joining the Guilds again: is it necessary?

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joining the Guilds again: is it necessary?

Post by Manichaean »

Hi everyone! I'm new here, so don't kick me hard ;) I like the job you're doing very much, both in terms of quality and keeping to the lore. Just one thing I find quite frustrating for the moment: the necessity to join all the Guilds again. I guess it has something to do with original TES3 game mechanism, but still in term of lore: what makes the Vvardenfell so exceptional? Following this logic you have to join the local Guild every time you move to the new district Mournhold, Kragermoor or Velothi. Is it possible to avoid rejoining Guilds in future releases or if not at least not to give one district (not the most significant one) the same weight as the other five combined together?
(Creating sub-Guilds for each of the five mailand districts may be? Then each of them can have the local boss and there can be quests to become a Grand-boss of each Guild in the whole Morrowind. The grand-bosses can reside in different districts to make the world of Morrowind more balanced).
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Post by Chin Music »

The technical reason they are kept separate is because one of TR's policies is to modify nothing in the original game. If the Vvardenfell guilds and Mainland guilds were one and the same, one would have to affect the other to some extent, and we want people to be able to follow quest lines and rank up separately from the Vvardenfell guilds.

The "lore" reason used to justify this is that with the quarantine in effect, the split factions have to operate as separate entities, with the mainland branches being the main authority and the Vvardenfell branches being subsidiary.
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Re: joining the Guilds again: is it necessary?

Post by MMMowSkwoz »

Manichaean wrote:Following this logic you have to join the local Guild every time you move to the new district Mournhold, Kragermoor or Velothi. Is it possible to avoid rejoining Guilds in future releases or if not at least not to give one district (not the most significant one) the same weight as the other five combined together?
(Creating sub-Guilds for each of the five mailand districts may be? Then each of them can have the local boss and there can be quests to become a Grand-boss of each Guild in the whole Morrowind. The grand-bosses can reside in different districts to make the world of Morrowind more balanced).
There will only be one mainland version of each faction, not five or six.
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Post by Kovacius »

The interaction between the Vvardenfell guilds and the mainland guilds is apparently one-way only. Having a high rank in the island guilds will allow you to start at a slightly higher standing on the mainland, from what I've been told. Your postion on the mainland has no influence on the "official" guilds.

If I'm wrong, please correct my misunderstanding.
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Post by Faalen »

That's pretty much how it works, yes. It should be noted, however, that in the logic of the game universe the TR branches of the factions are usually the "official" or main ones. The Vvardenfell branches are isolated subsidiaries cut off by the quarantine.
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