TR_Mainland Scripts/Quests/NPC Error reporting

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Post by rot »

Just flashtested the Thieves and Mages factions, reports for these more relevant than my previous post,

possibly same in vanilla equivalent, but regardless of disposition, factions etc. she has the greeting
"you want to join the thieves guild?"
arvisrend edit: We consider this OK as long as she doesn't say that with the player already in the guild (and no, she doesn't).

Falkoth can give the "latest rumor" pertaining to the thieves
(A strange bard appeared at the Red Drake Inn...)
as he's not a TG member himself and it is available in his cell "Helnim, Falkoth: Clother"
arvisrend edit: Considered not a bug since he might be recruiting that way.
arvisrend edit: Should be fixed now.

TR_m1_q_CuirassOfMobility / TR_m1_q_RancidCuirass_UNI
possible bad stuff:
When the clean cuirass is equipped (inventory open), the cursed one appears in inventory but it seems it can't be immediately equipped in menumode. Player can drop it on the ground, if so the curse effects are applied regardless. Player has but to pick it back up for everything to be normal, but if unnoticed, the effects will stay there forever.
(also, initially the message "item is cursed and cannot be unequipped" is tripled onscreen, takes a frame or two to be put on I guess)
Adding a MenuMode==0 condition in TR_m1_q_TGCuirassSwitchScript is enough to make the switch only happen once out of inventory so the new item isn't dropped. The old cuirass then needs to be made un-unequipable - although very unlikely, player could drop it from inventory when it's first put on, results in doubling. Also, the doonce & MenuMode lines in TR_m1_RancidCuirassScript become redundant, can clear the triple message there instead by skipping its first 2 occurences.
tl;dr: RancidCuirass can be dropped at some point and permanently curse the player,
suggest the following changes in TR_m1_MobilityCuirassScript, TR_m1_q_TGCuirassSwitchScript, TR_m1_RancidCuirassScript :

Code: Select all

Begin TR_m1_q_TGCuirassSwitchScript

short doonce

If ( doonce == 0 )
	If ( MenuMode == 0 )							;<<<<<<
		player->removeitem TR_m1_q_CuirassOfMobility 1
		player->additem TR_m1_q_RancidCuirass_UNI 1
		StopScript TR_m1_q_TGCuirassSwitchScript
		set doonce to 1
	Endif										;<<<<<<


Code: Select all

begin TR_m1_MobilityCuirassScript

short OnPCEquip
short doonce

if ( OnPCEquip == 1 )
	If ( doonce == 0 )
		StartScript TR_m1_q_TGCuirassSwitchScript
		set doonce to 1
elseif ( doonce == 1 )									;<<<<<<
	Player->Equip, "TR_m1_q_CuirassOfMobility"				;<<<<<<
	MessageBox "This cuirass is cursed, and cannot be unequipped."	;<<<<<<


Code: Select all

begin TR_m1_RancidCuirassScript

short OnPCEquip
short doonce

if ( Player->IsWerewolf )

if ( Player->GetItemCount "TR_m1_q_RancidCuirass_UNI" > 0 )
	if ( OnPCEquip == 0 )
		if ( GetJournalIndex "TR_m1_TG_Herne's Soul" < 130 )
			if ( GetJournalIndex "TR_m1_TG_Herne's Soul" < 120 )
				MessageBox "As you put on the cuirass, it begins to take on a horrible and pungent odor."
				Journal "TR_m1_TG_Herne's Soul" 120
				Player->Equip, "TR_m1_q_RancidCuirass_UNI"
			Player->Equip, "TR_m1_q_RancidCuirass_UNI"
			If ( doonce < 2 )										;<<<<<<
				set doonce to ( doonce + 1 )							;<<<<<<
			Else													;<<<<<<
				MessageBox "This cuirass is cursed, and cannot be unequipped."		;<<<<<<
			Endif													;<<<<<<
			StartScript TR_m1_RC_CurseTimer

end TR_m1_RancidCuirassScript
(also, script TR_m1_RC_CurseTimer removes TR_m1_q_RancidCuirass_UNI without checking if it's in inventory, weight loss glitch and all, but normally impossible for player to have dropped it in 0.1 second)
arvisrend edit: Let's look at this later. There seems to be a duplicate Player->Equip, "TR_m1_q_RancidCuirass_UNI" in your proposed TR_m1_RancidCuirassScript.
arvisrend edit: All above reports related to the rancid cuirass have been fixed.

balance concern: this is the reward for one of the early Helnim ThievesG quest (topic "secret meeting")
essentially a large recharging supply of the 100pt Open scroll, will open every lock in the game and pretty much makes security, one of the faction favoured skills, irrelevant.
I have no love for the way lockpicking is handled in the game, mind, but isn't that too much?
some ideas - making it a one-shot enchantment that takes very long to recharge?
- Fortify Security bonus instead of Open
- adding a large-area 1 Drain Health effect as a drawback? you get to open anything but everyone'll know, heh. Not the ThievesGuild's style though.
- simply lowering the power, would still need another name wrt/ the scrolls

NPC TR_m2_Alammu Llethri
(on topic Fillim), the 500g he's given when paying the elf's debt isn't added to his inventory

Helnim, Dremil Seniran: Jeweler
TR_m2_Dremil Seniran
sells his display pillow (w/ a gem on it) TR_misc_pillow_red
(also, just out of curiousity - why does he sell and display nightshade? some joke on rings and poison?)

Helnim Thieves Guild questline
- is it complete? if not nevermind this,
The plot goes: militia capt Jorval is preparing a sweep, gets funds from the Telvanni to hire more men sometime soon (?), you're sent to get a fourth thief, you steal the funds which aren't funds but Bug Musk (?), the questgiver takes the note found with the bug musk, in the meantime the thieves' hideout was discovered and he sends you to kill the traitor. He doesn't have any more jobs after that and doesn't say anything about what happens v the search, no conclusion to the storyline and stuff.
arvisrend edit: Yeah, not the only illogical thing about Helnim quests. Cannot be dealt with on a bugfixing basis.

script TR_m1_q_MGVicciaScript
for the MG3 quest - "Viccia Hateria is missing", the one with a mage stuck to her ceiling.
- unnecessary restriction - Dispel only works on her AFTER going back to report (and get taught Dispel Other - even if already known), which makes little sense.
- if game is saved after seeing her stuck/talking to her but before dispelling her, and the savegame is loaded, she seems to be on the ground but with no collision, so we're pretty much screwed;
>>no, just her levitation ability that gets removed on reload and needs readding
- no visible effects when she's effectively dispelled, and player has to talk to her to figure it worked
>>because she's colliding on a beam! or somesuch. turns out the levitation effect otherwise isn't maintaining her at all, but is essential so she gets put up in the first place (?!)
>>Out of a dozen tries, she did once appear on the ground after a few seconds
>>wee Z nudge downwards makes her fall with no fuss

I suggest either this straight fix + added forcegreet :

Code: Select all

Begin TR_m1_q_MGVicciaScript

;This script is placed on TR_m1_Viccia_Hateria for the Mages Guild quest TR_m1_MG_3
;It makes her stick to the roof until the player saves her.

short TR_Map
short control
short controlQ
short freed
Float Timer

if ( MenuMode )

if ( freed == 0 )														;until she's been freed
	if ( GetPos, Z < 15635 )										;if she's not stuck to the roof
		PositionCell 4244, 3813, 15660, 270, "Bal Oyra, Viccia Hateria's House"		;stick her to the roof
		AddSpell "TR_m1_q_MG3_LevAb"				;give levitation spell if she doesn't have it

if ( controlQ == 0 )													;initially
	if ( GetJournalIndex TR_m1_MG_3 >= 10 )				;after quest given
		AddSpell "TR_m1_q_MG3_LevAb"					;give levitation spell
		Set controlQ to 1
elseif ( controlQ == 1 )											;then
	Set Timer to ( Timer + GetSecondsPassed )
	if ( Timer > 2 )													;after two seconds
		Set controlQ to 2
		ForceGreeting												;force greet
elseif ( controlQ == 2 )											;then
	if ( GetEffect, sEffectDispel == 1 )							;if player casts dispel
		RemoveSpell TR_m1_q_MG3_LevAb					;remove levitation spell
		Set freed to 1												;and mark as freed
		Set controlQ to 3
		Set Timer to 0
		SetPos, Z, 15640											;get her unstuck from the beam so she can fall
elseif ( controlQ == 3 )
	Set Timer to ( Timer + GetSecondsPassed )
	if ( Timer > 1.6 )												;after two seconds
		Set controlQ to 4
		ForceGreeting												;force greet
	elseif ( OnActivate == 1 )										;prevent speech while she falls

;standard TR NPC stuff
if ( TR_Map == 1 )

set TR_Map to 1


...or this alternate version that makes her fall on the ground for real (fun with fatigue! dunno if the -/+fatigue trick is reliable but works fine for me)

Code: Select all

Begin TR_m1_q_MGVicciaScript

;This script is placed on TR_m1_Viccia_Hateria for the Mages Guild quest TR_m1_MG_3
;It makes her stick to the roof until the player saves her.

short TR_Map
short control
short controlQ
short freed
Float Timer

if ( MenuMode )

If ( OnActivate == 1 )														;prevent speech while she falls or recovers
	If ( controlQ == 3 )
	ElseIf ( controlQ == 4 )

if ( freed == 0 )																;until she's been freed
	if ( GetPos, Z < 15635 )												;if she's not stuck to the roof
		PositionCell 4244, 3813, 15660, 270, "Bal Oyra, Viccia Hateria's House"	;stick her to the roof
		AddSpell "TR_m1_q_MG3_LevAb"				;give levitation spell if she doesn't have it

if ( controlQ == 0 )															;initially
	if ( GetJournalIndex TR_m1_MG_3 >= 10 )						;after quest given
		AddSpell "TR_m1_q_MG3_LevAb"							;give levitation spell
		Set controlQ to 1
elseif ( controlQ == 1 )													;then
	Set Timer to ( Timer + GetSecondsPassed )
	if ( Timer > 2 )															;after two seconds
		Set controlQ to 2
		ForceGreeting														;force greet
elseif ( controlQ == 2 )													;then
	if ( GetEffect, sEffectDispel == 1 )									;if player casts dispel
		RemoveSpell TR_m1_q_MG3_LevAb							;remove levitation spell
		Set freed to 1														;and mark as freed
		Set controlQ to 3
		SetPos, Z, 15640													;get her unstuck from the beam so she can fall
elseif ( controlQ == 3 )
	If ( GetPos, Z < 15475 )
		ModCurrentFatigue -500											;falls flat
		Set controlQ to 4
		Set Timer to 0
elseif ( controlQ == 4 )
	Set Timer to ( Timer + GetSecondsPassed )
	if ( Timer > 5 )															;after two seconds
		Set controlQ to 5
		ForceGreeting														;force greet
	elseif ( GetFatigue <= 0 )
		ModCurrentFatigue 600											;get back up

;standard TR NPC stuff
if ( TR_Map == 1 )

set TR_Map to 1

Also: the way this script is designed makes even a 1% chance dispel work for sure... which is I think okay but if not, it's totes possible to make her levitation a dispellable effect instead of an ability and then have it be cast at her by an object, to account for the dispel % and all.

arvisrend edit: Fixed all Viccia issues reported so far (the fact that Dispel works regardless of the amplitude is intentional, because let's not make these quests harder than they should be) and a few more.

The fatigue trick indeed failed on one of my tries, but being mostly decorative that's not much of an issue methinks.

...which is why I haven't mentionned allowing the Burden spell effect to bring her down too, as I see no easy way to check the amplitude of one (to not just let a 1 pt burden spell have the whole effect... could check for the standard powerful ones? not proper inclusive and such. oh well) Maybe still make her not attack if the player uses Burden on her? it IS an agressive spell, yet a fairly obvious option a player could try.
>>also, since her staying up seems to rely partly on borderline mesh collision it might not work so well with mesh replacers? simple contingency for this is to add a huge slowfall effect on the spell and make the value in...
>> if ( GetPos, Z < 15635 ) < 15660 instead - otherwise she'll oscillate wildly
arvisrend edit: Not fixed any of these, but at least making her not attack the player is unnecessary. When she is up on the ceiling she won't hit anyway, and I've made her stopcombat when she is successfully brought down.

Just curious - there's a scamp hanging out in Tel Darys? Not agressive. Forgotten quest?

Greeting 5 : "Wah! What have you done to me!"
is forcegreeted when the player uses the ring of inneptitude on her,
should be a Greeting 1. <<<<<<<(and only now do I realise, playtesting should be done with a disease... )

(Mages questgiver - topic "Thieves Guild's interference")
not sure whether that's intended, but although he implies the player should use the Ring of Inneptitude on Arrell to "end her thieving career forever" and send a message to the Thieves, he doesn't acknowledge it any differently if the player kills her afterwards (or before).

(for the quest TR_m1_MG_5b "Theft of Herne's soul")
on topic "unique soul gem"
Quest can't be finished because his dialogue response is wrongly copy-conditioned for the "TR_m1_MG_5a" variant of the quest.
He has two identical entries saying: "Absolon has received the soul gem finally? Excellent work. Here, take this gold as a reward."
and the top one needs to have the Journal condition "TR_m1_MG_5b = 40" instead of "TR_m1_MG_5a = 20"

- also, if the player went on the 5b version, he'll have the wrong greeting that proposes more duties if the player didn't do the 5a one - even if he has no more duties.
this Greeting 5 journal-conditionned with "TR_m1_MG_5a < 10" should have the added condition "TR_m1_MG_5b < 10"
"So, %PCName. [...] I have some duties for you, if you would be interested."

