If you only read the bold text you get the meaning of the post, the rest is only for my ego.
I started to play morrowind (again) 2 weeks ago, I know the game in-and-out, I have played it several times, I played quite a few mods in my day, I basicly could write a walkthrough and bug report from memory.
I decided this time that I would like to create my own personal housing mod. With bookshelves for my book collection and mannequins for my armor collection, and my goal would be to collect all books and armor possible. I'm a newb to modding (have never done it in MW before), I read tutorials, I read threads, I learned, I experimented, I tested new things, took a look at old things.
Finally, it took me 1 f#&@!%g week to complete my house mod. Now its done, it has lights, candles and lamps, it has rugs and tapestries, it has 5 decorated rooms (+a nice looking exterior), its logical (it has the same size outside then inside), it has the windows just at the right places both ex- and interrior (with window glow script during the daytime from inside). It has everything I wanted, its small and cozy, and it even has a chimney. It took me several days to figure out the scripts for my books/mannequins. I placed the books onto the shelves,... for several hours. I even added a Northmarker (although its absolutly useless, its "naturally" aligned to the north).
I tested it, I modified it, I updated it, I bugfixed it. I cleared the bleedings, the unalignements, I added pillars, I added several "resource plugins", to expand my feng-shui abilities. I switched off grid-snap and placed the statics to the pixel. I even changed a few of the furnitures to make them all a unified furn_com_r_... And now that I'm done, when I'm ready to start playing, I decided to download this TR thingy everyone is talking about on the forums what do I find in TESCS...
Awsome new models. I don't know if I should hate you for creating such jaw-dropping statics, should hate myself because I could have downloaded the mod weeks ago, or should I just hate my schedule for the next couple of weeks, because I will start again from scratch and build a new house, with TR statics ofc.
Anyway, TR is awsome, and I haven't even started to play it yet.
To the Textures and Modelling department,...
Moderators: Haplo, Lead Developers