A wild Macar appeared!

Old and generally outdated discussions, with the rare hidden gem. Enter at your own risk.

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A wild Macar appeared!

Post by Macar »

Hi old friends, a few of you will remember me from back in the mythic age...

So, I decided to stop by because I was reminded of you. On the interwebz I heard rumors of skyrim dlc set in Morrowind. I thought that sounded awesome till I did a little digging and found that the rumor came from a bunch of misinformed noobs. But it got me thinking of my years at TR.

I'm 27 years old now, and I must confess that my TR years when I was in college were a big part of the man I am today. I may not have been the most productive member ever, but in return for my meager contributions I learned many things. I learned to create art and music on computer; skills I find constant use for in my life. I met some cool people, including one of my best friends to this day (who I've never met in person). And most of all, I learned the power of OBSESSION; a man obsessed can accomplish great things.

So, here's to you, TR! Building Tamriel may be out of the question, but never cease to be proud of the things you have done and the lives you have touched!

-Macar Irandir
NEW MEMBERS: I'm not with TR anymore, so please stop PMing me. Just post your sample work in the showcase.
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Post by Nemon »

Hi Macar.

Nice to see old honorary members returning for a quick hello now and then, since your last visit we've done tons of stuff exterior wise - and Sacred East is nearing its completion in terms of NPCs and quests.

:banana: :slavedriver: