It should be all cleaned and hopefully pretty good.
I won't be on much today or tomorrow, so hopefully I won't have too much to fix when I do get back on.

Moderator: Lead Developers
Heh, I'm sure it is.Lady Nerevar wrote:its nice to have another chick around here!
Code: Select all
Choice, "Yes", 4, "No", 5
This is one I had thought of and noticed. However, I'm not really sure as to how I can make it figure out how he died and then properly show the right journal update.My major issue here is that I will always get the journal update when this NPC is killed. If he happens to die at any time other than the planned one, the entry makes no sense. To fix this, you would need to add additional if clauses so that your update only occurs when you want it to.
And just to make sure we're on the same page... By this you mean rather than using choice 1 & 2 and several other filters just use higher numbers (say... 3 & 4)?You are a little overzealous with your filtering. A lot of your entries have 4 or 5 filtering requirements when only 1 is really necessary. For example, when using the choice function, you can use...
In this case, the easiest route would be the Umbra solution. When you meet Umbra and choose to fight him, you get a journal update that says "I will try to give him the death blahblahblah" and after he's dead, you get another that says "I have defeated yaddayadda." The OnDeath journal is dependent on the "I will fight you" journal, so it only happens in that situation. It's a little weird to be writing while you're under attack, but Beth does it all the time and the majority of players don't notice. Of course, you could also use that handy local variable to determine whether the journal entry is appropriate.Stryker wrote:This is one I had thought of and noticed. However, I'm not really sure as to how I can make it figure out how he died and then properly show the right journal update.
Yup, that's exactly right. In one topic in q1-77, I go up to 13 in choice variables. Fewer filters = win.Stryker wrote:And just to make sure we're on the same page... By this you mean rather than using choice 1 & 2 and several other filters just use higher numbers (say... 3 & 4)?
Hah, thats my typo I think. I hadn't even noticed it until you mentioned it.Bloodthirsty Crustacean wrote:One thing: "It looks like we got the theives."
I certainly might do that. I do want to try to do something with a bit more scripting involved.Bloodthirsty Crustacean wrote:Also, scripting would definitely be a plus. It looks like your current quest is pretty low on errors, so if you are able, it might be a better idea to start afresh, and maybe do something with more ambitious scripts? That would be good, and would help you learn more!
Code: Select all
Begin TR_m1_q_576_CountThieves
short count
short Qstate
short doonce
;these blocks tally up the count of thieves
if ( ThiefOne->OnDeath == 1 )
set count to ( count + 1 )
if ( ThiefTwo->OnDeath == 1 )
set count to ( count + 1 )
if ( ThiefThree->OnDeath == 1 )
set count to ( count + 1 )
; this block checks the tally
if ( count == 3 )
if ( doonce == 0 )
set Qstate to 500
set doonce to 1
This didn't happen to me when I tested it... But please do walk through it, I'd like to know how to fix it if it does happen.Faalen wrote:Dralor stays in combat after all thieves are dead, with his sword out and combat music playing. (Semi-tricky to fix, but I can walk you through it if you like.)
Code: Select all
if ( GetWeaponDrawn )
SetFight 30 ; or whatever his native fight setting is
Meh. Sue me.Stryker wrote:That was longer than 20 minutes, Faalen.
Faalen wrote:- The journal entries for killing Dralor are much better. However, I did find a loophole where if the player kills Dralor after the bandits are dead, no update happens and the quest never ends. Admittedly I was trying to break the quest by doing this, but it's not outside the realm of possibility that it could happen. I'd suggest making the "Dralor was killed before he ever got his bow back" entry also available for the journal index that says the bandits are dead.
I saw these errors coming.Faalen wrote:- There are still fairly numerous mistakes in grammar and spelling. While dialogue is generally reviewed and corrected before merging a claim, it saves the merger a bit of work if you take care of as much of it as you can on your end.
Right now, the "Dralor was killed" entry is dependent on journal 15, which is "I agreed to help..." I believe. The window for it should be expanded to include the "We have killed the thieves" entry. You can do this by nesting "if" statements. In other words, do something like this:Stryker wrote:Faalen wrote:- The journal entries for killing Dralor are much better. However, I did find a loophole where if the player kills Dralor after the bandits are dead, no update happens and the quest never ends. Admittedly I was trying to break the quest by doing this, but it's not outside the realm of possibility that it could happen. I'd suggest making the "Dralor was killed before he ever got his bow back" entry also available for the journal index that says the bandits are dead.I don't really understand what you mean on how to fix this problem
Code: Select all
if ( GetJournalIndex ST_Bandit >= x ); x is the index of the "I'll help you" entry
if ( GetJournalIndex ST_Bandit <= y ); y is the index of the "thieves are dead" entry
;do the stuff here