Sacred East, harp playing, and helping out!

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Sacred East, harp playing, and helping out!

Post by Eirreann »

Just jotting this to say:
1. SACRED EAST!!! I have waited so long for this! A huge thank you to all that have worked on this project thus far to bring us some of the best modding content ever released!
2. I have gotten a hold of a mic to record music, and am now able to help Leon out in any way that he wished me to with my harp.
3. I saw that you guys need Quest modders; well I'll reading a bunch of tutorials and working on a showcase mod for you guys; I would love to help out! I'm not very good yet but I'm learning a lot!
I'm so excited for the future of this project and I really hope that I will have the chance to contribute!
Thank you all for being awesome!
"Wake Up. We're Here. Why are you shaking? Are you ok? Wake up. Stand up. There you go. You were dreaming. What's your name?"