Map 7 Download (Stirk Internal Pre-Release v0.99)

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Post by Haplo »

JinglesPuffs wrote:
theviking wrote:dang I was sure that I posted yesterday with a fixed file. I don't know what happened. This week I want everyone to playtest the heck out of this file, I want to see if these were the only errors remaining, because I fixed them. The stirk helmets error is hardcoded and theres nothing I can do about it.
Which file? :?
Probably his latest one, the 1.30MB file.
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Post by Stryker »

I see. Okay, I'll try to give it another test later. I'm not sure when though, I have school to get to atm.
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Post by theviking »

I ment this file. I did some playtesting in advance and solved some problems which had to do with the latest changes. It all works fine, now, I think.
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Post by fstony »

Argh, you beat me by an hour or two. Now all these comments are outdated.
I played the Polle side (+ 3 misc. quests) once through, using TV's 11/30 file.

Quest/Object/NPC/whatever Name: Painters in Love
Error: Dupineons journal entry uses the name, "Alenius"
Suggested Fix: "Alenion"
and anything else you think i need to know:

Quest/Object/NPC/whatever Name: Guide to Stirk
Location: Fort, on southern table
Error: costs 1000, internal title is Guide to Anvil .
Suggested Fix: reduce cost, edit title page.
and anything else you think i need to know:

Quest/Object/NPC/whatever Name: Jailor
Error: says he will stay with pc, but wanders passageway instead
Suggested Fix: edit ai packages to have him do his job. revert to old ai setup?
and anything else you think i need to know: He was wandering, not seated at desk, before I talked, as well. He does unlock the door, so the game is not broken.

Quest/Object/NPC/whatever Name: Helga
Location: fort passage
Error: after paying Helga's fine, she stays inside of the jail. Neither she nor jailor walk out of fort.
Suggested Fix: revert to old ai?
and anything else you think i need to know:

Quest/Object/NPC/whatever Name: Ballad
Error: log entry from goblins topic repeats more than once if topic is raised again.
Dialogue: "Some people in town said..."
Suggested Fix: say "goblins" once or change result script.
and anything else you think i need to know:

Quest/Object/NPC/whatever Name: Strange Noises
Location: Ancient Ruin
Error: Missing Punctuation
Dialogue: make a plan
Suggested Fix:
and anything else you think i need to know: Marks says this.

Quest/Object/NPC/whatever Name: A Little Help
Location: Ancient Ruin
Error: Amarius does not offer Fire Resistance Topic
Suggested Fix: check topic conditions
and anything else you think i need to know:

Quest/Object/NPC/whatever Name: Amarius
Error: Amarius stands in Ancient Ruin during A Little Help; does not unlock doors
Suggested Fix: check ai priorities
and anything else you think i need to know: high priority problem

Quest/Object/NPC/whatever Name: Alenion
Location: ruin
Error: After touching inventory removal tablet, Al forcegreets, but he has nothing new to say
Dialogue: something about taking things away, one at a time.
Suggested Fix: add topic in relevant script or check dialogue conditions.
and anything else you think i need to know:

Quest/Object/NPC/whatever Name: Polle
Location: Vassa
Error: inconsistent numeral usage
Dialogue: "4"
Suggested Fix: "four" (matches other numbers in Polle's monologue)
and anything else you think i need to know:

Quest/Object/NPC/whatever Name: Secret of Vassa
Error: Still having issues with Polle and Maugrue coming to visit the seated pc on a timely basis.
Suggested Fix: ?
and anything else you think i need to know: This might be due to playing with an absent Amarius. Fix that error first.
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Post by theviking »

I fixed the amarius lockpicking bug, last time I played it, he did it flawlessly. I simply made a heap of pathgrid nodes at the crucial points of that event. I hope that I know why amarius keeps following you after touching the third tablet, a gate behind him was locked. So I fixed that. I saw however that the dunedweller dagger and the stirk rapier behaved oodly in the game, both showed up as question marks for me. This may be the case because I play it alongside the old outdated OOT, I would like to know if others have the same problems with the new weapons.
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Post by Stryker »

Sorry for the delay, I had some troubles with my computer.
Although I was unable to get any farther than I did before, I did not find any severe errors.
I will try to give it a better playtest later, but so far it look very good right now.
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Post by fstony »

Kynareth be praised! Amarius is at last doing his job, at least on the Polle side locks.

Quest/Object/NPC/whatever Name: Rumors
Error: Rumor uses "Alenius"
Dialogue: "Alenius Eulius would know more."
Suggested Fix: "Alenion Eulius would know more."
and anything else you think i need to know:

Quest/Object/NPC/whatever Name: Strange Noises
Location: Ancient Ruin
Error: Missing Punctuation
Dialogue: make a plan
Suggested Fix: "make a plan."
and anything else you think i need to know: Marks says this.

Quest/Object/NPC/whatever Name: A little Help
Location: center of elevator room
Error: still getting the bad forced Greeting
Dialogue: "I have no greeting."
Suggested Fix:
and anything else you think i need to know: I wasn't close to a wall when this greeting was triggered. Is it possible that the forced greeting is triggered by a condition which is no longer in effect by the time Al makes contact with the pc? If his greetings are dependent upon some condition that no longer exists, he may be stuck with no relevant greeting. (I would expect the default greeting if this theory were correct, but maybe that option was removed through a script. )

Quest/Object/NPC/whatever Name: Alenion
Location: Ancient Ruin
Error: After completion of A Little Help, he still gives a direction within the elevator room. (As if I were still feeling my way around.)
Suggested Fix: Make relevant script dependent upon A little help being uncompleted.
and anything else you think i need to know:

Quest/Object/NPC/whatever Name: Amarius
Location: Ancient Ruin
Error: After ALH completion, Amarius walks into wall (outside of corner just SE of fire hallway)
Suggested Fix: check ai package conditions. Why is Amarius different from the other 2?
and anything else you think i need to know: Might be a consequence of the new pathgrid, but probably not. His current ai package was 14, not 1, as the others had.

As is probably clear, I didn't complete yet. Just wanted to keep the ball in play.
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Post by Stryker »

I managed to finish the mine quest this time. So this is what I got out of my playtest:

The Ballad of Jean and Mori
After completing it the cutscene text goes too fast, and Jean doesn't appear to say anything.

Morihatha Stirk went down to the mine... Seems somewhat random.

Another Door
After reaching the puzzle I had found that Amarius had gotten stuck in one of the traps, as well as Alenion. This made them constantly die.

Another Door
Rogkuroth Gro-Budok appeared out of no where inside the ruins, he had not been following me earlier. Perhaps make him say something?

Another Door
When trying to do the quest I had found that the NPCs following me (Alenion, Amarius, and Rogkuroth Gro-Budok) got stuck on the lower level of the puzzle, but did not stay there. They appeared to almost "teleport" from the lower to upper level and vice versa.

Another Door
Amarius was absent when I made it past the puzzle.

Another Door
Fourth Journal Entry says, "after I finished this puzzle, I should go back. . ."
It should be, "after I finish this puzzle. . ."

And the rapier did not work for me. The object I got was "Stirk Rapier Place Holder", it was broken and unable to repair it, it had no inventory image and upon dropping it the rapier appeared as an exclamation mark.
The dunedweller dagger did not appear for me either.

This is also including most of the errors fstony reported, I hope I didn't repeat many.
So, thats the best I could do at the moment... I hope it helps.
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Post by theviking »

Yet another step forward. I found out why rokguroth appeared and fixed it; I forget to check one of his AI packages with a Polle variable. (which I used to separate the two files) The I have no greeting bug is more difficult, I standarised all the direction triggers and made sure the "trap warning" topics had no random ends anymore. If it appears now I'm lost about it. Still two things to check:

The stirk rapier has no NIF file, Icon and properties. Can someone please insert these in the file? I believe the dunedweller dagger had the wrong NIF file, I fiddled with that.
A bug which is annoying the hell out of me, is that Amarius keeps accompagnying you when Alenion has to give directions. He gets in the way of Alenion. It is not supposed to happen, so if it happens to you, please report it.
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Post by Lady Nerevar »

do yall have the latest 0oT? if yes, i may have attached the wrong paths to the weapons by accident...
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Post by Stryker »

Lady Nerevar wrote:do yall have the latest 0oT? if yes, i may have attached the wrong paths to the weapons by accident...
I'm pretty sure I do. I'll try downloading it again and give it another shot to make sure.
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Post by fstony »

Quest/Object/NPC/whatever Name: On Artaeum, First Addition
Error: Unless the title is a pun, this should be "On Artaeum, First Edition"
Suggested Fix: "On Artaeum, First Edition"
and anything else you think i need to know:

Might be a few days before I can test the current file.
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Post by Stryker »

Finally, I got another chance to test this out.
I wasn't able to complete the main quest :? I'll explain why in a bit.

