Here's my initial review of the cell with the outpost.
- You haven't used NOGRASS-textures when painting textures underneath statics. This makes grass bleed into stuff, so please use a NOGRASS equivalent of any texture you use when texturing under statics.
- There are numerous floating statics everywhere.
- Between the houses and the docks you've detailed nothing. It would require a lot more stuff in order to be detailed enough. Make sure the road is a bit lower than the grass around it, people walk and wear it down over time. Plus, I don't think pirates would care about a bricked road, and not so thorough housning either

- Remember to vertex shade under the rest of the statics as well, not only houses.
- Grass textures under sea level doesn't look good, please use sand and/or mud, rock or whatever looks nice.
In order for me to fully review an exterior application, why don't you create something entirely new? I suggest you go way into the ocean and raise a patch of land, texture it properly, place rocks, flora and fauna, and make a tiny village with a few different houses, detailed as heck...
Use these pictures of brilliant mods for inspiration: