old error reports (that have been fixed) v2

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Post by MMMowSkwoz »

Cell: Adurin-Ouaka
Location: Side door to Andalas Tradehouse (265804, -4224, 248)
Error: not aligned with door frame
MaMeeshkaMowSkwoz - choose your syllables
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Post by Hemitheon »


Road sign errors: Dragon_Gladeand Darconis
TR_active_sign_Darconis & TR_active_sign_Dragon_Glade

replace names with Akamora and Helnim

Place: exterior of Bthangthamuzand
Issue: Dwemer crank does not open exterior doorcover.
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Post by Beave »

This is a small list of errors i found while wandering Map2 for a bit:

flora_wickwheat_03 Helnim Fields Region (28,-1)
230459 -1970 670 "floating whickwheat"

flora_wickwheat_04 Helnim Fields Region (28,-1)
230472 -1780 672 "floating whickwheat"

flora_wickwheat_03 Helnim Fields Region (26,-4)
214608 -30272 2304 "floating whickwheat"

Terrain_rocks_GL_02 Helnim Fields Region (24,-4)
203617 -26191 2137 "parts of rock that shouldn't be seen can be seen"

Terrain_rocks_GL_01 Helnim Fields Region (24,-4)
202830 -25583 2382 "floating rocks"

terrain_rock_gl_11 Helnim Fields Region (24,-4)
198483 -25526 1433 "there is an unneccesary texture under this rock causing texture seams"

furn_de_pathspear_04 Helnim Fields Region (23,-4)
193687 -29711 2818 "disconnected pathspear (btw, these rails should be lowered)"

furn_de_pathspear_04 Helnim Fields Region (23,-4)
193124 -31647 2670 "railing goes through the railing in front of it"

flora_stoneflower_01 Mephalain Mountains Region (23,-5)
195932 -37270 2586 "floating stoneflower"

TR_ex_ind_bridge04 Helnim Fields Region (24,-6)
197076 -45616 2950 "this and the TR_ex_ind_plat04 needs to be raised so that it doesn't bleed into the landscape"

Terrain_rocks_WG_03 Helnim Fields Region (24,-7)
197289 -49239 2978 "there's a land 'pyramid' next to these rocks"

TR_M2s6_act_sign_fwind Boethian Mountains Region (37,-4)304792 -30387 1248 "bleeds into the sign above it"

Just a list of common little world errors that I hope help you guys release a version with less errors. I'll try to keep a flow of errors relative to how much I search Map 2.
Chin Music
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Post by Chin Music »

Sorry I can't give the cell locations. I've just had a quick glance around Map 2 and have noticed a few things.

1. There are a number of incorrect signposts in the Helnim Fields region. One I saw still had Helnim as Darconis, but another, just outside Tel Muthada, was bizarrely labelled "Vos" in all directions. I'm not sure if there's any more.

2. In Marog, the very highest rope-bridge is too small to even walk across for some reason.

3. Not sure what the status of this is, but the gates in Helnim have no sound effects (and open much faster than the ones in Firewatch).

4. Just a minor discrepancy, the book "Maps of Molagreahd" still has "Gah Ouadaruhn" on its respective map instead of Llothanis.
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Post by michaleson »

Cell: Trapped Shipwreck, Cabin
Location: Below the desk
Error: The lantern is still lit even though it is under water

Cell: Unknown Groto
Location: By the exit
Error: The black hole is hard to activate due to statics.

Cell: Hassulsallusalkit, Shrine
Location: In front of the statue
Error: Cursed gold is used.

Cell: Windmoth Legion fort, Interior
Location: Near Jail cells
Error: The Chest Marked "evidence" is not locked.
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Seam tear

Post by sieboldii »

Cell: Yenidan

There is a seam tear behind one of the rocks.