Father in Trouble
After telling Father Ambrogio "Dead are the Nine." The next thing you tell him is 'Go on'
It should be 'Go on.'

Father in Trouble
Making it back to the surface after the chapel burned, Rogkuroth Gro-Budok seemed to take longer than normal. He appeared to get lost somewhere in the mine, I couldn't find him.
And before Rogkuroth made it to the surface I went to talk to Alenion after the message that the chapel had burned and there was no evidence. Alenion, in his house, says, "I cannot leave the fire. We must make sure Father Ambrogio is okay. I can go to the ruin later." Or something along those lines. :?
I never spoke to him about the mine before this.

And after that everytime I rest I get the message "The Door is blocked." Everytime I rest (And in 2 hour increments when resting) and randomly during gameplay.

A Third Party
Trying to do the errands for Amarius I could not find their uncle. I followed the map marker and it led me to the Polle Mine, Upper Shaft... Which was locked.
His house was constantly locked (And I have no lockpicks and couldn't really use them anyways), so I could not check if he was in there.
Therefore I was unable to go any farther.

I hope I explained the errors good enough. If not I can give a more detailed report on it if needed.

On another note, I tried downloading the latest OOT.
It appears that one, or both, of the files is corrupted (the first .7z file, I believe).
I could not open either of them after downloading. :? I do not know if this is a problem on my side or the server.

I'll try doing another test soon, perhaps later today.
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Post by theviking »

The whole fire burning experience is triggered as Rokguroth travels nearby the bonfire in the mine and he HAS to do this. (I checked his AI) So I'm afraid you enjoyed an unique experience; this set of events hasn't happened to me every 200 times that I played it. If it happens correctly, Alenion and the Eulius uncle stand nearby the fire. If it happens again please report it but for now I think it is an unique experience.

EDIT: But I fixed the door is blocked error nonetheless.
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Post by Stryker »

My latest error report from yesterday proved to be pretty bad.
I'll try to explain this as best as I can.

I tried doing the chapel on fire part of the quest several times (About 20 times with each of the following save files).
One time I tried it I always got the same error as before (Unable to get Alenion's help, he still responds with "I'm sorry, but I can't leave the fire right now...", Even after Rokguroth was at the chapel after the fire died).
And the other saved game I have works just fine. Rokguroth works fine, the journal works fine, and Alenion will talk.
I did everything exactly the same in these two different saves. The only difference is the weather and the time of day. I suspect its most likely the time of day affecting how this works (I'm not sure how the weather would have any effect.)

I hope I explained this well enough that you understand it. If not then MSN would still be a good idea to talk about this on, to get a clearer idea.

For other errors.
Father Ambrogio doesn't seem to always be dead. Most of the time I did not even find his body.

Looks like you fixed that "The door is blocked." error. :)

-Ballad of Jean and Mori
Jean managed to get out of the cage (with the cage still shut and locked) in the cave by the time I got there. This only happened once out of ten times, so this could be a unique experience as well.

And Jean has trouble actually walking on the bridge back to Stirk. Is it possible to improve his pathfinding at all? This error is annoying, but it is all easily solved by using the travel map to get back to Stirk.

I'll give this major error another playtest later today. Hopefully I'll find something else about it.
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Post by fstony »

Overall, the latest file looks pretty good.

Quest/Object/NPC/whatever Name: Polle
Location: town center
Error: word usage
Dialogue: horde
Suggested Fix: hoard
and anything else you think i need to know: He says something like "so they can horde it for themselves." but I don't remember the exact wording.

Quest/Object/NPC/whatever Name: Alenion
Error: Al forced a greeting after the end of the ALH quest in which he said
Dialogue: I have no greeting.
Suggested Fix: Restrict relevant greeting to Al or uncheck "say once"
and anything else you think i need to know: I am assuming this happened because Amarius had already told me how happy he was to see me, using up the relevant greeting.