- also, not critical, but he doesn't have a Greeting 5 "Have you given that unique soul gem to Absolon?" associated with the 5b version.

- also, one of these two Greeting 5 has a condition for the vanilla MG and should be deleted:
"Do you wish for more duties, %PCName?"

(on the "TR_m1_wil_KtM_2b" Mages Guild-side variant of the quest)
topic "Vaneris Theneria"
The fact that he only mentions his doubts ("I doubt she was really a Telvanni agent [...]")
after the player kills her doesn't make much sense; before that his reponse is the same as all the other NPCs in the cell, "She is around here somewhere, %PCName."
He's not the questgiver btw, so it's not like the player will automatically ask him about it, but with this information, the player would actually have a reason for the option to let her go when confronting her.

TR_m1_Q62_KtM_MGRep <<<just a NPC 'leaving in a hurry' that doesn't actually move + journal nitpicking, skip if that's not important
(on previous, neutral part of the quest "TR_m1_wil_KtM_1")
in Bal Oyra, The Black Ogre Tavern
on topic "dead messenger"
If the player tells her about the body but doesn't give her/or doesn't have the message, she says "Get out of my way! I must go immediately!",
the journal entry says "She (...) vanished shortly",
but she just stays there saying "I have to go now"->Goodbye til the player leaves the cell.

-also the same journal entry assumes it's on purpose, even if the player just didn't take the message.
"I have told Joslin Stoinles about the body, but withheld the information concerning the coded message"

-also this previous journal entry triggered on activating the corpse assumes the PC reads the message before it's even picked up
"I have discovered a dead body on the road near Bal Oyra. On the corpse I found a message written in code, though it was clearly addressed to Joslin Stoinles. Perhaps I should look for her in Bal Oyra, she sounds to be Breton by her name."

-following quest ""TR_m1_wil_KtM_3b"
Journal entry assumes "I have seen two Dunmer in Telvanni guard uniforms" etc.
actually if the player follows the directions and comes from the south, there's only one visible "TR_m1_Q62_KtM_GHT_Gurad"
I only went and looked for the other because of the journal and he is a ways further under another ruin thingy. They could just be moved together.
(also, they're said to be there to ambush a Mages Guild expedition, should they be agressive against just the player?)

-haven't yet tested Telvanni side

-Aside from those details it's a cool intricate quest with bonus intrigue, which makes it a shame that it's only from a wilderness encounter and very easy to miss!
the corpse "TR_m1_Q62_KtM_Messenger" seems to appear on a level restriction (~12, with good reason since an attack by 3 npcs follows), on a road pretty far south of Bal Oyra, the only nearby location seems to be an eggmine.
A Mages Guild member especially wouldn't be using that road to Firewatch since there's the guild guide.
In the future you might want to send the player looking for it, or just not rely on it for faction-reputation-advancement tweaking.


topic "infiltrate the guild"
"They must confuse me" -> does that mean what it's supposed to? ("they must be confusing me with someone else")
Yep, should be "must be confusing" - Haplo

Greeting behind the smithy
"the money necessary." -> the necessary money
No, just remove "necessary" - Haplo

TR_m2_Tiron Naren
topic "jobs" (perhaps the grammar is in-character... but he also deciphers an encrypted text, you judge)
"Ha! Here, I have a nice job [...] you can't fool me /newbie/." -> internet slang?
Should replace 'newbie' with 'novice' - Haplo
"What part of 'no job, until you prove that you're not here to infiltrate the guild' /you did not/ understand." -> did you not / was it you did not ...
Should be "did you not understand?" (with a question mark) - Haplo
"Your timing is better than your self-control, %PCRank, you've come /to/ the right time." -> at the right time
Yes, also the comma after %PCRank should be a semicolon - Haplo
"I'm busy with Alerinus' documents, maybe /I have/ more for you later." -> I'll have
comma after 'documents' should be a semicolon as well - Haplo
"Can't live without me anymore, /ain't/ ya?" -> can ya
"ya" should be "you", honestly - Haplo

"Finally! I already started worrying that /you're/ letting me down!" -> not sure if wrong but sounds off to me in context. "you were" / "you'd let" ?
"You'd let" is better than "you're letting" - Haplo

topic "steal the funds"
"Ahh, %PCName! Good to see [...] Tiron is disposing the remains" -> disposing of the

TR_m2_Dremil Seniran
topic "Caedan Jorval"
"Contumious Flavius' /patent/ corruption" -> "blatant" ? :p
sure? -- arvisrend arvisrend is right: patent is correct here - Haplo

TR_m2_Cyria Flavius
topic "Caedan Jorval"
"against percieved corruption" -> perceived
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Post by arvisrend »

Hi rot, sorry for the slow progress, but I'm mostly done with Viccia Hateria. Would be very cool if you could re-test the quest using the new internal mainland file.

I've commented on your first big bug post and parts of your second. Occasionally I fail to understand some of what you write (not least because I'm not very concentrated these days, and when I am I usually am not working on TR). Could you clarify some of the more complex mess-ups? Particularly the rancid cuirass stuff; I'd love to see an updated version of your proposed scripts along with a list (numbered) of issues fixed by this update (full sentences would be best). No offense, I'm just a bit lazy when it comes to reading bug reports.

Thanks for bug hunting!
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Post by rot »

rot wrote: Bal Oyra, Tandryen Reyas' House
object for the Bal Oyra muskfly quest:
Activating this gives a "you can't take that while _NPC_ is nearby" message while the NPC is alive, even if he's been Commanded out of the cell, which solution I thought it was hinting at.
The restriction feels a bit weird anyway, wouldn't it be better to just make the NPC start combat when it's activated ? it wouldn't really be dumbing down the options, the exact same purpose is served instead by a >disposition check when talking to him about it.
arvisrend edit: What do you mean by "the exact same purpose is served instead by a >disposition check when talking to him about it"? I agree about the illogical quest.
When he's talked to on the topic of muskflies, he'll admit to it and attack... only if his disposition is >60. (also a bit illogical; he only says "what are you insinuating?" otherwise)
I see there's some special Telvanni faction dialogue there, so I now understand there IS in fact more to it. Instead of directly starting combat like I proposed he could forcegreet the player when the musk is activated?

rot wrote: The message when at first trying to pick up "TR_m1_Q_Topaz_Stationary" et al. is something along the lines of
"you shouldn't take these items while he's still nearby",
Going back, PC can take them even though he hasn't moved one bit.
arvisrend edit: Wait, what do you mean by the last sentence again? Can I take them before he has left the tomb?
Once again that reaaaally is nitpicking - you get that message if you try to pick up the offerings too soon after putting them on the ashpit (player action which doesn't make sense to begin with, I'd agree); in this case the NPC is outside, not in the tomb. (he only enters the tomb if the player talks him into it, and immediately dies)
After some time, the NPC is at the same exterior spot, but they can be picked up, so the earlier messagebox doesn't make sense. (I'd say the message isn't necessary, the items can just be unpickable once they've been put down without an explanation)

Viccia Hateria quest:
tested a few times with your updated file, all fine. I just noticed she keeps the greeting
"Hey! Hello there! I'm stuck up here!"
until she's brought down. (that was already the case before)
arvisrend edit: That's fine as far as I'm concerned (and is slightly different from the first greeting she gives you). Thanks a lot for testing!!

Rancid cuirass
stuff (I'd tested these modified scripts and they worked for me) - each script has 1 fix:

Code: Select all

Begin TR_m1_q_TGCuirassSwitchScript

short doonce

If ( doonce == 0 )
	If ( MenuMode == 0 )							
		player->removeitem TR_m1_q_CuirassOfMobility 1
		player->additem TR_m1_q_RancidCuirass_UNI 1
		StopScript TR_m1_q_TGCuirassSwitchScript
		set doonce to 1

^ In this I added a ( MenuMode == 0 ) condition so that when the player equips the Mobility Cuirass, it isn't immediately switched for the Rancid one (which could otherwise be dropped because it's put in the inventory WHILE in inventory mode, and not equipped right away). The switch happens as soon as the inventory is closed.

Code: Select all

begin TR_m1_MobilityCuirassScript

short OnPCEquip
short doonce

if ( OnPCEquip == 1 )
	If ( doonce == 0 )
		StartScript TR_m1_q_TGCuirassSwitchScript
		set doonce to 1
elseif ( doonce == 1 )
	Player->Equip, "TR_m1_q_CuirassOfMobility"
	MessageBox "This cuirass is cursed, and cannot be unequipped."

^ I added the bottom part of this script so that the Cuirass of Mobility can't be unequipped (in inventory mode, before it's switched for the rancid one - this fix is made necessary by the first one, it wasn't originally a problem as this cuirass immediately disappeared when put on)

Code: Select all

begin TR_m1_RancidCuirassScript

short OnPCEquip
short doonce

if ( Player->IsWerewolf )

if ( OnPCEquip == 0 )
	if ( Player->GetItemCount "TR_m1_q_RancidCuirass_UNI" > 0 )
		if ( GetJournalIndex "TR_m1_TG_Herne's Soul" < 130 )
			if ( GetJournalIndex "TR_m1_TG_Herne's Soul" < 120 )
				MessageBox "As you put on the cuirass, it begins to take on a horrible and pungent odor."
				Journal "TR_m1_TG_Herne's Soul" 120
				Player->Equip, "TR_m1_q_RancidCuirass_UNI"
			Player->Equip, "TR_m1_q_RancidCuirass_UNI"
			StartScript TR_m1_RC_CurseTimer
			If ( doonce < 1 )
				set doonce to ( doonce + 1 )
				MessageBox "This cuirass is cursed, and cannot be unequipped."

end TR_m1_RancidCuirassScript
^ I added a ( doonce ) delay which prevents the MessageBox from appearing twice when it's first equipped, by skipping the first message. The original script had another use for doonce and some MenuMode conditions which are no longer needed with the first script being fixed.

edit: thanks abot
arvisrend edit: All fixes for the rancid cuirass implemented.
Last edited by rot on Sat Jan 12, 2013 6:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by arvisrend »

rot, can you please retest Herne's Soul 5a and 5b with the file I just uploaded?

Note that I didn't fix the following bugs:
rot wrote: - also, if the player went on the 5b version, he'll have the wrong greeting that proposes more duties if the player didn't do the 5a one - even if he has no more duties.
this Greeting 5 journal-conditionned with "TR_m1_MG_5a < 10" should have the added condition "TR_m1_MG_5b < 10"
"So, %PCName. [...] I have some duties for you, if you would be interested."

- also, not critical, but he doesn't have a Greeting 5 "Have you given that unique soul gem to Absolon?" associated with the 5b version.

- also, one of these two Greeting 5 has a condition for the vanilla MG and should be deleted:
"Do you wish for more duties, %PCName?"
I am not completely sure about these yet, but what I have fixed were at least two bugs with the topics directly related to 5b (one of them found by you). I didn't have time for testing, though.
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Post by rot »

Yes, the quest can now be completed.

At the moment, once the soulgem is retrieved... (Gem stolen from the mage for the TG and given to Silniel -> quest 5b gotten from MG -> soulgem stolen from Eldale -> back to MG) ... he tells you to deliver it to Absolon; at this point he can directly give more 'duties' if his other quests haven't yet been completed. If that's ok, then this:
- also, not critical, but he doesn't have a Greeting 5 "Have you given that unique soul gem to Absolon?" associated with the 5b version.
also doesn't need to be changed.

Unrelatedly, TR_q2-17-Mis_adamantum_17.esp gives dialogue errors when loaded with the new file, but that might be normal. <- ya, just the load order
Last edited by rot on Tue Jan 15, 2013 8:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by arvisrend »

rot wrote:Yes, the quest can now be completed.

At the moment, once the soulgem is retrieved... (Gem stolen from the mage for the TG and given to Silniel -> quest 5b gotten from MG -> soulgem stolen from Eldale -> back to MG) ... he tells you to deliver it to Absolon; at this point he can directly give more 'duties' if his other quests haven't yet been completed.
As long as this only happens when the player is in the MG...

This isn't the only way one can get the quest. Another is to accept the normal (5a) quest, then take the gem to Silniel (assuming that the TG quest for Herne's soul has been started already), then tell Gindaman that you have been robbed. Seemed to work as well for me, but you might want to check.

Here is a kind of bug: Steal the gem from Hermalian (for the TG quest), then get the 5a quest from Gindaman (as long as you haven't delivered the soul to Silniel, he gives you 5a, not 5b), and tada, you've got 2 Herne's souls in your pocketses. Gonna see how to fix this.