[edit] Just reloaded save and the seam tear was gone. Must be a video card thing on my part.
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Post by Aaron »

Cell: Nchazdrumn, Halls of Rest
Location: Dining room (the one with the keg and table)
Error: The keg's valve somehow got rotated about 30 degrees off vertical

Cell: Nchazdrumn, Stone Gnaw Gallery
Location: Elevator
Error: The script for the elevator has been changed, it no longer resets to the proper floor when you leave the cell, but rather always resets to the ground floor. I think this may be a result of the global variable I used being removed. The script needs to be edited to add a variable (either global or on one of the parts of the elevator) to tell whether the elevator was at the top or moving to the top, or at the bottom or moving to the bottom. The code to set it to the right position at the top or bottom according to this variable (which should still be in the script) needs to be set to reference this new variable.

Cell: Nchazdrumn, Land's Blood Depths
Location: Elevator
Error: I have yet to confirm this, but I imagine if the error above exists then this elevator is probably bugged in the same way.

Ok, those are actual errors, the following are things that were changed about my interiors that I would like changed back to their original form (which was approved on the original reviews).

Cell: Mzankh, Sage's Whim
Error: The name of the cell has been changed. It was originally Halls of Reason. While sage's whim isn't a bad name for the cell I suppose, I think Halls of Reason fits it better as a dwemer scientific facility. I also think it fits the dwemer cell naming scheme better, as no reference to sages or whim is ever made in anything relating to the dwemer.

Cell: Mzankh, Sage's Whim
Location: The main electrical experiment room, and the two rooms with electrical experiments.
Error: The electrical effects I spent *MANY* hours perfecting, and which were approved on initial review, and which were the only thing making this dungeon particularly interesting have been removed. I saw the post relating to this, and they weren't even removed by a head of reviewers or anything of the sort. This was originally approved by the head of reviewers. Yes, I agree that adding a new race purely for one cool effect is a little bit of a bad way to go about it, but I experimented with everything I could think of, and nothing else worked. Also, the complaint that it causes video lag is laughable. I had no problem with it on my old system, which had a 3 year old video card and a 2 year old processer. Given the systems most people are running now if that cell caused problems for your computer you're in dire need of an upgrade, and most of my other large cells would cause worse problems for you simply due to face counts. If you decide to fix this I think the original file is still on the site, but if not I can supply it.
Claims completed:
Yashazmus, Shrine of Mehrunes Dagon
Mzankh, Dwemer Ruin
Nchazdrumn, Dwemer Ruin
Sirrilas, Shrine of Mephala
Moriken, Abandoned Dunmer Stronghold
Old Necrom Morag Tong GH
Darconis Diamond Mine
Assorted other boring claims.
Chin Music
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Post by Chin Music »

Man is it easy to get confused between Mzankh and Mzahnch in the Construction Set.

Anyway, I don't know about the electrical effects, but there is a Halls of Reason in Kemel-Ze.
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Post by MMMowSkwoz »

Aaron wrote:Cell: Nchazdrumn, Stone Gnaw Gallery
Location: Elevator
Error: The script for the elevator has been changed, it no longer resets to the proper floor when you leave the cell, but rather always resets to the ground floor. I think this may be a result of the global variable I used being removed. The script needs to be edited to add a variable (either global or on one of the parts of the elevator) to tell whether the elevator was at the top or moving to the top, or at the bottom or moving to the bottom. The code to set it to the right position at the top or bottom according to this variable (which should still be in the script) needs to be set to reference this new variable.
I had a look at this. Someone changed the global variable you used to a local variable. This would work fine (although it might reset after 72 hours) except there are two references of the crank in the cell, both with identical scripts running. This means that if you take the lift up to floor 1, get off and exit the cell, when you re-enter the game checks the local variable of the first reference it finds. It seems this is the crank on level 1, which hasn't been activated so its local variable is still 0, thus the game sets the lift back down to level 0. I hope that explanation makes sense.

