Matin Sanguine's Awesomesauce (hopefully) Showcase

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Matin Sanguine
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Matin Sanguine's Awesomesauce (hopefully) Showcase

Post by Matin Sanguine »

Greetings Tamriel Rebuilt team! Here is my interior showcase of a Balmora home located near the temple. I have looked through my showcase thoroughly and seen what elements would be needed for a showcase, though I would like to admit it's the first time I have ever used the CS in order to mod. So it is up to you to look for what I may have missed, also I was a little unsure of the level of lighting that was required so I may have gone badly astray in that area.

I am eager to hear your response and welcome any (constructive) criticism no matter how petty, and will certainly act upon any mistakes I have made regarding this showcase as soon as possible.
Clean Matin Sanguine's Balmora Home Showcase.ESP
1st Version: Early version, I would advise you not to download this unless your the appropriate authority
(13.06 KiB) Downloaded 237 times
Last edited by Matin Sanguine on Tue Nov 13, 2012 5:53 am, edited 3 times in total.

"As to where the ash comes from.. fuck if I care." -Sload

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Post by ohnoitsabear »

This is my first time reviewing a showcase, so I might be missing something here. Anyway,

Clean: No. This file is very, very dirty.
Gridsnap: Yes
Northmarker Set: Yes, but it should be rotated 270 degrees so it matches the exterior.
Fits Exterior: Yes, aside from the Northmarker issue.
IllegalToSleepHere: Yes
Light Settings Set: No
Stylemixing: A little

furn_de_rug_01 is floating.
furn_de_p_chair_02_UNI1 bleeds into the floor.
furn_de_rug_02 floats.
furn_de_p_table_04 is bleeding into the rug and floating off of it
furn_de_p_shelf_02 isn't attached to the wall x3.
barrel_01_torch bleeds.
barrel_01_cheapfood5 floats.
common_robe_03_b floats.
light_de_candle_red_01_64 floats.
furn_crate_lid_01 bleeds.
furn_de_basket_01 bleeds.
food_kwama_egg_01 bleeds.
ingred_hackle-lo_leaf_01 needs to be rotated.
ingred_bread_01 floats.
misc_de_fishing_pole floats and isn't leaning on something.
furn_de_screen_guar_01 floats.
furn_de_ex_stool_01 floats.
light_de_candle_red_01 bleeds.
iron dagger should be stuck into furn_de_ex_stool_01 a little more.
furn_pottedplant floats.
active_de_p_bed_04 floats.
common_shirt_01 floats.
common_belt_03 floats.
common_shoes_03 bleed a tiny bit.
common_pants_01 floats and is caspering.
furn_de_p_chair_02_UNI1 bleeds a tiny bit.
furn_de_ex_table_02 floats.
com_basket_01_chpfood5 floats.
barrel_02_eggs floats.
com_sack_03_chpfood5 floats and does not bleed into barrel_02_eggs.
misc_com_bucket_01 floats slightly.
misc_com_broom_01 floats and bleeds a tiny bit into barrel_02_eggs.
ex_hlaalu_win_01 is not touching the wall.

On furn_de_p_table_04:
misc_com_wood_cup_01 floats.
Misc_Com_Bottle_04 bleeds.
One end of light_de_paper_lantern_02 bleeds, the other floats.
misc_com_plate_04 bleeds.
misc_com_wood_fork and misc_com_wood_spoon_01 both float and bleed into each other.
ingred_hound_meat_01 floats and bleeds through plate.
Potion_Local_Brew_01 bleeds.

On furn_de_ex_table_02:
light_de_candle_red_01 bleeds.
Misc_Inkwell floats.
Misc_Quill floats.
sc_paper plain floats.
Gold_010 floats.
Gold_001 floats.
Gold_001 bleeds.
Gold_005 bleeds.
bk_WatersOfOblivion floats.
bk_AntecedantsDwemerLaw floats.

On shelves:
bk_BriefHistoryEmpire1 bleeds.
chest_small_02_gold_50 is caspering.
misc_com_bottle_01 floats x2.
misc_com_bottle_03 bleeds.
misc_com_bottle_02 floats x5.
bk_guide_to_balmora floats.
bk_ShortHistoryMorrowind floats.
bk_AedraAndDaedra floats.
bk_ConsolationsOfPrayer floats.
bk_AncestorsAndTheDunmer bleeds.
bk_Anticipations floats.