Also, Viccia Hateria randomly failed to stand up in my last playthrough, despite the correct controlQ and a fatigue of 172. Do you think it could be because her head was colliding with some sacks lying on the floor? (Note that exiting and entering the int would fix this immediately, and so would saving and loading.)
rot wrote:Unrelatedly, TR_q2-17-Mis_adamantum_17.esp gives dialogue errors when loaded with the new file, but that might be normal.
Huh, is this because TR_q2-17-Mis_adamantum_17.esp is older than the new file and thus gets loaded before it? I regularly have to touch the quest claims when I update the masterfile so that this doesn't happen.
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Post by rot »

arvisrend wrote:This isn't the only way one can get the quest. Another is to accept the normal (5a) quest, then take the gem to Silniel (assuming that the TG quest for Herne's soul has been started already), then tell Gindaman that you have been robbed. Seemed to work as well for me, but you might want to check.
I will! Didn't think the interaction between just 2 quests could be so complex...
arvisrend wrote: Also, Viccia Hateria randomly failed to stand up in my last playthrough, despite the correct controlQ and a fatigue of 172. Do you think it could be because her head was colliding with some sacks lying on the floor? (Note that exiting and entering the int would fix this immediately, and so would saving and loading.)
I've no idea, but if that's the case, a ResetActors failsafe in the script could fix it? (edit:or not if it's a console-only command, but might still be used to confirm the cause if the bug can be reproduced)
Otherwise maybe using SetFatigue instead of ModCurrentFatigue avoids this. It's just a visual effect here, but it's worth making sure since SetFatigue 0 seems to be used elsewhere in TR as a knock-out.
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Post by rot »

Tested the other permutations of 5a/b, nothing weird aside from
then get the 5a quest from Gindaman (as long as you haven't delivered the soul to Silniel, he gives you 5a, not 5b)
Easiest is to have a script on the soulgem?
Better not straight out give 5b after the player's stolen it, though: the player might steal it all stealthy-like from the mage then talk to Gindaman right away, and it wouldn't be logical for him to know about it in a few seconds.
Though there's another concern if neither 5a nor 5b are available: if he's all out of other quests, the gem still wasn't delivered to Silniel, and Gindaman's dialogue stays the same,
1- he'll still propose more duties in his greeting
and/or 2- player might not understand there's one possible quest left

One small thing: when being both on the MG5a and TG quests, you can deliver the soulgem to Absolon and steal it back as it's added to his inventory. Not so when turning in the soulgem to Silviel.
Wouldn't make sense to steal it back from Silviel without her noticing considering it's to be sent to a client, but the player IS a thief and has conflicting quests...
(none of the quest items for Silviel's quests are added to her inventory save for "The Weight of Guilt", almost seems like a characterisation easter egg for her)
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Post by rot »

Some new reports

in Salvarys Ancestral Tomb, Shrine
Appears once the player places the skull in the tomb (& neat lightshow), but in another room on the way back. What if the player teleports back to Necrom?
Not sure how strongly the previous dialogue implied the spirit would be there.

- (once discussed on chat: lack of info on some locations)
One case that I especially noticed, as I was oft sent there without the questgivers having entries for them (so I never obtained the topic, even if other NPCs had info for it) -
Gah Sadrith - only has entries in Port Telvannis, in the town itself, or from travel NPCs
&/or Tel Darys

- Spell "TR_SothaSilMastery" has range "on self" and isn't applied the player (it's cast by the Sotha Sil shrines, should be "on touch"?) - was _Data and fixed by Haplo

- (in Necrom) topic "little secret"
"When the processions for the dead [...] smaller journies of families" -> journeys

- Kemel-Ze, Chefidz
(these walls are moved by this script 'TR_m2_kmlz_Chef_Crank_sc' when turning a crank, accessing what's beyond each of them is necessary to solve the puzzle in that cell)
After they've moved, if the game is saved OUT of Chefidz, these walls will be closed again upon reloading. Saving and reloading in Chefidz fixes it ingame. I think they need to rely on globals to be reload-proof?
nota- haven't yet checked whether this can happen with other moving walls in Kmlz, only found out about that one because my game randomly crashed.

- TR_m2_kmlz_Chef_Crank_sc
this script instantaneously lowers the water level, which is noticeably weird ingame
I propose this to lower it smoothly (test:works for me, water lowering speed might need tweaking)
changes to original script:
added local Float TargetWaterLevel,
modified the SetWaterLevel lines to use that float instead,
added the lines under "if ( GetWaterLevel > TargetWaterLevel )" to lower water level and update WaterCount,
removed the last line recording WaterCount

Code: Select all

Begin TR_m2_kmlz_Chef_Crank_sc

;This script is placed on the crank "TR_m2_kmlz_Chef_Crank" in Kemel-Ze, Chefidz
;it opens several hidden doors and also uses a global variable to modify the water level

Short state
Float Timer
Short WaterCount
Float TargetWaterLevel
;TR_m2_kmlz_Chef_WaterLevel is a short global

if ( MenuMode )

if ( OnActivate )										;if player activates crank
	if ( state == 0 )									;for the first time
		Set state to 1								;then toggle to move/open doors
		Playsound3D "Dwemer Door Open"	;and play a sound
	else																						;if already moved
		MessageBox "The crank is stuck, and refuses to move again."		;do nothing

;this block makes the hidden doors open and moves the crank itself
if ( state == 1 )
	RotateWorld, z, 25												;rotate the crank
	"TR_m2_kmlz_Chef_Wall1"->MoveWorld, y, 46.72		;open the 3 hidden doors
	"TR_m2_kmlz_Chef_Wall2"->MoveWorld, y, 46.72
	"TR_m2_kmlz_Chef_Wall3"->MoveWorld, x, -46.72
	Set Timer to ( Timer + GetSecondsPassed )
	if ( Timer > 7 )														;after 7 seconds
		Set state to 2													;mark as done

;this block changes the water level in Kemel-Ze, Chefidz
if ( TR_m2_kmlz_Chef_WaterLevel != WaterCount )			;if the global has changed (due to TR_m2_kmlz_Chef_Vent_sc)
	if ( TR_m2_kmlz_Chef_WaterLevel == 1 )					;if it is now 1
		Set TargetWaterLevel to -230								;indicate which water level to target
	elseif ( TR_m2_kmlz_Chef_WaterLevel == 2 )				;if it is now 2
		Set TargetWaterLevel to -565								;update targeted water level
	else																	;if it is now 3
		Set TargetWaterLevel to -2000								;update targeted water level
	if ( GetWaterLevel > TargetWaterLevel )						;if water level is higher than desired
		ModWaterLevel -0.1												;lower the water level
	elseif ( TR_m2_kmlz_Chef_WaterLevel == 1 )				;otherwise signal which targeted water level was reached
		set WaterCount to 1
	elseif ( TR_m2_kmlz_Chef_WaterLevel == 2 )
		set WaterCount to 2
	elseif ( TR_m2_kmlz_Chef_WaterLevel == 3 )
		set WaterCount to 3


- misc comment, the disposition of 'clutter' in that room seems orderly despite the area being flooded, dunno how heavy dwemer bowls and such are supposed to be though
misc_dwrv_pitcher00 Kemel-Ze, Chefidz 3921 233 -562    etc.

- another misc comment on the overall mechanism in Karkanch - TR_m2_kmlz_Kark_sphere etc. -
their movement is paused while the player rests - it happens with any object moved by script, but it's more likely to be noticed with these since they're veeeery slow.

- TR_m2_kmlz_Kark_mix2
once activated these mixers will never stop turning even when they're taken out and returned to their original positions

- centurion_steam_advance00000004 Kemel-Ze, Karkanch -1675 -2255 5778
the two mooks there often ignore pathgrids from their positions and end up running in place, or sometimes just fall in the lava. (dunno if it's fixable; it IS funny though)

- on the path to the King's Tomb,
I think this is supposed to be a touristic area (Barmena Llethrith offers a guided tour through these cells) with nothing worth picking left,
Saw containers with leveled-list valuables like gems or coins, some aren't locked.
 dwrv_chest10_rare00000002 Kemel-Ze, Rzarch 3508 -6062 16
 dwrv_barrel00 Kemel-Ze, Rzarch 3338 -4185 64
 dwrv_barrel100000000A Kemel-Ze, Creeping Vale 5308 -157 64
Last edited by rot on Sun Jun 30, 2013 9:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Lord Berandas »

I was recently doing quests for the Firewatch Mages Guild and it was 3rd or 4th quest there, when i encountered a problem. I was supposed to help Viccia Hateria get rid of the feather levitation spell, when I entered the house, everything was working well - she was under the roof. I just talked with her and then I left to search other houses around, when I returned, she was standing on the ground. I talked to her and she was still sayng she needs help, so I cast dispell on her, but nothing happened, when nothing happened after fifth try, I figured out, that spells are going through her and are colliding with the wall behind. So I tried casting a spell aiming to the roof, where she was supposed to be and I hit something, after third spell hit the dialogue window opened and she thanked me for help, quest was finished succesfuly.

btw, I also tried to load recent game several times, but the result was the same - she was just standing on the ground.
I don't know, if this was just a random failure of the script or something, but you should know about it.
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Post by arvisrend »

Lord Berandas wrote:I was recently doing quests for the Firewatch Mages Guild and it was 3rd or 4th quest there, when i encountered a problem. I was supposed to help Viccia Hateria get rid of the feather levitation spell, when I entered the house, everything was working well - she was under the roof. I just talked with her and then I left to search other houses around, when I returned, she was standing on the ground. I talked to her and she was still sayng she needs help, so I cast dispell on her, but nothing happened, when nothing happened after fifth try, I figured out, that spells are going through her and are colliding with the wall behind. So I tried casting a spell aiming to the roof, where she was supposed to be and I hit something, after third spell hit the dialogue window opened and she thanked me for help, quest was finished succesfuly.

btw, I also tried to load recent game several times, but the result was the same - she was just standing on the ground.
I don't know, if this was just a random failure of the script or something, but you should know about it.
Hmm, this might and might not be fixed in the current internal version we have (rot and I did a lot of changes to this quest and the script on Viccia). Thanks for the report, but it's not likely to be still up-to-date.
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Post by Lord Berandas »

okay, here are some other things I have encountered.

TR_m2_Ranosa_Orrels00000000 Akamora, Guild of Mages 39 -221 -382 "I had a Wizards staff in my inventory, while I was talking to her and the topic appeared so I clicked on it. After then she said I am ready for advancement and I got a topic entry. When I clicked on Advancement, nothing happened. Isnt this some remnant of Vvardenfell Mages Guild scripts or so? Entry in my journal was just that I showed her my staff."

And well...I will let this one in it's original state.
TR_m1_Shavra_gra-Vatok00000000 Boethian Mountains Region (29,16) 242292 138165 1466 "I was escorting her to Tel Ouada, but...couldnt she be a little faster? I mean...a lot faster!"
TR_m1_Shavra_gra-Vatok00000000 Sarvanni (28,16) 237451 138872 857 "omg, is she crippled or what?"
TR_m1_Shavra_gra-Vatok00000000 Molagreahd Region (27,16) 223769 138257 1013 "I curse the creator of this NPC!"

She's really extra slow, I know that she's carrying some ebony, but...she was even knocked out twice during the way, because she didn't have enough was real terror.

btw, are there any more quest after completing the Firewatch MG, or do I have to wait until further releases? :)
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Post by arvisrend »

Lord Berandas wrote:TR_m2_Ranosa_Orrels00000000 Akamora, Guild of Mages 39 -221 -382 "I had a Wizards staff in my inventory, while I was talking to her and the topic appeared so I clicked on it. After then she said I am ready for advancement and I got a topic entry. When I clicked on Advancement, nothing happened. Isnt this some remnant of Vvardenfell Mages Guild scripts or so? Entry in my journal was just that I showed her my staff."
WTF, that's a quest I've never heard about. Why do we have this stupid Wizard's staff requirement for the Wizard promotion at all? What's so cool about copying vanilla?
Lord Berandas wrote:And well...I will let this one in it's original state.
TR_m1_Shavra_gra-Vatok00000000 Boethian Mountains Region (29,16) 242292 138165 1466 "I was escorting her to Tel Ouada, but...couldnt she be a little faster? I mean...a lot faster!"
TR_m1_Shavra_gra-Vatok00000000 Sarvanni (28,16) 237451 138872 857 "omg, is she crippled or what?"
TR_m1_Shavra_gra-Vatok00000000 Molagreahd Region (27,16) 223769 138257 1013 "I curse the creator of this NPC!"

She's really extra slow, I know that she's carrying some ebony, but...she was even knocked out twice during the way, because she didn't have enough was real terror.
Good point, might be related to the MCP's speed debuff for orcs. Will think what to do.
Lord Berandas wrote:btw, are there any more quest after completing the Firewatch MG, or do I have to wait until further releases? :)
I hope the next SE release will have some Akamora MG quests.
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Post by Not »

arvisrend wrote:WTF, that's a quest I've never heard about. Why do we have this stupid Wizard's staff requirement for the Wizard promotion at all? What's so cool about copying vanilla?
Because that's how the MG on Morrowind works; if you want to be promoted to the rank of Wizard, you need a wizard's staff. Same on Oblivion as well for that matter. That's just how it works. I don't like it either, but if we're keeping to lore as closely as possible, then we need to stick with those guidelines.
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Post by Why »

I'm gonna go and say Wizard is too high of a rank to be able to get after just two guild location questlines. Ideally Wizard is where the "end-game" for the MG starts. We'll need to rebalance our faction reputation rewards. And, we should make it a proper quest somewhere, and allow the player to choose between some actual awesome/useful/neat staves.
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Post by Haplo »

We could always go the fun route and have them "make" a staff.
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Post by Not »

Why wrote:we should make it a proper quest somewhere, and allow the player to choose between some actual awesome/useful/neat staves.
Haplo wrote:We could always go the fun route and have them "make" a staff.
A bit of a delayed response but...

Just want to say, I like both these ideas, and think it'd be neat to implement both. Have them choose between useful/neat staves or create your own!
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Wigged Twiglet quest again

Post by Malchik »

Malchik wrote:
On the Hunting Twilight quest Hartise tells you the Twilight has fled taking the north fork off the road leading east out of Helnim. The journal correctly says it fled to Galseah caverns.

Good point, thanks. Fixed.

