnap failure, or possibly a failure to gridsnap. Imperial architecture is nasty in that it requires very unique and very small values for snap to grid to work, unlike most architecture which will work with a large number such as 64 or 32. Imperial often requires something like 8 or 4 (possibly an exaggeration but still) to snap correctly.
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Post by Rydeh »

The armourer in Port Telvannis (i'm unable to pin point the cell or the name actually because it does not show up on the door as i walk in (Maybe a error by itself?). But the armourer on the skyway in Port Telvannis has a gaurd directly infront of you as you walk into the shop and it's extremely hard to get around him.

You ether have to levitate or you need to jump repeatibly till you get around him and with low acrobatics it would be impossible.

Probably not my place to bring it up but i thought it would say anyway. Shoot me down if this has been brought up already!
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Post by Arkngt »

Sorry if this has been reported before (I'd guess it has):

When entering the Grandmaster's Chambers in Tel Thenim I get this warning:

Invalid trapped soul cleared for soul gem 'Misc_SoulGem_Greater' in cell 'Port Telvannis, Tel Thenim: Grandmaster's Chambers'.


The Encrypted Message on the Dead Man in the wilderness (can't remember the quest name) is spelled "Encypted Message".
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Post by Arkngt »

Not sure if this is the appropriate thread but here goes:

Using Daedric Bats in interiors is a bad idea IMO. They tend to clip into or get stuck in ceilings/walls. And even if not they are often impossible to strike (for the same reason as Cliff Racers only can be struck from certain directions I'd guess). PirateLord has removed them from interiors in Creatures just for this reason. I end up console killing them as it is. They are splendid additions outside around Daedric Ruins though.
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Post by Aiwyn the Breton »

Dunno if has already been reported, but i found that in the map1 attached to the latest Maps and a FFox search in all post of thist thread didn't show it:

In Shashmassadan looks like a part of the cave is missing, and it opens to the neverending sea-of-interiors.

I got a screen of this:
I hate [url=http://abadir.deviantart.com/art/The-Mad-God-111454948]Almalexia[/url].
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Post by starwarsguy9875 »

This has probably been reported before, but at Firemoth there are now a bunch of floating chimneys and messed up stuff, also, north of Ald Daedroth there is a floating landscape, no land or anything, just a bunch of floating statics in the air.
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Post by Haplo »

That sounds suspiciously like a dirty save or loaded. esp file to me.
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Post by starwarsguy9875 »

Haplo wrote:That sounds suspiciously like a dirty save or loaded. esp file to me.
Hmm.. I'll go back to those areas with a clean save to see if the stuff is still there, thanks for replying.
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Post by MMMowSkwoz »

Cell: Boethian Mountains Region (24,17)
Location: 199719,145524,2025
Error: Caspering Rock

Cell: Boethian Mountains Region (24,15)
Location: 204311,126526,1155
Error: Texture Seam

Cell: Molagreahd Region (21,19)
Location: 175592,157739,1255
Error: Floating steps (also, this whole platform uses the docks patform set, which has barnacles attached - should be changed)
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Post by Kovacius »

More levitating plants:

Helnim Fields Region (25, 3) 207329, 31763, 421
one side of plant base off ground

Boethian Mountains Region (29, 7) 242952, 61093, 467
almost far enough off the ground to walk under

Boethian Mountains Region (33,5) 273407, 47639, 733
flying kreshweed

Boethian " " (33, 5) 273125, 47913, 614
flying roobrush

Boethian " " (33, 5) 273888, 47289, 467
flying grass

Boethian " " (35, 5) 290592, 42732, 1355
flying stoneflower

Boethian " " (35, 5) 290339, 42779, 1366
poorly anchored plant, mostly floating

Not too many bugs so far, considering the amount of time I spent stumbling aimlessly around the area.

EDIT - Sorry, this post belongs with the Map2 bug reports.

no meshes

Post by bob »

THERE ARE NO MESHES IN THIS MOD! it just comes with the cities. All the new creatures and the new windows and some hairs are all big exclamation pionts
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Post by michaleson »

Are you sure you have registered your BSA properly? As this is what usually happens if you haven't.
Last edited by michaleson on Mon Apr 06, 2009 8:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: no meshes

Post by Stryker »

bob wrote:THERE ARE NO MESHES IN THIS MOD! it just comes with the cities. All the new creatures and the new windows and some hairs are all big exclamation pionts
That could be due to not properly installing the mod? Make sure your BSA is properly registered. You can find information on that in the Help section of the forums.

EDIT: Bah, Ninja'd.
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Missing Ships

Post by JohnHenryEden »

There are two missing Ships in the Firewatch Docks

Cell: Firewatch Docks 16,15
Location: End of the docks and First dock on the left.
Error: There are no ships at either of these locations
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Re: Missing Ships

Post by Bloodthirsty Crustacean »

JohnHenryEden wrote:There are two missing Ships in the Firewatch Docks

Cell: Firewatch Docks 16,15
Location: End of the docks and First dock on the left.
Error: There are no ships at either of these locations
This means you are not up to date with the .bsa and stuff. Use the latest versions of Map 1 and Data included in the Map 2 download, and this will be sorted.

Hope that helps. :)
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Post by JohnHenryEden »

Thanks that cleared it right up

Quick question before I go, how and where on the site do I go to help?