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Post by Haplo »

Claim type: Interior
Claim ID: TR_i3-592-Imp (#1693)
Faction: Imperial
Parent claim: TR_3-24-Imp (#128)
Claimed by: Matin Sanguine
Status: Approved (Progress: 100%)
Location: 1:(851, -2571):0
Files: TR_i3-592-Imp_Matin Sanguine_1.esp; TR_i3-592-Imp_Matin Sanguine_5.esp; TR_i3-592-Imp_Matin Sanguine_6.esp


OE West #6 http://img375.imageshack.us/img375/7383/oewestmap.jpg

Redguard Goods merchant has traveled here from Sentinel (and is struggling to fit in, as per old description. if you think you can make this aparent in an interesting fashion feel free).
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Post by Haplo »

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Post by Worsas »

Can I have a further claim?

I´d first have a look at the exterior and make the room fitting to it. The furniture will be a bit adapted to the ints that are dwelled by redguards in the original game. Furthermore I will follow my fantasy:

-different kinds of clothing, mostly common and expensive. Also an extravagant piece of clothing among it.
-a sword that is fastened on the wall
-parts of leather armor that lie in a corner
-many things that are stacked
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Post by Thrignar Fraxix »

sounds good, granting and happy modding.
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Post by Worsas »

In my last claim I forgot the north marker, but this time there is one. So I´m doing progress at making interior cells.

Maybe I´m going to create a larger thing one day..
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Post by Worsas »

This one is also ready.

I didn´t know that a post is neccesary before the claim is taken under review.
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Post by Bloodthirsty Crustacean »

BTW, is the 'homesick Redguard' going to be TR's 'naked Nord', or are these things just massively coincidental? :P
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Post by Worsas »

What is wrong with the int?
Does the weaponry on the wall not fit?

Redguards are also great fighters.. But, okay! I can remove those weapons.

What else schould be changed?
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Post by Bloodthirsty Crustacean »

Hum? Oh, I wasn't talking to you Worsas, I'm in no way an int. reviewer, I'm sure your thing is fine. :)

It's just I always have a brief look around new posts, whatever area they're in, and I noticed that up top it called for a homesick Redguard. I thought it was funny (in a good way) because I see these guys popping up all over the place. (Like Morrowind's naked Nords)
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Post by Haplo »

Hmm seems like this was missed. Submitting to Review
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Post by Haplo »


Fits exterior: Yes

Northmarker set: Yes
Loading errors: No

Review: light_com_lantern_01_77 bled into the shelf a bit

One of the shield hooks was floating badly

TR_barrel_01_cheapfood5 was bleeding into the rope of the bucket

light_com_candle_01_off bled into the chest it was resting on

light_com_lantern_01_77 bled into the hutch

Comments Cool use of the armor on the wall :-D Morden will be happy if he ever visits this interior ingame

A bit light on refs tbh

Rating 7/10
(6.36 KiB) Downloaded 258 times
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[06/19/2012 04:15AM] +Cat table stabbing is apparently a really popular sport in morrowind

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Post by SamirA »

Revoked for repurposing
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Open for le claimage.
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Post by Not »

If granted, I will put a space on the other side of the door.
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Post by SamirA »

In that case... I'm sorry to say... You are now stuck with this claim.

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Post by Not »

I apologize, but I won't be able to work on this anymore. Please revoke as soon as you are able.
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Post by SamirA »

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Post by Matin Sanguine »

For better or for worse, I lay claim to this interior!

Here are my (rough) ideas for the claim if allowed to mod it (though it may change).

It will be 2x3 architectural pieces large and three stories high. The floors will have interior walls that reflect the the exterior (so stone for the first 2, and a normal, common interior set for the top floor).

First Floor
This will act as the main store front, and thus will have displayed goods of all kinds (potions, clothing etc) but will be in rather poor quality (maybe one or two higher-valued items, but the rest will be average). I am envisioning to have the stairs at the end of the building if possible.

I will just be displaying general goods (in the same vein as the trader in Caldera), if there is a problem with this (I may have misinterpreted the description) tell me.

Second Floor

In honesty, I am a little conflicted by what to put in here. Probably I will have some sort of training room/study/storage/dining space here, but really I have no solid indication about what I will put here. I will be more specific when I start making that area.

Third Floor

Access to this room will be restricted by a lock (nothing too hard). This will act as the main living space of the redguard NPC. It will feature a selection of redguard-related literature, armor and weapon pieces (nothing fancy like Ebony, most likely Iron or similar quality) and other random clutter, placed to give it a lived-in atmosphere.