Half fixed I'm afraid. I played this again recently and now Hartise tells you Galseah Caverns (correctly) but still tells you to take the north fork off the road leading east of Helnim. Galseah is south, perhaps southeast, of Helnim. East and north is completely the wrong direction.
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Re: Wigged Twiglet quest again

Post by rot »

Malchik wrote:Malchik wrote:
Half fixed I'm afraid. I played this again recently and now Hartise tells you Galseah Caverns (correctly) but still tells you to take the north fork off the road leading east of Helnim. Galseah is south, perhaps southeast, of Helnim. East and north is completely the wrong direction.
I remember reporting that a while back, it's already fixed for the next release which isn't yet err, released

Regarding the following reports, tell me whenif you want me to clean them up, I'll leave them in BetaComment state for now

- the slaves in Mu-Serrudan have the wrong greeting, since you can't obtain the topic "go free" from it if it isn't known.
Also could have less radius on AiWander or their positions changed, they're all running madly against the door, can't open it.
TR_m2_s_Jin-Zaw00000000 Mu-Serrudan 5886 2656 13895 "can't obtain 'go free' topic from their greeting. key TR_m2_slave_key_i2-292 in inventory, their greeting: Please, %PCRace, can you free me?"

TR_m2_Orval Sarinith00000000 Uddunapsit 866 1160 -634 "wtf attacked by dudes in legion armor what's the deal here" not an issue

TR_bk_BecameMonster3_NT Uddunapsit -450 1818 -884 "tldr but a book with an ax this size through it... still readable...right"

- Lots of small errors surrounding the quest Factory of Strife (and I don't mean the title). Quick and dirty functional fixes would be:

- making TR_m2_BogamulgroGulfis not hostile (his buddies aren't)

- in the script TR_m2_q_12_Nedheleg, adding a "Journal < 30" condition before the line
Journal, TR_m2_Wil_RuinofStrife, 30
(otherwise, after having killed the bandits inside for the orcs, and when the orcs then attack you, you'll get this entry when killing them inside the ruin where Neheleg's corpse will be)

OK nevermind that blocked exterior, it makes little sense but not the least logical thing about this quest - removing (or providing a way to remove) this doorblock, which currently blocks this entrance only from the exterior and should otherwise prevent most of the NPCs involved in the quest from getting in and out of the ruin
door_dwrv_double01 Bthangthamuzand (32,-3) 264288 -19241 5085
TR_m2_BogamulgroGulfis00000000 Boethian Mountains (31,-3) 260632 -19516 4938 "this guy is hostile, but the two orcs nearby aren't. or they just like to watch"
TR_m2_O_Ushugoba00000000 Boethian Mountains (31,-3) 260437 -19487 4938 "default greeting: 'There is no time to talk, we must keep going.' yo I haven't agreed to anything yet lady"
TR_m2_BogamulgroGulfis00000000 Boethian Mountains (31,-3) 260438 -19460 4938 "same default greeting error as orc lady, hostility aside"
TR_m2_BogamulgroGulfis00000000 Bthangthamuzand, Entrance Hall 3552 3682 15234 "they also keep the greeting foreverafter the quest"
TR_m2_BugdulgroGulfis00000000 Boethian Mountains (31,-3) 260402 -19458 4938 "but these guys, if you agree to help them, will aifollow you expecting you to be able to enter the ruin from that side? err?"
TR_m2_o_Jeras_Ticedo00000000 Bthangthamuzand, Entrance Hall 3972 5729 14850 "inconsistency: he won't give his quest greeting if you've already turned down the orcs outside, but since you still got the topic 'factory' from them and can use it here it's not questbreaking"
TR_m2_o_Nedheleg00000000 Bthangthamuzand, Entrance Hall 4118 3947 15234 "inconsistency but no big problem: when first met, doesn't have the same greeting as the other bandits here."
TR_m2_o_Nedheleg00000000 Bthangthamuzand, Entrance Hall 3661 5628 14850 "after killing the orcs this guy will keep following you forever unless you go talk to Jeras Ticedo back inside. Perhaps wiser to have him stop outside and/or get back inside on his own instead"
TR_m2_o_Nedheleg00000000 Bthangthamuzand, Entrance Hall 3661 5627 14850 "also his greeting will remain 'It looks like you got them. You should go report to Ticedo' forever even after having done so"
TR_m2_o_Nedheleg00000000 Bthangthamuzand, Entrance Hall 4128 3962 15234 "this guy's greeting upon entering with the orcs? this guy, he says, 'Hey! How dare you side with those orcs!' no kidding"
TR_m2_BugdulgroGulfis00000000 Bthangthamuzand, Entrance Hall 3457 3790 15234 "why sir _I_ dont want to ''split the spoils between me'' either that sounds disgusting"

- TR_m2_Im-Komsa Ohishiran "is this a slave/prisoner? assuming the mages' backgrounds here are easter eggs and their hostility is as intended, maybe this guy should be freeable?"

- TR_m2_Navil Romavel00000000 Boethian Mountains (30,-3) 248090 -16389 2489 "background says egg miner, but seems to be an archeo excavation miner rather"

- TR_m2_Grunk gro-Shagrot00000000 Amthuandz 628 -2240 -318 "greeting has two periods at the end - Hello, traveler. Welcome to this (...) they actually do.."

NOTE: before you freak out on the dialogue here...
("And if we can defeat the remains of the Dwemer in the ruin, then our knowledge about them could really increase." "Welcome to this Dwemer ruin!" "I enjoy finding treasures as well as making scientific breakthroughs.")
and/or the fact that said "remains of the Dwemer" consist in one single ghost...
look at TR_m2_Tirinia Malcus' entry on 'boethian mountains'. Seems it's just very thick lampshade

- little secret : the "I'm %Rank rank in %Faction"... series (there's one for every faction) should really have a 'the' before %Faction.

- topic Nedothril Coast, "A rocky expanse of spare grasslands and cliff looks down onto the Sea of Ghosts." ---- should it be "cliffs"?

- topic latest rumor, "Times are unsettled (...) Indoril must move forward, or fall back ..." ---- is Indoril without article correct?
Last edited by rot on Sat Jun 29, 2013 10:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Avenge the Knights

Post by Malchik »

I have never got this to work yet.

Last time when I agreed to help them one of them disappeared on the way to the cavern. This time we all went in and I killed the daedra with the Knights still alive.

I got an update 70.

Then nothing - Merias talked of them returning to the Red Drake and Tarbus of being ashamed and wishing to be left alone.

When I looked in the construction set I could find neither piece of dialogue attached to their characters. How can this be?

Be that as it may I can find no dialogue topic listed there which moves the quest on IF you took them with you and succeeded. Tarbus is supposed to say they will move on when Merias is ready but no journal update. Merias has no topic at all so no update. They did not appear in the Red Drake although they did disappear from the caverns.

I am very confused.

I ended the quest by adding the JE's via the console but I think someone should look at this. I believe it will work if you go into the caverns without them but not if you go with them.
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Re: Avenge the Knights

Post by rot »

Malchik wrote:I have never got this to work yet.
Also fixed in next release,

- TR_m2_Tavrene Indalas isn't where these two NPCs say he is:
TR_m2_Delera Indalas00000000 Ayemar, Indalas Manor 188676 -65973 5058 "greeting: My husband is in the next room up"
TR_m2_Meeran Dalvas00000000 Ayemar, Indalas Manor 188641 -65771 4802 "someone in particular: Master Indalas is currently upstairs, in his room"
Ex_MH_sewer_trapdoor_01 Ayemar, Indalas Manor 188879 -65792 5312 "but he really isn't"

- TR_m2_alchemistslog_i2-337 (journal in Muthinis Cave) text errors + this interior seems unfinished, could maybe get completed with a corpse, or alternatively have the journal removed+fire extinguished:
"it shines with an inner luminesouns" ?! = luminescence?
"deeper to the cave" = into?
(how is taking off your pants before swimming the "strangest thing"?)
furn_log_01 Muthinis Cave 2613 3046 14220 "there are no traces in this cave that relate to the journal, noone to account for this lit campfire... guessing this interior was forgotten during NPCing ?"

- TR_m2_key_OethKey Oethadapilu 3108 5055 14464 "silly name 'Key to the Sanctum of Meditation' but it actually opens a non-load door in that ruin"
"does this 'Key to the Sanctum of Meditation' open anything? I don't think it does?"

- "latest rumors" entry automatically gives a journal update & quest log entry for the quest "Akamora: Hunting Daedra"
could be checked as 'finished' then be relaunched?, or a separate finished journal ID, similar to the Red Drake Inn bard rumor, so you don't get stuck with it in the quest log"

- similar concern with the quest "A Lost Traveler"
TR_m2_Ararvy Orethera00000000 Mephalain Mountains Region (34,-7) 280837 -50620 206 "the journal entry where you refuse to help him (you have to say yes or no on directly on greeting) gets in the quest log; suggest making it finished and relaunch if change mind / or separate and finished"

TR_m2_o_Spiz00000000 Helnim Fields Region (31,-6) 256138 -40970 1986 "is it OK that this argonian bandit wears Solstheim nord clothes?" not an issue

TR_stc_vermai Norem, Ancestral Tomb "should a Vermai be in an ancestral tomb? rest of that it is infested with vampires though" not an issue

- 'someone in particular' entries in Hlersis ... (e.g. "Nadene Oril is back in Hlersis, and she's even weirder than she was before she left!"; another entry says the Leaking Spore rents beds...)
are arguably not 100% suited for the topic to begin with but what's more bothersome about them is that:
= there are 3 random entries, which isn't how this topic works anywhere else (player doesn't expect to have to try it more than once)
= and this topic should at least point out the guy in charge, which instead is covered in only one of the latest rumours
a perhaps-easy fix could be shuffling relevant 'latest rumors' and 'someone in particular' entries.

- another example: TR_m2_Nadene_Oril 's entry on 'someone in particular' has nothing to do with the topic and is about her wanting to mess up Fort Windmoth patrols (?! can be justified by her being obsessed I guess) not a bug

- TR_m2_book_note2_i327 : grammar check, maybe a few missing commas... "going to asking you" = going to ask, "out right" = outright
TR_m2_book_note0_i327 : ... oh is that awkward phrasing on that hint, but no errors
TR_m2_book_note1_i327 : might need a few commas
TR_m2_book_note3_i327 : "crafted by hand of old Vaerin" = crafted by 'the' hand ? or 'crafted by hand by old Vaerin' ?
also "I can give you hint" = give you a hint

- one small bug with the TR_m2_script_g1_i327 (g1-4) series of scripts which detect when you summon specific creatures near appropriate platforms . if you already have the creature summoned before and re-summon it there, it won't work. it will only work if the summoning effect is first dispelled or naturally ends before re-summoning. I see no good way to fix this but it's not a big problem

slaughterfish00000028 Mephalain Mountains Region (35,-12) 291673 -94925 1869 "what is this, a landfish? THAT desperate for new critters?"

TR_m3_Menthu Arenim00000000 Romithren Monastery, Scriptorium 3692 4070 15554 "says 'we use no printing presses here' etc. and implies that they are the more common way to copy books - does printing press tech exist in morrowind?" not an issue

TR_m3_Roril Iamis00000000 Romithren Monastery, Scriptorium 3603 4167 15554 "these four guys..."
TR_m3_Theril Gilnyth00000000 Romithren Monastery, Chapel 4797 1258 15521 "....refer to themselves..."
TR_m3_Lenaru Tolsen00000000 Romithren Monastery 4366 3955 14530 "...on topic 'someone in particular'"

- a few small bugs with the quest 'Tunneling to the Truth' :
- TR_m3_Athryil, on topic "shipment of ebony' : TR_m3_q_A5_SmuggledEbony x5 isn't removed from inventory when completing the quest
- TR_m3_Veros Dilthim 's ForceGreet for that quest should be in greeting 1
(greeting 5 "%PCClass, you just came from downstairs")
(maybe also greeting 5 "Ah, so you're not just going to ignore me, then...")
(even though there's very little chance to have contracted a disease/bounty right after talking to the elf, which is what should normally have happened prior)
- when looting TR_m3_q_A5_SmuggledEbony , even without having undertaken the quest, you get a journal entry which assumes you have, jumpstarting it.
(the quest might otherwise get broken if you loot those and then unsuspectingly sell them off somewhere before actually getting the quest; but as is, it makes no sense to have even a less specific journal when looting them. maybe if there was a note or something special with them? and THEN perhaps a nonspecific, separate journal entry to go with that? 'separate' because the spook is rigged to forcegreet you when you're on that quest and will do so even if you haven't gone down to speak to the elf, which is his reason for the forcegreet)
Do the same with the notes and possibly make the goblins respawn.

- TR_m3_Veros Dilthim - on topic Athryil: "Yes, the Altmer. ... Observing certain members of the ring was unable to pin down their chief" = ? 'observing was unable' doesn't make sense, maybe "was not enough" instead of "was unable"

- NITPICK TR_m3_Veros Dilthim on topic "Athryil", if you refuse to help the spook, he says "No? Phah. Useless s'wit. There's no price on your head..." even if there IS a non-negligible bounty on the PC

- TR_m3_Veros Dilthim greeting (no bug just sounds awkward)
says "I can't believe you've suddenly decided to help me discover Athryil's information on the smugglers!"

- TR_m3_Dilavesa_Undead : the journal entry you get when you kill her assumes you've talked to her brother nearby, but it's entirely possible for the PC to come upon her first
TR_m3_Dilavesa_Undead00000000 Ruinous Keep, Great Hall 3657 4675 14097 "upon killing her, getting journal entry: ''When I touched the body of Dilavesa Indaryn, she was ... Relam seems even more distressed than he was before.'' == who is this Relam?"