First off, for an interior showcase, I think you need a 2x3 house with two floors (so a second story or a basement). I'm not 100% sure on the guidlines for this, though. Also, you do not need an exterior for your interior showcase.

Next, your file is very, very dirty. In TESAME, you should delete everything except TES3, any objects or scripts you want to edit (although you probably shouldn't be editing objects or scripts for an interior file), and any cells you want to edit. Objects will show up in there as edited if you edit the reference data for an object and press ok. You should press cancel, and the object won't show up as edited. Yes, it's counter-intuitive, but it stops a majority of the unintended things that are marked as edited.

You don't appear to have edited the light settings. A good way of setting lighting is to find a cell with similar lighting to what you want, and copy the lighting settings from that cell.

Your cell is full of floaters and bleeders. To fix bleeders and floaters on level surfaces, you need to raise the object slightly above where you want it to rest, and press f to bring it down to the surface. This doesn't always work (especially with lights), and you'll have to place them manually. The best way to do this is to go to the preferances and lower the object move considerably (this also works really well for objects that need to lean on another object). A few objects should bleed slightly. Generally, these are soft objects (like sacks or pillows) or objects with unnatural points (like many bowls).

To fix bleeders on uneven surfaces (like furn_de_ex_table_02 and furn_de_p_table_04), a little more work is required. You need to rotate the object to match the surface. To do this, raise it slightly above the surface, double click on it, and adjust the rotation slightly. Then, press f to check the rotation. You should try to get it as close as possible (within .1 or
2 degrees), but you shouldn't need to rotate an object more than a couple of degrees. A good way of telling if an object is resting perfectly is looking at the lines around the object. If they are dotted, the object is probably perfectly resting. This is the thing that new modders tend to have the most trouble with, and is the most common cause of errors in showcase cells.

In regards to rugs, objects, especially furniture, should be all on or all off. You can probably get away with smaller objects hanging over the edge of a rug a little, but having one leg of a table on a rug and one off is a no go. If you absolutely have to have an object on and off a rug, you should rotate the object accordingly, but it's best just to avoid it entirely.

A few objects in your cell are caspering. Caspering is when you can see the "inside" of an object that doesn't have textures around all of its sides. Fixing this is easy, you just need to make sure none of the untextured areas are exposed.

Most of your cell is pretty good as far as a lack of style mixing, but you probably shouldn't have the Misc_Com_Wood_Bowl_01, misc_com_wood_cup_01, or especially not misc_com_plate_04 in the cell. A good rule of thumb for style mixing is that if there's an equivalent or near-equivalent in the style of your interior, use that instead.

It's good practice to set the coordinates for the northmarker at 0,0,0, and then build the interior around that. This can be done by double clicking the northmarker, and setting the x, y, and z coordinates to zero.

Now, there are some good parts to this cell. The object count is good for a cell this size, which is something a lot of new modders have trouble with. I like the amount of rotation used on the books. There aren't very many big errors in the cell, just lots of small, relatively hard to notice in game errors. This is actually quite a good cell for somebody that hasn't touched the CS before.

I would focus on fixing bleeders and floaters, and rotating objects to match surfaces. Once you master those skills, you should be well on your way to a promotion.
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Post by SamirA »

It does not HAVE to be multi-story. It MUST NOT be a shell style int (ie. shack, some redoran buildings, etc.) and must display proper gridsnap as well as containing enough refs to be suitable. This is easier in a multi-level house style interior, but not necessary. (Though I do find it easier on both the modder and reviewer if it is a two story Hlaalu style home, its a simple set that is great for learning and requires the necessary de_p for a showcase)
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Post by Matin Sanguine »

Thank you for your prompt reply, your advice has been very helpful indeed and I can't wait to get home in order to fix those problems.

Cleaning: So anything other than the cells being touched should be deleted? Does this include the GMST I see in TESAME? What parts of it are "TES3"? (which I am assuming are parts of the base game that I shouldn't delete) I would have cleaned it properly but my limited experience in this area adversely affected me.

Style Mixing: I see your point, what would you recommend as better alternatives?

Floaters and Bleeders: Suffice it to say, that is one large list, and I had no idea about the existence of the F function or anything else you mentioned, I will have to rectify this when I get home.

Rugs in specific: I recognized that problem but by that time the file had already been downloaded, and I didn't want to screw with the reviewing process.

Northmarker: How in goodness do I edit the properties of it? I knew I had placed it incorrectly yet I was flabbergasted at how to change it.

Light Settings: You misunderstand me, I have no clue as to how edit the light settings in CS.

Exterior: How else will you tell if it fits the exterior?

Caspering: Same deal with the rugs, and I will probably just make it rest evenly (unless we are not talking about the clothes scattered all over).

Thanks for your compliment by the way, and your advice has been beyond helpful, I thank you sincerely for your time and will act upon your advice as soon as possible.

EDIT: If I have to redo the showcase, I probably will follow your advice @SamirA
Last edited by Matin Sanguine on Wed Oct 31, 2012 11:01 am, edited 2 times in total.

"As to where the ash comes from.. fuck if I care." -Sload

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Post by SamirA »

You have the right attitude Matin, stick with that and you will eventually figure everything out.

As for cleaning, there should be nothing in TESAME but your cell and anything you create for it such as special containers or what not (which is entirely unnecessary).

You can rotate the northmarker just like any other item.
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Post by ohnoitsabear »

I'll try to answer some of your questions.

The TES3 thing is the very top item in TESAME, and should not be deleted, as the file won't work if it is. For your cell, the only three items that should be on the list are TES3, Balmora, and My Test Cell. Don't worry about breaking the file with TESAME, as it saves it to a new file, so if something does break, you can just use the old file.

For the style mixing, I would use one of the misc_de_glasses or one of the misc_de_goblets. After looking through things, you're probably alright using the plate and the bowl, but you might want to look through the misc_de_bowls to see if there's something you like there anyway.

For the northmarker, just edit it like you would any other object. You can double click any object and edit the position, rotation, and scale of any object (although scale doesn't really apply to northmarker). You really have no need to touch any of the other stuff there for an interior showcase, and don't touch anything that isn't under reference data unless you're making your own object, as editing those things changes every other instance of that object in the game. Finally, remember to close the window when you're finished editing the properties instead of pressing ok, as pressing ok will dirty the file (yes, even if you didn't actually change anything. The CS is dumb like that).

To edit light settings in the CS, go to world, interior cell, and select your cell from the list (typing the first few letters of it makes this faster). The things under ambient, sunlight, and fog are all light settings. Writing the settings from another cell down and entering them into your cell will probably give you the best results, at least until you figure out how each setting affects everything (which I'm still trying to figure out).

A cell fits an exterior if the layout of the cell matches the exterior shell, if there is a corresponding door/window/chimney in the cell for every door/window/chimney outside the cell, and if the northmarker is oriented so north is the same direction in the interior as in the exterior. Like I said, your cell was pretty good in regards to this, save for the northmarker issue.

For the clothes caspering, you may need to rotate them forward slightly and make them bleed slightly into the surface they're resting on (which is okay, because they're soft objects).

I hope this sorts out some of your confusion. The CS isn't the most intuitive piece of software out there. But, like SamirA said, you've got the right attitude. Just keep improving your skills and learning from your mistakes and you should be fine.
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Post by Matin Sanguine »

Thanks for answering my questions, I was just mainly working on fixing the bleeding/floating issue as well as the Northmarker and caspering problems before your reply. My problem with the Northmarker was that it was not originally visible for me to select, buttonmashing however fixed that.

I will try to have an update out as soon as I am sure the more glaring issues are resolved, and I will get onto doing that as soon as I get home.

"As to where the ash comes from.. fuck if I care." -Sload

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Post by Matin Sanguine »

I swear by the Almsivi/Muad'dib/God-Emperor of Dune/God-Emperor of WH40k/Light-Borns of Vyn/(insert random fantasy figure here) that rotation on uneven surfaces will be the death of me.

I think I have resolved the more glaring issues (hopefully), I rotated the Northmarker 270 degrees, I cleaned the file of everything except the main 3 you mentioned, I F functioned all of the objects I could find and made them rest evenly (though I don't have a clue if I was successful, and considering the scale I am sure I may have missed some). I think I have resolved the caspering issue with the chests and the clothing. I swapped out the offending plates etc with ones that more suited the surroundings. I also edited the lighting and copied it straight from the settings of one of the other Balmora homes.