General Notes

I plan to have the furniture be common, the style of kitchenware etc to be imperial. My main challenge is to try and reflect the Redguard's homesickness through interior items and furniture, as well as him attempting to conform to Imperial culture. I think in the first floor there will be heavy emphasis on Imperial culture, that will gradually disappear while the player ascends through the floors. This (in my reasoning), shows that the Redguard is attempting to demonstrate an outward appearance of adopting Imperial culture (this may be done very strongly). But as it moves to his more personal areas, it will show that at heart he is still a follower of Redguard culture, and struggles to maintain a piece of it. For instance (and I acknowledge this isn't my idea, but the original modder) having a armor and/or weapons hanging on the wall has symbolic meaning, showing that while he has stopped using these items (which has a large role to play in the Redguard warrior culture), he is loathe to surrender them completely and looks back frequently with nostalgia (of both his native culture and his past experiences).

The light settings will be the same as the ones used in Caldera (if there is a better alternative, feel free to let me know).

Also, with me using something similar to the armor/weapons hanging on the wall, if that is a problem (I don't want to be seen as stealing other modder's work), then tell me and I will not use it. Though if I am able to, I would like use it in my interior.

Remember, this is a rough outline (apologies for the sparse details, I am still working out the specifics), it could very easily change in time (and probably will).
Last edited by Matin Sanguine on Sat Nov 17, 2012 10:54 pm, edited 5 times in total.

"As to where the ash comes from.. fuck if I care." -Sload

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Post by Matin Sanguine »

Sorry about double posting, I had no idea about this message box in the 'claim' link, look at the previous post for details about what I wish to do.
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Post by SamirA »

No training area, stick to the normal style of com interiors for building and make sure you watch out for style mixing. Also check other OE interiors for a range of light settings.

Other than that, seems fine.

Have at it.
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Post by Matin Sanguine »

I wasn't too sure about the training area myself, I was just throwing the idea out there as a possibility.

Thanks SamirA!

"As to where the ash comes from.. fuck if I care." -Sload

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Post by Why »

Protip, if you don't enter anything in the message field when you hit the claim button it won't actually create a post upon claiming. I know this because I muck up the process myself all the time too. ;)
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Post by Matin Sanguine »

Update: I accidentally uploaded my file twice, can someone please give me a rundown on how that works so I can avoid doing that again? Also can someone help me get rid of the second one? (My bad everyone, I'm not really used to this system).

Down to the claim in question, all I have uploaded are the bare-bones layout of the building, with also only several pieces of furniture scattered about. There are a few issues that I need to resolve. Namely finding an interior piece that fits the exterior window "ex_common_window_02". Also I have an empty space at the back of the middle floor, so should I leave that area alone or should I use it?

Oh and this file is dirty (I had forgotten that it was when I uploaded it, this won't happen again).

Again, sorry about uploading my WIP twice.

"As to where the ash comes from.. fuck if I care." -Sload

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Post by Nemon »

Update claim, and then tick off the ones you want to delete iirc?
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Post by Matin Sanguine »

Nemon wrote:Update claim, and then tick off the ones you want to delete iirc?
I seem to be doing something incorrectly because I haven't come across any option to uncheck specific things.

Edit: Thanks Nemon, I appreciate you deleting my accidental copy, I better get to work then! :)

"As to where the ash comes from.. fuck if I care." -Sload

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Post by Matin Sanguine »

Sorry for the lack of updates, I got caught up with some work.

I have added furniture throughout the interior (still more to do though) as well as beginning to add items such as books etc to the interior as well (mainly beginning with the 3rd level). Also I moved the door leading upstairs down a level (beforehand it was between the 2nd level and the 3rd level. Now it is between the 1st level and the 2nd level).

I will try for a more substantial update next week, I do have one issue however, I'm having some trouble finding an interior piece that matches "ex_common_window_02". Could someone please tell me what I should do to resolve this?

EDIT: Also, the one in the claim description isn't the latest version. I would have updated the claim description with the newest file but I didn't want to end up with a duplicate like what happened last time. So the file in this post is the latest (until I can figure out how to avoid creating duplicates in the claim description).

EDIT 2: Screw it, I'll update the claim with this version, otherwise it will just create confusion for everybody.
Last edited by Matin Sanguine on Mon Feb 11, 2013 8:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

"As to where the ash comes from.. fuck if I care." -Sload

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Post by Matin Sanguine »

Update: I managed to do decent amounts of work on the claim, but was forced to a snail's pace due to some issues that I had to resolve in regards to the interior.

Update Overview

Lighting: copied lightening settings from another Old Ebonheart interior (i3-723-Imp), so I hope that works, wouldn't have a clue considering I suck at lighting.

First Floor: In retrospect, I have serious doubts about the arrangement of items and the types of items there, so I will definitely redo bits of this. I also added a random assortment of containers (barrels, sacks etc) to the corner leading to the stairs.

Second Floor: Added a urn, as well adding cutlery and dinnerware to the table (silverware for the cutlery, and metal for the dinnerware).

Third Floor: Not much added here and still needs more fine-tuning, I did add another furniture piece though.

Cleaning: This file is now completely clean

That's it really, I hope to have another update out by next week or the week after.
Last edited by Matin Sanguine on Mon Feb 11, 2013 8:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.

"As to where the ash comes from.. fuck if I care." -Sload

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Post by Matin Sanguine »

Update: Unfortunately, A lot of my time has been held up for the past few weeks, making progress on this claim slow as a result. I did however manage to fix some glaring and tedious (as well as integral) issues relating to architectural pieces being used, some were not level with each other, others allowed for caspering, others were bleeding with each other etc. Now with that fickle business out of the way, I can finally steam ahead and continue adding objects and fine-tuning the claim as a whole. I am certain (barring unforeseen events) that I will have a substantial update out next week or sooner.

I also added rugs and tapestries to the second and third floor to personalize the space, though it was almost exclusively used with ones from TR_Data, given my inexperience using resources from there I may end up changing them for vanilla ones.

I also intend to make changes and complete the placement of objects in the store front/first floor, it seriously needs more work.
Last edited by Matin Sanguine on Mon Feb 11, 2013 8:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

"As to where the ash comes from.. fuck if I care." -Sload

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Post by Haplo »

In the future, can you please just upload the file at the top of the thread? Uploading it there plus in your post just wastes space on our servers :-) Thanks!
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Post by Matin Sanguine »

Sorry Haplo, this process about claiming wasn't really explained to me so I just improvised, I won't do so in the future.

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Post by SamirA »

Got an update? It's that time again.
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Post by Matin Sanguine »

SamirA wrote:Got an update? It's that time again.
Sorry about that SamirA, I kept track of the month deadline but was unable to act upon it due to the sheer volume of work I've had to get through recently.

Again, my sincerest apologies.

UPDATE: The claim has been virtually completed. The only thing that remains is to ensure that it is of worthy quality to be presented for review (ensuring the north-marker is positioned properly, making sure all that the right objects are present, floating/caspering/bleeding checks, finalizing the objects present etc.)

Undeniably this should have been done weeks ago, but as I stated earlier, I was unexpectedly hit with a large volume of work which impeded my ability to make any further updates, it's time to rectify that.

Considering that this is my "final" proper update, (with only quality checks etc, needed before review.) Now is the time if anyone has any suggestions for my claim. It is my first so if there is anything you might wish to voice your opinion about (example, "Matin, you have the wrong items in your storefront") than feel free to voice it (constructively) as I am willing to put in the time and effort if you feel any changes are needed, so don't worry about voicing any suggestions. Otherwise, the only thing left is to finalize my claim once I am satisfied with it.

P.S: SamirA, I may need to PM you several times (possibly) in regards of certain aspects of interior modding, just a heads up in advance. And I will strive to ensure I won't break past my month deadline in the future.

EDIT: There seems to be an issue with my version TR_Data and TR_Date.esm in which the top floor is covered with white placeholders for references. My version is the one immediately previous to the March 8th update, so I'll be using the new version to see if that resolves it, if not... I may have to redo the objects at the top level, which will unfortunately mean that I either have to revoke this claim or be forced to redo it.

I'll come back to you with the results, but my claim itself isn't the issue, so I'll update it with my most recent version anyway.

EDIT 2: Crisis averted, whatever issue there was with TR_Data, it has been resolved in the March 8th update, if you have the one immediately before that, I would urge you to get the newest update as the old one has some serious issues.

"As to where the ash comes from.. fuck if I care." -Sload

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Post by SamirA »

Feel free to contact me anytime.
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Post by Matin Sanguine »

Update Overview

I got rid of a shelf on the 3rd floor, fixed my Northmarker and cleaned my claim.

Submitting for review.

"As to where the ash comes from.. fuck if I care." -Sload

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Submitting to Review
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Post by Thrignar Fraxix »

According to swiftoak, the wrong file has been uploaded at the top (a balmora showcase house). Sending back for the correct file.
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Post by Matin Sanguine »

Look at file TR_i3-592-Imp_Matin Sanguine_1.esp, it's the most recent one.

Submitting the file for review.

"As to where the ash comes from.. fuck if I care." -Sload

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Post by Swiftoak »


Fits exterior: Yes

Northmarker set: Yes
Loading errors: No

Review: Fixed 2 floating things and added a lock to the 500 gold chest.

Comments Good stuff, though not sure you would call this a Reguard Goods merchant, as we lack assets that would make it so. As a general goods shop though, this is standard stuff, and nicely done. Recommending priority approval for OE section.

TR_i3-592-Imp_Matin Sanguine_1.esp
(16.03 KiB) Downloaded 247 times
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