- TR_m3_Sabine Valtienne
If she's supposed to be truly hard to kill without breaking her lover's amulet first, you might want to add some +Max Health to her health regen spell "TR_m3_Sabine unlife"
without even breaking the amulet, the ordinator was doing enough damage by himself to have her under 50% health and one blow from a strong character can just finish her off

Herne's Soul questlog bug
Get quest from Gindaman -> Deliver to Absolon ( -> DON'T report to Gindaman, quest MG: Herne's Soul still in journal) -> Get quest from Silniel -> Steal from Absolon -> Deliver to Silniel ->
Gindaman's greeting is "have you delivered the unique soul gem to Absolon ?",
His topic "unique soul gem" then gives dialogue for "Theft of herne's soul",
Problem: first quest doesn't get completed, "herne's soul" quest stays in the log
(Smaller problem: Gindaman reexplains the whole "herne's soul gem" peculiarity as if the player didn't already know about it from the first quest)
Last edited by rot on Sat Jul 06, 2013 9:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Avenge the Knights

Post by arvisrend »

rot wrote:- TR_m2_alchemistslog_i2-337 (journal in Muthinis Cave) text errors + this interior seems unfinished, could maybe get completed with a corpse, or alternatively have the journal removed+fire extinguished:
"it shines with an inner luminesouns" ?! = luminescence?
"deeper to the cave" = into?
(how is taking off your pants before swimming the "strangest thing"?)
furn_log_01 Muthinis Cave 2613 3046 14220 "there are no traces in this cave that relate to the journal, noone to account for this lit campfire... guessing this interior was forgotten during NPCing ?"
I've fixed the writing errors you've mentioned and a couple more, but a better point can be made for axing this logbook completely and populating the cave with parastyli. Any objections to that?
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Post by rot »

PESTILENT MAGIC : oboy, interaction between two quests always very messy. Fixed that + many bugs and illogical things (the worst at least) in the ESP,

what the ESP does:

- moves most follow-up dialogue for the first quest (TR_m2_wil_Pestilent) from "great healer" to vanilla topic "ingredients", to get around errors, arbitrary prioritising and illogical dialogue when both quests are being done simultaneously. (topic better fits its usage as well)
- edits resultboxes of dialogue moved to "ingredients" to allow using TR_Dae_Ingred_Rock_Crystal (identical-cursed version of the gem) as well as the normal version
- recycles those previous dialogue entries on "great healer" to instead properly deal with the case of having both quests.
- also edits TR_m2_q_18_Hjotra dialogue on topic "great healer" when you give her the scroll, allows directly freeing her so she doesn't tell you to "go find" the key you likely already have.
- removes "Breton" from "Breton necromancer" on journal TR_m2_wil_Pestilent 40. (TR_m2_O_Mervil Norenas is the one qnd only necromancer there, and is not a Breton)
- same on TR_m2_q_18_Orenin Hlano 's dialogue on topic "great healer" ("I believe you look"...), also adds "west of" before Alt Bosara (info was given in the journal, but not actually said by him)
- removes a few illogical obvious copy-pastes from existing dialogue ("Another one" when there hasn't yet been the "first one", that sort of thing),
- TR_m2_q_18_Hjotra, TR_m2_q_18_Orenin Hlano, TR_m2_Felms_Sendas quest greetings all copied to Greetings 2 (above nudity, after vampires)
- fixes Hlano's greetings conditions so they don't skip his whole quest if you've already completed the other (when you meet him or whenever)
- added greeting to Hjotra so she doesn't ask "Have you been able to find a... great healer?" if you've already told her about that but just need to free her
- Hjotra greeting: "Please, I am trying to use the scroll." changed to condition [control >= 1], (previously control == 1, which was immediately incremented by her script)
- adds alternate entries on "great healer" so Felms Sendas doesn't say you're in "perfect health" when you're not
- adds alternate greeting to Orenin that doesn't imply the PC did "kill the foul necromancer" if they didn't; delays reward till he's actually dead keeping in with his dialogue
- adds alternate "great healer" entries to Orenin in case you've already killed that necro when he starts telling you about him, and adds alternate journal entry 41 and later greeting to go with that (all of this just to make said greeting sound less illogical)
- now Orenin Hlano gives his reward if you've killed the necromancer (as he asked) but didn't find the girl (whom he didn't know about anyway and the PC might have not found - in which case nothing happened in his dialogue after killed the necro).
- just so saving her makes a difference, you also get +1 Reputation from Orenin Hlano if you've saved the girl, or if you save her later. (quest gave 0 reputation before)
- minor edit to his script TR_m2_q_18_Orenin_Script so he won't get Disabled by the new journal entries: disable condition ( GetJournalIndex TR_m2_wil_Pestilent >= 50 ) replaced by ( == 50 ) or ( == 52 )
- same to TR_m2_q_18_Hjotra_Script (disable condition was == 50, made it == 50 or == 52 )
- added script TR_m2_q_18_NecroScript to give a new journal TR_m2_wil_Pestilent 29 when the necromancer dies (no real way to know he was the one otherwise)
- adds +Disposition on the dudes when you save them

These are all the somewhat new sentences to check for language and stuff (all other edits use dialogue that was already there before)

"I have given you the potion you should administer to your friend. What more healing do you seek?"
"What about those ingredients I require? You have come for something else, you say?
Choice "Free her using the slave key"
"Bring me those things, and I will see what I can do for him. As for the girl..."
"Have you found the key to my restraints? I must get to... the great healer."
"Ah, %PCName. It seems you were able to save another innocent life, and I myself have you to thank for mine. The foul necromancer still lives, however. Someone must put an end to him, or this will certainly happen to others!"
Choice "A necromancer experimenting with diseases? This sounds familiar."
"I will have more time to express my gratitude if we meet there."
Journal "He said the likely cause of the disease was an encounter with the necromancer I've dealt with west of Alt Bosara. He told me to find him in Dorammu cavern, where he will thank Felms Sendas and recuperate."
"Ah, %PCName. I must thank you again -- for saving me, and killing the foul necromancer who did this."
Journal "Orenin Hlano thanked me for finishing off the necromancer, and gave me his belt."
"Ah, %PCName. I must thank you again. Not only have you killed the foul necromancer who did this, but you also saved another innocent life in the process."
"%PCName! It seems you were able to save another innocent life, as you did mine. Rest assured your heroic actions will not go unheard of."
Journal "Orenin Hlano praised me for saving Hjotra, and said he'd spread word of my good deeds."
Journal "I have killed a necromancer matching Orenin Hlano's description in Kulidon, west of Alt Bosara."
"You have come to seek healing? I'm afraid your condition is... beyond my ability to cure." ----------------- OK he probably doesn't need special entries for the bloody Corprus... I was tired...
"You have come to seek healing? But your ailment is mundane. Why have you come so far?" ----------------- or you can just remove the "perfect health" in his dialogue and dispense with those

things the ESP doesn't and/or can't fix:

- with the greetings in the ESP, all their Greetings 5 can be deleted (total 14 entries):
TR_m2_q_18_Orenin Hlano
TR_m2_Felms Sendas
(two are ironically diseased quest givers... third is a healer)

- since quests TR_m2_wil_Pestilent and TR_m2_wil_Pestilent_b use the same title, you won't get the quest log for one if you have already completed the other. Checking Restart on non-finishing entries fixes this only to some extent (if you finish one while still doing the other, quest log entry won't reappear before you get a new entry). Alternatively, one could have its title slightly altered (prevents losing the log, but loses the linked log between the two quests).

- de_p_chest_02_potions Kulidon 6010 3623 -1020
should be deleted from the cell Kulidon, because it was meant to be replaced by the (already placed)
TR_m2_q_18_LootChest (which is what TR_m2_q_18_RewardKey is supposed to open)

- **not a big problem**
TR_m2_q_18_Orenin_Script moves the NPC inside Dorammu Cavern only on cellchange. That means if you directly teleport (magic, script, CoC) inside, he won't appear until you go out and back in. (the healer in the cavern will still behave as if he got there, though)

- door_cavern_doors10 Kulidon 4251 9222 -303 "TR_m2_q_18_KulidonSlaveKey could also open that door like slave keys usually do"

- TR_m2_q_18_Winefred00000000 Kulidon 6709 6797 -1021 "in some death animations, his face and torso get melded into the ground in a bad way... since he's bsaically a pre-placed corpse, might want to move it somewhere more flat"
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Post by rot »

- Some quests give skill increase reward by ModSkill
- TR_m2_q_12_Alfhed as a reward for his quest (topic Thunderstrike: "You have Thunderstrike? And... Perhaps I could teach you a trick or two!") gives you +2 in Axe, but through script in resultbox (Modskill). This can be a problem for characters with Axe as a major/minor skill, since the up doesn't count for the Level total (puts slightly behind on level progression and reduces maximum attainable level). Afaik the only proper way of increasing skills is through training or books.

- TR_m2_q_12_Alfhed : quest "Which Witch?" doesn't end if he dies (which is likely to happen as the PC witnesses him attacking another NPC). Just need to trigger a "Alfhed is dead." finished journal entry from OnDeath in his script.

script TR_m1_lud_door2 , Messagebox says: 'These doors... it has been recently opened though' --- these doors = "they have", not "it has"

TR_m2_Erena Raneth00000000 Necrom, House of the Waking-Guides 4096 3976 15478 "dying sounds from the corpses upon entering this cell. Should replace their dying voice ("Hit" I think) by an EMPTY?" - fixed by 'Corpses persist'

"Tower of Tel Mothrivra"
wouldn't "Tel" already mean tower by any chance?
tower ints are usually named "Tel Hurr, (...) Tower".
I think it would be less weird as ("Tel Mothrivra, Tower" / "Tel Mothrivra, Tower Entrance" etc)

- latest rumours in Tel Mothrivra are a Big Mess:

- Those that nudge towards misc quests (and more) will never appear:
"There is an armored Redguard in the The Glass Goblet. I think he's looking for someone or something." Random<70, always gets overwritten by this one above,
"Lord Omothran doesn't like the Temple. He says that they are a bunch of weaklings, and some other things I dare not repeat." (Random<80)

Same for almost all the entries under the redguard-glassgoblet. There's basically a 80% chance to get any of the variations about lord whatshisface not liking the temple, and if you're lucky you get the default one instead ("Have you noticed, for all its proclamations")

- Oh and, last&least, none exists that hints about TR_m2_q_5_Mohryl's quest (which is what I was looking for in the first place)

- (Mainland) series of books starting with "TR_m2_bk_HTL", are exact copies of the regular versions and can be swapped then deleted not exactly -- the text is the same but the model is different -- arvisrend.

Ayemar (23,-9) "illegal to sleep not checked in these ext cells"
Boethian Mountains (22,-9) "should this ext cell be named Ayemar? (the skywalk goes through this ext.)"

Misc_SoulGem_Grand Athrilmallilas 3943 7782 11576 "soul worth 40k not too fat loot? Ruins mostly empty, had to get past two scamps and one measly mage TR_m3_O_Benam Llithre for it"

- TR_m3_O_Vandierel : non-agressive cultist next to two hostiles. Outdoors shrine but camp beds suggest she's with them. Sheogorath shrine, might be intended? she has no special dialogue though.

- Harrumat Diamond Mine needs some guards, there are none - if not House guards (manager dialogue somewhat implies this is a private thing) then at least mercenaries?
in_mold_rock_05 Harrumat Diamond Mine 1066 2939 10996 "shouldn't there be guards here?"
rock_diamond_07 Harrumat Diamond Mine 4816 1554 10675 "lots of completely unguarded diamonds here. not even NPCs around. Patrol?"
rock_diamond_07 Harrumat Diamond Mine 2965 2702 10748 "same here on unguarded diamonds"

- TR_m3_Erdwulf : he's supposed not to notice anything around him (quest) but will attack if you steal diamonds behind him.
Shouldn't he have 0 Alarm by default? then be raised back to 90 after the quest, (on his greeting 'Oh... Oh my head. ...').
With Alarm 0 the theft still gets reported with no one else in sight... but at least he doesn't attack.

TR_m3_daeoffering_i3-45 Narasnabad, Lost Shrine 2456 2539 11424 "this offering cask has a 50% chance to be empty, and is otherwise a LEVELED soul gem. There's a winged twilight there even at lv1, entrance is kinda out of the way, and this is the one and only possible piece of loot in the whole place, so there's no need for leveling"

active_de_bedroll Sirsadrorran -1473 7781 15181 "there's a lamp and all, looks like a Sheogorath cultist was meant to be NPCed here? unless they got scamped and are the dead bodies in the cells"
- nvm this, interior is used in a quest and the golden saint killed everyone

- almost every NPC has a customised/specific 'latest rumour' entry in Ayemar, so the one nudging towards TR_m2_Hlorgir Firm-Hand's quest ("The guards here recently imprisoned a local fisherman for smuggling mazte.") can afaik only be obtained from the two NPCs in the Manor insignificant enough not to warrant their own entry (TR_m2_Gorthas Llerthu, TR_m2_Falvil Muran). Perhaps one of the merchants in Ayemar, Entrance Hall could have it too?
eg. by excluding either TR_m2_Tavura Mervu or TR_m2_Methrendes Garil from their entry ("Business has been quiet lately, serjo, so I've no news from elsewhere. Perhaps you'd care to enlighten me?"), or the third merchant TR_m2_Marilie, whose latest rumours entry might as well not be there ("I don't really have much to say.")

Weird bug I can't reproduce nor explain.
- TR_m3_harrumatKey (TR_m3_q_A7_harrumatKeyScript)
Also updates the journal twice but that has no consequences.
When I first looted this key, did not (?!?) get the journal entry it's supposed to trigger.
Didn't block the quest (which I'd already started from talking to the NPC). Noticed because I got the journal update later, long after having done the quest and elsewhere, upon loading a save. (could reproduce that from the save, but can't reproduce not getting it the first time)
Now when looting the key, gives TWO "Your journal has been updated" messages - one when clicking on it, one when exiting its container. Second one does nothing since it's the same entry.
No idea why it didn't trigger that one time, but 100% sure it didn't - would've noticed the two updates. No save-tinkering, changes to Mainland, esps added or removed... inbetween all of this, all tested from New Game etc.