This also has the very bad side effect of sending the lift through the roof or floor if you:
- take the lift up and then activate the floor 1 crank (lift goes up again, through the roof)
- take the lift down and then activate the floor 0 crank (lift goes down again, through the floor)

Replacing the local variable with a global again would fix it, but I personally would prefer to simply change one of the cranks (so there is only 1 local variable in the cell). If you'd like I'll PM you the fix so you can check it over? I don't want to mess around with your claim if you're not happy with it.
MaMeeshkaMowSkwoz - choose your syllables
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Bloodthirsty Crustacean
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Post by Bloodthirsty Crustacean »

Just post instuctions for the fix up in this thread, MowSkwoz. We can then copy it straight from here to Map 2 when ready, and if anyone has any issues, they can say if they want to.

And sorry about Mzankh, Aaron, but it really was wreaking havoc on my PC (a fairly up to date one, too), and the extra race was just really irritating for NPCing (especially for just one int. cell effect). If you can think of a way to get the effect back without a new race, I'm sure we'd happily put it back in.
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Post by MMMowSkwoz »

I've made an .esp to check it. I'm pretty sure it fixes both the reset and the going through the roof/floor issue.

If you'd prefer just the instructions though:

In Stone Gnaw Gallery:

Replace the floor 1 crank (TR_m2_act_i190_Elev1Crank) with a unique copy, which I called TR_m2_act_i190_Elev1CrankDummy. Change the existing script (TR_m2_scpt_i190_Elev1) to the following:

Code: Select all

begin TR_m2_scpt_i190_Elev1

;This is the script that controls the elevator in Nchazdrumn, Stone Gnaw Gallery.
;The script is placed on the crank used to activate it

Short liftvar
Short crankvar
Float Timer

;liftvar tracks where lift is
;-1 = moving, floor 1 to floor 0
; 0 = stationary, floor 0
; 1 = moving, floor 0 to floor 1
; 2 = stationary, floor 1

;This block sets the lift to the appropriate place upon re-entering the cell
;this prevents the lift remaining stuck somewhere if the player leaves whilst the lift is moving
if ( CellChanged == 1 )
	SetAngle, x, 0						;reset the crank
	if ( liftvar <= 0 )					;if we were at floor 0 or going down
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p01"->SetPos Z -388		;reset position to floor 0
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p02"->SetPos Z -388
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p03"->SetPos Z -432
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p04"->SetPos Z -432
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p05"->SetPos Z -432
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p06"->SetPos Z -432
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p07"->SetPos Z 11060
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p08"->SetPos Z 11060
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p09"->SetPos Z -544
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p10"->SetPos Z -544
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p11"->SetPos Z -544
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p12"->SetPos Z -544
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p13"->SetPos Z -584
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p14"->SetPos Z -584
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p15"->SetPos Z -584
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p16"->SetPos Z -584
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p17"->SetPos Z -672
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p18"->SetPos Z -672
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p19"->SetPos Z -672
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p20"->SetPos Z -672
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p21"->SetPos Z -688
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p22"->SetPos Z -784
	else							;if we were at floor 1 or going up
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p01"->SetPos Z 1916		;reset position to floor 1
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p02"->SetPos Z 1916
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p03"->SetPos Z 1872
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p04"->SetPos Z 1872
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p05"->SetPos Z 1872
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p06"->SetPos Z 1872
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p07"->SetPos Z 13364
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p08"->SetPos Z 13364
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p09"->SetPos Z 1760
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p10"->SetPos Z 1760
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p11"->SetPos Z 1760
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p12"->SetPos Z 1760
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p13"->SetPos Z 1720
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p14"->SetPos Z 1720
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p15"->SetPos Z 1720
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p16"->SetPos Z 1720
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p17"->SetPos Z 1632
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p18"->SetPos Z 1632
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p19"->SetPos Z 1632
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p20"->SetPos Z 1632
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p21"->SetPos Z 1616
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p22"->SetPos Z 1520

;Lift shouldn't move in menu mode
if ( Menumode == 1 )

;This handles the activation of the lift
if ( OnActivate == 1 )						;If player activates crank
	if ( liftvar == -1 )					;If we're going down,
		MessageBox "The elevator is in motion."		;do nothing.
	elseif ( liftvar == 0 )					;If we're at floor 0,
		Set liftvar to 1				;toggle to go up, and
		Set "TR_m2_act_i190_Elev1CrankDummy".liftvar to 1			;relay this info to the floor 1 crank,
		Set crankvar to 1				;and make the crank turn.
	elseif ( liftvar == 1 )					;If we're going up,
		MessageBox "The elevator is in motion."		;do nothing.
	else							;If we're at floor 1, 
		Set liftvar to -1				;toggle to go down.
		Set "TR_m2_act_i190_Elev1CrankDummy".liftvar to -1			;relay this info to the floor 1 crank,
		Set crankvar to 1				;and make the crank turn.

;This block makes the crank rotate
if ( crankvar == 1 )											;If we've toggled it to rotate,
	Set Timer to ( Timer + GetSecondsPassed )		;start counting
	Rotate, x, 100											;turn clockwise.
	if ( Timer >= 1.5 )										;after 1.5 seconds,
		Set Timer to 0										;reset timer
		Set crankvar to 2									;toggle turning back
	else														;These returns prevent the lift moving whilst crankvar=1
		Return												;giving a 1.5 second delay before the lift starts moving
elseif ( crankvar == 2 )
	Set Timer to ( Timer + GetSecondsPassed )		;start counting
	Rotate, x, -100											;turn anticlockwise.
	if ( Timer >= 1.5 )										;after 1.5 seconds,
		Set Timer to 0										;reset timer
		Set crankvar to 0									;stop turning

;This block actually makes the lift move up and down
if ( liftvar == 1 )						;If we've toggled the lift to go up,
	if ( "TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p01"->GetPos Z < 1916 )		;If it hasn't already reached the top,
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p01"->MoveWorld Z 128	;move all the constituent parts up.
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p02"->MoveWorld Z 128
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p03"->MoveWorld Z 128
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p04"->MoveWorld Z 128
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p05"->MoveWorld Z 128
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p06"->MoveWorld Z 128
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p07"->MoveWorld Z 128
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p08"->MoveWorld Z 128
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p09"->MoveWorld Z 128
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p10"->MoveWorld Z 128
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p11"->MoveWorld Z 128
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p12"->MoveWorld Z 128
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p13"->MoveWorld Z 128
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p14"->MoveWorld Z 128
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p15"->MoveWorld Z 128
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p16"->MoveWorld Z 128
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p17"->MoveWorld Z 128
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p18"->MoveWorld Z 128
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p19"->MoveWorld Z 128
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p20"->MoveWorld Z 128
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p21"->MoveWorld Z 128
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p22"->MoveWorld Z 128
	else							;If we've reached the top,
		Set liftvar to 2				;stop moving
		Set "TR_m2_act_i190_Elev1CrankDummy".liftvar to 2			;relay this info to the floor 1 crank,
elseif ( liftvar == -1 )					;If we've toggled the lift to go down,
	if ( "TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p01"->GetPos Z > -388 )	;If it hasn't already reached the bottom,
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p01"->MoveWorld Z -128	;move all the constituent parts down.
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p02"->MoveWorld Z -128
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p03"->MoveWorld Z -128
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p04"->MoveWorld Z -128
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p05"->MoveWorld Z -128
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p06"->MoveWorld Z -128
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p07"->MoveWorld Z -128
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p08"->MoveWorld Z -128
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p09"->MoveWorld Z -128
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p10"->MoveWorld Z -128
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p11"->MoveWorld Z -128
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p12"->MoveWorld Z -128
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p13"->MoveWorld Z -128
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p14"->MoveWorld Z -128
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p15"->MoveWorld Z -128
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p16"->MoveWorld Z -128
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p17"->MoveWorld Z -128
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p18"->MoveWorld Z -128
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p19"->MoveWorld Z -128
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p20"->MoveWorld Z -128
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p21"->MoveWorld Z -128
		"TR_m2_in_i190_Lift1p22"->MoveWorld Z -128
	else							;If we've reached the bottom,
		Set liftvar to 0				;stop moving.
		Set "TR_m2_act_i190_Elev1CrankDummy".liftvar to 0			;relay this info to the floor 1 crank,

and create a new script, TR_m2_scpt_i190_Elev1_Dummy, to go on your new crank:

Code: Select all

begin TR_m2_scpt_i190_Elev1_Dummy

;This is part of the elevator in Nchazdrumn, Stone Gnaw Gallery
;This is the script on the floor 1 lift operating crank
;it turns when activated and relays the lift operating info back down to the real crank (on floor 0)

Short liftvar
Short crankvar
Float Timer

if ( CellChanged )
	SetAngle, X, 0

;Crank shouldn't move in menu mode
if ( Menumode == 1 )

;This handles the activation of the lift
if ( OnActivate == 1 )														;If player activates crank
	if ( liftvar == -1 )														;If we're going down,
		MessageBox "The elevator is in motion."					;do nothing.
	elseif ( liftvar == 0 )													;If we're at floor 0,
		Set liftvar to 1														;record that we're going up, and
		Set "TR_m2_act_i190_Elev1Crank".liftvar to 1				;toggle to go up (tell the real floor 1 crank to do it).
		Set crankvar to 1													;and make the crank turn.
		Set "TR_m2_act_i190_Elev1Crank".crankvar to 1			;cause the 1.5 second delay
	elseif ( liftvar == 1 )													;If we're going up,
		MessageBox "The elevator is in motion."					;do nothing.
	else																		;If we're at floor 1, 
		Set liftvar to -1														;record that we're going down, and
		Set "TR_m2_act_i190_Elev1Crank".liftvar to -1				;toggle to go down (tell the real floor 1 crank to do it).
		Set crankvar to 1													;and make the crank turn.
		Set "TR_m2_act_i190_Elev1Crank".crankvar to 1			;cause the 1.5 second delay

;This block makes the crank rotate
if ( crankvar == 1 )											;If we've toggled it to rotate,
	Set Timer to ( Timer + GetSecondsPassed )		;start counting
	Rotate, x, 100											;turn clockwise.
	if ( Timer >= 1.5 )										;after 1.5 seconds,
		Set Timer to 0										;reset timer
		Set crankvar to 2									;toggle turning back
elseif ( crankvar == 2 )
	Set Timer to ( Timer + GetSecondsPassed )		;start counting
	Rotate, x, -100											;turn anticlockwise.
	if ( Timer >= 1.5 )										;after 1.5 seconds,
		Set Timer to 0										;reset timer
		Set crankvar to 0									;stop turning

The changes to Land's Blood Depths are similar, just with the object IDs and z coordinates changed. The scripts are based on Aaron's originals (with the global, which would also work perfectly) but are slightly more efficient, removing the need for a global and cutting down on the amount of code.

Note: all lift parts (including cranks) need to be references persist.

A few other issues which came up while I was doing this:

1) Is there a reason why the two lifts have seperate IDs for the lift parts (all the bits except the cranks)? Because it seems to me that you could use the same objects for both. I didn't change this though.

2) The lift in Land's Blood Depths has quite a large gap which you could fall down and also bleeds into the lights when it's in motion. perhaps it could be positioned closer to the entrance side of the shaft.

3) It's very easy to fall into the lift shafts and get trapped.

***edited 09/01/09***
Last edited by MMMowSkwoz on Fri Jan 09, 2009 4:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
MaMeeshkaMowSkwoz - choose your syllables

Gold on Altar, Hassulsallusalkit

Post by Guest »

Got this error:

Did you add a new type of gold?
It needs to be added to the TES3Container.cpp file.
Did you add a new type of gold?
It needs to be added to the TES3Container.cpp file.

Play continues after AllowYestoAll popup.