Quest/Object/NPC/whatever Name: Amarius
Location: elevator room
Error: On the way from puzzle room, A. stops and doesn't move again.
Suggested Fix: check AI conditions.
and anything else you think i need to know: Possibly he is reacting to the completion of ALH?
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Post by theviking »

I founf out why Stryker was having the problems and I inserted a safety precaution so that won't happen again. When you begin "A third party" a package is activated which causes Ambrogio to travel to his chambers and at the same time a script is activated that kills him. That's why you couldn't find his body sometimes, cause he was killed in the main hall of the chapel. I changed the package so that he travels to his quarters earlier.
I made a slight alteration to the pathgrid of the bridge, but it was pretty good already. Horde thing was found and fixed, the forced greeting is removed. Amarius' follow AI was a little bad, it started as soon as the player was left alone (go figure) and it had the player as a location instead of as a target.
So since I found the cause of all the errors, I go ahead and presume that this is the definate version of Stirk, right?
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Post by Stryker »

I hate to say it but I still have some problems with Amarius and Alenion (mostly Amarius, Alenion works fine right now). Although, on a brighter side, it is still possible to continue, even with these errors.

This all occurs in front of the burning chapel.

Right after I talk to Alenion about the ruin, Amarius begins to follow me right away.

Amarius Still follows me, during the fire. Talking to him gives me the "Thanks for telling me, I will accompany you to the ruin later..." response, but he still follows.

If I talk to Amarius around Alenion they both follow me regardless of the fire.
But if I speak to Amarius farther away from Alenion (Far enough that he asks me to find Alenion) it works fine aside from Amarius following me.

On another note, walking into the mine (or assume just another interior) Amarius will stop following me and it works like it should... All I need to do is talk to them again to go down to the ruins.

I played up until the puzzle in the ruins, I will test beyond this tomorrow hopefully.
The only other error I found was still Alenions forced greeting that fstony mentioned again in his last post.

But I think once these errors are resolved this should be all set for release.
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Post by theviking »

I found something that wasn't in order in one of amarius other AI's and I hope that fixed the issue. I'm afraid there's nothing I can do to prevent Alenions error though, and that means we havent got to wait for it to be fixed before we release it.
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Post by Haplo »

Not to undermine the efforts of those involved, but would it be worth anything to get MMMSkowz to take a look at this? He often finds really unique solutions to otherwise difficult scripting problems.
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Post by Lady Nerevar »

anything for a perfect release, imo.
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Post by MMMowSkwoz »

I'm afraid I've never used the Oblivion CS. How similar is it to the Morrowind one? I assume the AI will be entirely different?
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Post by fstony »

I don't know anything about the Morrowind CS, but I can say that learning to edit Oblivion's AI is a piece of cake. Getting it to work perfectly is another matter entirely, as you can see.

Quest/Object/NPC/whatever Name: Alenion
Location: Elevator Room
Error: Al gives empty forced greeting after puzzle solution.
Dialogue: probably meant to be the glad you're ok speech
Suggested Fix: add Al to list of dialogue conditions?
and anything else you think i need to know: ALH was never completed.

Quest/Object/NPC/whatever Name: Amarius
Location: Ancient Ruin
Error: stopped following me immediately upon my exit from Ancient Ruin. When I went back through the door to find him, he walked back to the blindness tablet then resumed following me back to the Ancient Ruin exit, from whence the behavior occurred again.
Suggested Fix:
and anything else you think i need to know: ALH was never completed, so that might be the problem. (Possible interference with unlocking AI.) Not sure, otherwise. Maybe A. can't use that door for some reason?

Quest/Object/NPC/whatever Name: Alenion
Error: Gives a speech after Maugrue fight which suggests that he was not in room.
Dialogue: "There was a lich...
Suggested Fix: edit speech to eliminate ignorance.
and anything else you think i need to know:

Quest/Object/NPC/whatever Name: 0065cd - stone door
Error: It is still difficult to use this door on the way out of Vassa T.
Suggested Fix: Remove and replace in the CS?
and anything else you think i need to know: We need to get a handle on this, as it was also an issue in Map 9.

The DD Dagger and Stirk Rapier also need be fixed before we call this the "final" version.
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Post by theviking »

You can take a look if you want, but I removed all the forced greetings from the scripts. I can understand everything the scripts are doing, heck I even made a large part of them. What Alenion is doing is not scripted, it is not in his AI, and he HAS dialogue. Hence the " I have no greeting" bug shouldn't appear! I tried to fix this bug for dozens of times, and it simply won't be fixed. It isn't game- or quest-breaking so could we please leave it alone. I'm getting tired of explaining time and itime again that this is a non-fixable bug.
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Post by theviking »

New version is up. I removed the must-complete flags from parts of Amarius AI. Don't worry, he still has the same conditions and so these weren't really necessary. But it might stop him from replaying some packages.
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Post by Haplo »

Awesome, and only twelve versions after we thought it was done this time!
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Post by Stryker »

Just finished up a playtest.
All the problems getting Alenion and Amarius seem to be solved. Although I did find that at certain times Alenion would start walking away from the fire right after I talked to him, but talking to him again would make him walk back.