- Fort Umbermoth, Interior - Greeting 7 "Welcome to Fort Umbermoth, friend. Knight Protector Cinia Andacia may be found upstairs.
" = conditions should exclude the dude in her room, TR_m3_Vevul Gilnith

- TR_m3_Relam_Indoran - since he's a prisoner of liches and should be all too happy to get freed even by someone with a disease, quest Greetings 5 would make more sense as Greeting 2 (or 1 but excluding vampires)

- quest TR_m3_Er_Prayer

TR_m3_Ladiana - greeting "What? It's nothing peculiar sera" = comma

TR_m3_Ladiana - series of dialogue obtained directly on Greeting lacks a *neutral* refusal/maybelater option, you can either say you want to help, or pursue a very specific traditionalist/racist line (not liking her relation with her master)

TR_m3_Ladiana - journal entry 16 (which results from refusing that way) should be checked Finished, since you can't normally do the quest anymore after that.

TR_m3_Duram_Balvel - (still down that refusal line) the resulting forced Goodbyes in both their greeting 5 ("I know what you've done. I have nothing to say to you." for him, "Leave." for her ) can be bypassed eg by disease greeting 4. You normally can't obtain the necessary topic "haunting", but it's a pretty generic noun, so if it's known from somewhere else it'd make it possible to start the quest anew as if nothing had happened. Said greetings could be moved to Greeting 3 (or 2 after vampires)? alternatively could add a proper entry on topic haunting for journal=16.

TR_m3_q_A9_ancestorring - **THIS IS NO BIG PROBLEM, just saying** Balvel gives you this ring to "grant you safe passage inside" his ancestral tomb. There's NO reason why the PC would get rid of it, but if you do it makes no difference, the ghosts are already spawned in Bavel Ancestral Tomb and not hostile. (would also make more sense if he took it back at the end of the quest...)

TR_m3_Ladiana - her greeting after receiving Balvel's reward for the quest goes back to "Thank you so much for agreeing to help, %PCName". The greeting she should have ("You are a good person, %PCName. You have my eternal gratitude.") is conditioned == a journal entry that doesn't exist, should be >= that value (also unnecessary forced Goodbye?)

TR_m3_Duram_Balvel -
his greeting if you help the ghosts and kill Ladiana ("You... you killed her! The ancestors... I must... How... Leave me, %PCName."...) is conditioned == 57, but must also appear for journal entry 75 (after reward from ghosts) - without the forced Goodbye on it, you could also obtain wrong dialogue on topic "haunting". Therefore conditions for that greeting should be >= 57, != 60, != 61, != 70.
also this being a greeting 5, ditto (can be bypassed etc. , alternatively could have new entry on topic "haunting" for same conditions...yadda)
(the wrong entry you would otherwise get on this topic: "It has come to an end. Whether or not I can pledge to you the thanks of my family, you are certain to have my warmest thanks, at least.")

- TR_m1_q_57_Mudlap - topic Mosslog - "Yes, I've traveled (...) an obsession with.. mudcrabs." ---- ".."
TR_m1_q_57_Mudlap - "You have found me three strong mudcrabs %PCName" ---- commas,
TR_m1_q_57_Mudlap - "Have you ever encountered, ... So what do you say friend"
TR_m1_q_57_Mudlap - "Ah, I understand my friend."

TR_m2_q_12_Alfhed "topic Thunderstrike - Hrumph. It appears ... I offered Brenne Smitte the local alchemist" - comma (she's the local alchemist)

TR_m2_q_12_Rianele_Sele "greeting - I have never seen ... I would have cast a calm spell on him awhile ago!" - should be separate in this context, "a while"

TR_m2_Tadali_Tistar00000000 Tower of Tel Mothrivra, Entrance Hall 4497 4124 12259 "Always stuck in table walking in place for a moment upon loading cell, suggest moving her a bit"

TR_m3_Lighthouse_Guard - this custom Ordinator in Mourning has the (bad) default background instead of "We are the Ordinators in Mourning." Afai can tell his only difference with a regular one is he has a spear instead of a mace

TR_m2_Adrosu Balmayn - his quest wasn't done. Could just be removed? There's already a robber (TR_m2_o_Teris Andrethi - skippable robber with dialogue) a few paces from him on the same road.
- topic 'geewp eee', "[Makes a gesture inicating he wants to write something down on a piece of paper]" - I have a paper, inkwell, quill... nothing
- he has a speech impediment... but only on greeting 7. Disease, etc...
- his Voice (sounds) is also fine... if he's kept, should have his own EMPTY (or dunmer "Grumbling." sound would fit too) on Idle, Hello etc...

- quest TR_m2_wil_Faith,

- TR_m2_q_18_Maenasi - (on forcegreet "Ah, yes, I recognize this bridge. ...")
gives choice: "Take the amulet from around Maenasi's neck", or "Decline".
>Yeah, this doesn't sound fishy AT ALL> Decline>
says "Oh, don't be so silly! Go on, you must: I insist." and then you have no choice but to take it.
Cawm ooon, why even bother giving a choice in the first place if you're going to pull that? And don't tell me she's using mind control or something, the point with her amulet is she can't use magic. Even if she could, why the whole ploy if she had Command available anyway? Makes no sense at all. Even then, at least allow a Will save or something... If you want the PC to take the amulet that bad then it should be more subtle, not forced

- TR_m2_q_18_Gathys - greeting 5 "Ah - er - %PCRace... " should be greeting 3 (or 2 after vampires). You can't start the quest with a disease (nor as a vampire - the mabrigash's and even ashlanders' in general, reaction to that is default and not the most logical in hindsight, "in almsivi's name blahblah", but who cares) BUT it's possible to catch one on the journey, and then you can't Finish the quest.
another way to make sure: the Finished journal entry you get if the rat's dead when you kill Maenasi could also be given if the rat's alive (no reason not to, entry just says she's dead)

- TR_m2_q_18_Gathys - he says (on greeting, so does the journal) he will give you a reward if you meet him in Necrom. Doesn't say exactly where in Necrom, and seems he doesn't appear there at all either?
edit: he says "or even see about working with you again." if you're a temple member

TR_m2_Favana_Selethi , topic Background, "I will state this as bluntly... The Temple and her heartless crusaders" = 'its' heartless crusaders? even if acceptable, 'her' would be inconsistent with previous usage in the same entry

Quests forced from greetings
- TR_m2_Dilavesa Indalen : greeting7 "Outlander, in case you are looking for work:"
forces the associated quest. Why not have the part that gives the quest divided on topic "work"?
(yes this is also forced from latest rumours, but so are many others in TR's small settlements, oh well... forced from greeting is way worse. But, to give an idea of how very crowded the other rumours would have been in Alt Bosara with this one added amongst them, one of the regular entries is: "Just the usual.")

- TR_m2_Brelyn Dreloth - another forced-quest-on-greeting-even-though-there-is-a-perfectly-serviceable-topic-for-it ("sad songs")

- TR_m2_Annavene Selas - also forces quest on greeting: "Excuse me. Look, I don't know who you are, but could you please help my daughter?"
there's really no reason at all for that since there's the topic "help my daughter" already! if you want the quest you'll use it...

- TR_m2_Vidam Deris - the guy she asks you to kill on that quest; if you kill him after getting the info that he's the supplier, the journal entry triggered by his script's OnDeath says 'I refused the bribe, and killed Vidam Deris'. (just straight go and kill him, no talking, = he didn't get to propose a bribe)

- TR_m2_Valna Sippusoti Helnim Fields Region (26,-5) 220707 -37475 3161 "she's the Tel Muthada siltmeister but gives the Helnim rumor - 'A strange bard appeared at the Red Drake Inn'"

same latest rumors - "A strange bard appeared..." doesn't check against NoLore.

in Akamora:
dridrea latest rumour ("Take care when traveling through the Mephalain Mountains. ...") not nolored
"someone in particular in Akamora not nolored"
"topic Flaalsa Irano not nolored" (2 NoLore prisoners in the cell)
"topic Novas Senim not nolored"
"topic Telera Parys not nolored"

TR_m2_Terlesi Othralas, topic gone missing - 'I appreciate your offer. Do you need directions to Haddadalmalu?' but has no entry available for that topic. Reason:
if you refuse at first, control is set to 1. ("Then by all means, do not let me occupy any more of your time, outlander. Worthless...")
Topic Haddadalmalu only has an entry if control != 1. Was he supposed to not give the quest anymore in the first place? Otherwise should remove that condition.

TR_a_Necrom_Shield Necrom, Hall of Contemplation 2939 -2423 1425 "none of the ordinators has LoS on this so it's a free steal"


TR_m1_Dunel_Varys, topic "rat", "Excellent, work %PCName!" = misplaced comma

TR_m1_shabhi, entries on topic "moon sugar" have many double whitespaces

topic "Mala Mirandus", "Remember that stealing a slave is no different than" = different FROM
topic "Mala Mirandus", "I'll be frank, (... ) is no different than" = ditto

TR_m2_Renie Cierraise, topic "Kemel-Ze", "Although its value (...) learn alot " === "a lot"

- then = than

Journal TR_M1_GS_MQ_2 , 60 : "sooner then him"
topic "conjuration", "Even my slaves are better at summoning then you"
topic "improve your reputation", "What a nice surprise. I must have underestimated you. You truly know how to behave better then I expected."
TR_m1_Methas_Moril, "I am a weaponsmith. A rare occupation in Telvanni settlements where everyone relies on magic rather then on good"
TR_m1_Mjording, topic "Melie", "Rubbish! I am a much better warrior then you!"
TR_m2_Dalam_Hleray, topic "Dralothas Omothran", "He's the lord of Tel Mothrivra and of this tower. (...) have more power then a Telvanni"
TR_m3_Aras_Othran, topic "Background", "My name is Aras Othran, (...) Yet, rather then follow"
topic "Dwemer sites", "The Dwemer sites of Hammerfell are much more interesting then those"

- Commas. The "Hello %PCName" and variations thereof are arguable but listed anyway.

TR_m1_Drelatha_Nidresa, topic "Telvanni Isles", "The Telvanni Isles region ... Note %PCName"
TR_m1_Q_Sjard, topic "Woebringer", "She's a fine piece of craftsmanship, isn't she %PCName?"
TR_m2_Finds-Men, topic "good book", "The Necklace? (...) Keep the change %PCName"
TR_m1_Sinsal_Nedriem, topic "my trade", "I thought you'd notice. I'm an alchemist, the best one around. Trust me %PCName"
TR_m1_Simeth, topic "Nataya", "I'd like you to obtain (...) if you could help me %PCName."
TR_m1_Simeth, topic "slander", "This one is guaranteed to work. Good luck %PCName."
TR_m1_Irele_Nathryon, topic "slander", "I just heard (...) did it %PCName" (two entries)
TR_m1_Irele_Nathryon, Greeting 7, "Welcome back %PCName."
TR_m1_Melie, Greeting 1, "Please, save me %PCName!"
TR_m2_Neldam_Volothre, Greeting 5, "You disappoint me %PCName."
TR_m2_Nisirel, Greeting 7, "A customer? You'll have to excuse me %PCName"
TR_m1_Tibera_Rone, topic "muskflies", "Good job killing the Telvanni schemer %PCName" (two entries)
TR_m1_Hasilius_Brahn, topic "silver longsword", "Very well %PCName"
TR_m1_Hasilius Brahn, Greeting 5, "Thank you for everything %PCName."
TR_m1_Hasilius Brahn, topic "drink", "I'm only joking. (...) what you offered me today %PCName"
TR_m1_Hasilius Brahn, topic "drink", "You... you really believe (...) What did you think %PCRace?"
TR_m2_Tiron Naven, topic "infiltrate the guild", "I've heard every word %PCName"
TR_M1_Q66_Ra1_Contact, Greeting 1, "I have to get moving %PCName."
TR_m1_Q_UneleasRangirth, Greeting 5, "What's wrong %PCName?"
TR_m1_Q_UneleasRangirith, Greeting 5, "Wish me luck %PCName"
TR_m2_Dremil Seniran, topic "important messages", "Ah, your honesty impresses me. Thank you for that small task %PCName"
TR_m2_Clibergus Celata, topic "Clibergus's ledger", "Wonderful! (...) Nice work %PCName!"
TR_m2_Clibergus Celata, topic "Clibergus's ledger", "Thanks again for finding it %PCName"
TR_m1_Galan_Brandt, topic "Merdon Dillmoon", "Yes, I heard. Look %PCName"
TR_m2_Hartise, topic "this is urgent", "Excellent work %PCName" (two entries)
TR_m2_Hartise, topic "Orders", "Alright %PCName,"
TR_m2_Medheleg, Greeting 7, "Welcome back %PCName"
TR_m2_Hofmund, topic "steal the funds", "Dammit, that was it with our plan %PCName!" (three entries)
TR_m2_Hofmund, topic "jobs", "Okay, it's time to steal the funds! Are you ready %PCName?"
TR_m2_Drelom_Erethan, Greeting 7, "How good to see you again %PCName"
TR_m1_Alira_Yassimaer, Greeting 7, "You are in the tower of Tel Aranyon %PCName"
TR_m1_Galdasi_Thendas, Greeting 5, "Wow, uh, hello %PCName"
TR_m1_Theobald, Greeting 7, "Greetings %PCName,"
TR_m1_Theobald, Greeting 7, "Hello %PCName"
TR_m1_Farul_Sarayn, Greeting 7, "Hello %PCName"
TR_M2_Salyni Aravel, topic "Akamora", "It's a lovely city. Don't you think so %PCNAME?"
TR_m1_Q50_G01_Trena, topic "Ansuma Veloth", "I knew it! Thank you for your help %PCName"
TR_m2_q_9_Nileno, Greeting 5, "Yes %PCName?"
TR_m2_Enarvyne_Varis, Greeting 7, "Greetings %PCName. I am Enarvyne Varis, a Telvanni guard."
TR_m2_Joran, topic "interior task", "Hmm, I suppose you're a friendly, trustworthy type.... Alright %PCName"
TR_m2_Telis Zamra, topic "The Smiler", "Well... you know what %PCName?"
TR_m1_Brelar_Gildaren, topic "my trade", "I call myself a commoner, (...) But it's alright %PCName"
TR_m1_Ligrod_gro-Muzar, topic "basement", "You know what %PCName?"
TR_m1_Lliretha_Arantam, topic "some part of him", "So it was Vedran? (...) Thank you most kindly %PCName."
TR_m1_Draralen_Gurin, topic "Ninari's secret", "I'm sorry %PCName"
TR_m1_T_Mithras, topic "the catacombs", "Quite a successful mission! (...) you performed admirably %PCName" (two entries)
TR_m2_Mera Telalu, topic "Services", "Aah, I offer many delightful services. Hehe, don't worry %PCName"
TR_m2_Nisirel, Greeting 7, "That lousy Drithnil... oh, sorry %PCname"
TR_m2_Hlavora_Gilnith, Greeting 7, "Greetings %PCRace"
TR_m2_Fenandre Hutresie, Greetings 7, "Greetings %PCRace"
TR_m1_Verana_Eindari, topic "unfortunate wife", "Yes %PCRace"
TR_m2_Hjotir, Greeting 7, "I'm sorry %PCRace"
topic Services, "This is a small town, so you will find little in the way of services %PCName." = comma (two entries, bottom one seems useless?)
topic "Imperial law", "That's what I'm supposed to say %PCName" (two entries)
topic "Hasilius Brahn", "He lost consciousness. (...) We'll watch over him %PCName"

