It's been a long time...

Place where the game's audio assets are produced.

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It's been a long time...

Post by Telsar »

Hey all, I actually tried to get involved in the music dept. here at TR several years ago, but I didn't have the time or technology to really succeed, and I spent more time arguing in the lounge over controversial issues when that was still allowed than doing any work :). Anyway, I've just finished my degree and now I need a hobby so I don't go crazy, so I thought I'd revisit this great project. I'd love to contribute to the music efforts. Below I have a link to a sample I whipped up tonight. The mix is pretty soft and there were some issues with the brass cutting out, but Cubase lost my project file and I figured it's a sample anyway so who cares. This is just to give you a feel for my music style and the samples I have. I'd also be open to taking others' MIDI files and sequencing those.

(The link will expire in 48 hours).
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Post by Haplo »

Hey, it's been a while. The link is invalid; it returns this error: Your IP does not match the one in the database.

How big is the file? If it's under 10MB, feel free to upload it here in a post.
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Post by Telsar »

That's weird, it works for me. I'll go ahead an upload it.
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Post by Gesshoku »

Welcome back Telsar, seems you were active before my time. It's always good to see some of the old sound department people from time to time!

Your sample is excellent, the quality is really awesome too. I use cubase as well :)

We're in need of a few songs anyway, and you've got the tools to have high quality music, as well as the talent to use those tools.

Feel free to upload your songs, start a thread/library post for yourself! Welcome back, I look forward to getting to know you better.
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Post by Telsar »

Thanks for the welcome back. I'll start a thread for my music as soon as I'm done with my first piece. Are there any requirements for the audio files (type, sample rate, kbs/sec, etc...)?
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Post by Gesshoku »

MP3, 44100 Khz, 128 kbps, 2 Channel Stereo