Morrowind Interiors
Cells should be named as follows:
i#-### is the claims browser ID. So for example: TR_i3-180
ID Creation
All IDs must start from TR_ prefix. Following this should be the normal prefix of what the item is (key, cont, bk, etc.) After this comes the mX (where X is the number of the Map said interior is on) Next is the claim's ID, finished by a VERY short descriptor.
Example: TR_key_m1-100_PrivateDoor
Please use common sense when putting objects in! Putting a 'Flaming Sword of Death' or something illegal in the claim is a very bad idea. Please play-test it before submitting!!!
- When Claiming
It's necessary to lay out a basic or detailed plan for the interior, or the interior may not be granted. If you mention 'oh I'll make the fort good and cool', you have less likelihood of granting than if you went into more detail and used better English.
Make sure to download the exterior your interior resides in; this is very important! Check it out from several different angles to size up and fit your interior properly. For example, no triangular shaped interiors in a small rectangular exterior.
TR's policy is to generally follow lore when it is given. If you think there is a dire need to bend lore, please take it up with a moderator!
Snap Grid
Make sure all your interior tiles are aligned with snap grid. To do this, click on the button in your CS that looks like a coordinate plane. You can also access it via 'File > Preferences...'. Now try moving your tiles. As you can see, they move a very even number of points, and quite rigidly, with no weird decimal numbers. The snap grid works for all tiles and some objects. However, in cases such as object placement, it's better to manually place things. Interiors turned in without snap grid used may be revoked immediately in the event that the modder is no longer with TR. Another thing to note is that you may have to change the setting of snap grid (only accessible via 'File > Preferences' method) to a smaller number for better accuracy when placing certain tilesets. The biggest offender of weird numbers in this case is the Imperial Fort tileset.
Make sure to check your lighting to make sure it matches that of Bethesda interiors of the same style and size. The default lighting settings are a little too bright, and should be toned down to your tastes. (Please, test this in-game!)
North Marker
The northmarker is essential, and should always be the first thing you place in your cell. It tells the interior in which direction North lies, so that the in-game mini-map will work properly.
"Cookie Cutter" Interiors
The Reviewers will not accept "cookie cutter" interiors. In other words, do not copy and paste entire shelves and such from other interiors. This greatly cuts down on the uniqueness of TR. A person who has played Morrowind a few times can easily look at a shelf and instantly remember seeing it. Also, please do not copy individual items from prefabricated interiors either. The ownership stays with them, and has to be removed from each item one by one. Please click and drag items fresh from the object menus. We will catch you.
TR Moderators and Administrators will revoke any interiors that have copied materials with or without notifying the Modder. We will not revoke if we cannot prove that there is copied material, however proving so tends to be quite easy, so please don't try and slip anything by us. We'll catch you.
Make sure your plug-in is clean before you turn it in. Use the program TESAME to do this. For an in-depth tutorial, please look at the Tutorials section of our Website found [url=]HERE[/url].
Please do not link your interiors to an exterior. This will be done at a later stage! If you have more than one interior cell in a claim, you may link the interiors together, but please do not make doors teleporting to the exterior.
Please do not add NPCs/creatures to your interior! Those will be added later.
Luckily for the Modder, any errors found in the Reviewing Board are fixed there as well, so all you have to do is make the interior, and we'll fix any errors you make!