Quest: A Third Party
After telling Amarius about the ruins he says "This is exiting news, but I want to share this experience with my brother, where is he?"
It should be "exciting"

And... here it comes.
After solving the puzzle I can't open the door to Vassa Tarnabye. There is no "Something is blocking the door" message, and it does show the door icon. It just won't open. Perhaps I'm doing something wrong, I'm not sure. But I did everything the same way I did when I finished this quest earlier.
Also, there is no "Something is blocking the door" message after you first try to open it, regardless of if it is still blocked. I'm not sure if this part is intentional.

Up until that point everything appeared to work good on that side of the quests.
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Post by Stryker »

Should this current file still be tested more? Or should I wait for another version?
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Post by Lady Nerevar »

i'd say keep testing, the more we can find the better.
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Post by theviking »

Yea, I had a glance in the current file to try to find the problem, but I didn't find it. (I had someone staying at the house of my parents last weekend) Are you sure you completed the gate puzzle correctly? The gate before the door should be lowered to open it.
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Post by Stryker »

I'm in the process of testing all the quests I can, which will hopefully end up being all the quests. I'll be sure to take extra care with the obvious problem areas and make sure I did everything right.
Hopefully I'll have a report later today or tomorrow.
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Post by Stryker »

whoops, double post. :?
Anyways, I managed to fix the "bug" with the door that I had earlier. I guess there were no teleport setting on the door, hence it would not open.
I fixed this in my file and it worked just the way it should.

I've tested Polle's side of the quest and it worked nearly perfectly, i'll test out the other side later to make sure that works good. But there were problems beyond the door.

After Maugrue appeared none of the NPCs were 'essential' causing them to all at some point die. And if they did die it would be reported as murder, whether I killed them or not.

And Polle's AI doesn't work quite right in the ruin. He sometimes walked down the stairs and headed back up without saying anything, never coming down later. This caused the quest to never be possible to finish.

Maugrue sometimes takes really long to come out after Polle walks into the other room. Sometimes he takes a long time other times he comes out almost instantly.

Other than that everything seemed to work right.
When I test out the other side of the quest I'll look at the CS for any other dialogue errors that I can catch.
If it will help speed up the process I can upload my fixed file (with the door working properly) and possibly any dialogue fixes I find. Otherwise I'll just wait for the next update after that.

EDIT: Additional playtesting done. I believe these are all the errors I can find, and hopefully that means all the errors in the file.
Some of these might not even be actual "errors" just me being picky. :P But here we go:

-After the chapel fire NPCs can be regularly found in the mine.

-If you talk to Zeek before Winston after giving Zeeks bones to Father Ambrogio, Winston only will repeat the, "Zeekhas-Ei. I think..." response, and this quest will never get finished.

-Rokguroth doesn't follow me into the ruin. He does appear in Vassa Tarnabye later in the quest.

-Amarius disappears after you "finish" the quest A little help from my friends. His AI appears to be set to Wander, but he does appear in Vassa once Polle appears.

-The quest, "A Little Help from my Friends" never gets finished.

-Not really an error, and doesn't kill the game but... Polle and Rokguroth start talking in Vassa before the PC sits down.
I imagine this would happen with other NPCs (Alenion, Amarius and Marks) as well.

-Rogkuroth and Alenion still have generic greetings ("Pleased to meet you", "Greetings, I'm Alenion Eulius...") after Maugrue is killed.
And what is the point of Rogkuroth's forced greeting? Then again, this may have never happened. I may have just accidentally talked to him. :P

-And lastly, The Dunedweller dagger nor the Stirk Rapier work. I'm nearly positive I have the latest OoT as well.

Again, if I find any addition errors I'll likely edit this post.

EDIT2: In an effort to cut at least some of the fixing workload I've uploaded a dialogue/journal fixed file of Stirk. It also includes a fix for the Vassa Door.
I don't know if the file is clean or not (I don't even know how to do that for Oblivion) but it should be since I didn't touch anything other than the things I fixed.

Other Errors:
-If you get all the items for 'Painters in Love' before the quest even starts you get a journal update, "I have everything I need to help the Amatiuses marriage. I should give these things to Jonuni."
You cannot give it to him, and I'm not sure if you can 'start' the quest after this.

-Talking to Alenion during the chapel fire causes him to walk away.

-I didn't find Father Ambrogio in his room... I didn't have much time to test this more than once, but I think this happens only once in awhile.

-Amarius keeps saying 'I need you to leave', when you're deeper into the ruin. That also appears to be the only reason he follows you so closely.
And he does have troubles with the traps, he often gets stuck in them and can never get out.

Another thing. With the Abandoned Miner quest, is there supposed to be a grave that appears in the cemetery? Because, I couldn't find on after the quest was done, and the journal entry makes it sound like it.
So if this was either taken out of the quest then the final Journal entry (Getting rewarded by Zeek) should be changed a bit, I think.
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Post by theviking »

This is going to be the last time I fixed this file... The reason is that the file is good already and of personal reasons. I have to travel to the house of my parents to fix the file because otherwise I can't play oblivion. Lately some of the only reasons to travel to my parents in the weekends is to fix this file. My weekends are getting full with obligations (and I have to work for 5 days of the week) and I want to release a few of them, this is the easiest target. So I think everyone should be really pleased with this file and release it.
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Post by Stryker »

Ah 'kay, viking. I'll give it one last test tomorrow and make sure there are no glaring errors left in it.
If its even slightly better than the last file I think its good enough for release as well.
But I guess its mostly up to the admins.
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Post by Stryker »

-sigh- I guess nevermind the whole release idea for now. Super Bowl got boring so I decided to test a bit.
Alenion won't follow me to the ruin. I tried it both with talking to him after the fire and during the fire. And when I talk to him again in his house he will not follow.
I don't know whats gonna happen now that viking won't be fixing it anymore... But I'll give it a better test tomorrow, hopefully get a better report on this.
To avoid adding to this double post, this post will be edited in the future for any additional error report.
If someone else could test it out and make sure this happens to them too, and I'm not just messing something up, that would be awesome.
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Post by TheGooch »

Is that the last thing that needs fixing? Alenion needing to follow you?
theviking and MowSkwoz have it in theirs... soo: "We need quest designers!" - Stolen From teh Cutness.

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Post by Stryker »

Minor changes to it, nothing too big. Yes gooch, this means you were right.
I changed it so Rokguroth (Did I even spell that right?), Marks, and Alenion stay essential when Maugrue comes out from the ruins... Because its not so awesome when Alenion dies. (Yes, they become non-essential after you get the mace from Alenion)
Theres other minor changes to it. I changed when the quest "A little help from my friends ends" Because it never seems to make it to the end, from all the times I played it.

Lady N: I checked the rapier and dagger paths and they matched to what you mentioned on IRC... but even after I set the paths again they didn't work (At least i'm pretty sure they don't work)
So -shrug- could you take a look at it? :)

I didn't have time to test this file, it would require starting from the beginning, and that isn't awesome when your really sleepy...

But, the only other glaring error is the "I have no greeting" from Alenion... but viking has said many times earlier that it can't be fixed.
The rest of the problems are just random AI things that happen once in awhile, IIRC.

Nonetheless it'd be awesome if someone other than me can try it out. :P
Final version...?
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Post by Lady Nerevar »

yes, ill take a look at it again. im really not sure why they arent showing up if the paths are correct... could be an issue with the code used to give them (especially if i wrote it).

does it not appear in your inventory at all or does it appear but not work (purple, <!>, or otherwise broken)?
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Post by TheGooch »

what was i right about? im a little confused.. I can't remember our convos on IRC...
theviking and MowSkwoz have it in theirs... soo: "We need quest designers!" - Stolen From teh Cutness.

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Post by Stryker »

Lady Nerevar wrote:does it not appear in your inventory at all or does it appear but not work (purple, <!>, or otherwise broken)?
Dunedweller Dagger appears in the inventory (icon and all) but when you equip it you get the <!> again.
The stirk rapier is broken in your inventory, and likewise unable to equip it, it has no icon either. And upon dropping it you get the <!>.
TheGooch wrote:what was i right about? im a little confused.. I can't remember our convos on IRC...
-cough- I messed up the saved game... Thats what caused Alenion to not follow.
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