Unused NPCs (most m3 look like usable slaves)
- these NPCs aren't used anywhere (not found in world nor scripts)



TR_m3_Emeni Rethri
TR_m3_Oates (has custom greeting)

TR_m2_Neredene Ilno - this one has some custom dialogue (Yes? This is the city watch. Make your report, if you have one.) she's also excluded from "someone in particular" but isn't mentioned in the entry anymore

- all 0-refcount TR containers are unused

- Unused misc refs:

TR_m2_key_HelnimDM no, this is for a quest claim -- arvisrend

- TR_m2_q_10_Hansarat, greeting: "Greetings %PCName." = comma

- journal TR_m2_Mar_SaveSlave entry 11: "I allowed Hansarat and Jeela to escape. Hansarat promised Fara Veralan, at her farmhouse, will have a reward for my cooperation. Sevra should be handled with a slightly dishonest account."
looks like that part ("Hansarat promised Fara Veralan, at her farmhouse, will have a reward for my cooperation.") was removed from the quest,
because it's not mentioned in her dialogue ("Thank you, %PCName. We won't forget your kindness. Please, take these as a reward and leave us to escape."),
only in the journal.
(removed with good reason, Fara Veralan can't be on their side since she can tell you where the two escaped in the first place...)
So, should be removed from that journal entry too

- TR_m2_S_Jeela. This is a slave; Hansarat the Wise Woman helped her escape, you've been sent to look for her. You can chose to let them escape or not to. If you don't, it's technically possible (though painful) to Command her back to Marog, Market. Except that possibility wasn't planned for at all. (also if you get a bit far from her, or if you switch cells to enter the Market, even if she's Commanded and all - you get a journal entry saying she escaped and she disappears) Might need much tweaking to make that possible. Should it be fixed or are there any upcoming slave bracer mechanics to wait for... ?

- TR_m2_S_Jeela, greeting: "Speak to Hansarat. She speaks for me." = still says that even if Hansarat is dead and you've calmed her, which is likely to happen if you don't let them escape and think you can actually bring her back.

- TR_m2_TMo_QualityTime
journal entry 35 ("Mohryl's plan worked, and now he will be locked up in prison"...) should probably be marked "Finished" too. It's not implied that you should go back to him for the next journal entry, which doesn't really result in anything besides closing the quest log

- good chance of getting attacked by the muskflies nearby if you hang too much around the balcony where that quest's suicidal dude stands. Wouldn't be the first time I got insects trailing me in Tel Mothrivra...
TR_cr_muskfly_r00000000 Tel Mothrivra (33,2) 270626 20913 1639 "attacking on quest balcony"
ex_vivec_h_09 Tel Mothrivra (33,2) 271936 21376 832 "(this balcony)"

Fixing this would require editing scripts but they actually DON'T BREAK the quest:
- Some potential problems in that quest with the scripts TR_m2_q_5_Sedri and TR_m2_q_5_Mohryl (huh, same ID as the NPC. didn't know you could do that)
quest goes: Mohryl follows you into "Tel Mothrivra, Prison", you talk to Sedri, he attacks you, she calms him and arrests him. You talk to him right there and then (not the most logical but~) and quest is complete.
now for the issue: Mohryl has ControlQ=4 while he's following you and ControlQ=3 if he's waiting (changed in dialogue resultboxes). TR_m2_q_5_Sedri assumes Mohryl is there in the cell "Tel Mothrivra, Prison" if his ControlQ=4; that script doesn't reset if he's brought back and told to wait outside (pretty unlikely). The quest can also behave as if he were in the cell if you're going too fast while he's following you, so you enter the cell with his ControlQ=4 but he's too far and doesn't get inside. (Sedri's greeting then assumes he's here, she casts a calm spell at no one and arrests his absent ass anyway)
There are many ways to go about fixing this, some might have setbacks. Maybe using AiFollowCell on Mohryl, so it waits for him to get there and he stops following you when he gets inside?

Unfixed slave dialogue issues:

- some slaves (Arenim manor...) still don't have NoLore. (-> Khajiit background = "follows the trade of Slave.") Can't be arsed to check potential consequences to fixing it, not a huge problem anyway.
- some caged slaves in town exteriors still have somewhat inappropriate greetings (paraphrasing - "What brings you to Port Telvanni, outlander? Are you looking for services?"). This probably rather comes from these greetings not being conditioned against NoLore
Last edited by rot on Tue May 06, 2014 11:53 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by Why »

huh, same ID as the NPC. didn't know you could do that
You can do that, and it typically leads to horrific problems. If for some reason it all seems to work alright despite them having the same name, it's still a really good idea to rename one of them because you never know what might pop up.
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Post by arvisrend »

rot wrote:- Some quests give skill increase reward by ModSkill
- TR_m2_q_12_Alfhed as a reward for his quest (topic Thunderstrike: "You have Thunderstrike? And... Perhaps I could teach you a trick or two!") gives you +2 in Axe, but through script in resultbox (Modskill). This can be a problem for characters with Axe as a major/minor skill, since the up doesn't count for the Level total (puts slightly behind on level progression and reduces maximum attainable level). Afaik the only proper way of increasing skills is through training or books.
Any suggestions what this should do instead? Alfhed probably has nothing on him; should he teach the player a spell? A naked Nord of all people?

BTW the skill teaching is a very bad idea copied straight from one of the vanilla naked Nord quests.

rot wrote:- TR_m2_q_12_Alfhed : quest "Which Witch?" doesn't end if he dies (which is likely to happen as the PC witnesses him attacking another NPC). Just need to trigger a "Alfhed is dead." finished journal entry from OnDeath in his script.
I have used the already-existing journal entry for the situation where Alfhed dies and you talk to Rianele after that. It only had to be actually set. Maybe this leaves some failstates unfinishable, like the player killing both Alfhed and Rianele.

rot wrote:TR_m2_Erena Raneth00000000 Necrom, House of the Waking-Guides 4096 3976 15478 "dying sounds from the corpses upon entering this cell. Should replace their dying voice ("Hit" I think) by an EMPTY?"
How exactly is this done?
rot wrote:Ayemar (23,-9) "illegal to sleep not checked in these ext cells"
Boethian Mountains (22,-9) "should this ext cell be named Ayemar? (the skywalk goes through this ext.)"
I think these cells have too much wilderness and too little Ayemar for me to make these changes. I don't know about you, but I was always annoyed when I couldn't sleep because I happened to be just about a cell width from a town in vanilla.

rot wrote:Misc_SoulGem_Grand Athrilmallilas 3943 7782 11576 "soul worth 40k not too fat loot? Ruins mostly empty, had to get past two scamps and one measly mage TR_m3_O_Benam Llithre for it"
With MCP's soulgem value fix, this is just 1200 gold. I think this can be considered fixed because of MCP. I don't think TR should deny itself grand soul gems because of vanilla's crappy value settings.

But thanks for mentioning this ruin. It has some seriously caspering stairs and an Azura's fucking star floating around near the Azura statue.

rot wrote:- TR_m2_Valna Sippusoti Helnim Fields Region (26,-5) 220707 -37475 3161 "she's the Tel Muthada siltmeister but gives the Helnim rumor - 'A strange bard appeared at the Red Drake Inn'"
I hope conditioning to Not Cell "Helnim Fields Region" (it's currently conditioned to Cell "Helnim", which means any cell starting with "Helnim") will fix it.

In other news, could you look at Helnim, Diamond Mine in the new Mainland and tell me whether it's still hard to pass through?
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Post by arvisrend »

rot wrote:- Some quests give skill increase reward by ModSkill
- TR_m2_q_12_Alfhed as a reward for his quest (topic Thunderstrike: "You have Thunderstrike? And... Perhaps I could teach you a trick or two!") gives you +2 in Axe, but through script in resultbox (Modskill). This can be a problem for characters with Axe as a major/minor skill, since the up doesn't count for the Level total (puts slightly behind on level progression and reduces maximum attainable level). Afaik the only proper way of increasing skills is through training or books.
Suggestion: he appears in one of the map 5 settlements later and gives you a reward there. Nice way to spread quests across the map.
rot wrote:- TR_m2_q_12_Alfhed : quest "Which Witch?" doesn't end if he dies (which is likely to happen as the PC witnesses him attacking another NPC). Just need to trigger a "Alfhed is dead." finished journal entry from OnDeath in his script.
Do you think I fixed this one now or should I also care for the case when both die?
rot wrote:TR_m2_Erena Raneth00000000 Necrom, House of the Waking-Guides 4096 3976 15478 "dying sounds from the corpses upon entering this cell. Should replace their dying voice ("Hit" I think) by an EMPTY?"
rot wrote:"Tower of Tel Mothrivra"
wouldn't "Tel" already mean tower by any chance?
tower ints are usually named "Tel Hurr, (...) Tower".
I think it would be less weird as ("Tel Mothrivra, Tower" / "Tel Mothrivra, Tower Entrance" etc)
Better leave this be until the map 1 redesign, as this would mess up dialogue filtering ("Tel Mothrivra, Tower" has prefix "Tel Mothrivra", while "Tower of Tel Mothrivra" does not).
rot wrote:- TR_m3_Erdwulf : he's supposed not to notice anything around him (quest) but will attack if you steal diamonds behind him.
Shouldn't he have 0 Alarm by default? then be raised back to 90 after the quest, (on his greeting 'Oh... Oh my head. ...').
With Alarm 0 the theft still gets reported with no one else in sight... but at least he doesn't attack.
Is this fixed now? (Haven't checked ingame.)
rot wrote:Weird bug I can't reproduce nor explain.
- TR_m3_harrumatKey (TR_m3_q_A7_harrumatKeyScript)
Also updates the journal twice but that has no consequences.
When I first looted this key, did not (?!?) get the journal entry it's supposed to trigger.
Didn't block the quest (which I'd already started from talking to the NPC). Noticed because I got the journal update later, long after having done the quest and elsewhere, upon loading a save. (could reproduce that from the save, but can't reproduce not getting it the first time)
Now when looting the key, gives TWO "Your journal has been updated" messages - one when clicking on it, one when exiting its container. Second one does nothing since it's the same entry.
No idea why it didn't trigger that one time, but 100% sure it didn't - would've noticed the two updates. No save-tinkering, changes to Mainland, esps added or removed... inbetween all of this, all tested from New Game etc.
I can reproduce the doubled message. I have no idea whence it comes, as the script could not be simpler. Maybe I'll add a block checking for menumode.
rot wrote:TR_m3_Lighthouse_Guard
... is going to be deleted, as the cell in which he lives is an easteregg that cannot be found without the console.
rot wrote:TR_m2_Adrosu Balmayn - his quest wasn't done. Could just be removed? There's already a robber (TR_m2_o_Teris Andrethi - skippable robber with dialogue) a few paces from him on the same road.
- topic 'geewp eee', "[Makes a gesture inicating he wants to write something down on a piece of paper]" - I have a paper, inkwell, quill... nothing
- he has a speech impediment... but only on greeting 7. Disease, etc...
- his Voice (sounds) is also fine... if he's kept, should have his own EMPTY (or dunmer "Grumbling." sound would fit too) on Idle, Hello etc...
This guy seems to claim that his tongue was cut off by the Temple's inquisition, yet he speaks rather strangely for someone without a tongue (what with all the "g"s). If the inquisition cutting off heretics' tongues is compatible with lore, we could make a neat quest claim out of this.
rot wrote:- quest TR_m2_wil_Faith,

- TR_m2_q_18_Maenasi - (on forcegreet "Ah, yes, I recognize this bridge. ...")
gives choice: "Take the amulet from around Maenasi's neck", or "Decline".
>Yeah, this doesn't sound fishy AT ALL> Decline>
says "Oh, don't be so silly! Go on, you must: I insist." and then you have no choice but to take it.
Cawm ooon, why even bother giving a choice in the first place if you're going to pull that? And don't tell me she's using mind control or something, the point with her amulet is she can't use magic. Even if she could, why the whole ploy if she had Command available anyway? Makes no sense at all. Even then, at least allow a Will save or something... If you want the PC to take the amulet that bad then it should be more subtle, not forced
I believe the decline option just should go away. Every other questgiver gives the player a reward he cannot decline.
rot wrote:- TR_m2_q_18_Gathys - greeting 5 "Ah - er - %PCRace... " should be greeting 3 (or 2 after vampires). You can't start the quest with a disease (nor as a vampire - the mabrigash's and even ashlanders' in general, reaction to that is default and not the most logical in hindsight, "in almsivi's name blahblah", but who cares) BUT it's possible to catch one on the journey, and then you can't Finish the quest.
I've moved them to greeting 1. Is that OK?
rot wrote:another way to make sure: the Finished journal entry you get if the rat's dead when you kill Maenasi could also be given if the rat's alive (no reason not to, entry just says she's dead)
I don't understand this...
rot wrote:- TR_m2_q_18_Gathys - he says (on greeting, so does the journal) he will give you a reward if you meet him in Necrom. Doesn't say exactly where in Necrom, and seems he doesn't appear there at all either?
edit: he says "or even see about working with you again." if you're a temple member
Hmm, this should be in the Temple thread.
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Post by rot »

I know the NPCing for Necrom is still WIP but for when it gets picked up:

_ some of the NPCs who have alarm 90, will attack but not report crimes:

TR_m2_Mori Athenen
TR_m2_Selni Aduran
TR_m2_Berethen Olameth
TR_m2_Elevi Dirval

TR_m2_Irvassa Veleth (has alarm 0...)

