Map 6 Claim Request -> 6-26

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Map 6 Claim Request -> 6-26

Post by sirwootalot123 »

I would like to claim the following area on map 6:
18, -46 to 18, -52
19, -46 to 19, -51
20, -46 to 20, -51
21, -46 to 21, -51
22, -46 to 22, -50
23, -46 to 23, -48
I was the guy who wrote the message that noirgrim forwarded to zalirbrightmoore (in his post where he claimed the same area, but changed his mind), about how I really wished to claim this area but couldn't due to the registration not working for me.
Obviously, I finally happily managed to join TR, and am now here requesting this claim.
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Post by prometheus »

claim granted named claim 6 26
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