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Post by Aaron »

Thanks for doing that MMMowSkwoz, it's been so long since I've done any scripting that I'd probably have bungled it if I'd tried to fix it myself. As for the problems with falling down the lift shaft... well, I've always liked to assume that the player had more sense than to try to jump down a shaft without A: some form of levitation, or B: saving first. Yes, that may be flawed logic, but I don't think that's something we need worry about too much. The land's blood depths lift was a bit tricky because due to the depth of the shaft I wanted to have lights. Problem is if the elevator were moved more towards the front I think it would bleed through the pipes on the front of the elevator. Are you sure it's bleeding through the lights? I could have sworn I made it the right size that it wouldn't. And yes, there is a significant gap, but it's not big enough for the player to fall through.

Crustacean: That's very odd, because my past two computers have had no problem with it, though I can certainly understand as an npc editor having an extra nearly unused race on the list would be irritating. And no, I don't belive there is any other way to trigger an effect like that without the npcs. It may be possible to place the fx on an object, but I'm fairly certain I researched all avenues when I was making it, as the NPC method caused many problems in and of itself and I gladly would have used an activator or some sort of static FX to anchor it if I could. I belive the only similar effect in the game is the dwemer proximity mines used in oblivion, and I think they work by placing the effect on an arrow type object with a slight delay fired towards coordinates taken from the player. This sort of method may in fact be useable in this case... but given how out of touch I am with such advanced modding and scripting, I'm certain that I could not make it work without far more time spent doing research than actually modding it, and at this point I don't really care enough to start over from scratch on something that look me many hours to do the first time.
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Post by MMMowSkwoz »

The bleeding is pretty slight. It's probably just me being picky.
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Post by Haplo »

What's irritating about having another race?
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Post by Milovan »

Cell: Kemel-Ze, Chefidz Bassin
Location: The lever next to the junction box

It just doesn't work. I put the coherer in the junction box, but I keep getting the "has no power" message when I try to pull the lever.
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Post by Aaron »

Haplo wrote:What's irritating about having another race?
Well I'd assume having to constantly scroll past it whenever adding another npc. I haven't done a lot of npc work so I'm not sure :p
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Post by MMMowSkwoz »

Cell: (31,-1)
Location: (260520, -434, 1810)
Error: caspering rocks

Cell: (28,1)
Location: (231369, 12145, 492)
Error: top sign bleeds into second sign
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Post by MMMowSkwoz »

Cell: (32,5)
Location: 267239, 45621, 262
Error: Texture seam visible

Cell: Helnim (26,1)
Location: South East Gate
- bottom of the gate bleeds into ground
- there is a texture seam visible on the land just inside the gate

Cell: Helnim (26,1)
Location: 213118, 14565, 599
Error: Three floating crates

Also, as mentioned by Chin, the Helnim gates open a little to quickly.

***EDIT: Just found a whole load of texture seams on the border between cells (30,-1) and (31, -1), also a 'hole in the world' at (254351, -8077, 149) on the border between (31,-1) and (31, -2).***
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Post by Hemitheon »

Helnim, Diamond Mine: Packing Room
furn_crate_lid_01 = bleeding into crate
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Post by Kovacius »

Ah, fresh bugs to exterminate with malice:

terrain_rock_wg_11 Boethian Mountains Region (24,2)
198490 18912 6329 "hole between shelf and rock face"

terrain_rock_gl_05 Helnim Fields Region (26,0)
215072 6960 1504 "lifted rock"

terrain_rock_gl_03 Helnim Fields Region (26,0)
215180 6864 1488 "second lifted rock"

terrain_rock_gl_04 Helnim Fields Region (27,0)
224440 5213 1445 "flying rock"

terrain_rock_gl_09 Helnim Fields Region (27,0)
224617 4927 1470 "flying rock"

flora_wickwheat_03 Helnim Fields Region (27,0)
225432 4204 1350 "Levitating wickwheat - several"

flora_wickwheat_04 Helnim Fields Region (28,-1)
230472 -1780 672 "two more levitating cereal grains"

terrain_rock_gl_07 Helnim Fields Region (25,3)
210907 29272 261 "gap under rock"

Terrain_rocks_WG_01 Boethian Mountains Region (31,-1)
260520 -434 1810 "flying rock"

Terrain_rocks_WG_01 Boethian Mountains Region (31,-1)
260520 -434 1810 "obvious flying rock"

Terrain_rocks_WG_03 Boethian Mountains Region (31,-1)
255303 -7628 193 "another rock airborne"

flora_kreshweed_01 Boethian Mountains Region (31,-1)
255527 -7912 326 "kreshweed flying"

TR_Flora_treeoak_FZ1a Boethian Mountains Region (31,-1)
254471 -7540 999 "landscape hole about 10 feet south of tree"

flora_wickwheat_04 Helnim Fields Region (25,-1)
211902 -980 712 "flying wickwheat"

flora_wickwheat_03 Helnim Fields Region (25,-1)
210668 -472 212 "2 more flying wheaties"

flora_wickwheat_04 Helnim Fields Region (25,-2)
208825 -15116 2122 "line of uprooted wickwheat"

Terrain_rocks_GL_02 Helnim Fields Region (24,-4)
203617 -26191 2137 "tipped rock, underside visible"

Terrain_rocks_GL_01 Helnim Fields Region (24,-4)
202830 -25583 2382 "flying rock cluster"

Not too shabby, so far. I think I'm going to like this map.
Silly Symphonies


Post by Silly Symphonies »

Hello. :-)

Trying to find my way trough the epic maze that is Kemel-Ze, I decided to try and map the place. During that process, I fond out that Rzarch is connected the wrong way round with Vels and Stafaznir. Let me make myself more clear by providing the maps (sorry for the bad quality: I had to reduce quality in order to reduce the file size, so I could upload them).





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Post by Bloodthirsty Crustacean »

To fix the error, the NorthMarkers of Rzarch, Creeping Vale and King's Tomb all need to be reversed and pointed in the other direction.

If you want, someone (a mod) can just edit out the pictures from your post now, and they'll stop eating the forums. All we need is the piece of text above. :)
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Post by MMMowSkwoz »

Cell: Helnim Fields Region, (29,-4) and (29,-5)
Error: 4 occurances of 'Charles the Plant' (Flora_BC_Fern_04_Chuck)

Cell: Helnim, Vodunius Harmevus' House
Position: downstairs
Error: multiple crates bleeding into the wall
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Post by Hemitheon »

Cell: Rasdamassilu
Issue: Lighting

For the first half of the cave, the lighting is ridiculously dark. I don't remember making it like that but that's not the point. Im assuming there are dark light markers to produce that level of blackness. Remove them.
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Post by orb »

Cell: Helnim Fields Region (24,-6)
Location: (200385, -41563, 1150) ex_vivec_waterfall_01
Error: Wrong waterfall stream direction
Cell: Helnim Fields Region (24,-6)
Location: (200266, -41223, 940) Ex_Vivec_waterfall_05
Error: Wrong waterfall stream direction
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Post by MMMowSkwoz »

Cell: Helnim Fields Region (28,1)
Location: 231379, 10818, 475
Error: Caspering rock
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Post by Thrignar Fraxix »

Throughout the ruin Hassulsallusalkit Shrine: Sunken Vaults, are places where I got stuck. The door is locked behind you with a lvl 100 lock, and at almost every curve the rocks stuck me. Near the light on the level below the door I was actually forced to TCL to get by. Finally, I couldn't get out of the room with the water as the door was too short.

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Post by povuholo »

Cell: Pamashibabua Cavern
Location: Everywhere
Error: Daedric bats in the daedra levelled lists placed in this cave. These bats are supposed to be used in exteriors only, as they'll constantly get stuck everywhere in caves, especially ones with narrow passages as this one.