TR_m2_Hania Methun Necrom, Memorial to the War of the First Council -372 68 -126 "needs Alarm 100"
TR_a_dwrv_tower_shield Necrom, Memorial to the War of the First Council 357 321 -76 "all this dwemer stuff is unguarded"

_ doors probably needing locks: (unless people leaving doors open in the Holy City is intentional?)

TR_ex_nec_loaddoor3 Necrom (43,-11) 355404 -87094 1023 "Rilam Arelas? interior is empty and ext door is not locked"
TR_ex_nec_loaddoor3 Necrom (43,-11) 352953 -86761 903 "Golven Salothan? same"
TR_ex_nec_loaddoor3 Necrom (42,-11) 351361 -83460 755 "door needs lock (npc outside)"
TR_ex_nec_loaddoor3 Necrom (42,-11) 351501 -86275 904 "needs lock"

_ no ownership in these cells:

Necrom, Chamber of Artifects
Necrom, Chamber of Parting
Necrom, Charnelworks Records
Necrom, Crematorium of St. Veloth
Necrom, Dethral Ginith's Workshop
Necrom, Greater Bonewalker Smithy
Necrom, Hall of Records
Necrom, Hall of Western Wars
Necrom, Nedim Fareloth's House this should be unowned for quest reasons
Necrom, Lesser Bonewalker Smithy
Necrom, Temple Pathway
Necrom, Waiting Gate

_ WanderAi:

TR_m2_Driresi Llandra00000000 Necrom, Pallbearers and Sweeps 237 -255 -382 "constantly walking against furniture"
TR_m2_Llidresi Sathis00000000 Necrom, Charnelworks Records 4582 3417 15810 "is stuck in table / wanderAi"
TR_m2_Llaro Veloren00000000 Necrom, Charnelworks Mortuary 1453 -2026 2 "has AiWander leaving lower room empty"
TR_m2_Irver Duleth "stuck walking against furniture"
TR_m2_Ulmosi Sarendas "dumb wanderAi behaviour"

_ misc :

comitting a crime in Necrom, Fane of the Ancestors triggers
"constant messagebox 'The intricate lock on these doors appears to require three separate keys.' wtf?"
likely because the Ordinator behind the doors scripted for this message is trying to open them.
Since they'll be scripted anyway, the doors (m2_445_vaultdoors) could be made into an activator instead of a door-type object?

TR_m2_Ralis Andolith "greeting - Greetings outlander, I am ... I can sell you some Temple goods or spells if you require them. - but: Faction members only"

TR_in_nec_4way Necrom, Memorial to the War of the First Council -256 0 -256 "this part of the int doesn't fit its corresponding interior entrance..."
TR_in_nec_ramp_02 Necrom, Memorial to the War of the First Council 0 256 -256 "...notably, this ramp..."
TR_in_nec_doorjamb_01 Necrom, Memorial to the War of the First Council -256 384 -384 "... so the door would need to be placed further into this?"

sc_paper plain Necrom, Charnelworks Mortuary 636 -334 383 "these are..."
sc_paper plain Necrom, Charnelworks Mortuary 636 -311 383 " eye-level, which makes them appear as floating/caspering ingame"

misc_skull00 Necrom, Charnelworks Records 4407 3516 15886 "should there be skulls randomly out in the open like this? they not supposed to be sacred? why is it on a bureaucrat's desk?"

misc_com_bucket_01 Necrom, Pallbearers and Sweeps 4 588 -108 "should buckets with fake water in them be statics instead?"

flora_plant_04 Necrom (42,-11) 351761 -83757 709 "those exterior planters don't have ownership, contrary to what is said in all TR dialogue"

TR_ex_nec_loaddoor3 Necrom, Temple Courtyard (43,-12) 354111 -90726 1787 "door doesn't fit entrance"

Necrom, Alma Rula's Retreat "interior doesn't have the windows in its exterior"

Necrom, Watch Barracks "'Watch' barracks - is that from back when there was a 'city watch' and a NPC for it? now that they're ordinators in mourning are they not the... archcanon and whatevs?"

TR_m2_Dethral Ginith Necrom, Dethral Ginith's Workshop 4410 3981 14882 "interior has special name. looks like it's supposed to be a potter, but dude is a monk and has default monk dialogue. Is there a class Potter? (also was that potter wheel thing added?)"

TR_in_nec_loaddoor01 Necrom, Ordinator Storage Tower 4992 3904 15040 "better if opened in other direction (can't pass)"
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Post by Gez »

The "encrypted message" (TR_m1_Q62_KtM_coded_message) should have for coded text:

This corrects the "CHPTER" and "WEEN" when decoding it. (Using JGDHXLOATPKBZIRFQYWSMEVNUC for substitution coding, and therefore HLZCVPBDNAKFUXGJQOTIYWSERM for substitution decoding.)
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Post by arvisrend »

Gez, does this really differ from the version we currently have in the Mainland? I thought I had checked that this one has been fixed ages ago.
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Post by RelinQ »

Hey team,

I was just playing the new Sacred East release;
I found this piece of terrain just above the steps (in Akamora) to be somewhat of an issue as I have to jump to get up it.


Lowering these two vertices seemed to fix it:

Dexter (on IAS): "Since when do you need to be able to do backflips to dig holes?" Fri 29 Jul, 2005 3:57:03
Sload (on Narsis): "Jesus Christ, I wonder why there was lag when you had an 80,000 face gazebo." Thu 09 Apr, 2009 11:46:33
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Post by pra »

Location: Ardkoz, Test of Disorder
Error: after solving the puzzle, leaving and re-entering the cell makes the treasure room doors close, without a way to open them again. Problematic if you re-entered the cell via recall into the treasure room
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Post by magamo »

Location: Southeast of Salien
NPC: Ferryman at the end of Rescue Stranded Pilgrim quest
Error: This NPC, who appears only after retrieve the nixtooth from the shipwreck for the pilgrim, instead of being on the island next to his boat is treading water a little ways off.
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Post by Gez »

TR_M2_D_ordinator_necro is a dead Ordinator in Mourning. Half his armor has already been looted by the outlaw TR_m2_O_Avelo who is standing next to the ordinator's corpse. The problem? Both the victim and the murderer are wearing a left pauldron (TR_a_Necrom_Pauldron_L). One of them should be wearing a right pauldron instead.
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Post by Yeti »

Gez wrote:TR_M2_D_ordinator_necro is a dead Ordinator in Mourning. Half his armor has already been looted by the outlaw TR_m2_O_Avelo who is standing next to the ordinator's corpse. The problem? Both the victim and the murderer are wearing a left pauldron (TR_a_Necrom_Pauldron_L). One of them should be wearing a right pauldron instead.
Honestly, I would just remove these people altogether. In hindsight, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense for an Ordinator in Mourning to wander so far away from Necrom. Also, locating a corpse of one in the wilderness surrounded by Telvanni feels like a really moddy way to give players a chance to collect full set of Necrom Ordinator armor.
-Head of NPCs: [url=]Skyrim: Home of the Nords[/url]
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Post by Mwgek »

I agree on the easy way to obtain this.
Dagoth Fargoth
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Post by Dagoth Fargoth »

I will try to help as best as I can, so I will continually post bugs or questionable Stuff here if I see some. Sry, my english is not the best + I often have to describe stuff as I can't remember all those names.

The 2 necromancers in their castle in the far south-west:
If you free the guy in the cell and he asks you whether you are ready to fight and you click that he shall wait; at this point save. Now when you load the save-game, he first tells you to free his sister again. Close the communication-menu, speak to him again. Now the right dialogue whether you are ready to fight shows up.

Very small one: The telvanni-town with the wellspring and the empty (why are all empty?) slave-cages at the ground. When you walk through the cages and across the few traders, just outside the town is a tree that doesn't touch the ground.

I'm not sure whether that's supposed to be like that:
In the valley of mephala + in the temple that's in it the creeps respawn very fast. I went to the temple, slaughtered the creeps, went outside, slaughtered them, then i rested for ~30 hours. I returned to the temple, all of the creeps were there again, i returned to the valley, all of the creeps were there again.

I'm not sure whether that's the mod or my adjustments:
Inside the shrine in the valley of mephala, when you use a source of light, it enlightens the tunnels part by part and not smooth at all.

There is a farmhouse in the south-east that looks like the buildings in the tribunal-expansion. When you look at it from the outside it has two floors but when you go in there is no way upstairs. Doesn't rly make sense.

Keep up the great work! I'm especially surprised positively by your logical completions of the diverse weapon-sets. I hope the informations are helpful.
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Post by rot »

Dagoth Fargoth wrote:
Hi, thanks for the feedback!

It might be hard or sometimes impossible to know what you're talking about just from descriptions (see 5). One way to 'write down' stuff from inside the game is to use BetaComments. To make that possible, first you have to open your "Morrowind.ini" text file, look for the line:

Code: Select all

Beta Comment File=
and add a filename eg. "BetaComment.txt" so that it becomes:

Code: Select all

Beta Comment File=BetaComment.txt
Then when in game, you can open the console (~ / ² , console key might depend on your keyboard), click on the object you're talking about if there is one, then type

Code: Select all

bc "your comment"
and it will create a line identifying the object + your comment, in the file BetaComment.txt created in your game folder. Then you can copy+paste these lines or use them to remember the names. If you have bugs to report, [url=]this forum[/url] is a better place.

Some of these I could guess:

1. Ruinous Keep. I could not reproduce your bug, but maybe this is what you were talking about: responses to
"Are you ready to face the evil scum, %PCName?"
will lead you to the wrong entries where he explains the liches' weakness again. Instead of:

Code: Select all

choice "Not yet. I need some time to prepare myself for battle." 2 "Lead on, we will slay these devils!" 3
the resultbox should be

Code: Select all

choice "Not yet. I need some time to prepare myself for battle." 4 "Lead on, we will slay these devils!" 5
2. (they're empty because the slaves the dude is talking about are on the hung-up cages above if you look up)
found it and another huge floating rock (Swifty!:P). Betacomments:
terrain_rock_gl_12 Helnim Fields Region (26,-6) 214335 -43311 2540 "floating"
flora_emp_parasol_02 Helnim Fields Region (27,-6) 222384 -43351 2605 "floating 'tree'"

3. I think that's what happens anywhere if creatures have the "respawn" option checked and you disposed of their corpses.

4. that's just how lighting in the base engine works on objects, maybe MGE would correct it

5. no idea! there's probably more than one farmhouse in the south-east too :> would need its name
Last edited by rot on Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Dagoth Fargoth
Posts: 10
Joined: Sat Sep 07, 2013 7:14 pm

Post by Dagoth Fargoth »

ty for the polite reply to my "slightly" chaotic post :D good advice with the console there.

to valley of mephala:
I didn't dispose of their corpses. I'll redo it the next days and see if it possibly was just a one-time happening. If it's not you propably should make the respawn-time longer. It seems kinda strange when you kill them all, rest a bit (these nasty spiders need heroes on higher levels anyway, so resting-time will be high) and they just sit in their places again as if nothing happened :D

shambalu has too less loot in my opinion btw. you have to fight tons of daedriers, which are hard opponents, including the almost unkillable monarch daedrier. and what do you get? 1 daedric helmet :(

to the farm house:
I'll try do describe the position better:
It was west of ruinous keep and south-east to Darnim. There was a signpost telling "Darnim" and "Darnim (Main Road)". That signpost should be quite unique i guess.

another few bugs i encountered:

furn_moldcave_spout00 Thelaro Ancestral Tomb 5523 1733 85 "water spout is solid"
-> water looks like ice or something

in_moldcave_15 Pamuni Tunnel 2432 768 -512 "bubbles visible"
-> small purple cubes visible

in_moldcave_15 Pamuni Tunnel 2432 768 -512 "water traps you"
-> once in the water you don't get out (i have 80 acrobatics)

Furn_De_Firepit_01 Muthinis Cave 2611 3041 14269 "firepit hovering"
-> firepit doesn't reach the ground
Last edited by Dagoth Fargoth on Sun Sep 08, 2013 1:28 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by arvisrend »

There are no easy ways to manually set the respawn time of a critter; the Valley of Mephala critters don't behave any different from any others in this regard.