Thanks you both for your assistance in my showcase, it's been a big help. I need to say however that I won't be able to continue work on my showcase until around the 9th of November due to a literal mountain of work awaiting me in the following week (due to my exams). Not to say that I'm going to stop indefinitely, it's just until this week of exams are over, afterwards it should be relatively smooth sailing for the rest of the year. Comment on any problems with my showcase so that when I resume work at the end of my exams that I can hit the ground running.

Thank you very much once again. :)
Clean Matin Sanguine's Balmora Home Showcase.ESP
Version 2
(11.88 KiB) Downloaded 212 times
Last edited by Matin Sanguine on Tue Nov 13, 2012 5:53 am, edited 3 times in total.

"As to where the ash comes from.. fuck if I care." -Sload

"At TR, we LOVE our quests to be steeped in lore, so you'd be able to flex your CHIM there just fine." - Nanu

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Post by Matin Sanguine »

Thanks for replying, I would have replied earlier but I wanted to head to bed early, and I wanted to submit a new version along with any reply.

I hopefully fixed all the issues that were pointed out to me, though I am unsure if I bled and rotated the specific objects adequately. I also added a few extra objects (per your suggestion) and resolved the Door Marker issue (though I was a little dumbfounded by the North marker typo in your comment, nice to see that clarified). I removed the lantern (I am admittedly very inexperienced with the lightening in the CS) and replaced it with one with a radius of 64.

So hopefully I have resolved those issues.

P.S Thanks again for replying to this showcase and pointing out the flaws contained within. Also thanks for wishing me luck with my exams, though admittedly my major ones have already been finished by the 9th of November, I still have my extra top math one tomorrow so thank you for your support, I really appreciate it. :)
Clean Matin Sanguine's Balmora Home Showcase.ESP
Version 3
(12.99 KiB) Downloaded 210 times
Last edited by Matin Sanguine on Tue Nov 13, 2012 5:52 am, edited 1 time in total.

"As to where the ash comes from.. fuck if I care." -Sload

"At TR, we LOVE our quests to be steeped in lore, so you'd be able to flex your CHIM there just fine." - Nanu

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Post by Matin Sanguine »

Anonymous wrote:"apparatus_m_mortar_01" is floating, "bk_AntecedantsDwemerLaw" need to be a bit rotated and the sacks needs to bleed more into the ground, but that's something you have to remind in the future.

Matin Sanguine, here I give you my Recommending promotion for Interior.
Wow, thanks a lot Leon! I will probably get to polishing those off tomorrow.

Thank you again for your recommendation! :)

UPDATE: Okay, I fixed the problems you mentioned in your earlier post Leon, and uploaded the file here.
Clean Matin Sanguine's Balmora Home Showcase.ESP
Latest Version
(12.99 KiB) Downloaded 203 times

"As to where the ash comes from.. fuck if I care." -Sload

"At TR, we LOVE our quests to be steeped in lore, so you'd be able to flex your CHIM there just fine." - Nanu

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Post by Thrignar Fraxix »

Couple of missed things before I promote you (no need for additional fixes)
misc_de_bowl_glass_yellow_01 needs to bleed a bit more. The ring around the bottom is what is supposed to appear to be resting on the table.
Your file is dirty, the only things there should be are the cells you made changes to and any new items you made. GMSTs are bad.
Apart from these things, you are fine.

Member Promoted for Interiors

If you have any questions, feel free to post them here or PM myself or the relevant department head.

edit: and for the record no one sees edits, always make a new post. We don't care about double posting. Also, enjoy the irony of this.
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Post by ohnoitsabear »

Congratulations Matin!
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Post by Not »

Congrats!! 'Bout time you decided to join up ^^
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Post by Tyrant »

On behalf of all humanity, welcome to Earth.
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Post by Matin Sanguine »

Thank you very much everyone! It's a real honour to be accepted as a TR Modder. Big thanks in particular to those who helped me get over my problems while I was modding.

I hope to prove myself to be a helpful addition to the Tamriel Rebuilt Team! :)

P.S I would just like to say that your all a nice bunch of people, your all consistently helpful and extremely welcoming.