(Solution: Separate interior/exterior daedra levelled lists)
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Post by MMMowSkwoz »

Cell: Boethian Mountains Region (35,1)
Location: Small camp in the south of the cell
Error: almost everything in this camp is either caspering or bleeding into the ground
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Post by povuholo »

Cell: Hassulsallusalkit, Shrine: Sunken Vaults
Location: Door to the regular shrine cell

Error: Not exactly an error, but this door is locked with level 100 inside, just as outside. I assume that you are supposed to unlock the door with a key, but I used the console myself. So for me it wasn't an issue that the door was locked for the inside.

It could be a problem however for those people who manage to unlock the level 100 door from the shrine to the sunken vaults with a one use scroll. If they don't have another one, they'll be trapped because the door from the sunken vaults to the shrine is also locked with a level 100 lock.
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Post by MMMowSkwoz »

Cell: Helnim (25,1)
Location: 211224,12929,628
Error: House and door bleeding into ground

Cell: Helnim Fields Region (27,0)
Location: 224440,5213,1445 and 224617,4927,1470
Error: Two caspering rocks
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More placement errors

Post by Kovacius »

Here are a few more levitating boulders and things:

Boethian Mountains Region (31, -1) 255527, -7912, 326
Flying kreshweed

Boethian Mountains Region (31, -1) 255303, -7628, 193
underside of rocks visible

Boethian Mountains Region (31, -1) 256152, -6479, 215
underside of rocks visible

Boethian Mountains Region (31, -1) 260520, -434, 1810
underside of rocks visible

Amthuandz Excavations (30, -2) 251675, -9768, 2065
base of cliff doesn't touch ground

I also listed a bunch of flying foliage under the Map 1 Beta 2 thread by mistake, instead of here under Map 2 Beta 1.
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Post by Kovacius »

Just when you thought it was safe to visit the Boethian Mountains:

Boethian Mountains Region (28, 2) 230055, 17402, 295
half of the rocks are flying

Boethian Mountains Region (29, 3) 240398, 27965, 2499
underside of rock visible

Boethian Mountains Region (30, 4) 247030, 33622, 504
one rock airborne

Boethian Mountains Region (28, 7) 237112, 63238, 94
rocks are fine, but nearby shoreline has weird square flooded divot right at water's edge

Post by Guest »

flora_wickwheat_04 Helnim Fields Region (25,-1)
210524 -504 120
"fly with me, lesbian wickwheat..."

ex_common_lighthouse Boethian Mountains Region (24,0)
199300 1836 3522 (note: this isn't the EXACT LOCATION, i was looking up at it (it's very very close by))
"the second floor exit marker or whatever (the place you end up when you leave the door on the top floor) is weirdly placed - you wind up kind of far out on the edge of the platform and have to do crazy acrobatics to get into a walkable position."
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Post by Haplo »

From povuholo:

Another thing:

(TR Map 2)
Object: TR_furn_shrine_Alma_cure_01
Error: The blessings (or at least the special blessing that is not the cure poison/disease blessing) seem to be cast on the shrine itself, rather than on the player.

I found out about this in the beautiful cave of Massapi. Amazing work! :-)
Last edited by Haplo on Sun Jun 26, 2011 11:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by MMMowSkwoz »

Cell: Tel Muthada, Private Study
Errors: TR_i2_238_corpse_imp and TR_w_imp_bsword_brk on table are floating, furn_de_r_chair_03 is floating, Furn_De_r_Table_09 is bleeding into wall.
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Post by Aeven »

Terrain_rocks_GL_03 Helnim Fields Region (28,-4) 232326 -27291 1986 Number of textureseams in the area. No exactly where the rock is, but in a radius of it.
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Post by Yeti »

Saw this error the first time I visited the mainland. there's a problem with one of the entrances to the Dwemer ruin near the Telvanni library. The door is improperly placed and the main structure of the entrance is floating.

I'll check out what the name of the ruin if you guy's can't find it.
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Post by Haplo »

All errors up to this point have been fixed.
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