1. How does the Claim System work? I have a general picture of it but it would be a good idea to get a good introduction to it.

2. What kind of objects and by how much should they be bled into a surface?

3. What kind of object count would be appropriate for a claim? (I know it's a widely varying question, but all the same it would be nice to have a general indication for when I do an interior).

4. How many and what type of light sources are appropriate for an interior?

5. What should I do now that I have finished my showcase?

6. Are there any other skills that I should learn in relation to interiors?

7. How do I know if I have set my Northmarker correctly?

8. If an interior showcase doesn't need an exterior, how can reviewers tell if an interior fits the exterior?

9. Was the Dres Dilemma (or whatever it was called) ever resolved?

10. What resources should I use when modding for TR?

11. Sometimes when I look at old claims, I see SamirA say something along the lines of "Revoked for Repurposing", what does that mean?

12. Just to clear the air, am I allowed to try out for other areas of modding?

13. When I do an interior, what kind of methods of self-reviewing should I use to ensure that it's up to par? (I know that is the whole point of a showcase, but still a little advice would be welcome.)

I understand that some of these questions are quite all over the place, but it's really the culmination of all the questions I wanted to ask for a while.

@Umarerai, I didn't realise I was around for that long, thanks though! :)

@Tyrant, The internet connection on Mars was just awful!

@TF, thanks for your advice, and thank you for promoting me! :o

And in general, if you ever have a problem with me or anything I do feel free to tell me, I take (constructive) criticism graciously.

"As to where the ash comes from.. fuck if I care." -Sload

"At TR, we LOVE our quests to be steeped in lore, so you'd be able to flex your CHIM there just fine." - Nanu

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Post by Mwgek »

Hey welcome, here are some answers:

1. Browse through the unclaimed interiors open the thread and hit the claim button on the top ?right?. The it should move to 'pending' and an admin should grant it to you.

2. look at all object different and don't mess with gravity ;).

3. Don't really know the excact number. Clutter is good.

4. Check the light value of similar buildings/caves/structures for how bethesda/other modder did it.

5. Start claiming interiors if you like.

6. You should have some creativity to make the interior unique. Take a good look at the exterior of the building. Think about what your inhabitant has to do etc etc. You should not add doormarkers, npc's etc.

7. Check where the north is at the exterior and compare it with the direction of the door.

8. The exteriors are already finished. Nemon and his team is steaming to the Velothi mountains while the interior team is progressing behind them.

9. -

10. Use the latest TR_data for the objects of tamriel button at the top of the forum. And use the latest TR_mainland from the internal forums.

11. The admin team decided to do something else with the interior or the exterior changed.

12. If you add it to your showcase and get promoted.

13. Browse through all objects in your object window and look to them individually for rotatiot, placement. Make a checklist of light, northmarker, water level etc etc and playtest.
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Post by Matin Sanguine »

Thanks for answering, and sorry for my vagueness for question 9. It's just bothering me because I remember reading it somewhere but I never found out the resolution to it.

"As to where the ash comes from.. fuck if I care." -Sload

"At TR, we LOVE our quests to be steeped in lore, so you'd be able to flex your CHIM there just fine." - Nanu

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Post by Terrifying Daedric Foe »

Congratulations on getting promoted!

I thought I'd clarify Mwgek's answer to Q10 a bit:

10. If you're making an interior claim you shouldn't have TR_Mainland active at the same time. Anyway, Mainland only includes the landmass up to Sacred East, so wouldn't be of use when making an interior anyway. Normally in an interior claim there's a link to a thread where you can download the exterior. Load it up, take a look at the exterior, take a few screenshots to get windows etc right and write down what angle the northmarker needs to be. Then close it down and reopen the CS with just Morrowind, Tribunal, Bloodmoon and TR_Data loaded to make your interior claim.
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Post by Osidian »

Congratulations, Matin. Nice to see such determination and ability to take constructive criticism. Unfortunately, some people just quit trying after the first review :/

I think your questions are all answered. The only thing I highly recommend is taking a look at some finished interiors, to see what the others have done. It might help getting a better grasp of what we're aiming for and clear up some things you're not sure about. And we always learn a thing or two from looking at the works of others. :)

The hardest part is done, so now claim something and have fun!